maroon_victorovich 24 сентября 2016 г., 22:35 Пожаловаться There was another way to look at it. You had always heard that crazy people think themselves sane. Does it follow then that if you think you are crazy, you are sane? The Snake Pit Mary Jane Ward 5,0
maroon_victorovich 24 сентября 2016 г., 22:41 Пожаловаться Long ago they lowered insane persons into snake pits; they thought that an experience that might drive a sane person out of his wits might send an insane person back into sanity. The Snake Pit Mary Jane Ward 5,0
maroon_victorovich 24 сентября 2016 г., 22:39 Пожаловаться Here in this bare dormitory that had no door, here on the narrow cot, clothed in a numbered nightgown, she lay with women who were insane and she was one of them. The Snake Pit Mary Jane Ward 5,0