Кэт Адамс

Cat Adams

  • 9 книг
  • 3 подписчика
  • 92 читателя
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Кэт Адамс – лучшие книги

  • Песнь крови Кэт Адамс
    ISBN: 978-5-699-71083-6
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Мир недалекого будущего... Города кишат магами, оборотнями и монстрами, и все они как-то уживаются друг с другом. Селия Грейвз, гордая и независимая красавица, а к тому же и волк-одиночка, - имеет свой собственный бизнес в Лос-Анджелесе. Она телохранитель-профи, специализируется на защите VIP-клиентов от папарацци, фанатов, вампиров, демонов и прочей нежити. Но и у Селии бывают проблемы. Охраняя наследного принца, она подвергается атаке кровососов и... превращается в "недоделка" - полувампира, частично потерявшего память! Теперь Селия замешена в темной истории. Может, все дело в таинственном "повелителе", который ее укусил? Ведь он…

  • Песнь сирены Кэт Адамс
    ISBN: 978-5-699-71265-6
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Частному телохранителю Селии Грейвз не везет. Мало того, что она сама превратилась в «недоделка»-полувампира, в жилах которого течет кровь настоящих морских сирен, так еще ее лучшая подруга Вики погибла при загадочных обстоятельствах и стала призраком. В довершение всех бед, Селию подставили, и ей предстоит суд. А на горизонте замаячил бывший бойфренд Бруно. И оказывается, у этого крутого мага появился соперник с Западного побережья. Тем временем, король крошечной Руслундии уверен, что именно Селия спасет его страну от катастрофы. Да и родственницы-сирены то и дело донимают новоявленную сестричку интригами и колдовством. Селию затягивает…

  • Песнь демона Кэт Адамс
    ISBN: 978-5-699-72371-3
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Охранный бизнес Селии Грейвз трещит по швам. Причины понятны — кто же захочет связываться с вампиршей-«недоделком», которая к тому же еще и является принцессой из королевского рода сирен? Беда в том, что демоны нашли лазейку в наш мир, и отдыхнуть, как следует, Селии не удастся.

  • Siren Song Cat Adams
    ISBN: 978-0765324955
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
    Nothing if not resilient, Celia Graves is slowly adjusting to being a half-human, half-vampire Abomination. But her troubles are far from over. Her best friend’s murder is still unsolved, the cops are convinced she should be in jail, and her old lover, the magician Bruno DeLuca, has resurfaced in her life, saying he has something important to tell her.

    The vampire attack that transformed Celia kicked her latent Siren abilities into high gear, and now she’s been summoned to the Sirens’ island to justify her existence—and possibly fight for her life—in front of the Siren Queen. Celia isn’t sure she’ll survive to make the trip. The demon she defeated in Blood Song hasn’t exactly gone quietly—he’s left Celia suffering from a powerful curse.
  • All Your Wishes Кэт Адамс
    ISBN: 9780765375711
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский

    An ifrit tries to take over Celia Graves's body so he can free thousands of evil djinn to plague mankind! A client begs Celia Graves—part human, part Siren, part vampire—to help return a genie to his bottle. The attempt makes Celia a target for the currently incorporeal ifrit. If she doesn't give him her body, he'll kill everyone she loves. If she does, he'll use her physical form to free thousands of evil djinn. Celia's not going to hand over her body, but her client tries to trick her into it—so that he can kill the ifrit while it's trapped in her flesh. That doesn't end well for the client. Celia might not get paid for the gig, but…

  • To Dance With the Devil Cat Adams
    ISBN: 0765328755, 9780765328755
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский

    In To Dance with the Devil, the latest entry in Cat Adams's Blood Singer series, Celia Graves's newest client is one of the last surviving members of a magical family that is trapped in a generations-old feud with other magic-workers. She's supposed to die at the next full moon unless Celia can broker peace between the clans or break the curse before it can take effect. For the first time in a long while, Celia's personal life is looking up. Her vampire abilities seem to be under control, her Siren abilities have gotten more reliable, and even though her office was blown up, her services are more in demand than ever now that she's fought…

  • The Eldritch Conspiracy Cat Adams
    ISBN: 0765328747, 9780765328748
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский

    USA Today bestselling author Cat Adams returns to the Blood Singer series with The Eldritch Conspiracy. Celia Graves was once an ordinary human, but those days are long gone. Now she strives to maintain her sanity and her soul while juggling both vampire abilities and the powers of a Siren. Not every bride needs a bridesmaid who can double as a bodyguard. But Celia's cousin Adriana is no ordinary bride: she's a Siren princess, and she's marrying the king of a small but politically important European country. She's getting death threats from fanatics who want to see the whole Siren race wiped out-including Celia herself, who is half…

  • The Isis Collar Cat Adams
    ISBN: 9780765367150
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: TOR
    Язык: Английский

    Celia Graves was once an ordinary human, but those days are long gone. Now she strives to maintain her sanity and her soul while juggling both vampire abilities and the powers of a Siren. Warned of a magical “bomb” at a local elementary school, Celia forces an evacuation. Oddly, the explosion seems to have no effect, puzzling both Celia and the FBI. Two weeks later, a strangely persistent bruise on Celia’s leg turns out to be the first sign of a magical zombie plague. Finding the source of the plague isn’t Celia’s only concern. Her alcoholic mother has broken out of prison on the Sirens’ island; her little sister’s ghost has…

  • Blood Song Cat Adams
    ISBN: 9780765324948
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
    Bodyguard Celia Graves plies her trade in a world where vampires roam the alleys of Tinseltown and movie stars openly practice witchcraft., where streetcorner psychics have real powers and cops use memory enhancement spells on witnesses. Though she’s an ordinary human, Celia uses street smarts and charmed weapons to protect the rich and famous from mortal and supernatural threats.

    She’s landed a plum job, protecting the Prince of a small but politically vital nation while he tours Los Angeles’s least savory hot spots. What should be a routine assignment goes badly wrong. Attacked by a master vampire, Celia knows she is about to die.

    She’s startled to awaken on a cold metal table in a university lab. Celia Graves has become an Abomination, neither fully mortal nor fully vampire. Her “master” is hunting her, to destroy her or finish what his bite began. She’s accused of murder and the cops aren’t sure whether she should be locked up or staked. And then there’s the demon she glimpsed during the vampire attack . . . .
    Struggling to cope with her new powers and trying not to terrify everyone she meets with a flash of fang, Celia reaches out for help from her once (and future?) lover, who is a powerful mage; his warrior-priest brother; a handsome werewolf who keeps his lupine nature concealed from the world; an elderly clairvoyant, and one trustworthy cop.

    Celia Graves has three days to save the world, her sanity, and her soul.