Эндрю Тейлор

Andrew Taylor

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Лучшие произведения Эндрю Тейлора

  • Лондон в огне Эндрю Тейлор
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Ashes of London
    Дата написания: 2016
    Первая публикация: 2023
    Перевод: Анна Осипова
    Язык: Русский
    Лондон, 1666 год. Великий пожар превращает улицы в опасный лабиринт. В развалинах сгоревшего собора Святого Павла находят тело человека со смертельным ранением в затылок и большими пальцами рук, связанными за спиной, — это знак цареубийцы: одного из тех, кто некоторое время назад подписал смертный приговор Карлу I. Выследить мстителя поручено Джеймсу Марвуду, клерку на правительственной службе. ЖЕНЩИНА В БЕГАХ.
    Марвуд спасает от верной гибели решительную и неблагодарную юную особу, которая ни перед чем не остановится, чтобы отстоять свою свободу. Многим людям в Лондоне есть что скрывать в эти смутные времена, и Кэт Ловетт не исключение. Как, впрочем, и сам Марвуд... УБИЙЦА, ЖАЖДУЩИЙ МЕСТИ.
    Когда из грязных вод Флит-Дич вылавливают вторую жертву со связанными сзади руками, Джеймс Марвуд понимает, что оказался на пути убийцы, которому нечего терять и который не остановится ни перед чем. Впервые на русском!
  • Огненный суд Эндрю Тейлор
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Fire Court
    Дата написания: 2018
    Первая публикация: 2024
    Перевод: Ирина Нелюбова
    Язык: Русский
    ОПАСНЫЕ ВРЕМЕНА. В сентябре 1666 года Великий пожар превратил Лондон в руины. Спустя восемь месяцев начинается восстановление города. Но за чей счет? Это должен решить неподкупный Пожарный суд, поэтому владельцы и арендаторы сгоревших домов ведут ожесточенную борьбу, чтобы суд решил дело в их пользу. И цена победы бывает слишком высока...

    ЗАГАДОЧНЫЕ СМЕРТИ. Джеймс Марвуд, клерк на правительственной службе и сын государственного преступника, узнаёт, что его отец обнаружил тело некой женщины рядом с местом заседания Пожарного суда. Назавтра старик погибает, попав под повозку на оживленной улице. Несчастный случай? Или еще одно убийство?..

    ПОГОНЯ ЗА УБИЙЦЕЙ. Преисполненный решимости раскрыть правду, Марвуд обращается к единственному человеку, которому может доверять, — это Кэт Ловетт, дочь цареубийцы, участвовавшего в заговоре против короля Карла I. Когда-то Марвуд спас ей жизнь, теперь пришла ее очередь помочь ему. Но все меняет смерть еще одной жертвы... Джеймс и Кэт вынуждены противостоять отчаявшемуся преступнику, чьи действия угрожают не только им самим, но и будущему всего Лондона...
  • The Anatomy of Ghosts Эндрю Тейлор
    Дата написания: 2017
    The Anatomy of Ghosts is a gripping historical mystery from the bestselling author of The Ashes of London
    1786, Jerusalem College, Cambridge.
    The ghost of murdered Sylvia Whichcote is sighted prowling the grounds by commoner Frank Oldershaw. Worried her son is descending into madness, Frank's anxious mother employs rationalist John Holdsworth to investigate the sighting, throwing the uneasy status quo at the college into chaos.
    For the sinister Ho
  • Королевский порок Эндрю Тейлор
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The King’s Evil
    Дата написания: 2020
    Первая публикация: 2024
    Перевод: Анна Осипова
    Язык: Русский

    УЖАСНАЯ НАХОДКА. Опасно быть приближённым Карла II: порой один неверный шаг приводит к позору, изгнанию и даже к смерти. За место у трона борются самые высокопоставленные вельможи Англии. И чаша весов может склониться не в пользу лорда Кларендона, когда в колодце его дома находят мертвеца... КТО ЖЕ УБИЙЦА? Джеймсу Марвуду, клерку на правительственной службе, поручено расследование этого дела, которое ни в коем случае не должно стать достоянием гласности. Между тем Марвуд знает человека, у которого есть все основания желать смерти Эдварда Олдерли, найденного мёртвым, — это его кузина Кэтрин Ловетт, дочь цареубийцы. Множество улик указывает…

  • Загадка Эдгара По Эндрю Тейлор
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The American Boy
    Дата написания: 2013
    Перевод: Н. Власов
    Язык: Русский
  • Долгая соната мертвецов Эндрю Тейлор
    Форма: рассказ
    Оригинальное название: The Long Sonata of the Dead
    Дата написания: 2013
    Перевод: Д. Кальницкая
    Язык: Русский
  • The Scent of Death Эндрю Тейлор
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Scent of Death
    Дата написания: 2013
    Язык: Английский
    August, 1778. British-controlled Manhattan is a melting pot of soldiers, traitors and refugees, surrounded by rebel forces as the American War of Independence rages on.
    Into this simmering tension sails Edward Savill, a London clerk tasked with assessing the claims of loyalists who have lost out during the war.
    Savill lodges with the ageing Judge Wintour, his ailing wife, and their enigmatic daughter-in-law Arabella. However, as Savill soon learns, what the Wintours have lost in wealth, they have gained in secrets.
    The murder of a gentleman in the slums pulls Savill into the city’s underbelly. But when life is so cheap, why does one death matter? Because making a nation is a lucrative business, and some people cannot afford to miss out, whatever the price…
  • Bleeding Heart Square Эндрю Тейлор
    Дата написания: 2009
    Bleeding Heart Square is a tense historical thriller from the bestselling author of The Ashes of London
    1934, London
    Into the decaying cul-de-sac of Bleeding Heart Square steps aristocratic Lydia Langstone fleeing an abusive marriage. However, unknown to Lydia, a dark mystery haunts Bleeding Heart Square. What happened to Miss Penhow, the middle-aged sp
  • The Leper House Andrew Taylor
    Форма: повесть
    Первая публикация: 2016
    Язык: Английский
    One stormy night in Suffolk, a man’s car breaks down following his sister’s funeral. The only source of light comes from a remote cottage by the sea. The mysterious woman who lives there begs him to leave, yet he can’t shake the sense that she somehow needs him. He attempts to return the next day but she is nowhere to be seen. And neither is the cottage.
  • Fireside Gothic Andrew Taylor
    Форма: повесть
    Оригинальное название: Fireside Gothic
    Первая публикация: 2016
    Язык: Английский
    It’s Christmas before the Great War and two lonely schoolboys have been forced into companionship. Left in the care of an elderly teacher, there is little to do but listen to his eerie tales about the nearby Cathedral. The boys concoct a plan to discover if the stories are true. But the Cathedral is filled with hidden dangers, and curiosity can prove fatal.
  • The Last Protector Эндрю Тейлор
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Last Protector
    Дата написания: 2018
    Язык: Английский
    Somewhere in the soot-stained ruins of Restoration London, a killer has gone to ground ... The Great Fire has ravaged London, wreaking destruction and devastation wherever its flames spread. Now, guided by the incorruptible Fire Court, the city is slowly rebuilding, but times are volatile and danger is only ever a heartbeat away. James Marwood, son of a traitor, is thrust into this treacherous environment when his ailing father claims to have stumbled upon a murdered woman in the very place where the Fire Court sits. Then his father is run down and killed. Accident? Or another murder ...? Determined to uncover the truth, Marwood turns to the one person he can trust - Cat Lovett, the daughter of a despised regicide. Marwood has helped her in the past. Now it's her turn to help him. But then comes a third death ... and Marwood and Cat are forced to confront a vicious and increasingly desperate killer whose actions threaten the future of the city itself.
  • The Scratch Andrew Taylor
    Форма: повесть
    Первая публикация: 2016
    Язык: Английский
    Clare and Gerald live a perfect life in the Forest of Dean with their cat, Cannop. Then Gerald’s young nephew comes to stay. Jack is from another world – active service in Afghanistan. The experience has left him outwardly untouched, but for a scratch that won’t heal. Jack and Cannop don't like each other. Clare and Jack like each other too much. The scratch begins to fester.
  • The World of Gerard Mercator: The Mapmaker Who Revolutionised Geography Эндрю Тейлор
    Форма: документальное произведение
    Оригинальное название: The World of Gerard Mercator: The Mapmaker Who Revolutionised Geography
    Язык: Английский
    The true story of Gerard Mercator, the greatest map-maker of all time, who was condemned to death as a heretic.‘Geographie and Chronologie I may call the Sunne and the Moone, the right eye and the left, of all history.’In ‘The World of Gerard Mercator’, Andrew Taylor chronicles both the story of a great astronomer and mathematician, who was condemned to death as a heretic, and the history of that most fascinating conjunction of science and art: the drawing of maps. Gerard Mercator was born in Flanders in 1512. In addition to creating accurate globes of the earth and the stars, he was the first person to use latitude and longitude for navigation and he created the most-used map of all time: Mercator’s Projection is still the standard view of the world, the one we all envisage when we think of a map of the globe. Simply finding the best solution to the impossible challenge of reproducing the spherical world on a flat sheet of paper was a considerable achievement in itself – something geographers and map-makers had been trying to do for centuries, but Mercator also created the map of the world that would form the basis of the modern age, an image of the continents for the common man.Until Mercator’s Projection, maps offered a pictorial encyclopaedia to an illiterate world, and that world stretched far beyond the knowledge and travels of most mapmakers. It is this evolution of mapmaking from art to science that forms the backdrop to the story of Mercator, from the days of Herodotus and Strabo when fabulous creatures were supposed to inhabit the fringes of the world to the great mappae mundi of Hereford and Ebsdorf. The Greek geographer Pytheas claimed to have visited the far north of Britain to establish the limits of the habitable world; but further north, he claimed that the earth, air and sea coalesced into a jellyfish-like gelatinous suspension that made life impossible.‘The World of Gerard Mercator’ is a brilliantly readable and absolutely fascinating history for the general reader, describing how our worldview came into being.
  • The Office of the Dead Эндрю Тейлор
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Office of the Dead
    Язык: Английский
    Janet Byfield has everything Wendy Appleyard lacks: she’s beautiful; she has a handsome husband, a clergyman on the verge of promotion; and most of all she has an adorable little daughter, Rosie. So when Wendy’s life falls apart, it’s to her oldest friend, Janet, that she turns.At first it seems as to Wendy as though nothing can touch the Byfields’s perfect existence in 1950s Cathedral Close, Rosington, but old sins gradually come back to haunt the present, and new sins are bred in their place. The shadow of death seeps through the Close, and only Wendy, the outsider looking in, is able to glimpse the truth. But can she grasp it’s twisted logic in time to prevent a tragedy whose roots lie buried deep in the past?
  • The Silent Boy Эндрю Тейлор
    Дата написания: 2015
    From the No. 1 bestselling author of The American Boy comes a brilliant new historical thriller set during the French Revolution. Selected as Historical Novel of the Year by The Times and Sunday Times, and picked as one of Radio 4's Crime Books of the Year.
    Paris, 1792. Terror reigns as the city writhes in the grip of revolution. The streets run with blood as thousands lose their heads to the guillotine. Edward Savill, working in London as agent for a wealthy American, receives word that his estranged wife Augusta has been killed in France. She leaves behind ten-year-old Charles, who is brought to England to Charnwood Court, a house in the country leased by a group of emigre refugees.
    Savill is sent to retrieve the boy, though it proves easier to reach Charnwood than to leave. And only when Savill arrives there does he discover that Charles is mute. The boy has witnessed horrors beyond his years, but what terrible secret haunts him so deeply that he is unable to utter a word?
  • Broken Voices Эндрю Тейлор
    From the No.1 bestselling author of The American Boy and The Ashes of London comes a gothic novella – perfect for fans of The Loney by Andrew Michael Hurley.It’s Christmas before the Great War and two lonely schoolboys have been forced into companionship. Left in the care of an elderly teacher, there is little to do but listen to his eerie tales about the nearby Cathedral. The boys concoct a plan to discover if the stories are true. But the Cathedral is filled with hidden dangers, and curiosity can prove fatal.
  • The Second Midnight Эндрю Тейлор
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Second Midnight
    Дата написания: 1987
    Язык: Английский
    A secret mission…
    1939. As Europe teeters on the brink of war, Alfred Kendall is tasked with carrying out a minor mission for the British Intelligence Service. Travelling to Prague, he takes his troubled young son, Hugh, as cover.
    A terrible choice…
    When Hitler invades Czechoslovakia, Alfred is given an ultimatum by the Czech Resistance. They will arrange for him to return to England, but only if he leaves his son Hugh behind as collateral.
    A young boy stranded in Nazi terrain…
    Hugh is soon taken under the wing of a Nazi colonel – Helmuth Scholl. But even though Scholl treats Hugh well, his son, Heinz, is suspicious of this foreigner. And as the war across the continent intensifies, they are set on a path that will ultimately lead towards destruction…