Чарли Хьюстон

Charlie Huston

  • 48 книг
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  • 58 читателей
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Лучшие книги Чарли

  • Неспящие Чарли Хьюстон
    ISBN: 978-5-227-03152-5
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Центрполиграф
    Язык: Русский
    Десятая часть жителей Лос-Анджелеса в альтернативной реальности мира компьютерных игр заболевает неизлечимой болезнью, лишающей сна. Молодой полицейский Паркер Хаас, жена которого тоже больна, расследует дело о нелегальных поставках лекарства, облегчающего мучительные симптомы. Руководитель этих поставок, будучи офицером службы безопасности, охотится за Парком и одновременно за профессиональным убийцей Джаспером, также выслеживающем полицейского. Кто из них выживет в классической борьбе добра со злом?
  • Мертвее не бывает Чарли Хьюстон
    ISBN: 978-5-17-054143-0
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: АCТ
    Язык: Русский
    Коалиция - вампирские кланы, принявшие за образец структуру итальянской мафии пятидесятых, - все больше берет под контроль преступный мир Нью-Йорка...

    "Преступным" ночным охотникам противостоит взбешенное "новое поколение вампиров", предводитель которого, Терри Берд, исповедует ультралевый радикализм...

    Войну уже не остановить - и еще неизвестно, чью сторону примет "третья сила" вампиров - таинственный Анклав, члены которого научились подавлять в себе жажду крови путем практики древней и опасной черной магии... Но какое отношение к грядущему противостоянию враждующих группировок "народа Крови" имеет частный детектив Джо Питт, специализирующийся на расследовании паранормальных преступлений?

    Конечно, он тоже вампир, но не принадлежит ни к одной из группировок. А "народ^ Кланов" не любит чужаков...

    Но когда Нью-Йорк настигает эпидемия странной и страшной болезни, превращающей обычных людей в зомби, Джо просят о помощи предводители всех вампирских группировок.

    Небольшая трудность расследования заключается в том, что поиск "источника зомбизма" Джо предстоит сочетать с поисками бесследно исчезнувшей дочери известного вирусолога Хорда, тоже связанного с лидерами Коалиции...
  • Moon Knight, Vol. 1: The Bottom Чарли Хьюстон
    ISBN: 978-0785119074
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Marvel
    Язык: Английский
    The Fist of Khonshu is back and badder than ever, courtesy of acclaimed novelist Charlie Huston (Caught Stealing, Six Bad Things) and red-hot, fan-favorite artist David Finch (Avengers). Collects Moon Knight (2006) #1-6.
  • Moon Knight, Vol. 2: Midnight Sun Чарли Хьюстон
    ISBN: 978-0785122906
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Marvel
    Язык: Английский
    Three months back on the job, and they're already coming out of the woodwork. The bad guys you expect. The gangsters and the hoods with old axes to grind. They all come with the territory. But the heroes - them you don't expect. Popping up to give you the eyeball and make sure you're toeing the line. Their line. Spider-Man... Frank Castle, the angel of death himself...even the fugitive Captain America. And now, this other thing. Someone is out there. Someone hitting the old haunts, scenes of the old crimes. Leaving messages. Leaving bodies. Someone who knows you. Someone who crushes steel and pulls off limbs. All to get your attention. Someone out of your league! Collects Moon Knight #7-13.
  • No Dominion Charlie Huston
    ISBN: 978-0-345-47825-2
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Del Rey
    Язык: Английский
    Vampyre Joe Pitt is down on his luck, behind on rent and low on blood. With nowhere else to turn he finds himself asking his former boss Terry Bird head of the vampyre clan the Society. Bird tosses Joe a job, tracking down the source of a new drug on the streets, a drug powerful enough to cause those infected with the Vampyre Vyrus to freak out. For this one Joe has to cross Coalition turf and head down to Harlem, home of the vampyre clan known as the Hood.
  • Every Last Drop Чарли Хьюстон
    ISBN: 978-0345495884
    Год издания: 2008
    Язык: Английский
  • Half the Blood of Brooklyn Чарли Хьюстон
    ISBN: 978-0345495877
    Год издания: 2007
    Язык: Английский
  • Moon Knight - Volume 3: God & Country Чарли Хьюстон
    ISBN: 978-0785125211
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Marvel
    Язык: Английский
    Moon Knight is back in the game - leaving a trail of broken bodies in his wake - and everyone wants to know the same thing: Who the hell gave this psycho a Registration Card? But no one wants to know more than the architect of the Initiative, Tony Stark. As the body count grows, the pressure to bring in the poster child for super-powered irresponsibility might grow too much for Stark to ignore! Award-winning TV writer Mike Benson (Entourage) takes over the reins, with co-plotter Charlie Huston! Collects Moon Knight #14-20.
  • Ausgesaugt: Ein Joe-Pitt-Roman Чарли Хьюстон
    ISBN: 978-3453435551
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Heyne Verlag
    Niemand lebt für immer

    Nachdem Joe Pitt einen Krieg der großen Vampirclans angezettelt hat, wurde er zum meistgesuchten Blutsauger New Yorks. Ein Jahr verbringt er auf der Flucht vor seinen Widersachern in der Kanalisation und sinnt auf Rache – dann ist seine Zeit gekommen. Um seiner großen Liebe Evie willen wirft er sich noch einmal in die Schlacht. Er wird nicht ruhen, bis auch wirklich alle – ob untot oder nicht – unter der Erde sind.
  • Wolverine: The Best There Is Чарли Хьюстон
    ISBN: 9780785167662
    Год издания: 2013
    Язык: Английский
    Wolverine: The Best There Is
  • Caught Stealing Charlie Huston
    ISBN: 0345464788
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Ballantine Books
    It’s three thousand miles from the green fields of glory, where Henry “call me Hank” Thompson once played California baseball, to the Lower East Side of Manhattan, where the tenements are old, the rents are high, and the drunks are dirty. But now Hank is here, working as a bartender and taking care of a cat named Bud who is surely going to get him killed.

    It begins when Hank’s neighbor, Russ, has to leave town in a rush and hands over Bud in a carrier. But it isn’t until two Russians in tracksuits drag Hank over the bar at the joint where he works and beat him to a pulp that he starts to get the idea: Someone wants something from him. He just doesn’t know what it is, where it is, or how to make them understand he doesn’t have it.

    Within twenty-four hours Hank is running over rooftops, swinging his old aluminum bat for the sweet spot of a guy’s head, playing hide and seek with the NYPD, riding the subway with a dead man at his side, and counting a whole lot of cash on a concrete floor.

    All because of two cowboys, two Russian mafia men, and some of the weirdest goons ever assembled in one place. All because of Bud. All because once, in another life, in another world, the only thing Hank wanted was to take third base—without getting caught.
  • Superdrago 2 Guia didactica + 2 CD Чарли Хьюстон
    ISBN: 978849778-640-9
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Испанский
    Superdrago 2 Guia didactica + 2 CD
  • Sleepless Charlie Huston
    ISBN: 978-0345501141
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Ballantine Books
    What LAPD cop Parker Hass wants is a world both safe and just for his wife and infant daughter. But then a plague of insomnia strikes. Working undercover as a drug dealer in a Los Angeles ruled in equal parts by martial law and insurgency, Park is tasked with cutting off illegal trade in Dreamer, the only drug that can give the infected their precious sleep. After a year of lost leads, Park stumbles into the perilous shadows cast by the pharmaceutical giant behind Dreamer. Somewhere in those shadows a secret is hiding. Drawn into the inner circle of a tech guru with a warped agenda, Park delves deeper into the restless world. His wife has become sleepless, and their daughter may soon share the same fate. For them, he will risk everything. Whatever the cost to himself.
  • My Dead Body Charlie Huston
    ISBN: 978-0-345-49589-1
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Del Rey
    Язык: Английский

    Just ask Joe Pitt. After exposing the secret source of blood for half of Manhattan’s Vampyres, he’s definitely a dead man walking. He’s been a punching bag and a bullet magnet for every Vampyre Clan in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and the Bronx, not to mention a private eye, an enforcer, an exile, and a vigilante, but now he’s just a target with legs.

    For a year he’s sloshed around the subway tunnels and sewers, tapping the veins of the lost, while above ground a Vampyre civil war threatens to drag the Clans into the sunlight once and for all. What’s it gonna take to dig him up? Just the search for a missing girl who’s carrying a baby that just might be the destiny of Vampyre-kind. Not that Joe cares all that much about destiny and such. What he cares about is that his ex-girl Evie wants him to take the gig. What’s the risk? Another turn playing pigeon in a shooting gallery. What’s the reward? Maybe one shot of his own. What’s he aiming for? Nothing much. Just all the evil at the heart of his world.
  • The Mystic Arts of Erasing All Signs of Death Charlie Huston
    ISBN: 978-0345501127
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Ballantine Books
    Язык: Английский

    With his teaching career derailed by tragedy and his slacker days numbered, Webster Fillmore Goodhue makes an unlikely move and joins Clean Team, charged with tidying up L.A.'s grisly crime scenes. For Web, it's a steady gig, and he soon finds himself sponging a Malibu suicide's brains from a bathroom mirror and flirting with the man's bereaved and beautiful daughter. Then things get weird: The dead man's daughter asks a favor. Every cell in Web's brain tells him to turn her down, but something makes him hit the Harbor Freeway at midnight to help her however he can. Soon enough it's Web who needs the help when gun-toting California…

  • The Shotgun Rule Charlie Huston
    ISBN: 978-0345481368
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Ballantine Books
    Язык: Английский
    Blood spilled on the asphalt of this town long years gone has left a stain, and it’s spreading. Not that a thing like that matters to teenagers like George, Hector, Paul, and Andy. It’s summer 1983 in a northern California suburb, and these working-class kids have been killing time the usual ways: ducking their parents, tinkering with their bikes, and racing around town getting high and boosting their neighbors’ meds. Just another typical summer break in the burbs. Till Andy’s bike is stolen by the town’s legendary petty hoods, the Arroyo brothers. When the boys break into the Arroyos’ place in search of the bike, they stumble across the brothers’ private industry: a crank lab. Being the kind of kids who rarely know better, they do what comes naturally: they take a stash of crank to sell for quick cash. But doing so they unleash hidden rivalries and crimes, and the dark and secret past of their town and their families.
  • A Dangerous Man Charlie Huston
    ISBN: 034548133X
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Ballantine Books
    Reluctant hitman Henry Thompson has fallen on hard times. His grip on life is disintegrating, his pistol hand shaking, his body pinned to his living room couch by painkillers–and his boss, Russian mobster David Dolokhov, isn’t happy about any of it. So Henry is surprised when he’s handed a new assignment: keep tabs on a minor league baseball star named Miguel Arenas.

    Henry has no pity for the slugger and the wicked gambling problem that got him in trouble, but he can’t help liking the guy. After all, Henry used to be just like him: a natural-born ball player with a bright future. But hell, that was long ago. Before Henry did some guy a favor and ended up running for his life. Before his girlfriend and buddies got gunned down by someone on his tail. Before he agreed to buy his parents’ safety with a life of violence.

    And when Miguel gets drafted by the Mets and is sent to the Brooklyn Cyclones, Henry must head back to New York, back to the place where all his problems began–and where Henry might find a real reason to keep living, a reason that may just cost him his life.
  • Six Bad Things Charlie Huston
    ISBN: 0345464796
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Ballantine Books
    Hank Thompson is living off the map in Mexico with a bagful of cash that the Russian mafia wants back and many, many secrets. So when a Russian backpacker shows up in town asking questions, Hank tries to play it cool. But he knows the jig is up when the backpacker mentions the money . . . and the family Hank left behind. Suddenly Hank’s in a desperate race to get to his parents in California before anyone can harm them. Along the way he’ll face Federales and Border Patrol, mafiosi and vigilantes, extortionists and drug dealers, and a couple of psychotic surf bums with an ax to grind. From the golden beaches of the Yucatán to the seedy strip clubs of Vegas, Charlie Huston opens a door to the squalid underworld of crime and corruption–and invites the reader to live it in the extreme.
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