Питтакус Лор – лучшие книги
- 41 произведение
- 60 изданий на 3 языках
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Я - четвертый Питтакус Лор
ISBN: 978-5-17-083105-0 Год издания: 2014 Издательство: АСТ Язык: Русский 15-летний Джон Смит приезжает в штат Огайо - это его очередная остановка в череде маленьких городков, где он уже 10 лет прячется от могадорцев - пришельцев, намеренных уничтожить его и других девятерых пришельцев с разрушенной планеты Лориен, которые нашли убежище на Земле. Трое уже мертвы. Джон - четвертый. Сможет ли его Наследие помочь в борьбе с врагами?
Сила шестой Питтакус Лор
ISBN: 978-5-17-083106-7 Год издания: 2014 Издательство: АСТ Язык: Русский После гибели далекой планеты Лориен на Землю был отправлен космический корабль с десятью детьми и их наставниками, которым предстояло много лет скрываться от своих врагов, могадорцев, чтобы когда-нибудь вернуться на Лориен и восстановить планету.
После первого открытого столкновения с могадорцами на Земле, в котором погибает его наставник, Джон Смит решает найти остальных посланников Лориен, чтобы объединиться и вместе победить зло. Однако это оказывается не так просто: за ним по пятам следуют могадорцы, он в федеральном розыске, а единственный близкий человек неожиданно предает его. -
Восстание Девятого Питтакус Лор
ISBN: 978-5-17-088364-6 Год издания: 2015 Издательство: АСТ Язык: Русский Могадорцы - пришельцы, уничтожившие планету Лориен, - продолжают охоту на тех, кто выжил. Их было девять. Сейчас их всего шесть. И они обязаны держаться вместе. Потому что они - последняя надежда Земли. Джону удалось найти Девятого. Теперь им предстоит объединиться с остальными, иначе конца не миновать. И только сила чисел способна всех спасти.
The Fall of Five Pittacus Lore
ISBN: 978-0-141-04787-4 Год издания: 2016 Издательство: Penguin Books Ltd. Язык: Английский I thought things would change when I found the others. We would stop running. We would fight the Mogadorians. And we would win! But I was wrong. Though we came together, we barely escaped with our lives. And now we hide. The six of us are powerful - but not strong enough to take on an army. We haven't discovered our full Legacies. We haven't learned to work together. And time is running out, because we need to find Number Five before they do. This battle is far from over .
The Revenge of Seven Питтакус Лор
ISBN: 978-0-718-17836-9 Год издания: 2014 Издательство: Michael Joseph Язык: Английский THE REVENGE OF SEVEN is the heart stopping fifth installment in the Lorien Legacies series by Pittacus Lore. The worst was supposed to be over. We were reunited after a decade apart. We were discovering the truth about our past. We were training and getting stronger every day. We were even happy... We never imagined the Mogadorians could turn one of our own against us. We were fools for trusting Five. And now Eight is lost forever. I would do anything to bring him back, but that's impossible. Instead, I will do whatever it takes to destroy every last one of them. I've spent my entire life hiding from them, and they've stolen everything away from me. But that stops now. We're going to take the battle to them. We have a new ally who knows their weaknesses. And I finally have the power to fight back. They caught Number One in Malaysia. Number Two in England. Number Three in Kenya. And Number Eight in Florida. They killed them all. I am Number Seven. I will make them pay. -
I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: Six's Legacy Pittacus Lore
ISBN: 9780062109378 Год издания: 2011 Издательство: Harper Язык: Английский Number Six—when John meets her in I Am Number Four she’s strong, powerful, and ready to fight. But who is she? Where has she been living? How has she been training? When did she develop her legacies? And how does she know so much about the Mogadorians? In I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: Six’s Legacy, discover the story behind Six. Before Paradise, Ohio, before John Smith, Six was traveling through West Texas with her Cêpan, Katarina. What happened there would change Six forever….
I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: Nine's Legacy Pittacus Lore
ISBN: 9780062194787 Год издания: 2012 Издательство: Harper Язык: Английский Number Nine—when John frees him from his cell in the Power of Xix, he's ferocious, reckless, and ready to fight back. But being held captive changes a person—even a Lorien. See what Nine was like before his capture, and read about his dramatic escape from his point of view. In I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: Nine's Legacy: Nine's legacy, discover the story behind Nine. Before meeting John Smith, aka Number Four, before being held prisoner, Nine was hunting down Mogadorians in Chicago with his Cepan, Sandor. What happened there would change Nine forever. . . .
I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: The Fallen Legacies Pittacus Lore
ISBN: 9780062194794 Год издания: 2012 Издательство: Harper Язык: Английский Before Number Four, there were One, Two, and Three. Until now we've only known that the Mogadorians caught Number One in Malaysia. Number Two in England. And Number Three in Kenya. But all of that is about to change. . . . In I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: The Fallen Legacies, you'll learn the true story behind these ill-fated members of the Garde. Before they were murdered by the Mogadorians, before Number Four was next, they were all just kids on an alien planet called Earth—discovering their powers, trying to stay hidden, and running for their lives.
I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: The Search for Sam Pittacus Lore
ISBN: 9780062218773 Год издания: 2012 Издательство: Harper Язык: Английский In this heart-racing 144-page companion novella to the New York Times bestselling I Am Number Four series, discover what happened to Malcolm Goode—the one human on Earth who can help the Garde learn the truth about their past and help them save our planet.
No one has seen Sam Goode's father, Malcolm, since he mysteriously disappeared years ago. Sam had always fantasized that he was abducted by aliens. But that was before he knew the truth: aliens do exist, and some of them seek to destroy our world. That was before he himself became another one of their captives. Now father and son are both missing. . . .
But when a rogue Mogadorian named Adam, who now has Number One's memories, decides the only way to make up for his past atrocities is to return home and infiltrate the Mogadorian stronghold, he'll find the key to saving both Sam and Malcolm's life. -
The Fate of Ten Pittacus Lore
ISBN: 9780062194756 Год издания: 2015 Издательство: HarperCollins Язык: Английский The sixth and penultimate book in the New York Times bestselling I Am Number Four series! For years the Garde have fought the Mogadorians in secret. Now all of that has changed. The invasion has begun. John is on the front lines of the fight in New York City. And just as the odds seem stacked against him, his best friend, Sam, a human, inexplicably develops a Legacy - and Sam isn't the only one.
While the pair try to track down Five and Nine amid the chaos, they encounter another teen who can wield abilities that were once only meant for the Garde. Whether she is a friend or a foe, however, remains to be seen.
Meanwhile, Six, Marina, and Adam are trapped in Mexico. They fought their way into the Sanctuary and were able to awaken the power hidden within, but their preceding battle has left them without any way to reach the others. The Mogs are returning in full force, and it will take a miracle to escape.
The Garde are stretched thin, fighting this war on many fronts. The only chance they have is to take out the Mogadorian leader once and for all - but his fate is now irrevocably tied with Ella's. They can't destroy one without the other. But if the Garde can't find another way to stop the Mogs, humanity will suffer the same fate as the Loric: annihilation. -
I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: The Last Days of Lorien Pittacus Lore
ISBN: 9780062218780 Год издания: 2013 Издательство: Harper Язык: Английский Discover what really happened in the final days of the doomed planet from the eyes of Sandor—who would go on to become the reluctant Cêpan to Number Nine. Before Number Four and the others arrived on Earth, they lived on the planet Lorien. A planet filled with others who also had extraordinary abilities. A peaceful planet––until the day the Mogadorians attacked, and nearly annihilated, the Loric people. Only a handful of Loric survived the battle. This is Sandor’s story. Sandor was tired of being a teenager, tired of going to school and obeying his teachers and playing by his parents' rules. He enjoyed breaking the rules rather…
United As One Pittacus Lore
ISBN: 9780062387653 Год издания: 2016 Издательство: HarperCollins Язык: Английский The Mogadorian invasion has come to Earth, and they have all but won the battle for our planet. Their warships loom over our most populous cities - like New York City, Tokyo, Moscow, Beijing, and New Delhi - and no army will risk making a move against them. The Garde are all that stand in their way . . . but they are no longer alone in this fight. Human teens from across the globe, like John Smith's best friend, Sam Goode, have begun to develop Legacies of their own.
The Garde have always known there is power in numbers. If they can find these new allies and join forces with them, they just might be able to win this war. The time has come for the Garde to make their final stand. -
The Forgotten Ones Pittacus Lore
ISBN: 9780062218797 Год издания: 2013 Издательство: Harper Язык: Английский In this thrilling companion novella to the New York Times bestselling I Am Number Four series, learn the fate of Adam—the Mogadorian-turned-ally of the Garde who risked his life to save Sam. Adam helped Sam Goode and his father Malcolm escape the Mogadorian base in Dulce, New Mexico. Using the Legacy that One bestowed upon him, he sacrificed himself and brought the entire facility crumbling down on his head. Miraculously, Adam survives in one piece, and he also discovers something incredible that the Mogadorians had been hiding from the Garde. Separated from his allies, Adam sets out on a quest to find the one thing the Garde have…
I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: Return to Paradise Pittacus Lore
ISBN: 9780062287663 Год издания: 2014 Издательство: HarperCollins Язык: Английский In this thrilling one-hundred-page prequel companion novella to the New York Times bestselling I Am Number Four series, discover what happened in the aftermath of the Mogadorians' attack on Paradise, Ohio, from Mark James—Number Four's bully-turned-ally.
After Four leaves town to find the rest of the Garde, Mark is left behind to pick up the pieces. His school has been destroyed, his home burned down, and, worst yet, Mark now knows the horrifying truth: aliens live among us and some of them seek to destroy us. Even with the FBI tailing him and Sarah Hart, Mark tries to return to a normal life. But when Sarah goes missing, he knows he can no longer sit back and do nothing. His quest to find her will lead him to new allies and a startling revelation about the Mogadorians' plan for invasion. -
Пропущенные материалы: История Восьмого Питтакус Лор
Язык: Русский «История Восьмого» — бонус-рассказ к серии «Пропущенные материалы / The Lost Files», опубликован в августе 2012 на англоязычном фан-сайте, ссылка на рассказ имеется на официальном сайте «The Lorien Legacies».
«История Восьмого» — небольшая предыстория к роману «Восстание девяти» (Rise of Nine), позволяющая украдкой заглянуть в прошлое Восьмого.
I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: Five's Legacy Pittacus Lore
ISBN: 9780062287656 Год издания: 2014 Издательство: Harper Язык: Английский In this exciting seventy-five-page prequel companion novella to the New York Times bestselling I Am Number Four series, discover the true origins of the traitorous Number Five. Before allying himself with the Mogadorians, before infiltrating the Garde, before committing the ultimate betrayal, Five was in hiding just like the others. But when his Cêpan dies, Five is forced to survive on his own. Eager to finally experience the world he was always kept apart from, Five soon gets involved with the wrong kind of people—the Mogadorians. In Five's Legacy see how one of Lorien's last hopes for survival became one of its most dangerous adversaries.
Пропущенные материалы: Беглец Питтакус Лор
Язык: Русский Перевод: mih, Nuraishat
Это продолжение истории о Марке Джеймсе, начатой в «Возвращении в Парадайз».
Марк отправляется в Нью-Мексико на базу в Далсе, стараясь избежать поимки как могами, так и ФБР. По пути, его новый таинственный союзник (знакомый блоггер с сайта «Они Ходят Среди Нас», которого Марк знает только под псевдонимом СТРАЖ) посылает ему специальную посылку, которая поможет ему в поисках Сары. Внутри лежат пачка наличных, высоко-технологичное оборудование, и кое-какое продвинутое вооружение, из-за чего Марк опять начинает задаваться вопросом: «Да кто же это такой?». Пока Марк выясняет, где находится Сара, он так же ближе подбирается…
Lorien Legacies: The Lost Files: The Navigator Pittacus Lore
ISBN: 9780062364012 Год издания: 2015 Издательство: Harper Язык: Английский In this astonishing one-hundred-page companion novella to the New York Times bestselling I Am Number Four series, meet Lexa, a Loric hacker whose unrivaled skills helped her narrowly escape her doomed planet, and who's been hiding on Earth ever since.
Lexa was never part of the Elders' plan. She had no idea the Garde children were being evacuated to our planet. But when the Mogadorian attack began, she used her expertise to get an old spaceship in a museum operational once more and became irrevocably entwined with the Garde's fate. In addition to her friend, a pack of Chimæra, and a Cêpan named Crayton, her relic of a ship also carried Ella, the tenth Garde.
With all of their Cêpans now gone, the Garde think they are the last of the Loric people. But they are wrong. They have forgotten all about the crew that brought them to Earth. Where have the pilots for both ships been all these years? And why haven't they joined in the fight against the Mogs? In The Navigator, discover the truth behind their escape from Lorien and what happened to them after they arrived on our planet. -
I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: Five's Betrayal Pittacus Lore
ISBN: 9780062287670 Год издания: 2014 Издательство: Harper Язык: Английский In this explosive one-hundred-page prequel companion novella to the New York Times bestselling I Am Number Four series, uncover the truth behind Number Five's unknown history with the Mogadorians.
This sequel to I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: Five's Legacy finds Number Five entering the ranks of the Mogadorian army. The Mogs have convinced him that they will be the victor in their war for Earth, and Five decides he would rather be on the winning side. Realizing that the only thing that matters is his survival, Five allies himself with the sworn enemies of the Lorien and pledges to help the Mogs take down the very people he was meant to protect. Is he too far gone to be saved? Discover how Five became one of Earth's and Lorien's most dangerous adversaries and decide for yourself. -
Пропущенные материалы: Дневник Сэма Питтакус Лор
Язык: Русский Несколько записей из дневника Сэма Гуда, сделанных им еще до встречи с Джоном Смитом.