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Лао-цзы — библиография

  • Дао дэ цзин. Грань содержания Лао-цзы
    Форма: поэма
    Дата написания: 2000
    Перевод: Юлия Полежаева
    Язык: Русский
    Стихотворное переложение Ю. Полежаевой.
  • Yol ve erdem Лао-цзы
    Yol (Tao) ve Erdem (Te) bundan tam 2.500 yıl ?nce Laozi (Yaşlı Bilge) adında ?inli bir d?ş?n?r tarafından yazılmış, 81 aforizmadan oluşan bir metindir. Tao ve Te olmak ?zere iki b?l?me ayrılan kitap, bir felsefi akım ve bir din olarak kabul edilen Taoculuğun (Taoizm) temel kaynağıdır. Taoculuğun dışında Budizm, Neo Konf??y?s??l?k ve ?zellikle son y?zyılda Batı’da ?eşitli felsefi ve dini ekollerde de derin etkiler bırakmıştır. Laozi’ye g?re insanın Yolunu bulmasının ve Erdemli yaşamasının tek yolu, doğanın bir par?ası olduğunu kabul etmesi, onunla m?cadele etmek yerine uyumlu yaşamasıyla m?mk?nd?r. ?zellikle arzularına ve hırslarına yenik d?şen insanların hi?bir zaman huzur bulamayacaklarını ve boşlukta kaybolacaklarını s?yler.
  • Дао Дэ Цзин Лао-цзы
    Форма: документальное произведение
    Дата написания: 2000
    Перевод: Д. П. Кониси , Л. Н. Толстой
    Язык: Русский
  • Дао де цзин Лао-цзы
    «Дао де цзин» – головний трактат містичної традиції Стародавнього Китаю. Він справив величезний вплив не тільки на формування даосизму, а й на духовну культуру всього Стародавнього Сходу. Творцем «Дао де цзин» традиційно називають головного вчителя даосизму – легендарного Лао-цзи. Вважається, що він був старшим сучасником Конфуція і вони навіть зустрічалися. Більшу частину свого життя Лао-цзи служив хранителем імператорського архіву за часів династії Чжоу. Вирішивши покинути людей, бо мудрець в них розчарувався, він на прохання начальника прикордонної застави, через яку покидав Китай, написав і залишив невеличку книжку «у п’ять тисяч слів». Це й був трактат про Шлях і Досконалість – «Дао де цзин».
  • T?o Teh King Лао-цзы
    "T?o Teh King" by Laozi (translated by James Legge). Published by Good Press. Good Press publishes a wide range of titles that encompasses every genre. From well-known classics & literary fiction and non-fiction to forgotten−or yet undiscovered gems−of world literature, we issue the books that need to be read. Each Good Press edition has been meticulously edited and formatted to boost readability for all e-readers and devices. Our goal is to produce eBooks that are user-friendly and accessible to everyone in a high-quality digital format.
  • Tao Te Ching Лао-цзы
    The Tao Te Ching is fundamental to the Taoist school of Chinese philosophy and strongly influenced other schools, such as Legalism and Neo-Confucianism. This ancient book is also central in Chinese religion, not only for Taoism but Chinese Buddhism, which when first introduced into China was largely interpreted through the use of Taoist words and concepts. Many Chinese artists, including poets, painters, calligraphers, and even gardeners have used the Tao Te Ching as a source of inspiration. Its influence has also spread widely outside East Asia, aided by hundreds of translations into Western languages.
  • Book of Way and Might Лао-цзы
    The Tao Te Ching by Laozi is the foundational text of Taoism and an oft-quoted font of Eastern wisdom. Here is presented a readable translation into everyday English, with the original Chinese in parallel. The Tao Te Ching has been translated into Western languages over 250 times. According to Holmes Welch, «It is a famous puzzle which everyone would like to feel he had solved.»
  • Tao Te Ching Лао-цзы
    A luxury, keep-sake edition of an ancient Chinese scripture This ancient text, fundamental to Taoism, has become a source of inspiration and guidance for millions in modern society. It's focus on attunement, rather than mindless striving, offers an alternative to command-and-control leadership and a different way of seeing personal success – a position that has led to this ancient Chinese text becoming an internationally bestselling personal development guide. Now the text has been given a makeover and this deluxe, gift edition is set to become the market leader, following in the footsteps of the other bestselling Capstone Classic editions. Includes: Paints a picture of a person in full attunement Illustrates how fulfillment and peace, without struggle, can deliver to us what we need and desire An alternative way to view personal success A new introduction by Tom Butler Bowdon, the classic personal development expert
  • Tao Te Ching Лао-цзы
    A classic Chinese text dating from the 6th century B.C., the «Book of the Way» consists of 81 short poems that unfold the spiritual nature of Taoism, one of the ancient Chinese religions. In describing the universal life force implicit in all things, this work shows readers a path that teaches contentment and balance. The simple language of Lao Tzu's manual on the art of living essentially encourages being humble, temperate, and considerate in the face of life's predicaments. The wisdom of being a part of the Tao leads to a serenity of spirit that improves all aspects of human life, from work to family, difficulties and joys. An essential for the meditation of Taoists for thousands of years, the «Tao Te Ching» is as beneficial and informative as it is enduring. This edition is drawn from the authoritative translation of James Legge and is interspersed with detailed critical analysis by the translator.
  • Tao Te Ching Лао-цзы
    A classic Chinese text dating from the 6th century BC, the “Tao Te Ching” or “Book of the Way” consists of 81 short poems that unfold the spiritual nature of Taoism, one of the ancient Chinese religions. In describing the universal life force implicit in all things, this work shows readers a path that teaches contentment and balance. The simple language of Lao Tzu’s manual on the art of living, essentially encourages being humble, temperate, and considerate in the face of life’s predicaments. The wisdom of being a part of the Tao leads to a serenity of spirit that improves all aspects of human life, from the demands of work and family, to the dealing with life’s joys and difficulties. An essential for the meditation of Taoists for thousands of years, the “Tao Te Ching” is as beneficial and informative as it is enduring. This edition is translated with commentary by James Legge.
  • Tao Te Ching Лао-цзы
    Tao (the Way) is one of the most profound and influential of the world's spiritual traditions, and the Tao Te Ching (The Book of the Way and Its Virtue) has left its imprint on Far Eastern philosophy, art, and literature for over two thousand years. This classic of meditative insight was an important influence on Buddhist thought. Its key tenet is wu-wei, naturalness and simplicity, a mystical path of spontaneity and noninterference that fosters individuality and spiritual freedom.Although Taoism has declined in importance as a formal religion, its spirit of harmony and peace not only permeates art and life in the East but also continues to animate New Age consciousness in the West. This high-quality, inexpensive edition of the authoritative Legge translation will prove invaluable to seekers of enlightenment, students of Eastern religion and thought, and general readers.
  • The Dao De Jing Лао-цзы
    This book examines one of the world’s most enduring and influential literary works through the timeless art of qigong. In his words, Lao Tzu (or Laozi), author of the Dao De Jing , embodies qigong principles, advocating the cultivation of mind and body. Only when we know qigong can we know Lao Tzu—and only when we know Lao Tzu can we know the Dao De Jing . Lao Tzu’s writing has been read, translated, and discussed around the globe. It deals with principles that transcend time and culture. That is why this ancient text has been reimagined countless times in books on business, relationships, and parenting—but never with a focus on the art of qigong. This makes the Dao De Jing: A Qigong Interpretation unique and indispensible. Many chapters in the Dao De Jing purely talk about qigong, especially the practices of regulating the body, breathing, mind, qi, and spirit. Dr. Yang, a renowned author, scholar, and martial artist, devoted decades to researching and writing this book. He interprets and analyzes the 81 chapters of the Dao De Jing . His commentary will bring new insight, inspiration, and depth to your understanding of Lao Tzu’s words—and to your qigong practice. This book includes The complete Dao De Jing in English and its original Chinese text Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming’s commentary and analysis of each chapter Numerous illustrations and diagrams The Dao De Jing: A Qigong Interpretation is not a book of instruction. It is about the Way—the path before us, in qigong and in life, where what you achieve comes through your own understanding.
  • Dao De Jing Лао-цзы
    Dao De Jing is one of the richest, most suggestive, and most popular works of philosophy and literature. Composed in China between the late sixth and the late fourth centuries b.c., its enigmatic verses have inspired artists, philosophers, poets, religious thinkers, and general readers down to our own times. This new translation, both revelatory and authentic, captures much of the beauty and nuance of the original work. In an extensive and accessible commentary to his translation, Moss Roberts reveals new depths of Dao De Jing.This edition is distinguished by the literary quality of the translation, its new renderings for a number of the stanzas, and by Roberts's knowledgeable contextualizations. Utilizing recently discovered manuscripts and Chinese scholarship based on them, he is able to shed new light on the work's historical and philosophical contexts. This translation shows that Dao De Jing is far more than a work of personal inspiration; it is also a work of universal scope that makes penetrating comments on politics, statecraft, cosmology, aesthetics, and ethics. Roberts brings these themes to our attention, shows how they are integrated into the work as a whole, and demonstrates the relevance of these topics for our own times.
  • Слово о пути истины и внутреннем достоинстве. перевод с древнекитайского И. М.  Носов Лао-цзы
    Этот перевод с древнекитайского был сделан в 1988—1991 годах с калифорнийского издания по принципу: один иероглиф – одно слово.
  • Слово о пути истины и внутреннем достоинстве. перевод с древнекитайского И. М.  Носов Лао-цзы
    Этот перевод с древнекитайского был сделан в 1988—1991 годах с калифорнийского издания по принципу: один иероглиф – одно слово.
  • Слово о пути истины и внутреннем достоинстве. перевод с древнекитайского И. М.  Носов Лао-цзы
    Этот перевод с древнекитайского был сделан в 1988—1991 годах с калифорнийского издания по принципу: один иероглиф – одно слово.
  • Слово о пути истины и внутреннем достоинстве. перевод с древнекитайского И. М.  Носов Лао-цзы
    Этот перевод с древнекитайского был сделан в 1988—1991 годах с калифорнийского издания по принципу: один иероглиф – одно слово.
  • Слово о пути истины и внутреннем достоинстве. перевод с древнекитайского И. М.  Носов Лао-цзы
    Этот перевод с древнекитайского был сделан в 1988—1991 годах с калифорнийского издания по принципу: один иероглиф – одно слово.
  • Слово о пути истины и внутреннем достоинстве. перевод с древнекитайского И. М.  Носов Лао-цзы
    Этот перевод с древнекитайского был сделан в 1988—1991 годах с калифорнийского издания по принципу: один иероглиф – одно слово.
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