Алексис де Токвиль

Alexis-Charles-Henri Clérel de Tocqueville

  • 21 книга
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Алексис де Токвиль - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • The Collected Works of Alexis de Tocqueville Алексис де Токвиль
    This comprehensive eBook presents the complete works or all the significant works – the Œuvre – of this famous and brilliant writer in one ebook – 4300 pages easy-to-read and easy-to-navigate: • Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville • The Recollections of Alexis de Tocqueville by Alexis de Tocqueville • American Institutions and Their Influence by Alexis de Tocqueville • Correspondence & Conversations of Alexis de Tocqueville with Nassau William Senior by Alexis de Tocqueville and Nassau William Senior
  • The Old Regime and the French Revolution Алексис де Токвиль
    One of the most important books ever written about the French Revolution, this treatise is the work of a celebrated political thinker and historian. Alexis de Tocqueville reveals the rebellion's origins and consequences by examining France's political and cultural environment during the late eighteenth century. His view of the revolution as part of a gradual and ongoing social process, rather than a sudden occurrence, offers timeless insights into the pursuit of individual and political freedom. Originally published in 1856, the survey begins with a consideration of the contradictory opinions surrounding the revolution's outbreak. It takes an in-depth look at the old regime, including its administration, tribunals, official manners and customs, internecine quarrels, and class divisions. Tocqueville explores a range of influences on the rebellion's development, including the political rise of the nation's literary figures, the growth of antireligious attitudes, and the widespread desire for reform and liberty. This modestly priced edition of his scholarly study is essential reading for anyone with an interest in political philosophy, Enlightenment history, and the French Revolution.
  • Democracy in America [Translated by Henry Reeve with an Introduction by John Bigelow] Алексис де Токвиль
    In 1831, the then twenty-seven year old Alexis de Tocqueville, was sent with Gustave de Beaumont to America by the French Government to study and make a report on the American prison system. Over a period of nine months the two traveled all over America making notes not only on the prison systems but on all aspects of American society and government. From these notes Tocqueville wrote “Democracy in America”, an exhaustive analysis of the successes and failures of the American form of government, a republican representative democracy. Tocqueville believed that over the past seven hundred years the social and economic conditions of humanity were progressively becoming more equal. The future was, in his opinion, inevitably drawing humanity towards the democratic ideal thus diminishing the power of the aristocracy. Tocqueville’s predictions of the changing nature of human civilization seem almost clairvoyant in retrospect. First published in two volumes in 1835 and 1840, “Democracy in America” remains one of the most important historical documents of America and political analysis of its form of government. This edition includes both unabridged volumes as translated by Henry Reeve and an introduction by John Bigelow.
  • Quince d?as en el desierto americano Алексис де Токвиль
    "Un pueblo antiguo, el primero y leg?timo due?o del continente americano, se deshace d?a a d?a como la nieve bajo los rayos del sol y, a la vista de todos, desaparece de la faz de la tierra. En sus propias tierras, y usurpando su lugar, otra raza se desarrolla con rapidez aun mayor; arrasa los bosques y seca los pantanos; lagos grandes como mares y r?os inmensos se oponen vanamente a su marcha triunfal." &t;br/&t; Tocqueville relata en estas p?ginas el viaje que emprendi?, en julio de 1831, desde Detroit hasta Saginaw, junto con su amigo Gustave de Beaumont. Bosques arrasados, desiertos que se convierten en ciudades, pueblos abor?genes perseguidos: en Am?rica nada ser? igual despu?s de la llegada del hombre blanco.
  • Democracy in America - Volume 1 Алексис де Токвиль
    Democracy in America – Volume 1 by Alexis de Tocqueville. Translated by Henry Reeve &t;br/&t; libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!
  • ?ber die Demokratie in Amerika Алексис де Токвиль
    1831/32 bereist Alexis de Tocqueville im Auftrag des franz?sischen Justizministeriums die noch jungen Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Dieses Land erscheint ihm wie ein politisches Zukunftslabor, denn dort sind Demokratie und Gleichheit zu dieser Zeit schon weit fortgeschritten. Auf der Grundlage seiner Beobachtungen und unter der Leitfrage, wie Gleichheit und Freiheit zu vereinbaren sind, entsteht sein 1835/40 vorgelegtes zweib?ndiges Hauptwerk «?ber die Demokratie in Amerika» – eine brillante Analyse der amerikanischen Gesellschaft sowie all ihrer Institutionen und eine Gr?ndungsschrift der Vergleichenden Politikwissenschaft. &t;br/&t; E-Book mit Seitenz?hlung der gedruckten Ausgabe: Buch und E-Book k?nnen parallel benutzt werden.
  • Quinze dies al desert americ? Алексис де Токвиль
    Els Estats Units que visiten Alexis de Tocqueville i el seu amic Gustave de Beaumont en 1831 s?n un territori que lluita per fer-se un espai propi enfront de les dues grans pot?ncies de l'?poca, Fran?a i Gran Bretanya, que hi tenen interessos. En aquell moment, amb una poblaci? de poc m?s de 13 milions d'habitants, per? amb un fort creixement demogr?fic, estava format nom?s per 24 estats i era un pa?s predominantment rural, i en cont?nua extensi? cap a les costes de l'oce? Pac?fic. L'obra de Tocqueville es pot resumir dient que ?s un estudi del poder. M?s que no un te?ric, tot i la seua capacitat per observar, copsar i resumir, el que ell ?s, per damunt de tot, s'av? amb el que podr?em qualificar d'home pol?tic en el seu vessant d'acci? i praxi social. I de publicista. Haver estat el continuador l?gic de Montesquieu ja li marca un cert cam?.
  • The Tocqueville Reader: A Life in Letters and Politics Алексис де Токвиль
    ISBN: 9780631215462, 978-0631215462
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: Blackwell Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    The Tocqueville Reader includes not only Tocqueville's major writing but also travel letters, conversations with ministers and politicians, and diary entries not originally intended for the public. It includes twenty-nine pieces never before translated into English, and a wide-ranging editorial introduction that gives an account of Tocqueville's life as a politician and inspirations as a writer.
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