Элисон Макги

Alison McGhee

  • 18 книг
  • 1 подписчик
  • 48 читателей
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Элисон Макги – лучшие книги

  • Бинк и Голли Кейт ДиКамилло
    ISBN: 978-5-389-12519-3
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Азбука-Аттикус, Махаон
    Язык: Русский
    ЗНАКОМЬТЕСЬ! ЭТО БИНК И ГОЛЛИ — друзья не разлей вода! Одна совсем маленького роста, другая — дылда, но обе ужасно смешные и частенько хотят подкрепиться: одна обожает ореховое маслице (это Бинк), другая печёт оладьи (это Голли, но она всегда щедро делится с подругой). Эта парочка — любительницы роликов и приключений, в которые они пускаются очертя голову.
    Но куда бы ни прикатили их ролики, Бинк и Голли всегда останутся лучшими друзьями.

    Эту книгу сочинили две американские писательницы — Кейт ДиКамилло (её книги хорошо знают и любят в нашей стране) и её подруга Элисон МакГи, также удостоенная множества литературных наград. Они придумали этих задорных девчонок — Бинк и Голли, а яркие юмористические иллюстрации Тони Фюсиля оживили их, прекрасно передав характеры подружек — выдумщиц и непосед.
  • Друзья не разлей вода Кейт ДиКамилло
    ISBN: 978-5-389-12521-6
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Азбука-Аттикус, Махаон
    Язык: Русский
    ЗНАКОМЬТЕСЬ! ЭТО БИНК И ГОЛЛИ — друзья не разлей вода!

    Одна совсем маленького роста, другая — дылда, но обе ужасно смешные и частенько хотят подкрепиться: одна обожает ореховое маслице (это Бинк), другая печёт оладьи (это Голли, но она всегда щедро делится с подругой). Эта парочка — любительницы роликов и приключений, в которые они пускаются очертя голову. Но куда бы ни прикатили их ролики, Бинк и Голли всегда останутся лучшими друзьями.

    Эту книгу сочинили две американские писательницы — Кейт ДиКамилло (её книги хорошо знают и любят в нашей стране) и её подруга Элисон МакГи, также удостоенная множества литературных наград. Они придумали этих задорных девчонок — Бинк и Голли, а яркие юмористические иллюстрации Тони Фюсиля оживили их, прекрасно передав характеры подружек — выдумщиц и непосед.
  • Someday Элисон Макги
    ISBN: 1416928111, 978-1416928119
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Atheneum Books
    Язык: Английский
    Все лучшее - детям, и мамы, как никто другой, понимают и следуют этому правилу. Мать защитит и приласкает, утешит и посоветует, порадуется и погрустит вместе со своим чадом, и всегда будет за него горой, даже когда ребенок перестанет быть ребенком, даже когда у него появятся свои собственные дети, и мама превратится в бабушку. Что чувствует мать, когда смотрит на своего ребенка? Об этом есть замечательная, но немного грустная история в картинках под названием "Someday", написанная британскими авторами Alison McGhee и Peter H. Reynold.
    Когда-нибудь, в один из дней...
  • A Very Brave Witch Элисон Макги
    ISBN: 9780689867309
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Simon Schuster, Paula Wiseman Books
    Язык: Английский
    On the far side of town in a big dark house lives a brave little witch. She has heard lots and lots about that very human holiday Halloween, and even though she thinks she knows what humans are like, she has never, ever seen Halloween for herself.

    Until one very special Halloween comes along . . .
  • What I Leave Behind Элисон Макги
    ISBN: 978-1-4814-7656-0
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: A Caitlyn Dlouhy Book
    Sometimes you got to walk the day out of you. You know? Walk it right out through the soles of your feet.
    Will is a walker. Home, school, work, repeat. He walks one day in and the next day out.
    He walks past this little dude who waits for butterflies. Past Superman, the homeless guy on First Street. Past the Dog of Insanity, forever chained and barking.
    Then there are some places Will won't - Will can't - walk past. The bridge on Fourth Street. The store with the shelves of one hundred Chinese blessings. His friend Playa's house.
    But when the universe places unexpected detours in his path, Will's gotta figure out how to stop walking away from his problems and walk toward them.
  • Maybe a Fox Кэти Аппельт
    ISBN: 1442482427
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Atheneum/Caitlyn Dlouhy Books

    Sylvie and Jules. Jules and Sylvie. Jules adores her older-by-one-year sister, Sylvie. Sylvie: beautiful like their mother. Sylvie: supreme maker of tiny snow families. Sylvie: faster than fast. Sylvie: gone. Into thin air, Sylvie goes missing, and as Jules stumbles in grief, a fox cub is born. A shadow fox, spirit and animal in one. From the minute the cub opens her eyes, she se ...more

  • Little Boy Питер Рейнольдс
    ISBN: 978-1416958727
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Atheneum Books for Young Readers
    Язык: Английский
    The simple playthings, the everyday moments, picking up that hundredth rock -- all of these are brimming with possibility...if you slow down and let the future begin with the small moments of today. Because everything depends on letting a little boy...be a little boy.
  • Firefly Hollow Элисон Макги
    ISBN: 978-1442423367
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Atheneum Books for Young Readers
    Язык: Английский
    Firefly. Cricket. Vole. Peter. Can four creatures from four very different Nations help one another find their ways in the world that can feel oh-so-big? Delve into this lush, unforgettable tale in the tradition of Charlotte’s Web and The Rats of NIMH, from the author of the New York Times bestselling Someday.

    Firefly doesn’t merely want to fly, she wants to touch the moon. Cricket doesn’t merely want to sing about baseball, he wants to catch. When these two little creatures with big dreams wander out of Firefly Hollow, refusing to listen to their elders, they find themselves face-to-face with the one creature they were always told to stay away from…a giant.

    But Peter is a Miniature Giant. They’ve always been told that a Miniature Giant is nothing but a Future Giant, but this one just isn’t quite as big or as scary as the other Giants. Peter has a dream of his own, as well as memories to escape. He is overwhelmed with sadness, and a summer with his new unlikely friends Firefly and Cricket might be just what he needs. Can these friends’ dreams help them overcome the past?

    Firefly Hollow is nothing short of enchanting, reminding us all that the very best friend is the one who wants you to achieve your dreams. Full-color tip-in illustrations and dozens of black-and-white drawing provide added glow.
  • Bink and Gollie: Two for One Кейт ДиКамилло
    ISBN: 9781406344967
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Walker Books Ltd
    Язык: Английский
    If you're looking for two marvellous companions, who will make you hug the page with delight, look no further than Bink and Gollie! The spring fair is in town, and for Bink and Gollie - utter opposites and uber best friends - three comical adventures await! Bink attacks the Whack-a-Duck with an unswerving winning attitude - the world's largest doughnut is up for grabs! And, with a quiet determination, Gollie storms the stage at the talent show... BUT a lousy shot and a case of stage fright spoil each girl's chances! Undeterred, they use their grey matter and turn it all around! In the final story, Bink and Gollie make a date with destiny: Madame Prunely, fortune-teller spectacular! She looks into her crystal ball and tells them everything they could ever need to know ... they'll always be together. Without question.
  • Shadow Baby Элисон Макги
    ISBN: 978-0307462282
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Three Rivers Press
    Язык: Английский

    Clara first spies him through the crack in the stained-glass window of her church, lighting a string of handmade lanterns in the Adirondack woods. A lone old man, Georg Kominsky moves stealthily among the shadow world of his hanging, glittering creations.

    In Alison McGhee's stunning novel Shadow Baby, eleven-year-old Clara is struggling to find the truth about her missing father and grandfather and her twin sister, dead at birth, but her mother steadfastly refuses to talk about these people who are lost to her daughter. When Clara begins interviewing Georg Kominsky for a school biography assignment, she finds that he is equally reticent about his own concealed history. Precocious and imaginative, the girl invents version upon version of Mr. Kominsky's past, just as she invents lives for the people missing from her own shadowy past.

    The journey of discovery that these two oddly matched people embark upon is at the heart of this beautiful story about friendship and communion, about discovering what matters most in life, and about the search to find the missing pieces of ourselves. McGhee's prose glistens with shrewd truth and wild imaginings, creating a fine novel that will reverberate in the hearts and minds of readers long after the book is finished.

    From the Hardcover edition.
  • All Rivers Flow to the Sea Элисон Макги
    ISBN: 978-0763633721
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Candlewick Press

    "McGhee writes confidently as one who remembers the ordinariness of adolescence as well as its angst . . . and compellingly creates a protagonist blindsided by loss." — PUBLISHERS WEEKLY (starred review)

    For seventeen-year-old Rose, it keeps happening — the car crash. The car crash that put her sister, Ivy, in a coma with only a respirator keeping her alive. While Rose tries to find support from her reticent mother, distraction from the series of boys she meets at the town’s gorge at night, and empathy from her neighbor William T., what she really needs must come from within herself — a release of what’s been welling up inside. Heartrending, honest, and ultimately hopeful, this is the tale of a teenager overwhelmed by trauma and loss, yet steadied by loyal friendship and the solace of first love.
  • Never Coming Back Элисон Макги
    ISBN: 9781520081588
    Язык: Английский
    When Clara Winter left her rural Adirondack Mountain town for college, she never looked back. Her mother, Tamar, a fiercely independent but loving woman who raised Clara on her own, all but pushed her out the door, forcing Clara to build a new life for herself, far from her roots, far from her high-school boyfriend, and far from the life she had known. Now more than a decade has passed, and Clara, a successful writer, has been summoned home. Tamar has become increasingly forgetful and can no longer live on her own. But, just as her mother's memory is beginning to slip away, Clara's questions are building: Why was Tamar so insistent that Clara leave home all those years ago? What secrets was she hiding? Does Clara, too, carry inside her the gene for early-onset Alzheimer's? And, if so, what does that mean for her own future?