Лайза Макманн

Lisa McMann

  • 30 книг
  • 13 подписчиков
  • 372 читателя
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Новинки Лайзы Макманн

  • Морские приключения мышки Клариссы Лайза Макманн
    ISBN: 978-5-00154-856-0
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Clever
    Возможна ли дружба кошки с мышкой?

    Говорят, прятаться лучше, чем убегать… Но порой надо взглянуть в лицо своему страху

    Мышка Кларисса и ее брат Чарльз Себастьян всю свою жизнь живут на большом корабле. Вокруг них столько опасностей за бортом - бушующее море, на палубе - рыжая кошка Патронесса. Из всей многочисленной мышиной семьи их осталось двое.

    Во время бунта на корабле случается страшная неразбериха. Кларисса вместе с капитаном, коварной Патронессой и дюжиной голодных моряков оказывается в прохудившейся шлюпке в открытом море! Чарльзу Себастьяну удается спрятаться на корабле, захваченном мятежниками. Брат с сестренкой мечтают найти друг друга. Смогут ли они подружиться с кошкой, справиться со стайкой разгневанных кур и проявить настоящую отвагу, чтобы снова быть вместе?
  • Dragon Captives Lisa McMann
    ISBN: 9781481456814
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Aladdin
    Язык: Английский
    Ten years after Alex and Aaron Stowe brought peace to Quill and Artimé, their younger twin sisters journey beyond the islands in this first novel of a new sequel series to The Unwanteds, which Kirkus Reviews called “The Hunger Games meets Harry Potter.”

    Identical twins Fifer and Thisbe Stowe have amazing yet uncontrollable magical abilities. They’re naturally more gifted than even their brother, Alex, the head mage of Artimé, could hope to be. But when they accidentally use their magic in the jungle of Artimé to strike down a beloved creature, Alex is furious, and threatens to lock them away until they can learn to control their power.

    The threat is soon forgotten, though, when Hux, the ice blue dragon, comes to Artimé bearing the horrible news that his siblings have been enslaved by the notoriously evil Revinir, ruler of the dragon land.

    Seeking a chance to right their wrong and escape their brother’s wrath, Thisbe, Fifer, and their friend Seth sneak away to rescue the dragons from grave peril. Will their untrained abilities be enough to save the dragons—and themselves—when they come face-to-face with the Revinir?
  • Кольцо бесконечности. Западня Макманн Лайза
    ISBN: 978-5-17-085130-0
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Приключения Дака, Сэры и Рика продолжаются! В этот раз друзья перемещаются в Америку в 1850 год. Тайная система под названием «Подпольная железная дорога» — единственная надежда для беглых рабов. Но когда СК берет контроль на ней, Дак и Сэра не понимают, кому следует доверять… А тем временем Рик, рискуя всем, пытается спасти жизнь маленького мальчика…

  • Тайна школы Крайерс Кросс Лайза Макманн
    ISBN: 978-5-17-078998-6
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский
  • The Trap Door: Infinity Ring, Book 3 Lisa McMann
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Scholastic Audio
    Язык: Английский
    Dak, Sera, and Riq return to the United States in the year 1850 when the nation is divided over the issue of slavery. The Underground Railroad provides a light of hope, helping runaway slaves escape to freedom. But the SQ has taken control of the Underground Railroad from within. Now Dak and Sera are left wondering who to trust...
  • Dead to You Lisa McMann
    ISBN: 1407137239, 9781407137230
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Scholastic
    Язык: Английский
    Ethan was abducted from his front garden when he was just seven years old. Now, at sixteen, he has returned to his family. It's a miracle. At first. Then the tensions start to build, and his family starts falling apart all over again. If only Ethan could remember something, anything, about his life before, he'd be able to put the pieces back together. But there's something that's keeping his memory blocked. Something unspeakable.
  • Island of Silence Lisa McMann
    ISBN: 1442407727, 978-1442407725
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Aladdin Paperbacks
    Язык: Английский
    Following the life-altering events at the conclusion of The Unwanteds, the stark world of Quill and the magical haven of Artimé are now home to whoever wants to live there, whether they are Wanteds, Unwanteds, or Necessaries.

    In Artimé, Alex Stowe and his friends continue to hone their artistic magical spells while welcoming newcomers, wondering how long this peace between Quill and Artimé will last. Alex is stunned when Mr. Today comes to him with a very special request—one Alex questions his readiness for, until circumstances offer a dramatic answer.

    And back in Quill, Aaron Stowe, Alex’s twin, faces a very different path. Devastated by his loss of status after Justine’s defeat and seething with rage toward Alex, Aaron is stealthily planning his revenge and return to power.

    Alex and Aaron’s separate stories proceed with suspenseful pacing, colliding in a stunning climax that elevates sibling rivalry to epic proportions and leaves the fate of both worlds hanging in the balance.
  • Crash Lisa McMann
    ISBN: 1442403918
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Simon Pulse
    Язык: Русский
    Jules lives with her family above their restaurant, which means she smells like pizza most of the time and drives their double-meatball-shaped food truck to school. It’s not a recipe for popularity, but she can handle that.

    What she can’t handle is the recurring vision that haunts her. Over and over, Jules sees a careening truck hit a building and explode...and nine body bags in the snow.

    The vision is everywhere—on billboards, television screens, windows—and she’s the only one who sees it. And the more she sees it, the more she sees. The vision is giving her clues, and soon Jules knows what she has to do. Because now she can see the face in one of the body bags, and it’s someone she knows. Someone she has been in love with for as long as she can remember.

    In this riveting start to a gripping series from New York Times bestselling author Lisa McMann, Jules has to act—and act fast—to keep her vision from becoming reality.
  • Dead to You Lisa McMann
    ISBN: 1442403888, 9781442403888
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Simon Pulse
    Язык: Английский
    Some memories are better left untouched.

    Ethan was abducted from his front yard when he was just seven years old. Now, at sixteen, he has returned to his family.

    It's a miracle... at first.

    Then the tensions start to build. His reintroduction to his old life isn't going smoothly, and his family is tearing apart all over again. If only Ethan could remember something, anything, about his life before, he'd be able to put the pieces back together.

    But there's something that's keeping his memory blocked.

    Something unspeakable...
  • The Unwanteds Lisa McMann
    ISBN: 1442407697, 978-1442407695
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Aladdin Paperbacks
    Язык: Английский
    When Alex finds out he is Unwanted, he expects to die. That is the way of the people of Quill. Each year, all the thirteen-year-olds are labeled as Wanted, Necessary, or Unwanted. Wanteds get more schooling and train to join the Quillitary. Necessaries keep the farms running. Unwanteds are set for elimination.
    It’s hard for Alex to leave behind his twin, Aaron, a Wanted, but he makes peace with his fate—until he discovers that instead of a “death farm,” what awaits him is a magical place called Artimé. There, Alex and his fellow Unwanteds are encouraged to cultivate their creative abilities and use them magically. Everything Alex has ever known changes before his eyes, and it’s a wondrous transformation.
    But it’s a rare, unique occurrence for twins to be divided between Wanted and Unwanted, and as Alex and Aaron's bond stretches across their separation, a threat arises for the survival of Artim that will pit brother against brother in an ultimate magical battle.
  • Dream - Ich weiß, was du letzte Nacht geträumt hast Lisa McMann
    ISBN: 3843210241, 9783843210249
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Bastei Lübbe
    Язык: Немецкий
    Nackt durch die Stadt gehen? Aus einem Hochhaus stürzen? Den sexy Mitschüler küssen? Das hat die siebzehnjährige Janie alles schon zur Genüge miterlebt - in den Träumen anderer Menschen. Dabei wünscht sie sich nichts sehnlicher, als einfach ein ganz normaler Teenager zu sein und Zeit mit ihrem Freund Carl zu verbringen! Doch an der Highschool gehen seltsame Dinge vor und alle schweigen darüber. Als Janie in den entsetzlichen Albtraum einer Mitschülerin hineingezogen wird, überschlagen sich die Ereignisse. Schlimmer noch: Janie erfährt endlich, was es mit ihrer Gabe auf sich hat. Und welcher Fluch auf den Traumfängern lastet. Eine Entdeckung, die sie sich in ihren schlimmsten Albträumen nicht hätte vorstellen können.
  • Foretold: 14 Tales of Prophecy and Prediction Мэг Кэбот
    ISBN: 9780385741293
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Delacorte Press Books for Young Readers
    Язык: Английский
    Richelle Mead, Lisa McMann, Michael Grant, Meg Cabot, Laini Taylor, and nine more of the hottest YA authors to hit the shelves explore the concepts of prophecy and prediction in this story collection edited by NYT bestselling author of The Forest of Hands and Teeth, Carrie Ryan.
    Have you ever been tempted to look into the future? To challenge predictions? To question fate? It's human nature to wonder about life's twists and turns. But is the future already written - or do you have the power to alter it?
    From fantastical prophecies to predictions of how the future will transpire, Foretold is a collection of stories about our universal fascination with life's unknowns and of what is yet to come as interpreted by 14 of young adult fiction's brightest stars.
  • The Unwanteds Lisa McMann
    ISBN: 1442344873, 9781442344877
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Simon Schuster Audio
    Язык: Английский
    Every year in Quill, thirteen-year-olds are sorted into categories: the strong, intelligent Wanteds go to university, and the artistic Unwanteds are sent to their deaths.

    Thirteen-year-old Alex tries his hardest to be stoic when his fate is announced as Unwanted, even while leaving behind his twin, Aaron, a Wanted. Upon arrival at the destination where he expected to be eliminated, however, Alex discovers a stunning secret--behind the mirage of the "death farm" there is instead a place called Artime.

    In Artime, each child is taught to cultivate their creative abilities and learn how to use them magically, weaving spells through paintbrushes and musical instruments. Everything Alex has ever known changes before his eyes, and it's a wondrous transformation.

    But it's a rare, unique occurence for twins to be separated between Wanted and Unwanted, and as Alex and Aaron's bond stretches across their separation, a threat arises for the survival of Artime that will pit brother against brother in an ultimate, magical battle.
  • Cryer's Cross Lisa McMann
    ISBN: 978-1-4169-9481-7
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Simon Pulse
    Язык: Английский
    Kendall loves her life in small town Cryer's Cross, Montana, but she also longs for something more. She knows the chances of going to school in New York are small, but she's not the type to give up easily. Even though it will mean leaving Nico, the world's sweetest boyfriend, behind.

    But when Cryer's Cross is rocked by unspeakable tragedy, Kendall shoves her dreams aside and focuses on just one goal: help find her missing friends. Even if it means spending time with the one boy she shouldn't get close to... the one boy who makes her question everything she feels for Nico.

    Determined to help and to stay true to the boy she's always loved, Kendall keeps up the search--and stumbles upon some frightening local history. She knows she can't stop digging, but Kendall is about to find out just how far the townspeople will go to keep their secrets buried....
  • Прощание Лайза Макманн
    ISBN: 978-5-699-48263-4
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Эксмо, Домино
    Язык: Русский

    Джейни Ханнаган — ловец снов. Проникая в чужие сны, она видит суть человека, его скрытые помыслы и желания. Однажды Джейни проникает в сон Генри Фингольда, своего отца, которого она никогда не видела прежде и даже не знала о его существовании. Больной отец открывает дочери их семейную тайну, и Джейни оказывается перед труднейшим выбором: либо остаться обладательницей уникальных способностей и повторить печальную судьбу родного отца, либо, порвав с остальным миром, отказаться от дара, но при этом сохранить себе будущее. Уже первая книга Лайзы Макманн, открывшая трилогию о Джейни Ханнаган, сразу после выхода в свет завоевала сердца читателей…

  • Отчаяние Лиза Макманн
    ISBN: 978-5-699-45309-2
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Эксмо, Домино
    Язык: Русский

    Джейни Ханнаган - ловец снов. Проникая в чужие сны, она видит суть человека, все его преступные замыслы и тщательно скрываемые секреты. Полиции это на руку, но неожиданно для девушки выясняется, что ее удивительная способность ведет к необратимым последствиям и жизнь Джейни находится под угрозой. Уже первая книга Лайзы Макманн, открывшая трилогию о Джейни Ханнаган, после выхода в свет завоевала сердца читателей и вошла в престижные списки бестселлеров "Нью-Йорк таймс".

  • Пробуждение Лайза Макманн
    ISBN: 978-5-699-43971-3
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Эксмо, Домино
    Язык: Русский

    У Джейни Ханнаган необычный дар. Она проникает в чужие сны и, как какой-нибудь секретный агент, тайно наблюдает за происходящим. Территория сна опасна, здесь живут призраки и убийцы. Но не менее опасно и пробуждение. Ведь ты единственный свидетель того, что из сна перетекает в реальность. Книга Лайзы Макманн, открывающая трилогию, сразу после выхода в свет завоевала сердца читателей и вошла в престижные списки бестселлеров "Нью-Йорк тайме".

  • Gone Lisa McMann
    ISBN: 1-4169-7918-2, 9781416979180
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Simon Pulse
    Язык: Английский
    Things should be great for Janie—she has graduated from high school and is spending her summer with Cabel, the guy she’s totally in love with. But deep down she’s panicking about how she’s going to survive her future when getting sucked into other people’s dreams is really starting to take its toll.
    Things get even more complicated when she meets her father for the very first time—and he’s in a coma. As Janie uncovers his secret past, she begins to realize that the choice thought she had has more dire consequences than she ever imagined.
  • WAKE: Ich weiß, was du letzte Nacht geträumt hast Лайза Макманн
    ISBN: 3414822334, 9783414822338
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Boje
    Язык: Немецкий
    Träume, in denen man nackt durch die Stadt geht? Aus einem Hochhaus stürzt? Das hat die 17-jährige Janie alles schon erlebt - doch nicht in ihren eigenen Träumen. Nein, in den Träumen Fremder. Wann immer jemand in ihrer Umgebung einschläft, kann sie seine Träume sehen. Nur kann sie niemandem davon erzählen, niemand würde ihr glauben. Und so lebt sie mit einer Gabe, die sie nicht will und die sie nicht kontrollieren kann. Bis sie in einen Albtraum gezogen wird, der ihr das Blut in den Adern gefrieren lässt ...
  • Fade Lisa McMann
    ISBN: 978-1-4391-5654-4
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Simon Pulse
    Язык: Английский

    For Janie and Cabel, real life is getting tougher than the dreams. They're just trying to carve out a little (secret) time together, but no such luck.

    Disturbing things are happening at Fieldridge High, yet nobody's talking. When Janie taps into a classmate's violent nightmares, the case finally breaks open -- but nothing goes as planned. Not even close. Janie's in way over her head, and Cabe's shocking behavior has grave consequences for them both.

    Worse yet, Janie learns the truth about herself and her ability -- and it's bleak. Seriously, brutally bleak. Not only is her fate as a dream catcher sealed, but what's to come is way darker than she'd feared....
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