Саймон Синек

Simon Oliver Sinek

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Саймон Синек — библиография

  • Start With Why Саймон Синек
    Дата написания: 2023
    Discover your purpose with one simple question: why?
    Why are some people more inventive, pioneering and successful than others?
    And why are they able to repeat their success again and again?
    Because it doesn't matter what you do, it matters WHY you do it.
    Those who have had the greatest influence in the world all think, act, and communicate in the same way - and it's the opposite to most. In Start with Why, Simon Sinek uncovers the fundamental secret of their success - understanding their WHY - to help you find your own.
    How you lead, inspire, live, it all starts with why.
  • Liderlər ən sonda yeyirlər Саймон Синек
    Bu kitabınn qələmə alınmasının səbəbi ABŞ dəniz piyadaları generalının m?əllifə dediyi və ilk baxışda olduqca sadə g?r?nən “liderlər ən sonda yeməlidir” – qənaətidir. Bu davranışın s?ykəndiyi əsas prinsip başqalarının mənafeyini daim şəxsi marağından yuxarı tutmağı bacarmaqdır. Məhz belə olan təqdirdə həmin şirkət, m?əssisə, yaxud idarə uğur qazanacaq. Şirkətlərin, d?vlətlərin, cəmiyyətlərin və ən sonda d?nyanın daha yaxşı bir yer olması ???n liderliyin m?tləq şərt olmasını m?dafiə edən yazı?ı, kitabda eyni zamanda maraqlı məlumatlar, misallar, izahlar və təkliflər irəli s?r?r.
  • Infinite Game. How Great Businesses Achieve Long Саймон Синек
    Дата написания: 2020
    New York Times Bestseller
    The New York Times-bestselling author of Start With Why, Leaders Eat Last, and Together Is Better offers a bold new approach to business strategy by asking one question: are you playing the finite game or the infinite game?
    In The Infinite Game, Sinek applies game theory to explore how great businesses achieve long-lasting success. He finds that building long-term value and healthy, enduring growth - that playing the infinite game - is the only thing that matters to your business.
  • Leaders Eat Last Саймон Синек
    Дата написания: 2022
    The highly anticipated follow up to Simon Sinek's global bestseller Start with Why
    Imagine a world where almost everyone wakes up inspired to go to work. This is not a crazy, idealised notion. In many successful organisations, great leaders are creating environments in which teams trust each other so deeply that they would put their lives on the line for each other.
    Yet other teams, no matter what incentives were offered, are doomed to infighting, fragmentation and failure. Why?
    Today's workplaces tend to be full of cynicism, paranoia and self-interest. But the best organisations foster trust and cooperation because their leaders build what Sinek calls a Circle of Safety. It separates the security inside the team from the challenges outside. Everyone feels they belong and all energies are devoted to facing the common enemy and seizing big opportunities.
    As in Start with Why, Sinek illustrates his ideas with fascinating true stories, from the military to manufacturing, from government to investment banking. He shows that leaders who are willing to eat last are rewarded with deeply loyal colleagues who will stop at nothing to advance their vision. It's amazing how well it works.
  • Найди свое «Почему?». Практическое руководство по поиску цели Саймон Синек
    Оригинальное название: Find Your Why : A Practical Guide for Discovering Purpose for You and Your Team
    Перевод: Диана Шалаева
    Язык: Русский