Кристиан Камерон

Christian Cameron

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Кристиан Камерон — новинки

  • The Last Greek Christian Cameron
    ISBN: 1-4091-7659-2, 978-1-4091-7659-6
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Orion
    Язык: Английский
  • Der lange Krieg: Sohn des Achill. Teil 1 von 2 Кристиан Камерон
    ISBN: 9783958624726
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: AUDIOBUCH
    Язык: Немецкий
    Platäa, 500 v. Chr: Arimnestos ist noch ein Kind, als sein Vater ermordet und er ins ferne Ephesos verschleppt wird. Nach Jahren der Sklaverei erlangt er, zum Mann gereift, die Freiheit. Von Rache beseelt macht er sich auf, den Mörder seines Vaters zu finden. Dabei gerät er in den aufbrechenden Konflikt zwischen Athenern und Persern und geht den Weg des Kriegers. Und wie sein Vorbild Achilles kennt er keine Gnade. Bald nennt man ihn erfurchtsvoll den "Menschenschlächter". Der packende Auftakt zur neuen Reihe um die Perserkriege.
  • Der lange Krieg: Sohn des Achill. Teil 2 von 2 Кристиан Камерон
    ISBN: 9783958624948
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: AUDIOBUCH
    Язык: Немецкий
  • Der lange Krieg - Schlacht von Marathon, Teil 1 von 2 - Die Perserkriege, Band 2 Кристиан Камерон
    ISBN: 9783958626140
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: AUDIOBUCH
    Язык: Немецкий
  • Der Lange Krieg: Sohn des Achill Christian Cameron
    ISBN: 978-3499218538
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Rowohlt Taschenbuch
    Язык: Немецкий
    Platäa, 500 vor Christus. Der Bauernjunge Arimnestos will Bronzeschmied werden wie sein Vater. Da bricht zwischen seiner Heimat Platäa und dem erdrückenden Nachbarn Theben Krieg aus. Zum ersten Mal steht Arimnestos neben seinem Bruder und seinem Vater in einer Front. Zum ersten Mal schmeckt er den Sieg – und Blut. Aber er wird niedergeschlagen und erwacht in der Gefangenschaft.

    Als Sklave verkauft, gerät er in die hohe Kultur der griechischen und persischen Welt. Doch die erwachende griechische Zivilisation stemmt sich dem etablierten persischen Reich entgegen, und erneut greift Arimnestos zur Waffe. Er sinnt auf Rache an demjenigen, der ihn einst auf dem Schlachtfeld verriet. Bald eilt dem jungen Soldaten ein Ruf voraus: Menschenschlächter nennt man ihn. Denn wie sein Held Achilles kennt Arimnestos keine Gnade, und er vergießt Blut, sehr viel Blut.
  • The New Achilles Christian Cameron
    ISBN: 1-4091-7656-8, 978-1-4091-7656-5
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Orion
    Язык: Английский
    Alexanor is a man who has seen too much blood. He has left the sword behind him to become a healer in the greatest sanctuary in Greece, turning his back on war.

    But war has followed him to his refuge at Epidauros, and now a battle to end the freedom of Greece is all around him. The Mediterranean superpowers of Rome, Egypt and Macedon are waging their proxy wars on Hellenic soil, turning Greek farmers into slaves and mercenaries.

    When wounded soldier Philopoemen is carried into his temple, Alexanor believes the man's wounds are mortal but that he is not destined to die. Because he knows Philopoemen will become Greece's champion. Its last hero. The new Achilles.

    In Christian Cameron's latest historical novel the old orders of the world begin to fall apart as Rome rises to supremacy - and Greece struggles to survive.
  • Sword of Justice Christian Cameron
    ISBN: 978-1409172819
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Orion
    Язык: Английский
    1367. Europe is on the brink of total war, and William Gold is right where he belongs - at the heart of the action
  • Tom Swan and the Last Spartans Christian Cameron
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Parmenion Books
    Язык: Английский
    Fifteenth-century Europe. Tom Swan is not a professional soldier. He's really a merchant and a scholar looking for remnants of Ancient Greece and Rome - temples, graves, pottery, fabulous animals, unicorn horns. But he also has a real talent for ending up in the midst of violence when he didn't mean to. Having used his wits to escape execution, he begins a series of adventures that take him to street duels in Italy, meetings with remarkable men - from Leonardo Da Vinci to Vlad Dracula - and from the intrigues of the War of the Roses to the fall of Constantinople.
  • The Green Count Christian Cameron
    ISBN: 978-1409172796
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Orion
    Язык: Английский
    After the bloody trials of Alexandria, Sir William Gold is readying for a pilgrimage to Jerusalem to ease the burden on his soul. He hopes, too, that the Holy City might allow his relationship with Emelye, cousin of the Green Count of Savoy, to develop.

    But the Roman Emperor of Constantinople has been taken hostage by an unknown enemy, and the Green Count is vital to the rescue effort. It is up to Sir William to secure his support, but he soon finds that his past, and his relationship with Emelye, might have repercussions he had not foreseen...

    Suddenly thrust onto the stage of international politics, Sir William finds himself tangled in a web of plots, intrigue and murder. He must hold true to his chivalric principles, and to his knights, if he is to save the Emperor and survive to tell the tale.
  • Rage of Ares Christian Cameron
    ISBN: 978-1409114536
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Orion
    Язык: Английский
    Arimnestos of Plataea was one of the heroes of the Battle of Marathon, in which the heroic Greeks halted the invading Persians in their tracks, and fought in the equally celebrated naval battle at Salamis.

    But even these stunning victories only served to buy the Greeks time, as the Persians gathered a new army, returning with overwhelming force to strike the final killing blow.

    For the Greeks, divided and outnumbered, there was only one possible strategy: attack. And so, in the blazing summer of 479 BC, Arimnestos took up his spear one final time at the Battle of Plataea.
  • Tom Swan and the Siege of Belgrade Christian Cameron
    ISBN: 978-0993315312
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Parmenion Books
    Язык: Английский
    Tom Swan is a not a professional soldier. he's really a merchant and a scholar looking for remnants of Ancient Greece and Rome- temples, graves, pottery, fabulous animals and unicorn horns. But he also has a real talent for ending up in the midst of violence when he didn't mean to. Having used his wits to escape execution, he begins a series of adventures that take him to street duels in Italy, meetings with remarkable men - from Leonardo Da Vinci to Vlad Dracula - and from the intrigues of the War of the Roses to the fall of Constantinople.
  • Tom Swan and the Head of St George Christian Cameron
    ISBN: 978-0993315305
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Parmenion Books
    Язык: Английский
    Contains the Tom Swan Tales Castillion, Venice, Constantinople, Rome, Rhodes & Chios.
  • Salamis Christian Cameron
    ISBN: 978-1409114178
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Orion
    Язык: Английский
    Arimnestos of Plataea has already lived through several lifetimes' worth of adventure, from being a rich man's slave in Ephesus to winning glory at the battle of Marathon against the might of the Persian Empire. But the gods - and the Persians - aren't finished with him yet. As an experienced sea captain - his enemies might say pirate - he has a part to play in the final epic confrontation of the Long War between the Greeks and Persians, the Battle of Salamis. It is a battle where many debts of blood will be repaid, ancient grudges settled, fame won and treachery exposed, where the Greeks must finally bury their differences and fight as one - for against them Xerxes, the Great King, has assembled the greatest fleet the world has ever known, his sworn purpose to brutally extinguish the flame of freedom and make every Greek his slave.
  • The Great King Christian Cameron
    ISBN: 978-1409114147
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Orion
    Язык: Английский
    The heroic story of Arimnestos of Plataea continues in this thrilling historical adventure set amidst the epic struggle between Greece and Persia—perfect for fans of the blockbusting film 300
    Slave, pirate, husband, and lover: Arimnestos of Plataea has been many things in the course of his life. But men remember him best as one of the heroes of the Battle of Marathon, the epic victory that prevented all of Greece from falling under the Persian yoke. But now there is a new Great King on the throne, determined to succeed where his father failed. As rumors abound of a vast Persian invasion, an embassy is sent to forestall the threat. Arimnestos is chosen to escort them—an honor he can hardly refuse. But as the storm clouds of war gather and factions on both sides begin to weave their treacherous plots, Arimnestos' journey begins to look more and more like a suicide mission.
  • The Long Sword Christian Cameron
    ISBN: 978-1409142447
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Orion
    Язык: Английский
    Pisa, May 1364. Sir William Gold - newly knighted on the battlefield outside the gates of Florence - can look forward to a lucrative career as a sword for hire in the endless warring between Italy's wealthy city states. But when a message comes from Father Pierre de Thomas, Grand Master of the Order of St John - better known as the Hospitallers - Sir William knows he has no choice but to leave his dreams of fame and fortune behind him.

    Father Pierre is gathering men across Europe for a crusade, and as a donat of the order, Sir William is pledged to serve him. But before setting out for the Holy Land, Sir William and his companions face deadly adversaries closer to home. In the labyrinthine politics of Italy, not only would some cities rather side with the Saracen than their fellow Christians, but there are powerful princes of the church whose ambitions would be better served if the crusade failed - not to mention two of Sir William's bitterest enemies - the maniacal Bourc le Camus, now in the pay of the ruthless Cardinal Robert of Geneva, and the Count D'Herblay, husband of the woman who still holds Sir William's heart.

    With assassins and conspirators on all sides, Sir William and his band of knights must overcome overwhelming odds - but if they survive, can the crusade be anything more than a suicide mission?
  • Force of Kings Christian Cameron
    ISBN: 978-1409104605
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Orion
    Язык: Английский
    Twin monarchs Satyrus and Melitta have worked hard, seen much blood shed and many good friends die to secure their fertile kingdom on the Black Sea. But as the colossal conflict between Alexander the Great's former generals to inherit his empire rages from one end of the known world to the other, sitting on the sidelines is not an option. If their kingdom is to have a future, Satyrus and Melitta must join forces with one of the contenders, knowing that making the wrong choice could mean disaster. And with Ptolemy, Antigonus-One-Eye and his son Demetrius 'the Besieger', Lysimachus and Seleucus all massing their forces for one last battle, the stakes could not be higher.
  • The Ill-Made Knight Christian Cameron
    ISBN: 978-1409142416
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Orion
    Язык: Английский
    William Gold comes into the world as his family slides down the social ladder. His head is filled with tales of chivalry, yet he is branded a thief, and must make do with being squire to his childhood friend Sir Robert, a knight determined to make a name for himself as a man at arms in France. While William himself slowly acquires the skills of knightly combat, he remains an outsider—until the Battle of Poitiers when Sir Robert is cut down by the greatest knight of the age, Sir Geoffrey de Charny, and William, his lowly squire, revenges him. But with his own knight dead, no honor accrues to William for this feat of arms, and he is forced to become a mercenary. Scavenging a mismatched set of armor from the knightly corpses, he joins one of the mercenary companies now set to pillage a defenseless France, and so begins a bloody career that sees William joining forces with the infamous Sir John Hawkwood and immersing himself in a treacherous clandestine war among the Italian city states. But paradoxically it is there, among the spies, assassins, and hired killers serving their ruthless masters, that William finally discovers the true meaning of chivalry—and his destiny as a knight.
  • Destroyer of Cities Christian Cameron
    ISBN: 978-1409122241
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Orion
    Язык: Английский
    Demetrius, son of Alexander's former comrade, Antigonus One-Eye, was perhaps the most dashing and charismatic of the Successors, the Macedonian generals who fought a bitter war for the spoils of Alexander's short-lived empire. Still smarting from his epic defeat at the hands of Ptolemy, Demetrius has his eye on one of the richest prizes in the ancient world—the naval superpower of Rhodes. But the Rhodians know that defeat will mean annihilation, and Demetrius's campaign will entail five separate naval battles over several years before he can begin to breach the city walls—leading him to employ an array of fantastic war machines: ancient super-weapons, like his gigantic lens of polished bronze used to focus on the city's wooden ramparts and set them ablaze. If she is to survive against such a merciless assault, Rhodes will need the help of every ally she can muster—including the newly crowned King of the Bosporus, Satyrus, and his fiery twin, Melitta...
  • God of War Christian Cameron
    ISBN: 978-1409132677
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Orion
    Язык: Английский
    The story of how Alexander the Great conquered the world - first crushing Greek resistance to Macedonian rule, then destroying the Persian Empire in three monumental battles, before marching into the unknown and final victory in India - is a truly epic tale that has mesmerised countless generations of listeners. He crammed more adventure into his thirty-three years than any other human being before or since, and now for the first time a novelist will tell the tale in a single suitably epic volume. The combination of Alexander's life story and Christian Cameron's unrivalled skills as an historian and storyteller will ensure that this will not only be the definitive version for many years to come, but also one of the most exciting historical epics ever written.
  • Poseidon's Spear Christian Cameron
    ISBN: 978-1409114116
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Orion
    Язык: Английский
    Arimnestos of Plataea is a man who has seen and done things that most men only dream about. Sold into slavery as a boy, he fought his way to freedom - and then to everlasting fame at the Battle of Marathon where the Greeks crushed the invading Persians. Sometimes, however, a man's greatest triumph is followed by his greatest sorrow.Returning to his farm, Arimnestos finds that his wife Euphoria has died in childbirth, and in an instant his laurels turn to dust. But the gods are not finished with Arimnestos yet. With nothing left to live for, he throws himself from a cliff into the sea, only to be pulled by strong arms from death's embrace. When he awakes he finds himself chained to an oar in a Phoenician trireme. And so begins an epic journey that will take Arimnestos and a motley crew of fellow galley slaves to the limits of their courage and beyond the edge of the known world, in a quest for freedom, revenge - and a cargo so precious it is worth dying for.
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