Джамайка Кинкейд

Jamaica Kincaid

  • 13 книг
  • 1 подписчик
  • 17 читателей
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Джамайка Кинкейд - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • My Brother Jamaica Kincaid
    ISBN: 0374525625
    Год издания: 1998
    Издательство: Noonday Press
    Язык: Английский
    Jamaica Kincaid's brother Devon Drew died of AIDS on January 19, 1996, at the age of thirty-three. Kincaid's incantatory, poetic, and often shockingly frank recounting of her brother's life and death is also a story of her family on the island of Antigua, a constellation centered on the powerful, sometimes threatening figure of the writer's mother. My Brother is an unblinking record of a life that ended too early, and it speaks volumes about the difficult truths at the heart of all families.

    My Brother is a 1997 National Book Award Finalist for Nonfiction.
  • Nur eine kleine Insel Джамайка Кинкейд
    ISBN: 9783311702085
    Издательство: Bookwire
    Wenn Europ?er nach Antigua reisen, sehen sie eine kleine Insel von atemberaubender Sch?nheit. Umgeben vom marineblauen Wasser zweier Ozeane und ges?umt von den feinsten Sandstr?nden der Welt, wachsen dort die seltensten Pflanzenarten, scheint die Sonne an jedem Tag im Jahr. Jamaica Kincaid zeigt uns ein Antigua, das wir nicht sehen k?nnen oder wollen: einen Ort, wo Drogenbosse wie F?rsten leben und korrupte Politiker nur ihre eigenen Interessen im Blick haben, und wo Menschen leben, die nichts anderes kennen als anderen zu dienen. Voller Bitterkeit und Liebe erz?hlt Kincaid von ihrer Heimat als Schauplatz schwerer Verbrechen – an den Antiguanern und an der Natur, begangen im Zeichen von Tourismus und kolonialer Unterdr?ckung. Ein lyrischer Essay, der uns schonungslos und ehrlich mit der geschichtlichen Wirklichkeit konfrontiert.
  • Am Grunde des Flusses Джамайка Кинкейд
    ISBN: 9783311702061
    Издательство: Bookwire
    Nicht wie geschrieben, sondern wie mit Sprache gemalt wirken Jamaica Kincaids Erz?hlungen, in denen sie Bilder und Stimmungen ihrer Kindheit auf der karibischen Insel Antigua heraufbeschw?rt. Mit eigenwilligem Strich malt sie die ?u?ere Welt, die Blumen, die Tiere, das Meer, und die innere, die ?ngste und Sehns?chte des heranwachsenden M?dchens, das mit der Wucht seiner Gef?hle ringt, mit der ?bermacht der Mutter, mit dem Auseinanderklaffen von Phantasie, Traum und Wirklichkeit. Niemand h?tte Jamaica Kincaids Sprache in der deutschen ?bersetzung so gerecht werden k?nnen wie die Dichterin Sarah Kirsch.
  • Autobiografia de la meva mare Джамайка Кинкейд
    La vida de la Xuela, de mare caribenya i pare escoc?s, est? marcada per la mort de la mare en el moment del part i el posterior abandonament per part del pare, que la deixa a c?rrec d'una dona que gestiona una bugaderia.L'aband? inicial que viur? la protagonista marcar? el desconcert amb qu? durant tota la seva vida viur? els moments m?s quotidians. La Xuela ben aviat decidir? no tenir fills i lluitar? per mantenir-se fidel als seus principis d'autonomia i llibertat. Aquest llibre ens ofereix un retrat at?pic d'una dona que es rebel·la davant de totes les facetes de l'exist?ncia, per? sobretot davant del paper que la societat i la fam?lia assignen a la dona.?s, alhora, una den?ncia de les condicions de submissi? del poble caribeny enfront del poder colonial angl?s.
  • Annie John Джамайка Кинкейд
    ISBN: 9781529077124
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Picador
    An adored only child, Annie has until recently lived a peaceful and content life. She is inseparable from her beautiful mother, a powerful and influential presence, who sits at the very centre of the little girl's existence. Loved and cherished, Annie grows and thrives within her mother's shadow.
    When she turns twelve, however, Annie's life changes, in ways that are often mysterious to her. She begins to question the cultural assumptions of her island world; at school she makes rebellious friends and frequently challenges authority; and most frighteningly, her mother, seeing Annie as a 'young lady', ceases to be the source of unconditional adoration and takes on the new and unfamiliar guise of adversary.
    A haunting and tragicomic tale of the end of childhood, Annie John is told with Jamaica Kincaid's trademark candour and complexity, and is a true coming-of-age classic.
  • At the Bottom of the River Jamaica Kincaid
    ISBN: 0374527342
    Год издания: 2000
    Язык: Английский

    Jamaica Kincaid's inspired, lyrical short stories Reading Jamaica Kincaid is to plunge, gently, into another way of seeing both the physical world and its elusive inhabitants. Her voice is, by turns, naively whimsical and biblical in its assurance, and it speaks of what is partially remembered partly divined. The memories often concern a childhood in the Caribbean--family, manners, and landscape--as distilled and transformed by Kincaid's special style and vision. Kincaid leads her readers to consider, as if for the first time, the powerful ties between mother and child; the beauty and destructiveness of nature; the gulf between the…

  • Дівчинка Джамайка Кінкейд
    Язык: Украинский
    Своєрідне материнське напучування донці.
  • The Autobiography of My Mother Джамайка Кинкейд
    ISBN: 9780374531874
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Straus and Giroux, Farrar
    The Autobiography of My Mother is a story of love, fear, loss, and the forging of a character, an account of one woman’s inexorable evolution evoked in startling and magical poetry.
  • Annie John Jamaica Kincaid
    ISBN: 0099773813, 978-0099773818
    Год издания: 1997
    Издательство: Vintage
    Язык: Английский
    The island of Antigua is a magical place: growing up there should be a sojourn in paradise for young Annie John. But, as in the basket of green figs carried on her mother's head, there is a snake hidden somewhere within. Annie John begins by adoring her beautiful mother, but inexplicably she comes to hate her. Adolescence takes this brilliant, headstrong girl into open rebellions and secret discoveries - and finally to a crisis of emotions that wrenches her away from her island home.
  • Lucy Jamaica Kincaid
    Год издания: 1990

    Lucy, a teenage girl from the West Indies, comes to North America to work as an au pair for Lewis and Mariah and their four children. Lewis and Mariah are a thrice-blessed couple--handsome, rich, and seemingly happy. Yet, alomst at once, Lucy begins to notice cracks in their beautiful facade. With mingled anger and compassion, Lucy scrutinizes the assumptions and verities of her employers' world and compares them with the vivid realities of her native place. Lucy has no illusions about her own past, but neither is she prepared to be deceived about where she presently is. At the same time that Lucy is coming to terms with Lewis's and…
