Леон Гарфилд

Leon Garfield

  • 7 книг
  • 18 читателей
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Леон Гарфилд – лучшие книги

  • Черный Джек Леон Гарфилд
    ISBN: 5-85933-003-0
    Год издания: 1994
    Издательство: ТОО "ЭСБИ"
    Язык: Русский
    В этой истории описаны бродячие цирки и частные сумасшедшие дома, в которых на цепи, в пустых камерах сидят забытые всеми параноики. Из одного из таких домов молодой Толли спасает Белли, сумасшедшую девушку, которая в действительности совсем не сумасшедшая.
  • Дьявол в тумане Леон Гарфилд
    ISBN: 5-7380-0023-4
    Год издания: 1994
    Издательство: Всероссийская государственная библиотека иностранной литературы им. М. И. Рудомино
    Язык: Русский

    В сборник включены романы "Смит" и "Дьявол в тумане". Роман "Дьявол в тумане" в 1967 г. получил первую премию в области детской литературы.

  • Devil in the Fog Леон Гарфилд
    ISBN: 019275193X
    Год издания: 2002
    Язык: Английский
    A dramatic and eerie story of lost identity and family secrets, told in Leon Garfield's memorable and distinctive style.

    George Treet is happy with his life as part of a family of travelling actors. But George's world turns upside down when he discovers that Mr Treet is not his real father, and that he must go and live with his real family.Where someone, somewhere out in the fog, is waiting for him...

    Leon Garfield was one of the most celebrated children's authors of the twentieth century, and won the Guardian Award, The Whitbread Award, and the Carnegie medal. This is a fast-moving, exciting read and is accompanied by atmospheric black and white line drawings by acclaimed artist Jason Cockcroft
  • John Diamond Leon Garfield
    ISBN: 978-0374424411
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: Farrar Straus Giroux
    If ever I learned anything during that night, it was that, if you should hear the noise of running feet, you should not be angry, but think that somebody down below might be gasping and groaning and struggling to save his life. If you should see a boy raise his fists as if to bang on your door and then stumble away, it is not because he's a dirty little ruffian, but because he's just caught sight of somebody coming round a corner with a terrible hook. 'Really,' said Leon Garfield, 'what I try to write is that old-fashioned thing the family novel, accessible to the twelve-year-old and readable by his elders.' This classic tale of a boy who sets out to right the wrongs committed by his swindler father demonstrates how extraordinarily successful Leon Garfield was as a story-teller. His work transcends all generations. First published in 1980, John Diamond won the Whitbread Award that year, as the best children's story book, and also the prestigious Boston Globe-Horn Honor Book Award. The Horn Book wrote: Narrated with the verve and pace of a picaresque novel, [John Diamond] combines a cast of remarkable eccentrics with superb sensory descriptions...A series of heart-stopping pursuits through the twisting London streets, narrow escapes, encounters with the denizens of Whitefriars, Foxes Court, and Hanging Court Alley move the story at a precipitous rate toward a thoroughly satisfying and surprising resolution. The plot is as convoluted as William's search - packed with unexpected turns, vain hopes of treasure, false clues, and masked identities...Richly imagined and audacious in its balance of humour and suspense, the book is as absorbing as it is compelling.
  • The Pleasure Garden Леон Гарфилд
    Eastward in Clerkenwell lies the Mulberry Pleasure Garden: six acres of leafy walks, colonnades and pavillions. In this bosky setting parade a variety of characters of awesome granduer, innocence and evil - and all are subject to a ring of blackmail terror.
  • Smith Леон Гарфилд
    ISBN: 0374467625
    Год издания: 2000
    Издательство: Sunburst Books
    Язык: Английский
    This brilliant, picaresque novel follows the adventures of an illiterate young ragamuffin known only as Smith. Smith picks the pocket of a stranger, only to witness immediately the strangers murder. Smiths booty from the theft is an Important Document, no doubt worth quite a lot to somebody, which is proved by the pursuit of Smith by two very shady characters. Smith artfully dodges them and winds up in the odd company of a wealthy blind man, who takes Smith into his home and provides him with an education. But this new comfort is lost when Smith himself is suspected of the very murder he witnessed. Smith was a "Boston Globe--Horn Book" Honor Book, winner of the Phoenix Award, and a Carnegie Honor Book.