Роберт Лоу

Robert Low

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Новинки Роберта Лоа

  • Лев пробуждается Роберт Лоу
    ISBN: 978-5-04-091979-6
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский
    Одно из главных противостояний Средневековья. История восхождения и славы отчаяннейшего короля Европы. Мастер исторического романа Роберт Лоу создал самую точную и живую реконструкцию смертельной схватки Англии и Шотландии — соседей-врагов.

    Конец XIII века. Английский монарх Эдуард Длинноногий только что потопил в крови Уэльс. Теперь он хочет сделать то же самое с непокорной землей скоттов. Роберт Брюс, шотландский лорд королевских кровей, страстно желает взойти на престол своей страны. Он готов использовать любые средства, чтобы сделать Шотландию могущественной и процветающей. И стоит перед выбором: сокрушить в союзе с Англией остальных претендентов на трон — или встать с ними бок о бок против войск Эдуарда…
  • Die letzte Schlacht Robert Low
    ISBN: 3453412443, 9783453412446
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Heyne Verlag

    Die große Mittelalter-Saga von Bestsellerautor Robert Low Schottland 1314: Seit acht bitteren Jahren regiert Robert the Bruce das Land mit eiserner Hand. Es ist ihm gelungen, fast alle englischen Besatzer zu vertreiben. Doch der lange Krieg hat viele Leben zerstört. Unzählige Männer sind gefallen, Frauen und Kinder sind dahingeschlachtet worden oder hinter Kerkermauern verschwunden. Es bleiben noch drei Festungen mit englischer Besatzung, die Robert niedermachen muss, um den englischen König Edward II. endgültig zu besiegen. Doch Edward, den die Schmach der Niederlage zu neuen Taten treibt, setzt alles daran, Schottland doch noch zu…

  • Krone und Blut Robert Low
    ISBN: 3453411811, 9783453411814
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Heyne Verlag
    Язык: Немецкий
    Der Kampf um Schottland geht weiter

    In den düsteren Jahren des frühen 14. Jahrhunderts kämpft das Schottische Königreich verzweifelt gegen die englischen Besatzer. Doch die großen Kriegsherren und Clansführer sind der Schlachten müde. Sir William Wallace, einer der Führer des schottischen Widerstands, muss nach Frankreich fliehen. Für den englischen König Edward scheint die Stunde des Sieges gekommen. Doch als der legendäre Freiheitskämpfer Robert the Bruce seinen Anspruch auf die schottische Krone geltend macht, flammt der Widerstand wieder auf. Der Kampf um die Freiheit wird für viele der letzte sein ...
  • Krone und Blut Robert Low
    ISBN: 3955696782, 9783955696788
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Weltbild
    Язык: Немецкий
    Der Kampf um Schottland geht weiter

    In den düsteren Jahren des frühen 14. Jahrhunderts kämpft das Schottische Königreich verzweifelt gegen die englischen Besatzer. Doch die großen Kriegsherren und Clansführer sind der Schlachten müde. Sir William Wallace, einer der Führer des schottischen Widerstands, muss nach Frankreich fliehen. Für den englischen König Edward scheint die Stunde des Sieges gekommen. Doch als der legendäre Freiheitskämpfer Robert the Bruce seinen Anspruch auf die schottische Krone geltend macht, flammt der Widerstand wieder auf. Der Kampf um die Freiheit wird für viele der letzte sein ...
  • Der Löwe erwacht Robert Low
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Random House Audio
    Язык: Немецкий
    Episch, packend, gigantisch: Die große Saga um die Gründung Schottlands.

    In den dunklen Jahren des ausgehenden 13. Jahrhunderts: König Edward I. regiert im Namen Englands. Unruhen durchziehen das Land. Unter der Führung von William Wallace und Robert Bruce kämpfen die schottischen Rebellen für ihre Freiheit. Doch zwischen den einst mächtigen Clans herrscht Feindschaft. Im Kampf für die Unabhängigkeit geraten Sir Hal Sientcler und seine Mannen in einen Strudel aus Verrat, Intrigen und gewaltigen Schlachten...
  • Der Löwe erwacht Robert Low
    ISBN: 3453411684, 9783453411685
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Heyne Verlag
    Язык: Немецкий

    Episch, packend, gigantisch – die große Saga um die Gründung Schottlands Schottland, in den dunklen Jahren des ausgehenden 13. Jahrhunderts: König Edward I. will das Land unter die englische Krone zwingen. Der schottische Thron ist verwaist, die rivalisierenden Clans bekämpfen sich in einem blutigen Bürgerkrieg. Auf Seiten der von William Wallace und Robert Bruce gegen England geführten Rebellen kämpft der tapfere Sir Hal Scientler. In einem Strudel aus Verrat, Intrigen und gewaltigen Schlachten wird Scientler ein Geheimnis anvertraut, das die Zukunft Schottlands entscheiden könnte: Schon bald wird England die Fänge des Löwen fürchten …

  • Der Löwe erwacht Robert Low
    ISBN: 3863659015, 9783863659011
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Weltbild
    Язык: Немецкий
    Schottland, in den dunklen Jahren des ausgehenden 13. Jahrhunderts: König Edward I. will das Land unter die englische Krone zwingen. Der schottische Thron ist verwaist, die rivalisierenden Clans bekämpfen sich in einem blutigen Bürgerkrieg. Auf Seiten der von William Wallace und Robert Bruce gegen England geführten Rebellen kämpft der tapfere Sir Hal Scientler. In einem Strudel aus Verrat, Intrigen und gewaltigen Schlachten wird Scientler ein Geheimnis anvertraut, das die Zukunft Schottlands entscheiden könnte: Schon bald wird England die Fänge des Löwen fürchten …
  • The Lion Rampant Robert Low
    ISBN: 0007481632, 9780007481637
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский
    The third book in Robert Low’s stunning new trilogy about the making of Scotland.

    The whirl of politics makes a mockery of oaths. Loyalty can be bought. Brothers end up enemies, kin can betray you and in the blink of an eye, you become the hunted.

    A band of brothers has lost almost everything honouring their oath to Robert the Bruce. Wives, daughters, sisters, brothers and lovers have been slain or imprisoned. After seven long years of struggle and endurance, Bruce and his loyal supporter, Hal of Herdmanston, will come face-to-face with Edward II, the English King humiliated by defeat and determined to put down his Scottish enemy once and for all.

    And the last great battle for the Scottish throne will be decided on a bloody field called Bannockburn.
  • The Lion Rampant Robert Low
    ISBN: 0007337965, 9780007337965
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: HarperCollins UK
    Язык: Английский
    The third book in Robert Low’s stunning trilogy about the making of Scotland.

    It is 1314. Robert the Bruce has reigned for eight hard years, driving out his English enemies with fire and sword. Lives have been shredded by war – wives, daughters and lovers slain or imprisoned. His men have lost almost everything.

    But three great fortresses in the Kingdom remain under English rule: Roxburgh, Stirling and Edinburgh. Bruce must capture each stronghold after another to come face-to-face with Edward II, the English King humiliated by defeat and determined to put down his Scottish enemy once and for all. And the last great battle for the Scottish throne will be decided on a bloody field called Bannockburn.
  • The Lion Rampant Robert Low
    ISBN: 0007337906, 9780007337903
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers
    Язык: Английский
    The third book in Robert Low’s stunning new trilogy about the making of Scotland.

    The whirl of politics makes a mockery of oaths. Loyalty can be bought. Brothers end up enemies, kin can betray you and in the blink of an eye, you become the hunted.

    A band of brothers has lost almost everything honouring their oath to Robert the Bruce. Wives, daughters, sisters, brothers and lovers have been slain or imprisoned. After seven long years of struggle and endurance, Bruce and his loyal supporter, Hal of Herdmanston, will come face-to-face with Edward II, the English King humiliated by defeat and determined to put down his Scottish enemy once and for all.

    And the last great battle for the Scottish throne will be decided on a bloody field called Bannockburn.
  • Белый ворон Одина Роберт Лоу
    ISBN: 978-5-699-62247-4
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Юный ярл Орм по-прежнему возглавляет Обетное Братство – отряд викингов, спаянный узами общей клятвы, принесенной Всеотцу Одину: быть вместе и в мире, и в войне. Его побратимы, казалось бы, остепенились и прочно осели на берегу, но огонь приключений и опасности в их сердцах не угас. И снова они отправляются в поход за проклятым серебром Аттилы, к необъятным просторам Травяного моря. Спокойная жизнь на суше не для побратимов – такая уж у них судьба. Но теперь викинги не одни – вместе с ними из Новгорода идет дружина юного князя Владимира, которому также не терпится добраться до сокровищ великого завоевателя. Чем закончится этот трудный поход?…

  • The Lion at Bay Robert Low
    ISBN: 0007463618, 9780007463619
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers
    Язык: Английский

    Scotland in turmoil. Robert Low at his best.

    William Wallace fled to France after his defeat at the Battle of Falkirk, which ended his rebellion against the English King. He would have been slain at Falkirk but for the courage of Hal of Herdmanston, whose home was razed in reprisal by King Edward – but who has become a follower of the Earl of Carrick, known as the Bruce, now a friend of the English.

    The Bruce is playing a dangerous game in submitting to Edward since his own ambition, fostered by his auld reprobate grandfather, is to be the King of Scotland. But bitter rivalry amongst the Scots nobility is as grave an obstacle to its independence as the forces of the English Edward Longshanks, and the Bruce has powerful rivals.

    Wallace has returned home, though he still faces betrayal from his own. His loyalty is to the previous king, John Baliol, a prisoner of the Pope. Knights Templar, Cathar heretics, and a Curse laid on the Bruce’s family all conspire against Robert, as well as Edward’s forces. Murder and treachery will be crucial weapons in the long and bloody rise of the Bruce to his coronation.
  • The Lion at Bay Robert Low
    ISBN: 0007433581, 9780007433582
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: HarperCollins

    Scotland in turmoil. Robert Low at his best.

    A nation’s independence hangs in the balance.

    After fleeing to France following his defeat at the Battle of Falkirk, William Wallace has returned to Scottish soil to face his fate. But Robert the Bruce now stands between him and the crown. Warring factions, political intrigue and vicious battles threaten at every turn. Both men face uncertain futures, their efforts thwarted by shattered loyalties, superstition and rumour.

    In these troubled times, it is murder, treachery and the bitter rivalry amongst Scots nobility that will shape the long and bloody rise of Robert the Bruce to his coronation.
  • The Lion at Bay Robert Low
    ISBN: 0007486049, 9780007486045
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: HarperCollins UK
    Язык: Английский

    Scotland in turmoil. Robert Low at his best.

    A nation’s independence hangs in the balance.

    After fleeing to France following his defeat at the Battle of Falkirk, William Wallace has returned to Scottish soil to face his fate. But Robert the Bruce now stands between him and the crown. Warring factions, political intrigue and vicious battles threaten at every turn. Both men face uncertain futures, their efforts thwarted by shattered loyalties, superstition and rumour.

    In these troubled times, it is murder, treachery and the bitter rivalry amongst Scots nobility that will shape the long and bloody rise of Robert the Bruce to his coronation.
  • The Lion at Bay Robert Low
    ISBN: 0007337892, 9780007337897
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский

    Scotland in turmoil. Robert Low at his best.

    William Wallace fled to France after his defeat at the Battle of Falkirk, which ended his rebellion against the English King. He would have been slain at Falkirk but for the courage of Hal of Herdmanston, whose home was razed in reprisal by King Edward – but who has become a follower of the Earl of Carrick, known as the Bruce, now a friend of the English.

    The Bruce is playing a dangerous game in submitting to Edward since his own ambition, fostered by his auld reprobate grandfather, is to be the King of Scotland. But bitter rivalry amongst the Scots nobility is as grave an obstacle to its independence as the forces of the English Edward Longshanks, and the Bruce has powerful rivals.

    Wallace has returned home, though he still faces betrayal from his own. His loyalty is to the previous king, John Baliol, a prisoner of the Pope. Knights Templar, Cathar heretics, and a Curse laid on the Bruce’s family all conspire against Robert, as well as Edward’s forces. Murder and treachery will be crucial weapons in the long and bloody rise of the Bruce to his coronation.
  • Crowbone Роберт Лоу
    ISBN: B007M4F020
    Год издания: 2012
    Язык: Английский

    The long awaited return to Robert Low's Oathsworn series Island of Mann, 979AD. A man lies dying with a message he cannot take to his grave, a sworn secret that must be passed on only to Olaf Tryggvasson, kin of Harald Fairhair of the Yngling line and true prince of Norway, also known as Crowbone. When the message finally arrives, so begins a quest to discover its meaning, and for Crowbone to gain what is rightfully his: the crown of Norway. With a band of Chosen Men, Crowbone begins an unforgiving journey that will see him face the challenge of new enemies and confront his suspicions of treachery from old friends. Looming over all is his…

  • Волчье море Роберт Лоу
    ISBN: 978-5-699-54202-4
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Эксмо, Мидгард
    Язык: Русский

    Братство Одина ждет от своего вожака, молодого Орма Торговца, что тот приведет их домой из далекого Миклагарда. Но Орм лишается своего легендарного меча, на рукояти которого рунами вырезана дорога к сокровищам Атли. Меч похитил коварный викинг Старкад, и побратимы отправляются за ним в погоню. Дорога китов пролегает на сей раз по суше - по охваченной распрями Византии и пустыням Ближнего Востока, - но эта суша многократно опаснее морской пучины, недаром ее прозвали Волчьим морем...

  • The Lion Wakes Robert Low
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers Limited
    Язык: Английский

    A nation will fight for its freedom. The first novel in a major new series as Robert Low moves from the Vikings to the making of Scotland. In the dying days of the 13th century, Scotland is in turmoil. The death of Alexander III has plunged the country into war, both with itself and with Edward I of England. Determined to bring the north under his control, Edward instead unleashes a Scottish rebellion which unites the many warring factions against him - though the old hatreds are not easily put aside. Sir Hal Sientcler of Herdmanston, a minor noble of Lothian, finds himself caught up in the chivalry and honour, as well as the betrayal…

  • The Lion Wakes Robert Low
    ISBN: 0007423691, 9780007423699
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский

    It is 1296 and Scotland is in turmoil. The old king, Alexander III, has died after falling off his horse one dark and stormy night. Scotland’s future is in peril. Edward I of England, desperate to keep control of his northern borders, arranges for John Baliol, a weak man who Edward knows he can manipulate, to take leadership of Scotland. But unrest is rife and many are determined to throw off the shackles of England. Among those men is Robert the Bruce, darkly handsome, young, angry and obsessed by his desire to win Scotland's throne. He will fight for the freedom of the Scots until the end. But there are many rival factions and the…

  • The Lion Wakes Robert Low
    ISBN: 0007337884, 9780007337880
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: HarperCollins UK
    Язык: Английский
    The first novel in The Kingdom Series as Robert Low moves from the Vikings to the making of Scotland.

    It is 1296 and Scotland is in turmoil. The old king, Alexander III, has died after falling off his horse one dark and stormy night. Scotland’s future is in peril. Edward I of England, desperate to keep control of his northern borders, arranges for John Baliol, a weak man who Edward knows he can manipulate, to take leadership of Scotland.

    But unrest is rife and many are determined to throw off the shackles of England. Among those men is Robert the Bruce, darkly handsome, young, angry and obsessed by his desire to win Scotland's throne. He will fight for the freedom of the Scots until the end.

    But there are many rival factions and the English are a strong and fearsome opponent. The Lion Wakes culminates in the Battle of Falkirk which proves to be the beginning of a rivalry that will last for decades…
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