Lawrence G. McMillan
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Lawrence G. McMillan – лучшие книги

  • McMillan on Options Lawrence G. McMillan
    ISBN: 978-0-471-67875-5
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Ltd
    Язык: Русский
    Larry McMillan's name is virtually synonymous with options. This "Trader's Hall of Fame" recipient first shared his personal options strategies and techniques in the original McMillan on Options. Now, in a revised and Second Edition, this indispensable guide to the world of options addresses a myriad of new techniques and methods needed for profiting consistently in today's fast-paced investment arena. This thoroughly new Second Edition features updates in almost every chapter as well as enhanced coverage of many new and increasingly popular products. It also offers McMillan's personal philosophy on options, and reveals many of his previously unpublished personal insights. Readers will soon discover why Yale Hirsch of the Stock Trader's Almanac says, "McMillan is an options guru par excellence."
  • Profit with Options: Essential Methods for Investing Success Lawrence G. McMillan
    ISBN: 0471225312
    Язык: Русский
    "McMillan is the top name in options education, bar none." ?Paul Stevens, President, Options Clearing Corp. and The Options Industry Council "Larry wrote the book we built an industry on," notes Ned W. Bennett, CEO of
  • Options as a Strategic Investment Lawrence G. McMillan
    ISBN: 978-0735204652
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Prentice Hall Press
    The market in listed options and non-equity option products provides investors and traders with a wealth of new, strategic opportunities for managing their investments. This updated and revised Fifth Edition of the bestselling Options as a Strategic Investment gives you the latest market-tested tools for improving the earnings potential of your portfolio while reducing downside risk—no matter how the market is performing.

    Inside this revised edition are scores of proven techniques and business-tested tactics for investing in many of the innovative new options products available. You will find:

    •Buy and sell strategies for Long Term Equity Anticipation Securities (LEAPS)
    •A thorough analysis of neutral trading, how it works, and various ways it can improve readers’ overall profit picture
    •Detailed guidance for investing in Preferred Equity Redemption Cumulative Stocks (PERCS) and how to hedge them with common and regular options
    •An extensive overview of futures and futures options

    Written especially for investors who have some familiarity with the option market, this comprehensive reference also shows you the concepts and applications of various option strategies -- how they work, in which situations, and why; techniques for using index options and futures to protect one’s portfolio and improve one’s return; and the implications of the tax laws for option writers, including allowable long-term gains and losses. Detailed examples, exhibits, and checklists show you the power of each strategy under carefully described market conditions.
  • New Insights on Covered Call Writing: The Powerful Technique That Enhances Return and Lowers Risk in Stock Investing Richard Lehman
    ISBN: 1576601331
    Язык: Русский
    For good reason, investors feel whiplashed by the markets of the past few years and are looking for sensible ways to bridge the gap between the consistency of fixed-return instruments and the upside potential of equities. New Insights on