innashpitzberg 27 августа 2013 г., 17:09 Пожаловаться Despite the fact that many literate persons who occupied subordinate positions in the government read and admired Pound's work, none of them dared to visit him. Even Huntingdon Cairns, who holds a fairly lofty post at the National Gallery, would only risk seeing Pound a few times during the twelve and a half years of his… Развернуть This Difficult Individual Ezra Pound Eustace Mullins 0,0
innashpitzberg 27 августа 2013 г., 15:41 Пожаловаться The jackals of the press usually described him by such epithets as "the crazy traitor", "the convicted traitor", or "the mad poet". Not only was it libelous to term him a traitor when he had not been convicted of treason, let alone tried, but the continued usage of such terms by the press over a period of years made it… Развернуть This Difficult Individual Ezra Pound Eustace Mullins 0,0
innashpitzberg 3 июня 2012 г., 13:32 Пожаловаться True to his calling, Pound had not allowed a treason indictment or a cell in a madhouse to interfere drastically with his work. He was translating the Confucian Odes. This Difficult Individual Ezra Pound Eustace Mullins 0,0
innashpitzberg 27 августа 2013 г., 14:48 Пожаловаться True to his calling, Pound had not allowed a treason indictment or a cell in a madhouse to interfere drastically with his work. He was translating the Confucian Odes. This Difficult Individual Ezra Pound Eustace Mullins 0,0
innashpitzberg 27 августа 2013 г., 14:45 Пожаловаться In 1949, I was introduced to the poet Ezra Pound, who was at that time an inmate of St. Elizabeths Hospital. There had been conflicting reports as to his mental condition; that is to say, the reports of the government psychiatrists, and the reports of everyone else who knew him. The hospital officials avoided the issue by… Развернуть This Difficult Individual Ezra Pound Eustace Mullins 0,0
innashpitzberg 3 июня 2012 г., 15:14 Пожаловаться The superintendent of St. Elizabeths, Dr. Winfred Overholser, was a genial type who wished the patients to help him create the atmosphere of a YMCA summer camp, but the assorted rapists, dope addicts, and political prisoners refused to cooperate. This Difficult Individual Ezra Pound Eustace Mullins 0,0