Керрелин Спаркс

Kerrelyn Sparks

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Керрелин Спаркс – лучшие книги

  • Как выйти замуж за вампира-миллионера Керрелин Спаркс
    ISBN: 978-5-271-42732-9
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Астрель
    Язык: Русский

    Вампир-миллионер Роман умен, обаятелен, холост… и только что пережил величайший позор для "ночного охотника" - сломал клык. Надо срочно спасать положение, иначе рана зарастет наглухо. Но где найти врача, который решится на столь необычную операцию? Красавица Шанна Уилан - отличный дантист и подходит для этого идеально. К тому же она нуждается в защите, а кто защитит ее лучше могущественного вампира? Словом, чисто профессиональные отношения. И никакой любви. Ни в коем случае! Даже если противостоять страсти уже невозможно…

  • Такая долгая ночь Керрелин Спаркс
    ISBN: 978-5-17-072824-4, 978-5-271-35029-0, 978-5-4215-2014-6
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: АСТ, Астрель, Полиграфиздат
    Язык: Русский

    Жизнь вампирши Дарси Ньюхарт была скучна и однообразна, до тех пор пока ей в голову не пришла идея реалити-шоу, в котором за звание самого сексуального мужчины будут соревноваться как обычные смерт-ные, так и ""ночные охотники"". Рейтинг новой телепередачи бьет все рекорды. В восторге и зритель-ницы, и пресса, и продюсеры… все, кроме самой Дарси, влюбившейся в одного из участников, да к тому же смертного! А ведь Дарси еще не знает главного: предмет ее страстных грез Остин Эриксон – профессиональный охотник на вампиров…

  • Молчи, мое сердце Керрелин Спаркс
    ISBN: 978-5-17-066734-5, 978-5-271-35823-4, 978-5-4215-2225-6
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: АСТ, Астрель, Полиграфиздат
    Язык: Русский

    ""Ночной охотник"" Ангус Маккей – красивый, сильный и одинокий мужчина – мечтает о любви и счастье с той, которой подарит бессмертие. Однако вот незадача: сердце Ангуса покорила Эмма Уоллис, профес-сиональная охотница на вампиров, работающая в секретном ведомстве. Ангусу будет непросто убедить возлюбленную в том, что и ""повели-тели Тьмы"" бывают разными. Но в конце концов, горец он или нет?! Какая женщина устоит перед обаянием настоящего шотландца!..

  • Мужчина ее мечты Керрелин Спаркс
    ISBN: 978-5-17-080579-2
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Хизер Уэстфилд красива, молода, удачлива и... невероятно одинока. Она мечтает встретить мужчину, который заполнил бы пустоту в ее сердце и который стал бы ее супругом. Однажды мечты мисс Уэстфилд становятся явью: в ее жизни появляется обаятельный француз Жан-Люк. Он хорош собой, отважен, элегантен - словом, устоять перед ним невозможно. Но чем дальше заходят отношения Хизер и Жан-Люка, тем сильнее она начинает подозревать - мужчина ее мечты скрывает страшную тайну...

  • Все, что я хочу на Рождество Керрелин Спаркс
    ISBN: 978-5-271-46118-7
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Астрель
    Язык: Русский

    Это Рождество выдалось у Тони Дэвис нерадостным: ее лучшая подруга заявляет, что за ней охотятся таинственные неуловимые убийцы, но полиция отказывается ей верить. И теперь Тони придется доказывать, что все это правда... В такой ситуации ей очень пригодилась бы помощь настоящего мужчины. Однако можно ли полагаться на шотландца Йена Макфи, весьма неожиданно возникшего в ее жизни? Он, конечно, красив, обаятелен и даже не скрывает, что влюблен в Тони до безумия, но его прошлое темно, род занятий весьма туманен, и доверять ему опасно...

  • Есть, охотиться, любить Керрелин Спаркс
    ISBN: 978-5-17-083409-9
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Состоятельный, привлекательный холостяк ищет невесту, готовую позаботиться о сиротках под его опекой. Какая женщина в здравом уме откажется от столь интересного предложения! Уж точно не одинокая, любящая детей и весьма желающая выйти замуж Кейтлин Уилан. Правда, есть маленькое "но" — будущий супруг, Карлос Пантерра, — весьма странный... человек. И дети, которых он опекает, — тоже не совсем обычные дети. Но это, в общем-то, мелочи. Мужчин без недостатков вообще не бывает, а дети — все далеко не ангелочки.

  • Secret Life of a Vampire Керрелин Спаркс
    ISBN: 0061667854
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Avon
    Язык: Английский
    Nothing's sexier than an man who can keep a secret.

    A typical bachelor party is all about beers and beautiful women. A vampire bachelor party is no different -- except the men are drinking Blissky (whiskey-flavored synthetic blood). And no one can throw a party quite like Jack, the illegitimate son of the legendary Casanova. But when the party gets out of hand and the cops show up, Jack has some explaining to do . . . if only he wasn't struck speechless by the beauty of Officer Lara Boucher.

    Lara is sure there's something more than a bachelor party going on. What is Jack hiding? And why is he so interested in the recent disappearance of young women all over town? Her investigation uncovers more than she wants to know, especially about this modern-day Casanova. But if she's ever to make detective, she'll need to expose all his secrets . . . if only her heart wasn't on the line.
  • Vampire Mine Керрелин Спаркс
    ISBN: 0061958042
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Avon
    Язык: Английский
    Nothing on earth can make this vampire fall in love . . .

    After 499 years of existence, Connor Buchanan has arrived at an inescapable conclusion: he is a cold-hearted SOB. He's been watching his friends—those poor romantic fools—plummet off the cliff into love like a dazed herd of sheep. But not Connor. He knows that love leads to nothing but heartache.

    Until Marielle . . .

    She is an angel cast down from heaven for disobedience. Trapped in mortal form, she finds a protector in Connor, a Scottish vampire haunted by a dark past. Marielle hopes to heal his broken heart and earn her way back home, but suddenly she has these . . . feelings. This strange yet pleasant physical yearning—for a vampire! Is this the work of a demon luring her into hell, or has this angel found heavenly bliss?
  • Forbidden Nights With a Vampire Керрелин Спаркс
    ISBN: 0061667846
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Avon
    Язык: Английский
    The Best Things in Life Are Always Forbidden

    Vanda Barkowski is in trouble. As the owner of a hot nightclub, she's more unconventional than most of her fellow vampires, and if some think her a little out of control, then so be it. But after three former employees filed a complaint about her temper, Vanda is sentenced to an anger management class. Worse, Phil Jones agreed to be her sponsor. Phil, the mortal who is forbidden to her . . .

    If Vanda knew who—or what—Phil really is, she'd reconsider her attraction to him, for his true nature is wilder than anything she'd ever imagined. He has tackled the beast within and now is the perfect person to help Vanda with her rage . . . if only he can keep his cool when she makes him so undeniably hot. But with rogue vamps on the loose, will they ever have their forbidden nights?
  • Wanted: Undead or Alive Керрелин Спаркс
    ISBN: 0061958069, 9780061958069
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Avon Books
    Язык: Английский
    He's a vampire from the big city . . .

    Phineas McKinney thought New York City was tough, until he was attacked by Malcontents—evil vampires who consider mortals to be snacks. Saved by the good vampires, Phin swore to devote his now undead life to stopping the Malcontents. He's got his job cut out for him when word comes that their enemy may be hiding in Wyoming. What does a city boy like him know about horses and campfires? Good thing he's got Brynley Jones with him . . . if only she didn't hate every vampire on earth.

    She's a werewolf princess . . .

    Bryn believes vampires are seductive and charming, and that makes them dangerous. So she's more than a little annoyed about teaming up with Phin, even if he is the only bloodsucker able to make her inner wolf purr. But as they hunt down the new leader of the Malcontents, danger threatens . . . and Phineas and Brynley discover a passion that will rock the foundation of their supernatural world.
  • Sexiest Vampire Alive Керрелин Спаркс
    ISBN: 0061958050
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Avon
    Язык: Английский
    He was both a vampire and a playboy . . . and impossible to resist.

    The secret is out . . . Vampires do exist!

    When a video reveals to the world that vampires live among us, it's up to "young" vamp Gregori Holstein, VP of Marketing, to persuade the U.S. government to declare the video a hoax. But first the president wants a favor, one that requires Gregori to spend forty-eight hours in very close contact with the First Daughter.

    Abby Tucker would rather spend her nights in a lab than attend her father's state dinners. She's dedicated her life to finding a cure that will save her dying mother and needs only two more ingredients. To find them, she'll have to venture into the most dangerous region of the world—with a vampire. Her Armani-clad escort may be Undead, but he still makes her heart race. And the greatest danger won't be the predatory hordes lying in wait for them; it will be her undying desire for the Sexiest Vampire Alive.
  • Vampire and the Virgin Керрелин Спаркс
    ISBN: 0061667862
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Avon
    Язык: Английский
    Olivia's packing list:

    1. Sunscreen
    2. Bathing suit
    3. Flip-flops
    FBI psychologist Olivia Sotiris was looking for a cool ocean breeze, sand between her toes, and a break from her crazy, chaotic, and sometimes all-too-dangerous life. But when she escaped to the small Greek island of Patmos, all she got were meddling grandmothers trying to marry her off. Can't they see that none of the men around interests her—except Robby MacKay?

    Robby's packing list:

    1. Synthetic blood
    2. More synthetic blood
    3. Jogging clothes
    (even vamps have to stay in shape!)

    Robby needs to cool off, too, since all he can think about is revenge on the Malcontent bloodsuckers who once held him captive—but then he meets Olivia, the beauty with wild curls and a tempting smile. When a deadly criminal from a case back home tracks her down, Robby will have to save her life—along with giving her a first time she'll never forget . . .
  • A Very Vampy Christmas Керрелин Спаркс
    Год издания: 2011
    Язык: Английский
    Maggie O'Brien is thrilled when she lands a starring role on the Digital Vampire Network's hottest soap opera, As the Vampire Turns. Doesn't hurt that her leading man is Don Orlando de Corazon, the greatest lover in the vampire world! But who is Don Orlando really? Nobody knows, not even Don Orlando. As the couple sets out in search of his mysterious past, "home for the holidays" takes on a new meaning when the recently-turned vamp discovers his own Christmas miracle.
  • Crouching Tiger, Forbidden Vampire Керрелин Спаркс
    ISBN: 0062107771, 9780062107770
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Avon Books
    Язык: Английский
    New York Times bestselling author Kerrelyn Sparks delivers the exciting conclusion in the Love at Stake series, where a Marine-turned-vampire finds love with the shifter princess forbidden to him...

    Russell wakes from a coma to find he's become a vampire. Now he has a thirst for revenge. Determined to hunt down the master vampire who turned him, he's used to working alone . . . until he meets Jia. She is after the same vampire for murdering her parents and insists she can help Russell on this mission. Reluctantly, he agrees, and sets up some ground rules:

    Rule #1: Their partnership is strictly business. If he holds her a little too close . . . if she looks at him with those exotic eyes . . . well, that has to stop.

    Rule #2: He's in charge. Jia isn't used to taking orders and questions every move he makes. So he stops her the only way he knows how.

    Rule #3: Don't fall in love. But the kiss that was supposed to quiet her awakens something else in him . . . something forbidden. Because Jia is engaged. To someone else.
  • Wild About You Керрелин Спаркс
    ISBN: 0062107712, 9780062107718
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Avon Books
    Язык: Английский
    Handsome Howard...
    Hunky Howard...
    Hot Howard...

    It's not every day that Elsa Bjornberg feels delicate, not when she hosts a home renovation show where she can effortlessly demolish a kitchen. But from the moment she meets Howard Barr, this bear of a man makes her feel like a woman. And the way he looks at her, as if she were a pot of honey he'd like to lick...

    Howard is not like most men. For one thing, he's a shapeshifter. And he always thought his celebrity crush would never amount to anything more than drooling at Elsa on TV. When his meddling vampire employer gets involved, the star is suddenly within his grasp—and within a hair of her life. For an ancient curse forbids their newfound love, and Howard is suddenly torn between his desire for her and his desire to keep her alive.
  • The Vampire With the Dragon Tattoo Керрелин Спаркс
    ISBN: 0062107739, 9780062107732
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Avon Books
    Язык: Английский
    He's Out of Control

    Dougal Kincaid has something to prove. After being injured in a battle with the Malcontents, he's ready for active duty protecting unsuspecting mortals from these villainous vampires who want to rule the world. But first he has to get control of himself . . . because just the sight of a certain lovely doctor has his injured hand doing some peculiar things, not to mention the sizzling sensation that burns along his dragon tattoo.

    Vampires? Vampires?! As a scientist, Leah is having trouble believing that these immortal creatures exist. But there they are, standing in front of her, asking for help in solving a genetic puzzle that can save mankind. There's even one in a sexy kilt! Just one look into Dougal's gorgeous green eyes sets her pulse racing. But can she trust him—and the overwhelming desire that refuses to be ignored?
  • V wie VampWoman Керрелин Спаркс
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: MIRA Taschenbuch
    Язык: Немецкий
    Lady Pamela Smythe-Worthing hat genug vom Weglaufen und tauscht das Chocoloodtrinken mit ihren Vampirfreundinnen gegen Catsuit und Maske ein, um als VampWoman die bösen Malcontents zu bekämpfen. Ausgerechnet ihr Kampfgefährte Mikhail, ein wilder Barbar, weckt überwältigend intensive Gefühle in ihr. Aber er hat schon einmal jemanden verloren, den er liebte, und will nicht, dass Pam ihr Leben aufs Spiel setzt … Wie kann ihre Liebe eine Chance haben, wenn er Pam nicht sein lässt, wer sie wirklich ist?
  • How to Seduce a Vampire (Without Really Trying) Керрелин Спаркс
    ISBN: 0062107763, 9780062107763
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Avon Books
    Язык: Английский
    Vampire Zoltan Czakvar is on the hunt for the truth about his father's death. He's been searching for a very long time—since 1241, in fact. And he is not about to give up, even when he's attacked by a woman with striking blue eyes and a hell of a right hook!

    Neona is also on the hunt. She's looking for a mate, and she thinks muscled Zoltan will work just fine. After all, men are good for only one thing. Soon, though, she realizes there's more to this handsome vampire than just sexual prowess. But she's keeping a secret from Zoltan, something so big that it will rock the vampire world.

    Can their newfound love survive . . . even if their passion means the destruction of her world?