Барбара Пим

Barbara Pym (Mary Crampton)

  • 33 книги
  • 14 подписчиков
  • 714 читателей
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1 13

Барбара Пим – лучшие книги

  • Замечательные женщины Барбара Пим
    ISBN: 978-5-17-084604-7
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: АСТ, Neoclassic
    Язык: Русский

    Изящный, нестареющий роман, полный истинно британского юмора! Милдред Лэтбери – одна из тех «замечательных женщин», чьи достоинства все воспринимают как должное. Для друзей и знакомых она – истинный дар небес. Невозмутимая, исполненная здравого смысла, Милдред способна с легкостью справиться с любыми проблемами: она умеет и роды принять и в последний путь проводить. А еще – устроить истинно английское чаепитие, организовать свадьбу, благотворительный базар и, пожалуй, хорошую погоду обеспечить, чтобы все прошло безупречно. Но вот беда – все чаще Милдред поневоле втягивается в перипетии чужих жизней, особенно в сложные отношения…

  • Почти ангелы Барбара Пим
    ISBN: 978-5-17-085806-4
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: АСТ, Neoclassic
    Язык: Русский

    Эксцентричные нравы образованных повес и милых барышень, забавные ситуации, яркие характеры — в изящном, полном тонкого, истинно британского юмора романе Барбары Пим! Кто сказал, что антропологи только и делают, что разъезжают по экзотическим странам, занимаясь долгими и трудными раскопками, порой подвергая собственную жизнь опасности? Они исправно посещают светские вечеринки, состоят в престижных клубах, водят модные автомобили. А еще – кто бы мог подумать – вовсю ухлестывают за хорошенькими студентками и отчаянно интригуют, сражаясь за солидные средства на экспедиции и написание очень важных трудов. Но поскольку они довольно…

  • Осенний квартет Барбара Пим
    Год издания: 1981
    Издательство: Прогресс
    Язык: Русский

    Роман известной писательницы посвящен остросоциальной проблеме западного мира - проблеме одиночества, отчуждения, ставших нормой взаимоотношений между людьми. Пим удалось выявить национальную специфику этого явления, подметить его преломление через английский национальный характер. В центре книги судьбы четырех пожилых одиноких людей, избегающих контактов с внешним миром. Автор тонко и проницательно анализирует весьма актуальную для Англии "проблему стариков"; герои "Осеннего квартета"- жертвы буржуазного образа жизни, буржуазных представлений о жизненных ценностях.

  • Несколько зеленых листьев Барбара Пим
    Год издания: 1987
    Издательство: Художественная литература. Москва, Художественная литература
    Язык: Русский

    Роман «Несколько зеленых листьев» современной английской писательницы Барбары Пим (1913—1980), продолжающей традиции английской классической литературы, — это рассказ об обитателях небольшого английского поселка, одиноких, неустроенных людях. С глубоким пониманием и тонкой иронией Б. Пим рисует жизнь английской провинции.

  • No Fond Return Of Love Barbara Pym
    ISBN: 9781844084500
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Virago
    Язык: Английский
    Dulcie Mainwearing is always helping others, but never looks out for herself - especially in the realm of love. Her friend Viola is besotted by the alluring Dr Aylwin Forbes, so surely it isn't prying if Dulcie helps things along? Aylwin, however, is smitten by Dulcie's pretty young niece. And perhaps Dulcie herself, however ridiculous it may be, is falling, just a little, for Aylwin. Once life's little humiliations are played out, maybe love will be returned, and fondly, after all . . .
  • Jane and Prudence Barbara Pym
    ISBN: 1844084493, 978-1844084494
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Virago Press
    Язык: Английский
    Middle-aged Jane is the well-intentioned but far from perfect clergyman's wife and mother. Prudence, who at 29 is teetering at the edge of spinsterhood, is an attractive, educated working girl. The two best friends share memories of their carefree days at Oxford, leisurely lunches, and gossip, but their ultimate goal is to find a suitable mate for Prudence.
  • Sweet Dove Died Barbara Pym
    ISBN: 0525483802, 9780525483809
    Год издания: 1988
    Издательство: Dutton
    Язык: Английский
    Between the amorous antique dealer Humphrey and his good-looking nephew James glides the magnificent Leonora, delicate as porcelain, cool as ice. Can she keep James in her thrall? Or will he be taken from her by a lover, like Phoebe ...or Ned, the wicked American?
  • Some Tame Gazelle Barbara Pym
    ISBN: 1559212640, 9781559212649
    Год издания: 1999
    Издательство: Moyer Bell Ltd.
    Язык: Английский
    Barbara Pym is a master at capturing the subtle mayhem that takes place in the apparent quiet of the English countryside. Fifty-something sisters Harriet and Belinda Bede live a comfortable, settled existence. Belinda, the quieter of the pair, has for years been secretly in love with the town's pompous (and married) archdeacon, whose odd sermons leave members of his flock in muddled confusion. Harriet, meanwhile, a bubbly extrovert, fends off proposal after proposal of marriage. The arrival of Mr. Mold and Bishop Grote disturb the peace of the village and leave the sisters wondering if they'll ever return to the order of their daily routines. Some Tame Gazelle, first published in Britain nearly 50 years ago, was the first of Pym's nine novels.
  • Crampton Hodnet Barbara Pym
    ISBN: 1559212438
    Год издания: 2000
    Издательство: Moyer Bell Ltd.
    Язык: Русский
    Unsuitable romance is the theme of this wickedly comedic novel. A series of entanglements brings together an odd assortment of characters - clergymen, university dons, naive students, and academic hangers-on - with hilarious results.
  • A Glass Of Blessings Barbara Pym
    ISBN: 978-1844085804
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Virago
    Язык: Английский
    Wilmet Forsyth is well dressed, well looked after, suitably husbanded, good looking and fairly young - but very bored. Her husband Rodney, a handsome army major, is slightly balder and fatter than he once was. Wilmet would like to think she has changed rather less. Her interest wanders to the nearby Anglo-catholic church, where at last she can neglect her comfortable household in the more serious-minded company of three unmarried priests, and, of course, Piers Longridge, a man of an unfathomably different character altogether.
  • An Unsuitable Attachment Барбара Пим
    Set in St Basil’s, an undistinguished North London parish, An Unsuitable Attachment is indeed full of the high comedy for which Barbara Pym is famed. There is Mark Ainger, the vicar, who introduces his sermons with remarks like ‘Those of you who are familiar with the church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome.’ His wife Sophia with her cat, ‘I feel sometimes that I can’t reach Faustina as I’ve reached other cats.’ Rupert Stonebird, anthropologist and eligible bachelor. The well-bred Ianthe Broome who works at the library and forms an unsuitable attachment with a young man there. The sharp-tongue Mervyn Cantrell, chief librarian, who complains that ‘when books have things spilt on them it is always bottled sauce or gravy of the thickest and most repellent kind rather than something utterly exquisite and delicious.’ There is also Daisy Pettigrew, the vet’s sister, another obsessional cat person, and Sister Dew who bears a strong resemblance to Sister Blatt in Excellent Women.
  • An Academic Question Barbara Pym
    ISBN: 978-1603811781
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Coffeetown Press
    Язык: Английский
    Caro is the wife of Dr. Alan Grimstone, a lecturer at a provincial university in a West Country town in England. She knows her circle believes that she should be doing more with her life. She is the mother of a young daughter but relieved to be able to leave the girl in the care of an au pair. Her one selfless act--reading aloud to a former missionary at a rest home--is sullied when she allows her husband to 'borrow' some of the old gentleman's papers in order to get the better of a colleague. Caro's sister is a social worker disinclined towards marriage and children, but is she happy? Despite appearances, Caro is content enough. Until she learns that that her husband Alan has a wandering eye. What is happiness? The knowledge that one is loved? Academic renown? Or is it friendship with eccentric friends and the sight of the first crocuses of spring or the Virginia creeper in autumn? Barbara Pym completed the first draft of her satirical "Academic Novel" in 1970, ten years before her death. It was first published posthumously in 1986, thanks to her friend and biographer Hazel Holt.
  • Civil to Strangers and Other Writings Barbara Pym
    ISBN: 978-1603811804
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Coffeetown Press

    Thanks to his wife's money, Adam Marsh-Gibbon leads a charmed life writing poetry and novels celebrated mostly by his fellow residents in the town of Up Callow in Shropshire, England. His lovely wife Cassandra caters to his every whim, although perhaps not as enthusiastically as five years earlier, when she first married her handsome yet difficult and unappreciative husband. Into their lives steps Mr. Stefan Tilos, the new tenant of Holmwood, a dashing Hungarian who puts the whole town in a flutter. How alarming then, that he should become so visibly enamoured of Cassandra. Mrs. Marsh-Gibbon is certainly above reproach. Or is she? Barbara Pym wrote Civil to Strangers in 1936. It was first published posthumously in 1987, thanks to her friend and biographer Hazel Holt.
  • Civil To Strangers Барбара Пим
    ISBN: 9780349016146
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Virago
    When Barbara Pym died in 1980, she left a considerable amount of unpublished material. This volume contains an early novel, Civil to Strangers, three novellas and an autobiographical essay, 'Finding a Voice', Pym's only written comment on her writing career.
    In Civil to Strangers, the lives of a young couple, Cassandra Marsh-Gibbon and her self-absorbed writer husband Adam, are thrown into upheaval when a mysterious Hungarian arrives in their village.
  • Crampton Hodnet Барбара Пим
    ISBN: 9780349016139
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Virago
    Formidable Miss Doggett fills her life by giving tea parties for young academics and acting as watchdog for the morals of North Oxford. Anthea, her great-niece, is in love with a dashing undergraduate with political ambitions. Of this, Miss Doggett thoroughly approves. However, Anthea's father, an Oxford don, is carrying on in the most unseemly fashion with a student - they have been spotted together at the British museum! But the only liaison Miss Doggett isn't aware of is taking place under her very own roof: the lodger has proposed to her paid companion Miss Morrow. She wouldn't approve of that at all.
  • A Few Green Leaves Барбара Пим
    ISBN: 9781529091922
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Pan Books
    Barbara Pym was an incomparable chronicler of ordinary, quiet lives. With warmth, humour, precision and great vividness, she gave her best characters an independent life we recognize as totally familiar.
    In A Few Green Leaves, her last novel, her heroine is Emma Howick, anthropologist. Through her eyes Barbara Pym examines in her own ironic and individual style the quiet revolution in English village life, combining the rural settings of her earliest novels with the themes and characters of her later works. The result is a compelling portrait of a town that seems to be forgotten by time, but which is unmistakably affected by it. Romance shares the pages with death in this engaging novel that is the culmination of Barbara Pym's acclaimed writing career.
  • Some Tame Gazelle Барбара Пим
    ISBN: 9780349016108
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Virago
    Together yet alone, the Misses Bede occupy the central crossroads of parish life. Harriet, plump, elegant and jolly, likes nothing better than to make a fuss of new curates, secure in the knowledge that Count Ricardo Bianco will propose to her yet again this year. Belinda, meanwhile, has harboured sober feelings of devotion towards Archdeacon Hoccleve for thirty years.
    Then into their quiet, comfortable lives comes a famous librarian, Nathaniel Mold, and a bishop from Africa, Theodore Grote - who each takes to calling on the sisters for rather more unsettling reasons.
  • An Academic Question Барбара Пим
    ISBN: 9780349016320
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Virago
    In a provincial university town, Caro Grimstone, a dissatisfied faculty wife, becomes the unwilling accomplice to her husband Alan's ambitions. When she volunteers to read to a blind, esteemed anthropologist in a nursing home, Alan seizes the opportunity to steal his papers - research that could both advance his reputation while refuting the findings of a respected colleague. A delightful comedy of manners with a touch of mystery, An Academic Question is prime Barbara Pym territory.
  • A Glass Of Blessings Барбара Пим
    ISBN: 9780349016122
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Virago
    Wilmet Forsyth is well dressed, well looked after, suitably husbanded, good-looking and fairly young - but very bored. Her sober husband Rodney, who works at the Ministry, is slightly balder and fatter than he once was. Wilmet would like to think she has changed rather less. Her interest wanders to the nearby church, where she can neglect her comfortable household in the more serious-minded company of three unmarried priests, and, of course, Piers Longridge, a man of an unfathomably different character altogether.
  • No Fond Return Of Love Барбара Пим
    ISBN: 9780349016092
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Virago
    Dulcie Mainwaring is always helping others, but never looks out for herself - especially in the realm of love. Her friend Viola is besotted by the alluring Dr Aylwin Forbes, so surely it isn't prying if Dulcie helps things along? Aylwin, however, is smitten with Dulcie's pretty, young niece. And perhaps Dulcie herself, however ridiculous it might be, is falling, just a little, for Aylwin. Once life's little humiliations are played out, maybe love will be returned, and fondly, after all...
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