Сальваторе Скибона

Salvatore Scibona

  • 3 книги
  • 1 подписчик
  • 8 читателей
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Новинки Сальваторе Шибоны

  • Конец Сальваторе Скибона
    ISBN: 9785002140534
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Манн, Иванов и Фербер
    Язык: Русский

    15 августа 1953 года, стоит жаркий день в Элефант-парке — итальянском гетто Огайо. Местное население гуляет на ежегодном карнавале. Посреди буйной толпы оказывается маленький, нелепый пекарь Рокко ЛаГрасса. Он отказывается верить в смерть своего сына в корейском лагере для военнопленных. Его многолетний упорный труд, преданность семье и стойкая христианская вера вот-вот рухнут. Рокко — первый из многих прекрасных персонажей, которых мы встретим в этой книге. Книга стала финалистом премии National Book Award.

  • The Volunteer Сальваторе Скибона
    ISBN: 9781784708481
    Год издания: 2020
    Язык: Английский
    An odyssey of loss and salvation ranging across four generations of fathers and sons, in the finest tradition of American storytelling.
    The year is 1966 and a young man named Vollie Frade, almost on a whim, enlists in the United States Marine Corps to fight in Vietnam. Breaking definitively from his rural Iowan parents, Vollie puts in motion a chain of events that sees him go to work for people with intentions he cannot yet grasp. From the Cambodian jungle, to a flophouse in Quee
  • The End Salvatore Scibona
    ISBN: 978-1555974985
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Graywolf Press
    Язык: Английский
    Distant events have thrown us into long, comet-like orbits, far from our origins, but eventually we will circle back on people whose lives preceded and gave rise to our own. We may recognise them immediately. Or else we may meet a stranger for the first time, and while shaking his hand feel vividly that an ancient obligation has finally been kept.

    A small, incongruous man receives a devastating letter: his son has died in a POW camp in Korea. It is August 15, 1953, the day of a tumultuous street carnival in Elephant Park, and Italian immigrant enclave in Ohio. The man is Rocco LaGrassa, and his many years of dogged toil, paternal devotion and steadfast Christian faith are about to come to a crashing end. He is the first of many exquisitely drawn characters we meet that day, each of whom will come to their own conclusion.

    The End follows an elderly abortionist, an enigmatic drapery seamstress, a teenage boy and a jeweller deep into the heart of a crime that will twist all of their lives. Against a background of immigration, broken loyalties and racial hostility, we at last return to August 15, 1953 and see everything Rocco saw - and vastly more - through the eyes of various people in the crowds.

    The End marks the unforgettable debut from a singular new American novelist.