Анна Мак-Партлин

Anna McPartlin

  • 14 книг
  • 32 читателя
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Лучшие книги Анны Мак-Партлин

  • Заверните мне луну А. Мак-Партлин
    ISBN: 978-5-486-02554-9
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Мир книги
    Язык: Русский

    Эмма и Джон были влюблены друг в друга с самого детства. И счастливо сосуществовали вот уже двенадцать лет. Эмма не сомневалась, что Джон - ее судьба. Но трагическая случайность перечеркнула все ее планы. Возвращаясь домой после одной из вечеринок, Джон попадает под машину. Эмма в отчаянии. В одночасье рухнуло все, что они вместе строили годами. Она не мыслит своей жизни без Джона и не представляет, что теперь делать и как жить дальше...

  • Weil du bei mir bist Anna McPartlin
    ISBN: 978-3499271786
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Rowohlt Taschenbuch
    Язык: Немецкий
  • The Space Between Us Anna McPartlin
    ISBN: 978-0-241-95013-5
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Penguin Books Ltd.
    Язык: Английский
    Fans of Marian Keyes will love "The Space Between Us", a heart-breaking story of friendship from award-nominated author, Anna McPartlin. From babyhood Eve and Lily were best friends. But one huge fight and 17 years later Eve wakes up from a horrific accident to find her old friend nursing her. At first, their reunion is tentative but during Eve's many months in hospital they confront both the lies of the past and their present failures. And each clearly sees how the other needs to change her life: Lily must get out of an impossible marriage and Eve has to face up to the pain she has caused others. The crisis that brought Eve and Lily together again seems like a blessing that has given them a second chance to be there for each other when they most need someone to lean on. Little do they suspect that their friendship is under a threat that will change the future forever..."Anna McPartlin can make you feel despair and sadness but she can also make you see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's quite an impressive feat. If you haven't already tried Anna McPartlin then you are definitely missing out. She is one of the finest writers around and "The Space Between Us" is one of the best tales of friendship". (Chicklitreviewsandnews.com). "Anna's warmth and humour shine through as she takes the reader on a journey through laughter and tears". ("U Magazine"). Anna McPartlin believes that even the darkest times have their lighter moments and she tells tales that are authentic, deeply emotional and yet often deeply funny. "The Space Between Us" is Anna McPartlin at the height of her storytelling powers. Before her writing career took off Anna was, among other things, a stand-up comedian and a claims adjuster. Her first novel "Pack Up The Moon" was shortlisted as Newcomer of the Year in the Irish Book Awards and her writing has gone from strength to strength ever since. Her other titles include "No Way to Say Goodbye", "The One I Love", and "The Truth Will Out".
  • Was aus Liebe geschieht Anna McPartlin
    ISBN: 3499254816
    Год издания: 2010
    Язык: Немецкий
  • Pack Up The Moon Anna McPartlin
    ISBN: 9781844881703
    Год издания: 2009
    Язык: Английский
    What if your boyfriend died right in front of you? It was a night of laughter and celebration. But when John dies in a dreadful accident, his girlfriend Emma is plunged into despair. She loved John more than life itself - and now death has taken him from her.

    She feels nothing, she has lost everything, her world spins out of control. Or so she thinks. For Emma has friends - good friends who rally around.

    But the shocking memory of that night returns to haunt each of them in different and trying ways. And Emma knows that if she is ever to laugh at life again, or find love she once had, she will have to let go of the man she thought she couldnt live without. She must let go and trust her heart.
  • Die letzten Tage von Rabbit Hayes Anna McPartlin
    ISBN: 978-3499269226
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: rororo
    Язык: Немецкий
    Erst wenn das Schlimmste eintritt, weißt du, wer dich liebt.
    Stell dir vor, du hast nur noch neun Tage. Neun Tage, um über die Flüche deiner Mutter zu lachen. Um die Hand deines Vaters zu halten (wenn er dich lässt). Und deiner Schwester durch ihr Familienchaos zu helfen. Um deinem Bruder den Weg zurück in die Familie zu bahnen. Nur neun Tage, um Abschied zu nehmen von deiner Tochter, die noch nicht weiß, dass du nun gehen wirst ...
    Die Geschichte von Rabbit Hayes: ungeheuer traurig. Ungeheuer tröstlich.
  • The Last Days of Rabbit Hayes Анна Мак-Партлин
    ISBN: 9780552773744
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Black Swan
    Here is a truth that can’t be escaped: for Mia ‘Rabbit’ Hayes, life is coming to an end . . .
    Rabbit Hayes loves her life, ordinary as it is, and the extraordinary people in it.
    She loves her spirited daughter, Juliet; her colourful, unruly family; the only man in her big heart, Johnny Faye.
    But it turns out the world has other plans for Rabbit, and she’s OK with that. Because she has plans for the world too, and only a handful of days left to make them happen.
    Here is a truth that won’t be forgotten: this is a story about laughing through life’s surprises and finding the joy in every moment.
  • The Last Days of Rabbit Hayes Anna McPartlin
    ISBN: 978-1250093851
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: St. Martin's Griffin
    Язык: Английский
    Mia "Rabbit" Hayes is one of the lucky ones. She loves her life, ordinary as it is, and she loves the extraordinary people in it: her spirited daughter, Juliet; her colorful, unruly family; and the only man in her big heart, Johnny Faye. Rabbit has big ideas, full of music, love, and so much life. She has plans for the world - but the world has other plans for Rabbit: a devastating diagnosis.

    Rabbit is feisty. With every ounce of love and strength in her, she promises that she will overcome. She will fight, fight, fight. She will be with those who love her for as long as she can. As her friends and family rally to celebrate Rabbit's last days, they look to her for strength, support, and her unyielding zest for life - because she is Rabbit Hayes, and she will live until she dies.

    An exuberant novel full of happiness and heartbreak, Anna McPartlin's The Last Days of Rabbit Hayes is a story of laughing through life's surprises and finding the joy in every moment.
  • Niemand kennt mich so wie du Anna McPartlin
    ISBN: 978-3-499-25874-9
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag
    Язык: Немецкий
    Eve und Lily waren von klein auf ein Herz und eine Seele. Doch dann, an der Schwelle zum Erwachsenwerden, zerrissen die Ereignisse eines Sommers das Band, das sie zusammenhielt. Seitdem haben sie sich nicht wiedergesehen.
    Zwanzig Jahre spater uberlebt Eve nur knapp einen schweren Unfall. Als sie erwacht, steht eine Krankenschwester an ihrer Seite - Lily. Beide merken schnell: Jede wunscht sich sehnlichst die Freundin aus vergangenen Tagen zuruck. Doch die alten Wunden sind nicht verheilt, und Lily ist noch immer mit dem Mann verheiratet, den Eve so sehr hasst...
  • The Truth Wil Out: The One I Love (комплект из 2 книг) Anna McPartlin
    ISBN: 978-0-241-95213-9
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Penguin Books Ltd.
    Язык: Английский
    Вашему вниманию предлагается комплект "The Truth Wil Out: The One I Love".
  • Was aus Liebe geschieht Анна Мак-Партлин
    ISBN: 978-3499254819
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Rowohlt
    Язык: Немецкий
    In jedem Abschied steckt ein neuer Anfang

    Das Licht geht aus, ein Fahrstuhl bleibt stecken. Als der Strom wieder da ist, haben sich die Leben von Tom, Ellen, Leslie und Jane für immer verbunden. Seit drei Monaten gilt Toms Frau Alexandra als vermisst. Aber er will die Hoffnung nicht aufgeben, sie doch noch zu finden. Sein Schicksal berührt die drei Frauen zutiefst. Denn sie alle kennen die dunklen Seiten des Lebens: Leslie, die ihre Großmutter, die Eltern und beide Schwestern durch Krebs verloren hat. Ellen mit ihren Depressionen. Und Jane, die als Teenager schwanger wurde und alle Träume für ihre Familie opfern musste. Die drei beschließen, Tom bei seiner Suche zu helfen. Denn das einzig wahre Unglück wäre, die Hoffnung zu verlieren.

    Ein neuer großer Roman der Autorin von «Weil du bei mir bist»