Дэвид Хэй – лучшие книги
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9 измерений души. Эннеаграмма. В поисках истинного "Я" Дэвид Хэй
Год издания: 2008 Издательство: "Весь" Язык: Русский -
Enterprise Model Patterns: Describing the World (UML Version) David C. Hay
ISBN: 978-1935504054 Год издания: 2011 Издательство: Technics Publications Язык: Английский In 1995, David Hay published Data Model Patterns: Conventions of Thought - the groundbreaking book on how to use standard data models to describe the standard business situations. Enterprise Model Patterns: Describing the World builds on the concepts presented there, adds 15 years of practical experience, and presents a more comprehensive view.
This model addresses your enterprise via four levels of abstraction:
Level 0: An abstract template that underlies the Level 1 model, plus two meta models: Information Resources and Accounting. Each of these itself represents the rest of the enterprise, so to model it is to “model a model”, so to speak.
Level 1: An enterprise model that is generic enough to apply to any company or government agency, but concrete enough to be readily understood by all. It describes people and organizations, geographic locations, (physical) assets, activities, and time.
Level 2: A more detailed model describing specific functional areas: facilities and other addresses, human resources, communications and marketing, contracts, manufacturing, and the laboratory.
Level 3: Examples of the details that can be added to a model to address what is truly unique in a particular industry. Here you see how to address the unique bits in areas as diverse as criminal justice, microbiology, banking, oil field production, and highway maintenance. -
9 измерений души. Эннеаграмма: в поисках истинного "Я" Дэвид Хэй
ISBN: 978-5-9573-1529-2 Год издания: 2008 Издательство: Весь Язык: Русский Метод Энеаграммы - это древнее учение о связи психологического типа человека с предназначением его души, или Сущностью.
В этой книге описывается внутренняя и внешняя жизнь девяти энеатипов, даются четкие характеристики, помогающие определить каждый из них. Автор также приводит способы внутренней работы, направленные на открытие связи со своими истинными качествами и исцеление психологических ран, специфических для каждого типа.
Книга будет интересна каждому, кто хочет лучше узнать и понять себя, а также иметь гармоничные отношения с другими людьми. Практическая направленность книги сделает ее особенно полезной для педагогов, психологов, терапевтов, менеджеров, руководителей кадровых служб и пр. -
Data Model Patterns: A Metadata Map David C. Hay
ISBN: 978-0120887989 Год издания: 2006 Издательство: Morgan Kaufmann Язык: Английский In recent years, companies and government agencies have come to realize that the data they use represent a significant corporate resource, whose cost calls for management every bit as rigorous as the management of human resources, money, and capital equipment. With this realization has come recognition of the importance to integrate the data that has traditionally only been available from disparate sources.
An important component of this integration is the management of the “metadata” that describe, catalogue, and provide access to the various forms of underlying business data. The “metadata repository” is essential keeping track both of the various physical components of these systems, but also their semantics. What do we mean by “customer?” Where can we find information about our customers?
After years of building enterprise models for the oil, pharmaceutical, banking, and other industries, Dave Hay has here not only developed a conceptual model of such a metadata repository, he has in fact created a true enterprise data model of the information technology industry itself.