Акихиса Икэда – лучшие книги
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Розарио вампир Акихиса Икэда
Язык: Русский 15-летний разгильдяй Цукунэ Аоно завалил вступительные экзамены в старшую школу, куда поступили все его друзья. Пропал бы у парня целый год, но отцу в руки попало приглашение в некую Призрачную Академию, куда берут с любыми оценками. Счастливые родители тут же собрали сына в дорогу, а стоило бы подумать. Цукунэ это понял, когда автобус вынырнул из длинного туннеля в мир, достойный Лавкрафта, где красное небо, нет сотовой связи и летают говорящие мыши. Впрочем, наш герой обо всем забыл, когда на него в буквальном смысле рухнула с неба таинственная красавица Мока, странствующая в поисках друзей (в которые он тут же записался). И какая…
Rosario + Vampire Vol.1 Akihisa Ikeda
ISBN: 978-1421519036 Год издания: 2008 Издательство: VIZ Media LLC Язык: Английский Tsukune's going to have one heck of a hickey when he gets home from Monster High!
All-around average teenager Tsukune can't get accepted to any high school save one...but on his first day he finds the rest of the student body doesn't appear average at all. Best of all, the cutest girl on campus can't wait to fling her arms around his neck! Wait a sec'--are those her teeth around his neck too...? Tsukune's going to have one heck of a hickey when he gets home from Monster High! But does he have a chance in H E double hockey sticks of raising his grades at a school where the turf war isn't between the jocks and the nerds but the vampires and the werewolves? -
Розарио и вампир II Акихиса Икэда
Язык: Русский Академия Ёкай вновь распахивает свои двери. После событий первого сезона наши герои вновь собираются в её стенах, но теперь уже на втором курсе. Цукуне и его друзья повзрослели, да и проблемы стали серьёзней. Что их ждёт в новом сезоне? Кого ещё занесёт в стены Академии? Читайте во втором сезоне Розарио+Вампир! -
Rosario+Vampire. Season II. Volume 12 Акихиса Икэда
ISBN: 978-1-4215-5702-1 Год издания: 2016 Издательство: Viz Media Язык: Английский An action-packed romantic comedy chock-full of monsters such as vampires, werewolves, witches, and cute girls in bikinis that fosters inter-species tolerance!
Average human teenager Tsukune accidentally enrolls at a boarding school for monsters - no, not jocks and popular kids, but bona fide werewolves, witches and unnameables out of his wildest nightmares! On the plus side, all the girls have a monster crush on him. On the negative side, all the boys are so jealous they want to ki -
Rosario+Vampire. Season II. Volume 9 Акихиса Икэда
ISBN: 978-1-4215-4209-6 Год издания: 2016 Издательство: Viz Media Язык: Английский An action-packed romantic comedy chock-full of monsters such as vampires, werewolves, witches, and cute girls in bikinis that fosters inter-species tolerance!
Average human teenager Tsukune accidentally enrolls at a boarding school for monsters - no, not jocks and popular kids, but bona fide werewolves, witches and unnameables out of his wildest nightmares! On the plus side, all the girls have a monster crush on him. On the negative side, all the boys are so jealous they want to ki -
Rosario+Vampire. Season II. Volume 14 Акихиса Икэда
ISBN: 978-1-4215-7967-2 Год издания: 2015 Издательство: Viz Media Язык: Английский An action-packed romantic comedy chock-full of monsters such as vampires, werewolves, witches, and cute girls in bikinis that fosters inter-species tolerance!
Average human teenager Tsukune accidentally enrolls at a boarding school for monsters - no, not jocks and popular kids, but bona fide werewolves, witches and unnameables out of his wildest nightmares! On the plus side, all the girls have a monster crush on him. On the negative side, all the boys are so jealous they want to ki -
Rosario+Vampire. Volume 6 Акихиса Икэда
ISBN: 978-1-4215-1908-1 Год издания: 2009 Издательство: Viz Media Язык: Английский All-around average teenager Tsukune can't get accepted to any high school save one... but on his first day, he finds the rest of the student body doesn't appear average in the least. Best of all, the cutest girl on campus can't wait to fling her arms around his neck! Wait a sec' - are those her teeth around his neck too...? Tsukune's going to have one heck of a hickey when he gets home from Monster High! But does he have a chance in H-E-double-hockey-sticks of raising his grades at a school wher
Rosario+Vampire. Volume 3 Акихиса Икэда
ISBN: 978-1-4215-1905-0 Год издания: 2008 Издательство: Viz Media Язык: Английский All-around average teenager Tsukune can't get accepted to any high school save one... but on his first day, he finds the rest of the student body doesn't appear average in the least. Best of all, the cutest girl on campus can't wait to fling her arms around his neck! Wait a sec' - are those her teeth around his neck too...? Tsukune's going to have one heck of a hickey when he gets home from Monster High! But does he have a chance in H-E-double-hockey-sticks of raising his grades at a school wher
Rosario+Vampire Complete Box Set Акихиса Икэда
ISBN: 978-1-4215-8317-4 Год издания: 2015 Издательство: Viz Media Язык: Английский The complete best-selling Rosario+Vampire series is now available in a value-priced box set! Includes 24 volumes of monstrous action, horror, fun and romance, plus an exclusive full-color mini-comic previously unreleased in the English editions.
Average human teenage boy Tsukune accidentally enrolls at a boarding school for monsters—no, not jocks and popular kids, but bona fide werewolves, witches, and unnameables out of his wildest nightmares! On the plus side, all -
Ghost Reaper Girl, Vol. 4 Акихиса Икэда
ISBN: 978-1-9747-3473-3 Год издания: 2023 Издательство: VIZ Media LLC Язык: Английский Thanks to all of her heroics, Chloé’s become a big deal. Maybe too big of a deal! In order to protect her, Nyarla has put Chloé up in a luxurious mansion. But dark trouble lurking beneath the surface is about to imperil her new life. -
Ghost Reaper Girl, Vol. 1 Акихиса Икэда
ISBN: 978-1-9747-2976-0 Год издания: 2022 Издательство: VIZ Media LLC Язык: Английский With the help of the mysterious Kai, Chloé can transform into a powerful ghost buster known as Ghost Reaper Girl. But Chloé better learn to control her new powers fast, because evil spirits are popping up everywhere! -
Ghost Reaper Girl, Vol. 2 Акихиса Икэда
ISBN: 978-1-9747-3407-8 Год издания: 2022 Издательство: VIZ Media LLC Язык: Английский Aspiring actress Chloé lands the role of an afterlife-time when she’s offered the role of taking down evil spirits as Ghost Reaper Girl. And her powers continue to impress as she’s able to absorb Noel’s abilities and add catlike quickness to her bag of tricks. But how far will her new powers take her against the mysterious Nyarlathotep? -
Ghost Reaper Girl, Vol. 3 Акихиса Икэда
ISBN: 978-1-9747-3408-5 Год издания: 2022 Издательство: VIZ Media LLC Язык: Английский Chloé’s had nothing but success so far as a spirit hunter, and she’s got the bank account balance to prove it! But when she takes on a new high-level job, she may have bitten off more than she can chew. Not only is the target a big one—she’ll have to get along with other talented hunters who want to claim the prize for themselves! -
Rosario+Vampire. Season II. Volume 13 Акихиса Икэда
ISBN: 978-1-4215-6949-9 Год издания: 2014 Издательство: Viz Media Язык: Английский -
Rosario+Vampire. Season II. Volume 11 Акихиса Икэда
ISBN: 978-1-4215-5240-8 Год издания: 2013 Издательство: Viz Media Язык: Английский -
Rosario+Vampire. Season II. Volume 8 Акихиса Икэда
ISBN: 978-1-4215-4050-4 Год издания: 2012 Издательство: Viz Media Язык: Английский -
Rosario+Vampire. Season II. Volume 10 Акихиса Икэда
ISBN: 978-1-4215-4879-1 Год издания: 2012 Издательство: Viz Media Язык: Английский -
Rosario+Vampire. Season II. Volume 7 Акихиса Икэда
ISBN: 978-1-4215-4026-9 Год издания: 2012 Издательство: Viz Media Язык: Английский -
Rosario+Vampire. Season II. Volume 5 Акихиса Икэда
ISBN: 978-1-4215-3691-0 Год издания: 2011 Издательство: Viz Media Язык: Английский -
Rosario+Vampire. Season II. Volume 6 Акихиса Икэда
ISBN: 978-1-4215-3831-0 Год издания: 2011 Издательство: Viz Media Язык: Английский