Александра Поттер

Alexandra Potter

  • 22 книги
  • 3 подписчика
  • 441 читатель
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Лучшие книги Александры Поттер

  • Мечтай осторожнее Александра Поттер
    ISBN: 978-5-389-04017-5
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Иностранка
    Язык: Русский

    Александра Поттер родилась в Брэдфорде, графство Йоркшир. Изучала английскую литературу и киноискусство в Ливерпульском университете. После окончания университета переехала в Лондон и начала сотрудничать с журналами ELLE, Company, She, Red, More!, Here и Cosmopolitan. Потом последовал переезд в Австралию и работа в Vogue и Cleo. В настоящий момент она полностью увлечена ли- тературным творчеством в самом подходящем для этого занятия районе Лондона – Ноттинг-Хилл. Роман Александры Поттер созвучен комедиям Софи Кинселлы, он такой же легкий и остроумный, а героиня – словно родная сестричка знаменитой шопоголички Бекки Блумвуд. Цыганка…

  • Что нового, киска? Александра Поттер
    ISBN: 5-04-010462-6, 1/1/2002 г.
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: Эксмо-Пресс
    Язык: Русский
    Если бы не случайное знакомство с неотразимым столичным красавцем Чарли Мендесом, жизнь Дилайлы Холдсворт, скучная и однообразная, так и текла бы дальше. Но встреча с Прекрасным Принцем так потрясла молодую провинциалку, что она в один момент собрала свои нехитрые пожитки и распрощалась с прежней жизнью. С визитной карточкой Чарли в сумочке и любимой собакой под мышкой она двинулась покорять Лондон... или Чарли. Мечты сбылись, но совсем не так, как загадывала Дилайла.
  • Жизнь экспромтом Александра Поттер
    ISBN: 5-353-01671-8
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Росмэн-Пресс, Москва Росмэн
    Язык: Русский

    Главная героиня романа Фрэнки менее чем за неделю теряет все: хорошую работу, милую квартирку в престижном районе Лондона и обожаемого жениха, с которым надеялась вскоре пойти под венец. Из любимой, преуспевающей женщины она внезапно превращается в рядовую неудачницу почти без гроша в кармане. От отчаяния Фрэнки решается на нетривиальный поступок: собирает вещички и улетает к своей приятельнице в Лос-Анджелес. Это история о том, какие подарки преподносит жизнь, если ее не бояться и ей доверять, - одним словом, если жить экспромтом.

  • Confessions of a Forty Something F*** Up Александра Поттер
    ISBN: 9781529022803
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Pan

    The funniest WTF AM I DOING?! novel of the year, now in paperback "The new Bridget Jones for our Covid-ridden times" - Telegraph Nell Stevens’ life is a mess. When her business goes bust and her fiancé with it, Nell’s happy ever after in California falls apart and she moves back to London to start over. But a lot has changed since she’s been gone. All her single friends are now married with children, sky-high rents force her to rent a room in a stranger’s house, and in a world of perfect Instagram lives, she feels like a f*ck up. Even worse, a forty-something f*ck-up. But when she lands a job writing obituaries, Nell meets the…

  • Me and Mr Darcy Alexandra Potter
    ISBN: 978 0 340 84113 6
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Hodder
    Язык: Английский

    She'd rather curl up with Pride and Prejudice and step into a time where men were honourable and strode across fields in breeches, their damp shirts clinging to their chests. The men she meets are more into pleated trousers, two-timing and internet porn. So when her best friend invites her to Mexico for a week of margaritas and manhunting, Emily books a guided tour of Jane Austen country instead. There are no dream men here. The coach is full of pensioners, apart from one Spike Hargreaves, a foul-tempered journalist writing a piece on why most women would love to date Mr Darcy. But then she walks into a room and finds herself…

  • Who's That Girl? Alexandra Potter
    ISBN: 9780340954119
    Издательство: Hodder
    If only you knew then what you know now...

    Imagine if you could meet your 21-year-old self - would you recognise her? And what advice would you give?

    Wear sunscreen!
    Back away from those PVC trousers?
    DON'T give that idiot your phone number?
    Lemon juice won't bleach your hair - it just attracts wasps...

    For Charlotte Merryweather, there's no need to imagine. She's about to find out for real. With surprising consequences...

    Alexandra Potter's deliciously funny and enchanting tale looks at life, love and what might happen if you could turn back time.

    Sharply written, pacey and funny...pure self-indulgence'


    'Feel-good fiction full of unexpected twists and turns'


    'Nobody does it quite like Alexandra Potter'

    Daily Mirror

    'A touching, funny love-story'


    'Always perceptive, often funny, never dull'


    'The perfect reading romcom'

    Daily Mail on ME AND MR DARCY

    'Fantastically funny'

    Elle on ME AND MR DARCY

    'Delicious feel-good fiction . . . delightfully funny, pacy and touching - everything chick- lit should be.'

    News of the World on WHO'S THAT GIRL?

    'A fun, feel-good novel . . . an escapist treat'

    Sainbury's magazine on WHO'S THAT GIRL?

    'Warm, funny and hope for us all that there are such things as second chances'

    Company on WHO'S THAT GIRL?

    'A quirky, hilarious read, sure to get you in touch with your younger self'

    Candis on WHO'S THAT GIRL?

    'This feel-good novel is a Sliding Doors-style romance'

    Glamour on WHO'S THAT GIRL
  • Love from Paris Alexandra Potter
    Язык: Английский
    How far would you go for love?
    When new boyfriend Jack stands her up at the airport, Ruby Miller dries her tears, jumps on the Eurostar and heads to Paris. She thinks she's going there to visit an old friend and have a total break from romance. But the City of Love has other ideas.
    A locked apartment where time has stood still, a bundle of long-lost love letters and a flirtatious French lawyer sweep Ruby into a mystery that spans over seventy years. Who is the author of the letters? Why did the owner of the apartment close up the shutters and flee Paris before the war, never to return? And what secret was she hiding?
    As the mystery deepens, Ruby turns love detective but it's not long before the ghosts of the past throw her own love affair into jeopardy. From the bestselling author of Me and Mr Darcy, this magical romantic comedy is for every girl who has ever dreamed of the glittering lights of Paris and of a love that last a lifetime . . .
  • Do You Come Here Often? Александра Поттер
    ISBN: 978-0-340-99382-8
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Hodder
    See the happy bride-to-be!
    Grace Fairley lives in South West London with her fiancé, Spencer, a divorce lawyer. They've been engaged for two years and still haven't set a date, a fact that has started to irk Grace no end. In fact, things just haven't been feeling right at all lately, and aren't they supposed to when you're with Mr. Right? Then Spencer goes and makes a fool of himself -- yet again -- on Grace's birthday, and she ends up walking to a taxi company to get a lift home. Alone.
    See the guy who dumped her thirteen years ago!
    Jimi Malik, a half-Indian, half-Irish writer and ladies man who lives in North West London, has surprised everyone -- himself included -- by deciding to settle down with Kylie, a twenty-one-year-old model from Canada. But when he bows out of his own stag night and goes to catch a cab home, he bumps into Grace Fairley and the past comes rushing back. Like the way they couldn't stand each other. And how their high school hair-pulling routine eventually turned into friendship, then something more. And how he never called again. She's still furious at him and he's still hot for her. But what's the harm in sharing a cab? After all, they're both getting married...Right?
  • Be Careful What You Wish for Александра Поттер
    ISBN: 978-0-340-84112-9
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Hodder
    Язык: Русский
    Heather Hamilton is always wishing for things. Not just big stuff- like world peace, or that Brad Pitt wants her as his next leading lady - but little, everyday wishes made without thinking. With her luck, she knows they'll never come true...
    Until one day she buys some heather from a gypsy Suddenly the bad hair days stop. A handsome American answers her ad for a housemate. She starts seeing James - The Perfect Man who sends her flowers, excels in the bedroom, and isn't afraid to say 'I love you.
    But are these wishes-come-true a blessing or a curse? Does getting what you want make you happy? And is there such a thing as too much foreplay?

    Формат: 13 см x 19,5 см.
  • More Confessions of a Forty-Something F**k Up Александра Поттер
    ISBN: 9781529098815
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Macmillan
    There is no magical land you finally arrive at where everything is figured out, fixed and sorted. Life, like us, is a sum of moving parts, and if we’re lucky, we get to keep f**king up, figuring it out and laughing in the face of it all.
    Nell’s back. Her life still isn’t going to plan. And she’s still asking the big questions and getting none of the answers. Like, for example:
    1. Why is falling in love so easy, but staying in love so hard?
    2. What do you do when your friendships are put to the ultimate test?
    3. Can we ever really live in the moment and leave the past behind?
    4. When everything goes tits up, do you fall apart or jump on a plane to LA with Cricket (an eighty-something widow and your BFF)?
    5. And when all else fails, will celebrity-scented candles, smashed avocados and Instagram filters save us?*
    In this hilarious, un-put-downable follow-up to the bestselling Confessions of a Forty-Something F##k Up, now the basis for the major TV series, Not Dead Yet, there are laugh-out-loud lessons to be learned, truths to be told, adventures to go on and joys to discover.
    But first, Nell has some more confessions . . .
    *#onlyjoking #sortof #LOL
  • Lieber mit dem Kopf durch die Wand als gar kein Durchblick Александра Поттер
    ISBN: 9783492062275
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Piper
    Mit Herz, Humor und Hund
    Nach ihrer Scheidung braucht Liv dringend einen Tapetenwechsel und zieht in ein verschlafenes Dorfchen in Yorkshire. Gegen ihre Einsamkeit will sie im Tierheim einen Welpen adoptieren. Doch ihr Blick fallt auf einen betagten Hund mit angegrauter Schnauze: Er sieht so verlassen aus, wie sie sich fuhlt – sie sind fureinander bestimmt.
    Adoptivhund Harry und Liv erkunden nun gemeinsam die Nachbarschaft: Da ist Valentin, ein alter, einsamer Mann, der stumm am Fenster sitzt. Stanley, der Autismus hat und sich hinter dem Gartentor versteckt. Teenager Maya, die auf alles und jeden wutend ist. Doch mit Harrys Ankunft beginnen die Dinge, sich zu andern. Die Dorfgemeinschaft wachst wieder zusammen. Und auch Liv traut sich, ihr Herz wieder zu offnen …
  • Je größer der Dachschaden, desto besser die Aussicht Александра Поттер
    ISBN: 9783492318198
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Piper
    Das Leben lauft, wohin es will - Chaotisch, imperfekt und einfach gro?artig: eine charmante Liebeserklarung an das Leben uber 40
    Irgendwie hatte Nell sich das anders vorgestellt mit dem Leben. Anfang 40 klang nach liebevollem Ehemann, wunderbaren Kindern und einem fantastischen Zuhause. Stattdessen ist der Verlobte weg, das Geschaft ist pleite und die Ersparnisse sind dahin, wahrend all ihre Freunde die perfekte Hochglanzexistenz fuhren.
    Als ein alter Arbeitskollege ihr einen Job als Nachrufschreiberin verschafft, lernt sie die unkonventionelle und lebenslustige Witwe Cricket kennen. Die ungleichen Freundinnen helfen sich gegenseitig, mit dem Abschied von ihrem alten Lebens fertig zu werden. Begleitet von Artus, einem riesigen Fellknauel von Hund, geht Nell endlich ganz eigene Wege. Und trifft unterwegs einen Mann zum Verlieben, wo sie ihn nie vermutet hatte …
  • One Good Thing Александра Поттер
    ISBN: 9781529022858
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Macmillan
    In life, nothing is certain. Just when you think you have it all figured out, something can happen to change the course of everything . . .
    Liv Brooks is still in shock. Newly-divorced and facing an uncertain future, she impulsively swaps her London Life for the sweeping hills of the Yorkshire Dales, determined to make a fresh start. But fresh starts are harder than they look and feeling lost and lonely she decides to adopt Harry, an old dog from the local shelter, to keep her company.
    But Liv soon discovers she isn't the only one in need of a new beginning. On their daily walks around the village, they meet Valentine, an old man who suffers from loneliness who sits by the window and Stanley, a little boy who is scared of everyone, hides behind the garden gate and Maya, a teenager who is angry at everyone and everything. But slowly things start to change...
    Utterly relatable, hilarious and heart-breakingly honest, this is a novel about friendship, finding happiness and living the life unexpected. And how when everything falls apart, all you need is one good thing to turn your life around and make it worth living again.
  • Love from Paris Александра Поттер
    ISBN: 9781444712179
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Hodder & Stoughton
    How far would you go for love?
    When new boyfriend Jack stands her up at the airport, Ruby Miller dries her tears, jumps on the Eurostar and heads to Paris. She thinks she's going there to visit an old friend and have a total break from romance. But the City of Love has other ideas.
    A locked apartment where time has stood still, a bundle of long-lost love letters and a flirtatious French lawyer sweep Ruby into a mystery that spans over seventy years. Who is the author of the letters? Why did the owner of the apartment close up the shutters and flee Paris before the war, never to return? And what secret was she hiding?
    As the mystery deepens, Ruby turns love detective but it's not long before the ghosts of the past throw her own love affair into jeopardy.
    From the bestselling author of Me and Mr Darcy, this magical romantic comedy is for every girl who has ever dreamed of the glittering lights of Paris and of a love that last a lifetime…
  • The Love Detective Александра Поттер
    ISBN: 978-1-444-78747-4
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Hodder
    Язык: Русский
    "In a way, I'm a bit of a love detective. Because what's a greater mystery than love?" Meet Ruby Miller. A writer who makes happy-ever-afters happen. Until she discovers her fiance is a lying cheat and loses her faith in love. So when her sister invites her on a beach holiday to Goa to forget about him, Ruby jumps on a plane ...and into an extraordinary adventure. Stolen bags, a runaway sister and a handsome American stranger sweep Ruby into a magical mystery tour across India. Amid fortresses and fortune tellers, and a whirlwind of weddings, she uncovers fascinating stories of love, lost and found. But as the mysteries deepen, secrets are revealed that turn Ruby's life upside down. And what started as a journey to find her sister, becomes a journey to find herself - and love - again.
  • Going La La Александра Поттер
    ISBN: 978-0-340-99384-2
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Hodder
    What do you when your boyfriend tells you he wants space? You give him six thousand miles of it... Frankie's life is falling apart. In less than a week she's gone from having everything - a great job, lovely flat and gorgeous Hugh - to having nothing at all. Devastated, dumped and on the dole, she packs her bags and flies to Los Angeles to stay with an old friend. Her goal? To sort out her life and get over Hugh. She does not, repeat not, go to LA to fall head over heels for an American photographer called Reilly and to run away to Las Vegas. But what happens when Hugh wants her back? Who will she choose? And is it really true that whatever happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas? Alexandra Potter's deliciously funny romantic comedy is for every girl who has ever dreamt of running away to Hollywood... or just wished she could reach for the stars.
  • Don 't You Forget About Me Александра Поттер
    ISBN: 978-1-444-71211-7
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Hodder
    Язык: Русский
    But what if one of those wishes came true?
    Tess is heartbroken when Seb breaks up with her and can't help blaming herself. If only she'd done things differently. If only she could make right all her regrets... But she can't. It's over. She has to forget about him. Drunk and upset on New Year's Eve. she wishes she'd never met him.
    But when she wakes up to discover this dream has come true, she realises she has a chance. To do it all over again. And, this time, to get it right...
    From the best selling author of Me and Mr Darcy this funny, magical love story is for every girl who has loved, lost and dreamt of getting her man back.
  • Do You Come Here Often? Александра Поттер
    ISBN: 9780340919644
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Hodder & Stoughton
    What becomes of the broken-hearted?
    Grace was just a teenager when Jimi broke her heart. But now she's moved on and is happy with her perfect fiance Spencer. Even if it s been a while since he mentioned actually getting married.
    You give love a bad name...
    Meanwhile Jimi's own wedding day is just around the corner. He's certain he's found the one. Or has he? Because when he bumps into Grace again, something suddenly doesn t feel right.
    More than a feeling?
    It looks like there might be something wonderful between them. But is it really worth risking everything for?
    One thing is for sure - as the radio plays its late-night love songs, one girl is about to find out that the best lines can actually be the ones you write yourself...