Дебора Кромби

Deborah Crombie

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Лучшие книги Деборы Кромби

  • And Justice There Is None Deborah Crombie
    ISBN: 0553109731, 978-0553109733
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: Bantam Books
    Язык: Английский

    Award-winning author Deborah Crombie has elevated the modern mystery novel to new heights of human drama and multilayered suspense with her critically acclaimed tales of intrigue featuring Scotland Yard Detective Superintendent Duncan Kincaid and Sergeant Gemma James. In their latest outing, Kincaid and his former partner--and soon-to-be roommate--follow a twisting trail of rage and retribution whose buried roots are about to exact a deadly toll on the living. And Justice There is None Gemma James is adjusting to professional and personal changes that include her eagerly sought promotion to the rank of inspector--and a future now…

  • A Share in Death Deborah Crombie
    ISBN: 0330342460, 9780330342469
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Pan Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    A week's holiday in a luxurious Yorkshire time-share is just what Scotland Yard's Superintendent Duncan Kincaid needs. But the discovery of a body floating in the whirlpool bath ends Kincaid's vacation before it's begun. One of his new acquaintances at Followdale House is dead; another is a killer. Despite a distinct lack of cooperation from the local constabulary, Kincaid's keen sense of duty won't allow him to ignore the heinous crime, impelling him to send for his enthusiastic young assistant, Sergeant Gemma James. But the stakes are raised dramatically when a second murder occurs, and Kincaid and James find themselves in a determined hunt for a fiendish felon who enjoys homicide a bit too much.
  • Dreaming of the Bones Deborah Crombie
    ISBN: 978-0330354301
    Год издания: 1999
    Издательство: Pan Books
    Язык: Английский
    It is the call Scotland Yard Superintendent Duncan Kincaid never expected — and one he certainly doesn't want. Victoria, his ex-wife, who walked out without an explanation more than a decade ago, asks him to look into the suicide of local poet, Lydia Brooke — a case that's been officially closed for five years. The troubled young writer's death, Victoria claims, might well have been murder.

    No one is more surprised than Kincaid himself when he agrees to investigate — not even his partner and lover, Sergeant Gemma James. But it's a second death that raises the stakes and plunges Kincaid and James into a labyrinth of dark lies and lethal secrets that stretches all the way back through the twentieth century — a death that most assuredly is murder, one that has altered Duncan Kincaid's world forever.
  • Das Hotel im Moor Дебора Кромби
    ISBN: 3442426189, 978-3442426188
    Год издания: 1996
    Издательство: Goldmann
    Язык: Немецкий
    Von seiner aufreibenden Arbeit bei Scotland Yard völlig ausgebrannt, begibt sich Inspektor Duncan Kincaid für eine Woche nach Yorkshire, um sich in einem noblen Feriengästehaus zu erholen. Als Vertretung vor Ort läßt er Sergeant Gemma James zurück, seine junge und ebenso praktische wie fähige Mitarbeiterin. Doch kaum hat es sich Kincaid im Hotel am Moor gemütlich gemacht, liegt schon ein toter Hotelangestellter im Swimmingpool. Und die Reihen der Feriengäste beginnen sich zu lichten, als eine schrullige alte Dame erschlagen aufgefunden wird. Kincaid übernimmt den Fall. Wenngleich die Morde in keinem Zusammenhang zu stehen scheinen, ist er fest davon überzeugt, daß er den Täter unter den Gästen suchen muß. Er schaltet Gemma James in London ein. Mit ihrer Hilfe stößt er auf ein verblüffendes Motiv.
  • Ärge leinake oma surnuid Дебора Кромби
    ISBN: 9789985333532
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Эстонский
    Scotland Yardis töötav komissar Duncan Kincaid ja tema kauaaegne abiline Gemma James saadetakse Holmbury St Marysse kohalikule politseile appi otsima mõrvarit, kes surmas jõhkralt politseidirektor Alistair Gilberti. Kuriteo uurimist raskendavad endassesulgunud küla komplitseeritud inimsuhted ja tõrksus ennast välismaailmale avada. Keerukamaks on muutunud ka Kincaidi ja Gemma vahelised suhted ning neilgi ei kulge enda avamine teineteisele kergesti. Kõigest hoolimata selgitavad Kincaid ja Gemma tänu oma tundlikul ja kaastundlikul meelel põhinevale intuitsioonile välja, kes siiski tappis kõrge politseiohvitseri. Kuueteistkümne kaasahaarava Kincaidi-romaani (kolm nendest on juba varem eesti keelde tõlgitud) autori Deborah Crombie seekordse loo tegevus leiab aset Inglismaa klassikalises maaolustikus, mille muutumist uusaja tingimustes ta huviga jälgib.
  • Kõik saab korda Дебора Кромби
    ISBN: 9789985328033
    Год издания: 2013
    Язык: Эстонский
    Scotland Yardi peainspektor Duncan Kincaid ja seersant Gemma James pole veel kunagi pidanud tegelema juhtumiga, mis puudutab neid nii lähedalt. Nimelt leitakse surnuna Duncani hea sõber ja naaber Jasmine Dent. Kuna ta oli vähki suremas, tuleb esialgu kõne alla enesetapp. Gemma meelehärmiks ei suuda Duncan aga selle seletusega kuidagi leppida. Sedamööda, kuidas Duncan ja Gemma jõuavad üha lähemale Jasmine’i surma tegelikule põhjusele, tugevneb ka nende omavaheline side…
    Deborah Crombie on Texasest pärit kirjanik ja kirjandusteadlane, kelle eriala on hoopis keskaja kirjandus. Ta on elanud ka Šotimaal ja Inglismaal. „Kõik saab korda“ on kahe erakordselt sümpaatse peategelase, peainspektor Duncan Kincaidi ja seersant Gemma Jamesi tegemisi käsitleva romaanisarja esimene raamat.
  • Sound of Broken Glass Deborah Crombie
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: HarperAudio
    Язык: Английский
    In the past...
    On a blisteringly hot August afternoon in Crystal Palace, once home to the tragically destroyed Great Exhibition, a solitary 13-year-old boy meets his next-door neighbor, a recently widowed young teacher hoping to make a new start in the tight-knit South London community. Drawn together by loneliness, the unlikely pair forms a deep connection that ends in a shattering act of betrayal.

    In the present...

    On a cold January morning in London, Detective Inspector Gemma James is back on the job now that her husband, Detective Superintendent Duncan Kincaid, is at home to care for their three-year-old foster daughter. Assigned to lead a murder-investigation team in South London, she's assisted by her trusted colleague, newly promoted Detective Sergeant Melody Talbot. Their first case: a crime scene at a seedy hotel in Crystal Palace. The victim: a well-respected barrister, found naked, trussed, and apparently strangled. Is it an unsavory accident or murder? In either case, he was not alone, and Gemma's team must find his companion - a search that takes them into unexpected corners and forces them to contemplate unsettling truths about the weaknesses and passions that lead to murder. Ultimately, they will begin to question everything they think they know about their world and those they trust most.
  • No Mark Upon Her Deborah Crombie
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: HarperAudio
    Язык: Английский
    New York Times best-selling author Deborah Crombie makes her mark with this absorbing, finely hued tale of suspense - a deeply atmospheric and twisting mystery full of deadly secrets, salacious lies, and unexpected betrayals involving the mysterious drowning of a Met detective - an accomplished rower - on the Thames.

    When a K9 search-and-rescue team discovers a woman's body tangled up with debris in the river, Scotland Yard superintendent Duncan Kincaid finds himself heading an investigation fraught with complications. The victim, Rebecca Meredith, was a talented but difficult woman with many admirers - and just as many enemies. An Olympic contender on the verge of a controversial comeback, she was also a high-ranking detective with the Met - a fact that raises a host of political and ethical issues in an already sensitive case.

    To further complicate the situation, a separate investigation, led by Detective Inspector Gemma James, Kincaid's wife, soon reveals a disturbing - and possibly related - series of crimes, widening the field of suspects. But when someone tries to kill the search-and-rescue team member who found Rebecca's body, the case becomes even more complex and dangerous, involving powerful interests with tentacles that reach deep into the heart of the Met itself.

    Surrounded by enemies with friendly faces, pressured to find answers quickly while protecting the Yard at all costs, his career and reputation on the line, Kincaid must race to catch the killer before more innocent lives are lost - including his own.
  • Necessary as Blood Deborah Crombie
    ISBN: 9780330505888
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Pan Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    Once the haunt of Jack the Ripper, London's East End is a vibrant mix of history and the avant-garde, where elegant Georgian town houses exist side by side with colorful street markets and the hippest clubs. But here races and cultures still clash, and the trendy galleries and glamorous nightlife disguise a violent and seedy underside.

    Sandra Gilles, a young mother, leaves her daughter with a friend and then disappears on a beautiful Sunday afternoon in May. Shortly thereafter, her husband, a Pakistani lawyer, is killed. Scotland Yard detective Gemma James happens upon the scene—and soon she and Duncan Kincaid, her life partner and colleague, are on the trail of a murderer. But the investigation grows darker and more dangerous at every turned corner, and the true prize must be protected at all costs: a beautiful, orphaned little girl, not yet three, whose life now hangs in the balance.
  • Where Memories Lie Deborah Crombie
    ISBN: 9780330445023
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Macmillan Publishers
    Язык: Английский
    Erika Rosenthal has always been secretive with her friend and neighbor, Detective Inspector Gemma James, about her past, except for one telling detail: She and her long-dead husband, David, came to London as refugees from Nazi Germany. But now the elderly woman needs Gemma's help. A unique piece of jewelry stolen from her years ago has mysteriously turned up at a prestigious London auction house. Erika believes the theft may be tied to her husband's death, which had always been assumed a suicide.

    Gemma has a tough challenge. She must navigate the shadowy and secretive world of London's monied society to discover the jewelry's connection to David's murderer. However, the cold case needs to be put back on the books and possibly into the hands of her partner, Duncan Kincaid. When a second, present-day murder kicks the investigation into high gear, Gemma becomes more determined to exact justice for Erika in a case that will have lasting repercussions.
  • Leave the Grave Green Deborah Crombie
    ISBN: 9780330348836
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Pan Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    A body is found floating in a Thames river lock. It is found to be that of Connor Swann, son-in-law of Sir Gerald Asherton, whose son was found in similar circumstances 20 years earlier. Could there be a connection?
  • In a Dark House Deborah Crombie
    ISBN: 0330420143, 9780330420143
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Pan Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    Detectives Duncan Kincaid and Gemma James must put their differences to one side when they are required to work together in order to find a beautiful, but emotionally fragile, young woman who has gone missing.
  • Water Like a Stone Deborah Crombie
    ISBN: 0060525274, 9780060525279
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: William Morrow
    Язык: Английский

    Detective Superintendent Duncan Kincaid and his partner, Sergeant Gemma James, take their sons to picturesque Cheshire for their first family Christmas with Duncan's parents - a holiday both dreaded and anticipated. But not even the charming town of Nantwich and the dreaming canals can mask the tensions in Duncan's family, which are tragically heightened by the discovery of an infant's body hidden in the wall of an old dairy. As Duncan and Gemma help the police investigate the infant's death, another murder strikes closer to home, revealing that far from being idyllic, Duncan's childhood paradise holds dark and deadly secrets . . .…

  • Now May You Weep Deborah Crombie
    ISBN: 0330420135, 9780330420136
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Pan Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    A welcoming community, a beautiful vista, a deadly past. When Detective Inspector Gemma James is persuaded by her friend, Hazel, to take a trip to the misty Scottish Highlands, she jumps at the chance. But upon their arrival it becomes clear that Hazel has been concealing a dangerous secret. At their remote B&B the pair encounter Donald Brodie, the owner of a local distillery...and Hazel's former lover. Their relationship had ended abruptly years before. Now Donald is convinced he can win Hazel back. But the lovers' reunion yields shocking--and mortal - consequences. Gemma soon discovers that, in this tight-knit community, there is no shortage of murder suspects. And beneath the hospitable surface, there lurks a hundred years of bitter family rivalry waiting to emerge...
  • A Finer End Дебора Кромби
    ISBN: 9780553579277
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: Bantam
    Язык: Английский
    Scotland Yard Detective Superintendent Duncan Kincaid and his partner Sergeant Gemma James return in another spellbinding novel of mysteries--one contemporary, one ancient--an investigation that will challenge them personally and professionally as no case ever has. From the award-winning author of the acclaimed Kissed a Sad Goodbye...


    When Duncan Kincaid’s cousin Jack calls from Glastonbury to ask for his help on a rather unusual matter, Duncan welcomes the chance to spend a relaxing weekend outside of London with Gemma--but relaxation isn’t on the agenda. Glastonbury is revered as the site of an ancient abbey, the mythical burial place of King Arthur and Guinevere, and a source of strong druid power. Jack has no more than a passing interest in its history--until he comes across an extraordinary chronicle almost a thousand years old. The record reveals something terrible and bloody shattered the abbey’s peace long ago--knowledge that will spark violence that reaches into the present. Soon it is up to Duncan and Gemma to find the truth the local police cannot see. But no one envisions the peril that lies ahead--or that there is more at stake than they ever dreamed possible.
  • Kissed a Sad Goodbye Дебора Кромби
    ISBN: ‎ 978-0553579246
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: Bantam
    Язык: Английский
    Scotland Yard's Duncan Kincaid and Gemma James face their most haunting case yet when the past devastatingly intersects with the present....

    The call from Scotland Yard couldn't have come at a worse time for Detective Superintendent Duncan Kincaid. He has promised the weekend to Kit, the eleven-year-old son of his ex-wife. The son he never knew he fathered -- who doesn't yet know Kincaid's true identity.

    But Duncan's best intentions are shattered by an investigation that draws him in and swiftly consumes him. It seems to begin with the discovery of the body of a beautiful young woman in an East London park. But Kincaid and Sergeant Gemma James will discover that this case has long roots that reach far back into the past, and that resentments which should have been decades buried still have the power to hurt -- and maybe even the capacity to kill.