Джулия Баксбаум

Julie Buxbaum

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  • Ütle mulle kolme asja Julie Buxbaum
    Язык: Эстонский
    Mis siis, kui inimene, keda vajad k?ige rohkem, on keegi, keda sa pole veel kohanud? Jessiega on k?ik valesti. V?hemalt nii tundub talle esimesel n?dalal uues heidutavas Los Angelese Wood Valley erakoolis. Tema ema surmast on m??dunud vaevu kaks aastat, ning kuna tema isa abiellus naisega, kellega kohtus internetis, pidi Jessie kolima riigi teise otsa. Just siis, kui ta m?tleb kimada tagasi Chicagosse, saabub talle e-kiri kelleltki, kes nimetab end Keegi/Eikeegiks ja kes pakub talle abi Wood Valley keskkooli p??rasustes navigeerimisel. Kas see on pettus? L?ks? Pimedas usus – v?i t?ielikus meeleheites – hakkab Jessie KE-le lootma ja KE-st saab kiiresti tema eluliin ja l?him liitlane. Muidugi tahab Jessie KE-ga n?ost n?kku kohtuda. Aga v?ib-olla on m?ned m?istatused parem lahendamata j?tta? Mina: ?tle mulle kolm asja, mida ma sinust ei tea. Tead k?ll, peale su nime ja k?ige muu. KE: okei. (1) ma teen super?nksat sooja juustusaia. (2) aasta tagasi olin ma t?iesti teine inimene. (3) … ma ei tea. j?taks selle ?kki enda teada. Mina: Kuule! Sa j?tad k?ik enda teada. KE: (3) sa meeldid mulle. Mina: (3) Sa meeldid mulle ka. See vaimukas, romantiline ja s?damlik kaasaegne noorteromaan sobib t?iuslikult Rainbow Rowelli, Jennifer Niveni ja E. Lockharti lugejatele. Kolm asja selle raamatu kohta: (1) Ma armastan seda. (2) Ei, p?riselt, ma ARMASTAN seda. (3) Soovin, et saaksin k?skida igal teismelisel seda lugeda. –Jodi Picoult Kolm asja selle raamatu kohta: (1) See on armas ja vaimukas ja romantiline. (2) M?istatus loo keskmes hoiab sind raamatu k?ljes kinni. (3) Mul on tunne, et sul on v?ga hea meel, et seda lugesid. – Jennifer E. Smith 1. JULIE BUXBAUM on mitme eduka raamatu autor. „?tle mulle kolme asja” on tema esimene noorteromaan. 2. Ta elab Los Angeleses oma abikaasa, kahe lapse ja surematu kuldkalakesega. 3. Julie sai kunagi anon??mse e-kirja, mis inspireeris teda kirjutama Jessie lugu.
  • Три правды о себе Джулия Баксбаум
    ISBN: 978-5-17-098475-6
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: АСТ, Neoclassic
    Язык: Русский

    Прошло 733 дня, как умерла мама Джесси, 45 дней, как ее отец женился на другой, 30 дней, как им пришлось перебраться в Лос-Анджелес, и всего 7 дней, как Джесси перешла в новую частную школу. И именно тогда ей на почту приходит письмо от таинственного незнакомца. Он хочет стать ее виртуальным наставником и помочь освоиться в школе, а еще... ему действительно интересны ее мысли и переживания. Может ли она полностью доверять своему новому другу? Или это всего лишь чей-то злой розыгрыш? Очень скоро, незаметно для самой Джесси, их дружба перерастает в нечто большее. Казалось бы, пришло время узнать, кто же на самом деле скрывается под…

  • Kui s?nadest j??b puudu Джулия Баксбаум
    ISBN: 9789949664252
    Издательство: Eesti digiraamatute keskus OU
    Kaks teismelist saavad s?pradeks just siis, kui neil seda k?ige rohkem vaja on. M?nikord on uus vaatenurk k?ik, mida vajame, et maailma asjadest aru saada. KIT: Ma ei teagi tegelikult, miks ma otsustan Annie ja Violeti k?rvale mitte istuda. Koolis ei saa tegelikult keegi aru, mida ma praegu ?le elan. Kuidas nad saaksidki? Isegi mina ei saa sellest aru. DAVID: Nende 622 p?eva jooksul, mis ma olen selles koolis k?inud, on Kit Lowell esimene inimene, kes s??klas minu k?rvale istub, seega v?in seda ?igustatult s?ndmuseks nimetada. „Nii et su isa on surnud,” ?tlen ma, sest see on fakt, mille ma ?sja teada sain. Kit Lowell on oma klassi ?ks popimaid t?drukuid. David Drucker on hall kuju, keda koolis keegi t?helegi ei pane. Kui juhtub k?ige ebat?en?olisem ja need kaks s?pradeks saavad, on kogu kool rabatud, eriti ?llatunud on aga Kit ja David ise. Kit hindab k?rgelt Davidi lausa kohatut ausust, mis m?jub nii veidralt v?rskendavalt. Davidile meeldib Kiti t?helepanu ja tema uudishimulik loomus. Kui Kit palub Davidi abi, et v?lja selgitada, miks tema isa auto?nnetuses surma sai, on poiss kohe n?us. Kumbki neist ei oska aga aimatagi, kuhu see projekt v?lja viib. Kas nende s?prus on nii tugev, et t?ele vastu pidada? „V?luv, naljakas ja s?gavalt liigutav!” – Nicola Yoon, „P?ike on ju samuti t?ht” autor „Siiras ja t?eline – ma armastan seda raamatut kogu s?damest.” – Jennifer Niven, “Elu helged paigad” autor Julie Buxbaum on New York Timesi menuki, ka eesti keeles ilmunud „?tle mulle kolme asja” autor. Tema raamatuid on t?lgitud 25 keelde. Julie on ?ppinud Harvardis ?igusteadust ja tegutsenud juristina. Ta elab Los Angeleses koos abikaasa, kahe lapse ja surematu kuldkalaga. www.juliebuxbaum.com
  • Ненависть Джулия Баксбаум
    ISBN: 978-5-9910-0425-1, 978-966-343-957-0, 978-0-385-34122-6
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Книжный клуб "Клуб семейного досуга". Харьков
    Язык: Русский

    В жизни преуспевающего адвоката Эмили Пратт наступает кризис. Повинуясь какой-то странной прихоти, она разрывает отношения с любимым человеком и увольняется с работы. В довершение всего узнает, что ее дорогой дедушка находится при смерти. Она понимает, что потеряла все, и это приводит ее на грань нервного срыва. Эмили предстоит найти в своей душе и в своей памяти то, что поможет вырваться из омута отчаяния, вернуть потерянную любовь и начать все сначала…

  • Hope and Other Punchlines Джулия Баксбаум
    ISBN: 9781524766788
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Delacorte Press

    Sometimes looking to the past helps you find your future. Abbi Hope Goldstein is like every other teenager, with a few smallish exceptions: her famous alter ego, Baby Hope, is the subject of internet memes, she has asthma, and sometimes people spontaneously burst into tears when they recognize her. Abbi has lived almost her entire life in the shadow of the terrorist attacks of September 11. On that fateful day, she was captured in what became an iconic photograph: in the picture, Abbi (aka "Baby Hope") wears a birthday crown and grasps a red balloon; just behind her, the South Tower of the World Trade Center is collapsing. Now,…

  • What to Say Next Julie Buxbaum
    ISBN: 0553535684
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Delacorte Press
    Язык: Английский
    Two struggling teenagers find an unexpected connection just when they need it most.

    Sometimes a new perspective is all that is needed to make sense of the world.

    KIT: I don’t know why I decide not to sit with Annie and Violet at lunch. It feels like no one here gets what I’m going through. How could they? I don’t even understand.

    DAVID: In the 622 days I’ve attended Mapleview High, Kit Lowell is the first person to sit at my lunch table. I mean, I’ve never once sat with someone until now. “So your dad is dead,” I say to Kit, because this is a fact I’ve recently learned about her.

    When an unlikely friendship is sparked between relatively popular Kit Lowell and socially isolated David Drucker, everyone is surprised, most of all Kit and David. Kit appreciates David’s blunt honesty—in fact, she finds it bizarrely refreshing. David welcomes Kit’s attention and her inquisitive nature. When she asks for his help figuring out the how and why of her dad’s tragic car accident, David is all in. But neither of them can predict what they’ll find. Can their friendship survive the truth?
  • The opposite of love Julie Buxbaum
    Язык: Русский
    With perfect pitch for the humor and heartbreak of everyday life, Julie Buxbaum has fashioned a heroine who will be instantly recognizable to anyone who has loved and lost and loved again.

    When successful twenty-nine-year-old Manhattan attorney Emily Haxby ends her happy relationship just as her boyfriend is on the verge of proposing, she can’t explain to even her closest friends why she did it. Somewhere beneath her sense of fun, her bravado, and her independent exterior, Emily knows that her breakup with Andrew has less to do with him and more to do with...her. “You’re your own worst enemy,” her best friend Jess tells her. “It’s like you get pleasure out of breaking your own heart.”

    As the holiday season looms and Emily contemplates whether she made a huge mistake, the rest of her world begins to unravel: she is assigned to a multimillion-dollar lawsuit where she must defend the very values she detests by a boss who can’t keep his hands to himself; her Grandpa Jack, a charming, feisty octogenarian and the person she cares most about in the world, is losing it, while her emotionally distant father has left her to cope with this alone; and underneath it all, fading memories of her deceased mother continue to remind her that love doesn’t last forever.

    How this brave, original young heroine finally decides to take control of her life and face the fears that have long haunted her is the great achievement of Julie Buxbaum’s marvelous first novel. Written with the authority, grace, and wisdom of an author far beyond her years, The Opposite of Love heralds the debut of a remarkable talent in contemporary fiction.