Эллисон Бреннан – лучшие книги
- 23 произведения
- 30 изданий на 3 языках
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Люби меня до смерти Эллисон Бреннан
ISBN: 978-5-699-85884-2 Год издания: 2016 Издательство: Эксмо Язык: Русский Шесть лет назад Люси Кинкейд пережила страшную драму – ее похитила шайка преступников, завлекавших свои жертвы с помощью сайтов интернет-знакомств. Люси тогда удалось выжить, а ее обидчики либо погибли в ходе полицейского штурма, либо сели в тюрьму. После этого девушка решила посвятить свою жизнь борьбе с насилием. Она стала стажером ФБР и занялась выявлением в Сети садистов, вышедших из тюрьмы, но не порвавших со своим прошлым. Однако за последнее время произошли странные события. Семеро из «подопечных» Люси погибли один за другим от рук неизвестного убийцы, а сама Кинкейд начала чувствовать, что кто-то незримо следит за ней. Она уверена:…
Поцелуй меня, убей меня Эллисон Бреннан
ISBN: 978-5-699-87231-2 Год издания: 2016 Издательство: Эксмо Язык: Русский Многолетняя мечта Люси Кинкейд стать агентом ФБР разлетелась в прах – приемная комиссия отвергла ее заявление. И теперь ей кажется, что жизнь ее выброшена на помойку, плоды семилетних неустанных трудов пошли прахом, и совершенно непонятно, что делать дальше. Но в этот момент к ней на помощь снова пришел ее любимый мужчина, частный детектив Шон Роган. Он призвал ее не унывать и спустя время повторить попытку – а пока что помочь в одном трудном деле. Пропала его дальняя родственница, уехавшая в Нью-Йорк учиться. А там как раз сейчас орудует загадочный серийный убийца, уже успевший получить от прессы прозвище Душитель Золушек – поскольку каждую его жертву находили лишь в одной туфельке. А Люси как раз специалист по созданию психологических профилей преступников, и без нее Шону не обойтись. И Кинкейд соглашается – еще и потому, что все время будет рядом со своим любимым, за которым как за каменной стеной… -
Умолкшие Эллисон Бреннан
ISBN: 978-5-699-90108-1 Год издания: 2016 Издательство: Эксмо Язык: Русский Люси Кинкейд еще даже не приступала к учебе в Академии ФБР, но ее уже активно привлекают к оперативной работе в качестве психолога-аналитика. И не удивительно – несмотря на свою молодость, Люси имеет за плечами большой опыт в разработке психологических портретов самых опасных убийц-маньяков. Новое дело также потребовало ее участия. В одном из парков Вашингтона была задушена молодая женщина. Пикантность заключалась в том, что убитая до недавнего времени была любовницей одного из видных столичных политиков, и погибла она сразу после того, как в Интернет были выложены фотографии их «забав». Однако вскоре полиция обнаружила тела нескольких малолетних проституток, и улики показали, что убийца – один и тот же человек. Что это – безумие очередного маньяка? Или же умелая маскировка заказного убийства? На этот сложный вопрос и предстоит ответить Люси… -
Если я умру... Эллисон Бреннан
Язык: Русский Свой заслуженный отпуск агент ФБР Люси Кинкейд и частный детектив Шон Роган решили провести в маленьком прелестном городке у подножия хребта Адирондак, на границе с Канадой. Это райское место для двух влюбленных. Знакомые Шона намерены открыть здесь гостиницу и развить туристический бизнес, дав таким образом вымирающему городку новую жизнь. Однако вскоре выяснилось, что далеко не всем в округе по душе такие планы. Несколько раз новую гостиницу даже пытались поджечь. Местная полиция старательно закрывала на все это глаза, и тогда Люси и Шон взялись за частное расследование. Выяснилось, что в округе издавна процветает иной бизнес – криминальный, – а заправляет им человек, которого даже его родные называют чудовищем. И этому чудовищу крайне не нравятся ни новые идеи по развитию региона, ни вмешательство в его дела двух нахальных чужаков… -
Notorious Allison Brennan
ISBN: 978-1-4272-3631-9 Год издания: 2014 Издательство: Macmillan Audio Язык: Английский Maxine Revere has dedicated her life to investigating murders that the police have long since given up any hope of solving. A nationally renowned investigative reporter with her own TV show and a tough-as-nails reputation, Max tackles cold cases from across the country and every walk of life. But the one unsolved murder that still haunts her is a case from her own past.
When Max was a high school senior, one of her best friends was strangled and another, Kevin O'Neal, accused of the crime. To the disgrace of her wealthy family, Max stood by her friend, until she found out he lied about his alibi. Though his guilt was never proven, their relationship crumbled from the strain of too many secrets.
Now Max is home for Kevin's funeral―after years of drug abuse, he committed suicide. She's finally prepared to come to terms with the loss of his friendship, but she's not prepared for Kevin's sister to stubbornly insist that he didn't kill himself. Or for an elderly couple to accost her at the airport, begging her to look into another murder at Max's old high school. Max is more interested in the cold case at her alma mater than in digging around Kevin's troubled life, but she agrees to do both. As Max uncovers dark secrets, she finds herself caught in a complicated web of lies that hit far too close to home. And it's becoming increasingly clear that someone will do whatever it takes to make sure the truth stays buried. -
Breaking Point Allison Brennan
ISBN: 978-1-4272-9852-2 Год издания: 2018 Издательство: Macmillan Audio Язык: Английский Bella Caruso survived a nightmare of abuse and betrayal. Today, she has dedicated her life to saving other young women from the hell that almost killed her—first as an officer of the law, then by stepping outside the law and into the darkness where true evil dwells. Now, it appears that the darkness has taken her once again.
JT Caruso often worries about his sister, given her line of work. This time, when he learns that Bella is working undercover to find a missing girl involved in a dangerous prostitution ring, JT asks FBI Special Agent Lucy Kincaid for help.
Even with Lucy’s extensive experience in running down human traffickers, finding Bella will not be easy. Not only because she is in too deep. But because Bella, who will not rest until she saves the girl, doesn’t want to be found… -
Don't Open the Door Эллисон Бреннан
ISBN: 0369720784 Год издания: 2023 Издательство: Mira Язык: Английский A child is shot while playing video games at home. His mother will stop at nothing to find out who did it—and why.
After their ten-year-old son, Chase, was senselessly murdered, Regan's life unraveled. Her corporate lawyer husband, Grant, blamed the death on Regan’s work as a US marshal. Unable to reconcile their grief, they divorced, and Regan quit her job and moved away.
Now she's back after a voice mail from her former boss Tommy said he had important news to share about Chase’s killing. Regan is stunned to learn Tommy is dead too. When she reaches out to Grant, his panicked reaction raises her suspicions. Then a lawyer with ties to her ex also turns up murdered, and the police make Grant their top suspect.
Unsure of his guilt or innocence, Regan risks everything to find Grant before the police do so she can finally get the answers to all that has haunted her since losing Chase. But the truth is not even close to what she imagines—and now she fears she has no one to trust. -
Missing Эллисон Бреннан
Год издания: 2022 Язык: Английский FBI Agent Lucy Kincaid is back in three novellas. For the first time in print, Storm Warning, No Way Out, and A Deeper Fear each find Lucy running out of time . . . New York Times bestselling author Allison Brennan will have you on the edge of your seat.In Storm Warning, FBI Agent Lucy Kincaid and her colleague Nate are racing a severe storm, but the weather is the least of their worries when two prisoners escape and take a child hostage along the way. Lucy and Nate must try to rescue the boy and survive the storm, without letting these violent criminals get away. In No Way Out, Lucy's husband, Sean Rogan, and his brother, Kane, go missing on the eve of a family wedding, and she's forced to put aside her fear and work the case. Someone is looking for a missing girl - they think Lucy's future sister-in-law knows where she is - and will do anything or kill anyone to learn the truth. In A Deeper Fear, Lucy and Sean head to Sacramento for a conference. But the upcoming drone demonstration--and the fact that Sean didn't come home last night--is the least of the couple's worries when the drone's operator is found, barely clinging to life. -
A Deeper Fear Эллисон Бреннан
Год издания: 2021 Издательство: Minotaur Books Язык: Английский FBI Agent Lucy Kincaid is back in the new e-Novella, A Deeper Fear, from New York Times bestselling author Allison BrennanFBI Agent Lucy Kincaid’s husband, Sean Rogan, is in a dark place after being held captive. He won’t talk about it with anyone, not even Lucy. She’s hoping a conference in Sacramento, which includes family and the unveiling of a highly sought after drone Sean’s been working on, will help him heal.But the upcoming drone demonstration – and the fact that Sean didn’t come home last night – is the least of the couple’s worries. The night before the drone is set to debut to the world, the operator goes missing. Ellen Dupre is Sean’s friend. When she’s found, barely clinging to life, Sean is determined to find out what happened to her.Ellen Dupre saw something she wasn’t supposed to . . . and those behind the attack are willing to risk it all to keep their secrets. -
The Sorority Murder Эллисон Бреннан
ISBN: 0778311686 Год издания: 2021 Издательство: Mira Язык: Английский A popular sorority girl. An unsolved murder. A campus podcast with chilling repercussions.
Lucas Vega is obsessed with the death of Candace Swain, who left a sorority party one night and never came back. Her body was found after two weeks, but the case has grown cold. Three years later while interning at the medical examiner's, Lucas discovers new information, but the police are not interested.
Lucas knows he has several credible pieces of the puzzle. He just isn't sure how they fit together. So he creates a podcast to revisit Candace's last hours. Then he encourages listeners to crowdsource what they remember and invites guest lecturer Regan Merritt, a former US marshal, to come on and share her expertise.
New tips come in that convince Lucas and Regan they are onto something. Then shockingly one of the podcast callers turns up dead. Another hints at Candace's secret life, a much darker picture than Lucas imagined—and one that implicates other sorority sisters. Regan uses her own resources to bolster their theory and learns that Lucas is hiding his own secret. The pressure is on to solve the murder, but first Lucas must come clean about his real motives in pursuing this podcast—before the killer silences him forever -
Tell No Lies Эллисон Бреннан
ISBN: 9780778331469 Год издания: 2021 Издательство: MIRA Books Язык: Английский The unsolved murder of a young activist leads to the discovery of much darker crimes in New York Times bestselling author Allison Brennan’s latest compelling thriller to feaure the young, edgy detective Kara Quinn and the loner FBI agent Matt Costa. This time they work to uncover possible ties to a high-stakes cartel in the Southwest desert.
Something mysterious is killing the wildlife in the mountains just south of Tucson. When a college intern turned activist sets out to collect her own evidence, she, too, ends up dead. Local law enforcement is slow to get involved. That’s when the mobile FBI unit goes undercover to infiltrate the town and its copper refinery in search of possible leads.
Quinn and Costa find themselves scouring the desolate landscape, which keeps revealing clues to something much darker—greed, child trafficking and more death. As the body count adds up, it’s clear they have stumbled onto much more than they bargained for. Now they must figure out who is at the heart of this mayhem and stop them before more innocent lives are lost. -
Cold as Ice Эллисон Бреннан
ISBN: 9781250767868 Год издания: 2020 Издательство: Minotaur Books Язык: Английский In New York Times bestseller Allison Brennan’s Cold as Ice, FBI Agent Lucy Kincaid must get into the head of a psychopath to save her family, and herself
Two years ago, FBI Agent Lucy Kincaid put psychopath Elise Hansen Hunt in juvenile detention for her role in an organized crime syndicate. Now eighteen, Elise has been released with a clean slate, and plans to take her revenge by making Lucy’s life hell. The plot begins with Lucy’s husband Sean Rogan, who has been arrested for a murder he most certainly did not commit.
Lucy is determined to prove Sean’s innocence, but is warned off the case by her boss. As she calls in reinforcements, she learns that Sean’s brother Kane is missing in Mexico, her partner Nate Dunning has been arrested for possession of cocaine, and her friend Brad Donnelly has been kidnapped outside DEA headquarters. Lucy realizes that Elise doesn’t have the resources or patience to execute such a devious plan. Did Elise’s father orchestrate everything from prison? Or is there someone even more calculating seeking revenge on Lucy by hurting the people she loves?
One thing is certain: if Lucy doesn’t find the answers fast, Sean will die. -
Cut and Run Эллисон Бреннан
ISBN: 9781250216991 Год издания: 2020 Издательство: Minotaur Books Язык: Английский Three years ago, authorities assumed that the Albright family fled the country to avoid prosecution for embezzlement. But when their remains are discovered after a recent storm, the FBI is called in to investigate — and find the youngest child, whose body wasn't found with the others. If the child is dead, why wasn't his body found with his family? If he's alive, where has he been for the last three years? As FBI Agent Lucy Kincaid and her partner Nate investigate the cold case, they receive surprisingly little help from the original investigators. With minimal forensic evidence and no witnesses, Lucy and Nate don't know if they'll be able to find justice for these tragic murders, but with one small clue — the timeline of the victims' last day — they recreate what might have happened to the family.
While Lucy is deep in her investigation, investigative reporter Maxine Revere arrives in San Antonio because of another case. The confessed killer of a family friend has recanted his statement, and now the family simply wants her to find the truth about what happened to Victoria — Max's specialty. She hires Sean Rogan, a PI and Lucy's husband, to assist her. When Max learns that Victoria knew Lucy's victims, she connects a series of dots that lead to a deadly conspiracy. Lucy, Max, and Sean must work together again if they are to find justice for these two families — and finally uncover the truth about what happened. As they dig deep into the world of corporate embezzlement, high-stakes gambling, and multi-million-dollar land investments, they realize that more than one person has secrets dark enough to kill for ... and that one of them is the next target. -
No Way Out Эллисон Бреннан
Год издания: 2020 Издательство: Minotaur Books Язык: Английский From Allison Brennan, the New York Times bestselling author of Cut and Run, comes a new e-novella, No Way Out: FBI Agent Lucy Kincaid faces her worst fear when her husband goes missing
Nine years ago, mercenary Kane Rogan and photojournalist Siobhan Walsh risked their lives to rescue Hestia Juarez, a thirteen-year-old girl being forced to marry a much older man to expand her father’s crime family. Her enraged father has never forgotten.
Now, Kane and Siobhan are finally getting married. They only invited a few people—including FBI Agent Lucy Kincaid and her husband Sean Rogan—to celebrate. When Sean and Kane go missing the day before the wedding, Lucy must put her fear aside and work the case. Because someone believes that Siobhan knows where Hestia is … and will do anything or kill anyone to make her tell the truth. -
Nothing to Hide Эллисон Бреннан
ISBN: 1250297656 Год издания: 2019 Издательство: Minotaur Books Язык: Английский New York Times bestseller Allison Brennan's latest novel featuring FBI Agent Lucy Kincaid finds her on the trail of a serial killer.
With a background in psychology, FBI Agent Lucy Kincaid is good at getting into the heads of killers and victims both. Still, her latest case is leaving her stumped. A third body has turned up in San Antonio—and it bears the same unique and troubling M.O. as the first two. The killer is clearly trying to send a message. But what is it—and to whom? All roads keep leading Lucy down a dead end. . .
The victims are all married men who led honest lives alongside their adoring wives, but have nothing else in common. When Lucy catches each widow in a lie, she realizes that things are not at all as they seem. What begins as a seemingly straightforward investigation turns into something far darker and more sinister than Lucy could have ever imagined. Can she solve this case before more lives are lost. . . including her own husband? -
Abandoned Эллисон Бреннан
ISBN: 1250164486 Год издания: 2018 Издательство: Minotaur Books Язык: Английский Investigative reporter Max Revere has cracked many cases, but the one investigation she's never attempted is the mystery from her own past. Her mother abandoned her when she was nine, sending her periodic postcards, but never returning to reclaim her daughter. Seven years after the postcards stop coming, Martha Revere is declared legally dead, with no sign of what may have happened to her. Until now.
With a single clue―that her mother’s car disappeared sixteen years ago in a small town on the Chesapeake Bay―Max drops everything to finally seek the truth. As Max investigates, and her mother's story unfolds, she realizes that Martha teamed up with a con man. They traveled the world living off Martha’s trust and money they conned from others.
Though no one claims to know anything about Martha or her disappearance, Max suspects more than one person is lying. When she learns the FBI has an active investigation into the con man, Max knows she’s on the right path. But as Max digs into the dark secrets of this idyllic community, the only thing she might find is the same violent end as her mother.
New York Times bestselling author Allison Brennan weaves the intimate, unputdownable story of an investigator confronting the most important--and most dangerous--mystery of her career. -
Too Far Gone Эллисон Бреннан
ISBN: 125016446X Год издания: 2018 Издательство: St. Martin's Paperbacks Язык: Английский The next intense installment in Allison Brennan's New York Times bestselling Lucy Kincaid series.
Things finally seem to be going well for FBI Agent Lucy Kincaid. She's just finished training for Hostage Rescue, her husband's relationship with his son is back on track, and her tense relationship with her boss, Rachel Vaughn, has become much more bearable. That is, until her first hostage case throws everything off track.
When a man who appears under the influence and mentally unstable holds a group of people hostage and dies in a shootout with the FBI, Lucy is assigned to investigate what happened. His descent doesn't make any sense - he was an upstanding citizen a year ago and only started declining after a series of blackouts and strange occurrences. Even his autopsy seems suspicious, and the body has been cremated without the proper approval. As Lucy investigates, she realizes that this story may be more complicated than she thinks, and that her own life might be in danger. -
Make Them Pay Эллисон Бреннан
ISBN: 1250105269 Год издания: 2017 Издательство: St. Martin's Paperbacks Язык: Английский In Allison Brennan's Make Them Pay, Lucy Kincaid and Sean Rogan are finally tying the knot. Two weeks before their wedding, a surprise visitor shows up at their door: Eden, Sean's estranged sister from Europe. She claims she's in town for the wedding and wants to mend fences. Lucy invites Eden to stay with them after all, family is family but her boss, SSA Noah Armstrong, knows far more about Eden's sketchy past than he's let on.
While Lucy is focused on her investigation tracking down dozens of children sold through illegal adoptions, Noah begins a quiet investigation of Eden and her elusive twin, Liam. He's certain that, since they're both thieves, they're here for a job or a heist. But they are up to something far more sinister than even Noah can imagine.
Liam has a score to settle with his family, and Sean has something he wants. The twins will do anything to get it including putting Lucy's life in danger. It'll take everyone Kincaids and Rogans alike to stop Liam before someone dies. Unfortunately, Liam's treachery has unforeseen consequences for Sean and Lucy, as a longtime enemy of the Rogan family hellbent on revenge sees an opportunity to make them all pay... -
The Lost Girls Эллисон Бреннан
ISBN: 1250105099 Год издания: 2016 Издательство: St. Martin's Paperbacks Язык: Английский Photojournalist Siobhan Walsh has been searching for two sisters who disappeared two years ago in Mexico, so when she receives a call from a priest in Texas about an abandoned baby holding a locket with her name, she calls her friends in the FBI for help. The infant obviously belongs to one of the sisters, but how did she end up in Texas? And why did she abandon her newborn?
Lucy Kincaid and her mentor, Supervisory Special Agent Noah Armstrong, track the missing girls and uncover a human-trafficking organization that leads to a seedy underworld in which nothing is as it seems. The bad guys seem to stay two steps ahead of them, leaving behind a trail of dead bodies and Lucy with more questions than answers.
Meanwhile Lucy’s fiance Sean Rogan has a crisis of his own. An old girlfriend returns with shocking news: not only does Sean have a son, but Jesse and his step-father have disappeared. The last thing Sean wants to do is leave Lucy when she’s investigating a horrific case, but his son is in grave danger. Torn between an impossible choice, he makes a decision that has far-reaching consequences for Sean, Lucy, and everything they hold dear. -
Compulsion Allison Brennan
ISBN: 1250035023 Год издания: 2015 Издательство: Minotaur Books Язык: Английский Investigative reporter Maxine Revere has a theory: that the five New York City murders for which Adam Bachman is being tried are just part of his killing spree. In probing the disappearance of a retired couple who vanished the prior summer, Max uncovers striking similarities to Bachman's MO and develops a theory that Bachman wasn't working alone.
Max wins a coveted pre-trial interview with the killer, whose disarming composure in the face of her questions is combined with uncomfortable knowledge of Max's own past. She leaves the room convinced, but unable to prove, that Bachman knows exactly what happened to the missing couple. The D.A. wants nothing to jeopardize his case against Bachman and refuses to consider Max's theory. With no physical evidence, Max has to rely on her own wits and investigative prowess to dig deep into Bachman's past. The picture that Max puts together is far darker and more deadly than she ever imagined.
As Max gets closer to the truth, she doesn't realize that she's walking down a road that has been paved just for her. That every step she takes brings her one step closer to a brilliant, methodical sociopath who has been waiting for her to make just one small mistake.
And when she does, he'll be there waiting.