Мубанга Калимамуквенто

Mubanga Kalimamukwento

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Мубанга Калимамуквенто — о писателе

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Биография — Мубанга Калимамуквенто

Mubanga is a multi-award-winning novelist, short story writer, poet, essayist and filmmaker. Her first novel, The Mourning Bird (Jacana Media) won the 2019 Dinaane Debut Fiction Award, making her the first and only Zambian to win the prize since its inception in 2004. She won the Kalemba Short Story Prize 2019 and the Tell Your Own Story Awards Zambia 2020. Her short stories have appeared on numerous shortlists including the Bristol Short Story Prize (2019), the Nobrow Short Story Prize (2019) and the Commonwealth Short Story Prize (2022). Her debut collection unmarked graves won the 2022 Tusculum Review Poetry Chapbook Prize.

Her work has also appeared on Netflix, and in Blackbird Books,…

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