Эмма Донохью

Emma Donoghue

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Эмма Донохью – лучшие книги

  • Комната Эмма Донохью
    ISBN: 978-5-389-14405-7
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Азбука, Азбука-Аттикус
    Язык: Русский

    Что такое свобода? И кто свободнее – человек, ни разу в жизни не покидавший четырех стен, в которых родился, и черпающий знания об окружающем мире из книг и через экран телевизора? Или тот, кто живет снаружи? Для маленького Джека таких вопросов не существует. Он счастлив, с ним его мама, он не знает, что по чьему-то злобному умыслу вынужден жить не так, как живут другие. Но иллюзия не бывает вечной, маленький человек взрослеет, и однажды наступает прозрение. Тогда комната становится тесной и нужно срочно отыскать способ, как выбраться за ее пределы.

  • Падшая женщина Эмма Донохью
    ISBN: 978-5-227-05237-7
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Центрполиграф
    Язык: Русский

    Действие романа происходит в Лондоне в середине восемнадцатого века. Жизнь Мэри Сондерс, девочки из бедной семьи, сера и безрадостна. Ее невинное желание иметь хоть что-нибудь яркое - например, красную ленту - приводит к необратимым последствиям. В совсем еще юном возрасте Мэри становится проституткой и неожиданно узнает, что такое настоящая свобода, недоступная добродетельным женщинам. И все же опасность, которой она подвергается, заставляет девушку искать прибежища в небольшом городке Монмуте. Мэри становится служанкой, а затем и помощницей швеи в семье Джонс. Миссис Джонс питает к ней искреннюю привязанность, однако Мэри, движимая…

  • Чудо Эмма Донохью
    ISBN: 978-5-389-11201-8
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Азбука, Азбука-Аттикус
    Язык: Русский

    В этом удивительном романе сплелись воедино нездоровая жажда сенсаций и истинная вера в ЧУДО! Ирландия середины XIX века. Внимание общественности привлечено к одиннадцатилетней девочке, которая вот уже четыре месяца обходится без еды, но чувствует себя живой и здоровой. В глухую ирландскую деревушку со всего света стекаются желающие поглазеть на чудо. Что на самом деле служит ей пищей для тела и души? Что это — чудо или кто-то манипулирует ребенком, чтобы погубить его? Впервые на русском языке от автора знаменитого романа «Комната».

  • Притяжение звезд Эмма Донохью
    ISBN: 978-5-04-117790-4
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Эксмо, Inspiria
    Язык: Русский

    В Ирландии, обескровленной войной, эпидемия "испанки" не сбавляет оборотов – в госпитале в центре Дублина не хватает докторов и сестер, а больные все прибывают. Под удар попадают и те, кому вынести его сложнее других – будущие матери на поздних сроках беременности. Медсестра Пауэр делает все, что в ее силах, чтобы спасти рожениц и помочь появиться новой жизни. В канун Дня Всех Святых в ее маленькое царство вступают еще две необыкновенные женщины – молоденькая волонтерка Брэйди Суини и доктор Кейтлин Линн, суфражистка, которая, по слухам скрывается от полиции из-за участия в восстании. За три дня их судьбы сплетутся невероятно крепко,…

  • Запечатанное письмо Эмма Донохью
    ISBN: 978-5-9906980-9-3
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Центрполиграф
    Язык: Русский
    Красавица Хелен, дерзкая искательница развлечений, не боится рисковать, и в какой-то момент о ее измене становится известно мужу - адмиралу Кодрингтону. Чтобы избежать огласки и развода, Хелен задумывает интригу, в которую вовлекает старую деву Эмили Фейтфул. Пожилой муж, ветреная жена и близкая подруга образуют роковой треугольник. Их сложные отношения дают толчок к стремительному и неожиданному развитию сюжета, за которым читатель напряженно следит до самой последней страницы, как в настоящем детективе.
    Роман основан на действительно происходившем в 1864 г. бракоразводном процессе "Кодрингтон против Кодрингтон и Андерсона", подробные отчеты о котором печатались во всех английских газетах.
    В основу сюжета положена реальная история.
  • Room Эмма Донохью
    ISBN: 9781529077247
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Picador
    Celebrating Fifty Years of Picador Books
    Scared is what you're feeling. Brave is what you're doing.
    Jack lives with his Ma in Room, which has a locked door and a skylight, and measures 11 feet by 11 feet. He loves watching TV, and the cartoon characters he calls friends, but he knows that nothing he sees on screen is truly real - only him, Ma and the things in Room. Until the day Ma admits that there's a world outside...
    Told in Jack's voice, Room is the story of a mother and son whose love lets them survive the impossible. Unsentimental and sometimes funny, devastating yet uplifting, Room by Emma Donoghue is a novel like no other.
    Part of the Picador Collection, a series showcasing the best of modern literature.
  • Kissing the Witch: Old Tales in New Skins Emma Donoghue
    ISBN: 0064407721, 9780064407724
    Год издания: 1999
    Издательство: Harper Teen
    Thirteen tales are unspun from the deeply familiar, and woven anew into a collection of fairy tales that wind back through time. Acclaimed Irish author Emma Donoghue reveals heroines young and old in unexpected alliances--sometimes treacherous, sometimes erotic, but always courageous. Told with luminous voices that shimmer with sensuality and truth, these age-old characters shed their antiquated cloaks to travel a seductive new landscape, radiantly transformed. Cinderella forsakes the handsome prince and runs off with the fairy godmother; Beauty discovers the Beast behind the mask is not so very different from the face she sees in the mirror; Snow White is awakened from slumber by the bittersweet fruit of an unnamed desire. Acclaimed writer Emma Donoghue spins new tales out of old in a magical web of thirteen interconnected stories about power and transformation and choosing one's own path in the world. In these fairy tales, women young and old tell their own stories of love and hate, honor and revenge, passion and deception. Using the intricate patterns and oral rhythms of traditional fairy tales, Emma Donoghue wraps age-old characters in a dazzling new skin.

    2000 List of Popular Paperbacks for YA
  • Inseparable: Desire Between Women in Literature Emma Donoghue
    ISBN: 978-1573447171
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Cleis Press
    Язык: Английский
    From a writer of astonishing versatility and erudition, the much-admired literary critic, novelist, short-story writer, and scholar (“Dazzling”—The Washington Post; “One of those rare writers who seems to be able to work on any register, any time, any atmosphere, and make it her own” —The Observer), a book that explores the little-known literary tradition of love between women in Western literature, from Chaucer and Shakespeare to Charlotte Brontë, Dickens, Agatha Christie, and many more.
    Emma Donoghue brings to bear all her knowledge and grasp to examine how desire between women in English literature has been portrayed, from schoolgirls and vampires to runaway wives, from cross-dressing knights to contemporary murder stories. Donoghue looks at the work of those writers who have addressed the “unspeakable subject,” examining whether such desire between women is freakish or omnipresent, holy or evil, heartwarming or ridiculous as she excavates a long-obscured tradition of (inseparable) friendship between women, one that is surprisingly central to our cultural history.
    Donoghue writes about the half-dozen contrasting girl-girl plots that have been told and retold over the centuries, metamorphosing from generation to generation. What interests the author are the twists and turns of the plots themselves and how these stories have changed—or haven’t—over the centuries, rather than how they reflect their time and society.
    Donoghue explores the writing of Sade, Diderot, Balzac, Thomas Hardy, H. Rider Haggard, Elizabeth Bowen, and others and the ways in which the woman who desires women has been cast as not quite human, as ghost or vampire.
    She writes about the ever-present triangle, found in novels and plays from the last three centuries, in which a woman and man compete for the heroine’s love . . . about how—and why—same-sex attraction is surprisingly ubiquitous in crime fiction, from the work of Wilkie Collins and Dorothy L. Sayers to P. D. James.
    Finally, Donoghue looks at the plotline that has dominated writings about desire between women since the late nineteenth century: how a woman’s life is turned upside down by the realization that she desires another woman, whether she comes to terms with this discovery privately, “comes out of the closet,” or is publicly “outed.”
    She shows how this narrative pattern has remained popular and how it has taken many forms, in the works of George Moore, Radclyffe Hall, Patricia Highsmith, and Rita Mae Brown, from case-history-style stories and dramas, in and out of the courtroom, to schoolgirl love stories and rebellious picaresques.
    A revelation of a centuries-old literary tradition—brilliant, amusing, and until now, deliberately overlooked.
  • Haven Эмма Донохью
    ISBN: 9781529091113
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Picador

    In seventh-century Ireland, a scholar and priest called Artt has a dream telling him to leave the sinful world behind. Taking two monks – young Trian and old Cormac – he travels down the river Shannon in search of an isolated spot on which to found a monastery. Drifting out into the Atlantic, the three men find an impossibly steep, bare island inhabited by tens of thousands of birds, and claim it for God. Their extraordinary landing spot is now known as Skellig Michael. But in such a place, far from all other humanity, what will survival mean? Haunting, moving and vividly told, Haven displays Emma Donoghue’s trademark world-building and…

  • Frog Music Emma Donoghue
    ISBN: 9781447249788
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Picador
    Язык: Английский
    Summer of 1876: San Francisco is in the fierce grip of a record-breaking heat wave and a smallpox epidemic. Through the window of a railroad saloon, a young woman named Jenny Bonnet is shot dead.

    The survivor, her friend Blanche Beunon, is a French burlesque dancer. Over the next three days, she will risk everything to bring Jenny's murderer to justice--if he doesn't track her down first. The story Blanche struggles to piece together is one of free-love bohemians, desperate paupers, and arrogant millionaires; of jealous men, icy women, and damaged children. It's the secret life of Jenny herself, a notorious character who breaks the law every morning by getting dressed: a charmer as slippery as the frogs she hunts.

    In thrilling, cinematic style, FROG MUSIC digs up a long-forgotten, never-solved crime. Full of songs that migrated across the world, Emma Donoghue's lyrical tale of love and bloodshed among lowlifes captures the pulse of a boomtown like no other.
  • Landing Emma Donoghue
    ISBN: 9780151012978
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    Язык: Английский
    A delightful, old-fashioned love story with a uniquely twenty-first-century twist, Landing is a romantic comedy that explores the pleasures and sorrows of long-distance relationships--the kind millions of us now maintain mostly by plane, phone, and Internet.

    Síle is a stylish citizen of the new Dublin, a veteran flight attendant who's traveled the world. Jude is a twenty-five-year-old archivist, stubbornly attached to the tiny town of Ireland, Ontario, in which she was born and raised. On her first plane trip, Jude's and Síle's worlds touch and snag at Heathrow Airport. In the course of the next year, their lives, and those of their friends and families, will be drawn into a new, shaky orbit.

    This sparkling, lively story explores age-old questions: Does where you live matter more than who you live with? What would you give up for love, and would you be a fool to do so?
  • Стая Эмма Донохью
    ISBN: 9789545151576
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Millenium
  • Learned by Heart Эмма Донохью
    ISBN: 9780316564434
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Little, Brown and Company
    Язык: Английский
    Eliza and Lister have never been this wide-awake in their lives, and the Slope, with its curtains drawn wide, is bright with starlight. They talk in whispers, not to disturb the maids who lie sleeping on the other side of the box room. The question Eliza’s been needing to ask swells like a great berry in her mouth, and all at once she’s not scared to let it out, not scared at all, not scared of anything . . .

    In 1805 fourteen-year-old Eliza Raine is a school girl at the Manor School for Young Ladies in York. The daughter of an Indian mother and a British father, Eliza was banished to this unfamiliar country as a little girl. When she first stepped off the King George in Kent, Eliza was accompanied by her older sister, Jane, but now she boards alone at the Manor, with no one left to claim her. She spends her days avoiding the attention of her fellow pupils until, one day, a fearless and charismatic new student arrives at the school. The two girls are immediately thrown together and soon Eliza’s life is turned inside out by this strange and curious young woman.

    Learned by Heart, Emma Donoghue’s mesmerising new novel, tells the heartbreaking story of the tangled lives of two women whose intense, and unlikely, relationship will change them for ever.
  • The Wonder Эмма Донохью
    ISBN: 9781509818402
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Picador
    An eleven-year-old girl stops eating, but remains miraculously alive and well. A nurse, sent to investigate whether she is a fraud, meets a journalist hungry for a story . . .
    Set in the Irish Midlands in the 1850s, Emma Donoghue's The Wonder - inspired by numerous cases of 'fasting girls' between the sixteenth century and the twentieth - is a psychological thriller about a child's murder threatening to happen in slow motion before our eyes. Pitting all the seductions of fundamentalism against sense and love, it is a searing examination of what nourishes us, body and soul.
  • Haven Эмма Донохью
    ISBN: 9780316413930
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Little, Brown and Company
    Язык: Английский
    In seventh-century Ireland, a scholar and priest called Artt has a dream telling him to leave the sinful world behind. Taking two monks—young Trian and old Cormac—he rows down the river Shannon in search of an isolated spot on which to found a monastery. Drifting out into the Atlantic, the three men find an impossibly steep, bare island inhabited by tens of thousands of birds, and claim it for God. In such a place, what will survival mean?

    Three men vow to leave the world behind them. They set out in a small boat for an island their leader has seen in a dream, with only faith to guide them. What they find is the extraordinary island now known as Skellig Michael. Haven has Emma Donoghue’s trademark world-building and psychological intensity—but this story is like nothing she has ever written before.
  • The Lotterys Plus One Emma Donoghue
    ISBN: 0545925819
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Arthur A. Levine Books
    Язык: Английский
    Sumac Lottery is nine years old and the self-proclaimed "good girl" of her (VERY) large, (EXTREMELY) unruly family. And what a family the Lotterys are: four parents, children both adopted and biological, and a menagerie of pets, all living and learning together in a sprawling house called Camelottery. Then one day, the news breaks that one of their grandfathers is suffering from dementia and will be coming to live with them. And not just any grandfather; the long dormant "Grumps," who fell out with his son so long ago that he hasn't been part of any of their lives.

    Suddenly, everything changes. Sumac has to give up her room to make the newcomer feel at home. She tries to be nice, but prickly Grumps clearly disapproves of how the Lotterys live: whole grains, strange vegetables, rescue pets, a multicultural household... He's worse than just tough to get along with -- Grumps has got to go! But can Sumac help him find a home where he belongs?
  • Astray Emma Donoghue
    ISBN: 978-1-4472-0950-8
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Picador
    Язык: Английский

    With the turn of each page, the characters that roam across these pages go astray. They are emigrants, runaways, drifters; gold miners and counterfeiters, attorneys and slaves. They cross borders of race, law, sex, and sanity. They travel for love or money, under duress or incognito. A sequence of fourteen fact-inspired fictions about travels to, in and from North America, Astray offers a past in scattered pieces, a surprising and moving history for restless times.

  • Touchy Subjects: Stories Emma Donoghue
    ISBN: 0151013861
    Год издания: 2006
    Язык: Русский
    In this sparkling collection of nineteen stories, the bestselling author of Slammerkin returns to contemporary affairs, exposing the private dilemmas that result from some of our most public controversies. A man finds God and finally wants to
  • Woman Who Gave Birth To Rabbits Emma Donoghue
    ISBN: 1860499546
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: Little, Brown
    This book is a sequence of short stories about peculiar little incidents in the history of the British Isles, from a 1300s Satanist to an 1800s animal-rights campaign.
    THE WOMAN WHO GAVE BIRTH TO RABBITS was a finalist in the 2003 Stonewall Book Award.
  • Stir-Fry Эмма Донохью
    ISBN: 9781555837235
    Год издания: 2000
    Seventeen and sure of nothing, Maria has left her parents' small-town grocery for university life in Dublin. An ad in the Student Union-"2 [FEMALE SYMBOL] seek flatmate. No bigots."-leads Maria to a home with warm Ruth and wickedly funny Jael, students who are older and more fascinating than she'd expected. A poignant, funny, and sharply insightful coming-of-age story, Stir-fry is a lesbian novel that explores the conundrum of desire arising in the midst of friendship and probes feminist ideas of sisterhood and nonpossessiveness.

    Emma Donoghue is the author of the forthcoming Slammerkin , Hoodand Kissing the Witch . Born in Dublin, she now lives in Ontario, Canada. Stir-fry was her first novel.
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