Сьюзен Фокс

Susan Fox

  • 14 книг
  • 19 читателей
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Сьюзен Фокс – лучшие книги

  • Ключ к твоему сердцу Сьюзен Фокс
    ISBN: 5-05-006319-1
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Радуга
    Язык: Русский
    Богатый и красивый Хойт Донован покорил сердце Эдит еще пять лет назад. Именно столько она работает у него, с грустью отмечая, сколько женщин он сменил за это время. И разве такой плейбой обратит внимание на нее, скромную, ничем не примечательную девушку?
  • Оставим прошлое памяти Сьюзен Фокс
    ISBN: 5-05-005916-X, 0-263-82608-2
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Радуга
    Язык: Русский
    Коллин Джеймс едет на ранчо Кейда Чалммерса, который заботиться о ее племянниках. Если бы она только знала, чем закончится для нее эта поездка.
  • В небесах принимают решение Сьюзен Фокс
    ISBN: 5-05-004919-9
    Год издания: 2000
    Издательство: Радуга
    Язык: Русский
    Девушка из богатой нью-йоркской семьи оправляется в Техас по поручению властной бабушки, чтобы расстроить помолвку своенравной младшей сестры. Ей это удаётся - и не только это...
  • Тайная страсть Сьюзен Фокс
    ISBN: 5-05-004841-9
    Год издания: 1999
    Издательство: Радуга
    Язык: Русский
    Рио Кори, выросшая в доме Сэма Лэнгтри, с детских лет знала, что он любит ее как родную дочь. Рио платила ему такой же привязанностью, и все было бы бы хорошо, если бы Рио не питала тайную страсть к сыну Сэма – Кейну. А когда выяснилось, что Кейна также неодолимо влечет к ней, на пути у влюбленных встали новые преграды.
  • Воспитание чувств Сьюзен Фокс
    ISBN: 5-05-005792-2, 0-263-82125-0
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Радуга
    Язык: Русский
    рейси Леду молода и очень богата. Но жизнь ее проходит в тоске и одиночестве. Случай сталкивает ее в ночном баре с Таем Кэмероном, владельцем огромного ранчо. Когда-то он знал Трейси и ее мать и относился к ним едва ли не с отвращением. Что же сулит им эта неожиданная встреча?
  • От младенца до мужчины Сьюзен Фокс
    ISBN: 5-05-006245-4
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Радуга
    Язык: Русский
    Прошло одиннадцать месяцев с момента бракосочетания Рика и Ли. Супруги живут как соседи, стараясь попросту не замечать друг друга. Ли не выдерживает и решает завести разговор о разводе…
  • По кругу воспоминаний Сьюзен Фокс
    ISBN: 5-05-005525-3, 0-263-81829-2
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: Радуга
    Язык: Русский
    Жизнь преподносит Кейтлин немало неприятных сюрпризов и разочарований. Как поверить в себя снова? В этом ей неожиданно помогает прошлое, проводя ее по кругу воспоминаний.
  • Под зелеными сводами Сьюзен Фокс
    ISBN: 5-05-005532-6, 0-263-81845-4
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: Радуга
    Язык: Русский
    Частный самолет, на котором Мэдисон Сент-Джон летела после многих лет разлуки повидаться со своей матерью, терпит крушение в горах. Изнеженная богачка, привыкшая к комфорту, оказывается лицом к лицу с дикой природой… и хозяином самолета Линкольном Кориэллом.
  • Покажи мне любовь Сьюзен Фокс
    ISBN: 978-5-05-006880-4
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Радуга
    Язык: Русский
    Фэй, как и все молодые девушки, верила в сказку о большой любви, но после гибели ее братьев многое изменилось. Более всего сейчас ее устроило бы замужество, основанное на деловом соглашении. Но согласится ли ее избранник — Чейз Рафферти — на исключительно деловые отношения?
  • Conta-me os teus segredos - Contrato nupcial Донна Олвард
    ISBN: 9788413752709
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Harlequin
    Язык: Португальский
    Conta-me os teus segredos

    Donna Alward

    Grace Lundquist queria ocultar a sua dor. Bela, trabalhadora e sempre alegre, toda a gente a adorava…

    Mike Gardner sabia que Grace escondia alguma coisa. Por muito que tentasse afastar o bonito e forte rancheiro, Grace não podia negar a atracção que existia entre eles. O problema era que nunca poderia dar a Mike o que ele mais a sua própria família. O que ela não sabia era que o que Mike realmente desejava era estar com ela.

    Contrato nupcial

    Susan Fox

    Quanto mais pensava na ideia de se casar com ele, mesmo que fosse por conveniência, mais isso lhe agradava...

    Fay Sheridan enfrentava o momento mais triste da sua vida. Precisamente nessa altura, foi assolada por uma terrível tempestade, porém um homem tirou-a dessa situação e salvou-lhe a vida.

    O duro Chase Rafferty sabia que por debaixo do aspecto triste de Fay havia uma mulher alegre, e estava disposto a fazer o que fosse necessário para a ver feliz novamente… inclusive pedir-lhe que se casasse com ele!

    Fay achava que era uma brincadeira… Um casamento por conveniência nunca poderia correr bem. Mas… talvez tivesse chegado o momento de voltar a viver a sério.
  • The Marriage Command Сьюзен Фокс
    ISBN: 9781474015950
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Mills & Boon
    Язык: Английский
    After Logan Pierce gains custody of Claire's orphaned baby nephew, he proposes marriage to her so the child can have a two-parent family. Logan also wants lots more children–with Claire as their mother–but insists love won't be part of the bargain!Claire doesn't want to marry such a tough, cynical man, but soon discovers Logan's kisses are addictive. Can the man who claims he'll never love a woman be persuaded that his new bride is the exception to the rule…?
  • The Marriage Bargain Сьюзен Фокс

    A husband in name only? Hallie had never even been in love–now she must marry to save her home! She just needed a wedding certificate–well, first she had to find a bridegroom…Wes Lansing was her neighbor and the ideal candidate. Only, what could a shy virgin like Hallie offer this dynamic man? Wes was intrigued and the marriage deal was struck. But could Hallie handle her new husband?

  • Love, Unexpectedly Сьюзен Фокс
    ISBN: 9780758257819
    Издательство: Ingram
    Язык: Английский
    Take Me There At thirty-one, Kat Fallon's luck with men shows no sign of improving. But when she asks her best friend Nav Bharani to be her date at her younger sister's wedding in Vancouver, she has no idea that she's about to get on board the most surprising ride of her life. . .Nav has been secretly in love with Kat ever since he moved in next door. When she reveals that she loves taking train rides, especially the meeting-strangers part, Nav devises a plan to win Kat's heart. On every leg of her trip to Vancouver, he shows up disguised as a different sexy stranger. Stunned by Nav's daring, Kat finds herself succumbing to his inventive transformations. But what starts out as an innocent adventure soon becomes much more for Kat as she is forced to choose between her long-held fantasies of the perfect mate–and the prospect of something far more real. . .
  • The Prodigal Wife Сьюзен Фокс
    Язык: Английский

    The last time Lainey saw Gabe Patton was five years ago–as they were exchanging their marriage vows! It had been a dream wedding…until Lainey discovered that Gabe had only married her for convenience. She was left with no choice but to run away.Now Lainey has uncovered a secret, and she's shocked to realize that she might have misjudged her husband. She still loves Gabe, and hopes they might pick up where they left off–on their wedding night! But how will Gabe react when his prodigal wife returns?

  • The Bride Prize Сьюзен Фокс
    Corrie Davis has never had a real date. She's been too busy trying to run her ranch single-handedly and thinks she knows more about money (as in not having any!) than men.But now the two sexy Merrick brothers–the richest men in the county–are vying for her attention! Corrie is in an enviable dilemma. Which gorgeous brother should she choose? Her oldest friend–or the man who's always been out of reach: the older, dangerously attractive Nick Merrick?
  • Marriage On Demand Сьюзен Фокс
    In just four days, Rena will marry Ford Harlow. Just imagining the ceremony fills her with intense excitement–and trepidation! It won't be an ordinary wedding. Their union is a marriage deal: Ford wants her property; Rena will do anything to keep it…But if Rena is expecting a marriage of convenience–sharing their lives but never a bed–she has a shock in store. Ford has long been intrigued by his shy bride, and he fully intends to be a husband in every sense of the word!
  • An Arranged Marriage Сьюзен Фокс
    Blue Summer was a self-made man who had everything money could buy–except a wife and children. He craved the respectability his tough upbringing had denied him. Allison Lancaster was his passport to a socially acceptable world of power and privilege. A banker's daughter, she'd be the perfect wife!Allison declared she would only marry for love, but her family had other ideas. They wanted Blue's money as much as he coveted their social standing. The wedding was arranged, and it was only when Blue kissed his bride that Allison realized he made her head spin with a dizzy attraction.
  • Her Forbidden Bridegroom Сьюзен Фокс
    When Lorna Farrell finds herself caught up in a pretend engagement with handsome oil tycoon Mitch Ellery, she knows she's playing with fire. Mitch is the key to Lorna being reunited with her real family. He's also the only man she's ever loved–and the one man she can't have!Mitch must never guess Lorna's true feelings, but pretending to be in love leads to complications. If Lorna walks away, she loses everything. But as the attraction between them intensifies, should she take a risk and confess her secrets?
  • A Marriage Worth Waiting For Сьюзен Фокс
    Язык: Английский

    When Selena Keith is injured in a car crash, Morgan Conroe demands she move into his home! Selena hasn't seen Morgan for two long years, though her love for him still burns strong…. Morgan has always been cool and controlled, but looking after Selena makes him realize what he let go before–and now that his Selena is home, he's not letting her go again….

  • Amor no palácio - Pelo amor de uma mulher Марион Леннокс
    ISBN: 9788468702995
    Издательство: Harlequin
    Язык: Португальский
    Amor no palácio

    Marion Lennox

    Era obrigada a viver com um príncipe!

    Tammy surpreendeu-se ao descobrir que se tornara a tutora do seu sobrinho órfão, Henry, que um dia seria o príncipe de um país europeu.

    Marc, o príncipe regente, queria que Henry fosse educado no seio da realeza e não estava acostumado a receber negativas como resposta, mas Tammy, uma australiana batalhadora, não tinha tempo para títulos, e estava decidida a dar ao seu sobrinho todo o amor que necessitava… inclusive se tivesse de se mudar para o palácio.

    Mas, enquanto Tammy e Marc se enfrentavam por causa do futuro do bebé, a paixão nasceu entre eles e tornou-se impossível resistir…

    Pelo amor de uma mulher

    Susan Fox

    Conseguiria que o seu casamento fosse verdadeiro?

    Oren McClain sabia que Stacey Amhearst não tinha outro remédio senão aceitar o seu casamento por conveniência. Mas Stacey estava secretamente apaixonada por ele e estava disposta a fazer o possível para que o casamento funcionasse.

    Conseguiria ser a mulher de McClain em algo mais do que no nome?
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