К. С. Харрис

C.S. Harris

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Лучшие книги К. С. Харрис

  • Почему поют русалки К. С. Харрис
    ISBN: 978-5-699-41551-9
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Сентябрь 1811 года. Кто-то убивает отпрысков состоятельных лондонских семей. Изувеченные тела со странными предметами во рту находят в самых оживленных местах. Представители правопорядка обращаются за помощью к Себастьяну Сен-Сиру, виконту Девлину, раскрывшему уже не одно загадочное преступление. Смерть следует за смертью, и Себастьян считает, что ритуальные убийства ведут к неведомой цели. А ключ ко всему этому может лежать в загадочных стансах завораживающей поэмы. Девлин понимает, что надо торопиться, но поиски приводят только к новым и новым загадкам... "Великолепно построенный роман - тайна". Library Journal "Безупречное…

  • Чего боятся ангелы К. С. Харрис
    ISBN: 978-5-699-27350-8
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Эксмо, Домино
    Язык: Русский

    Необычный дар помог Себастьяну Сен-Сиру, виконту Девлину, уцелеть на войне. Вернувшись в Англию, молодой аристократ невольно оказывается в гуще политических интриг. Лондонский высший свет охвачен брожением: принц Уэльский вот-вот станет регентом, и в парламенте идет жестокая борьба за близость к трону. На континенте властвует Наполеон, и Франция ведет свою игру, пешками в которой подчас оказываются как сливки британской элиты, так и куртизанки. В разгар сезона при загадочных обстоятельствах погибает известная актриса, и в ее смерти обвиняют Сен-Сира. Разгневанный виконт сам отправляется на поиски преступника. Следы ведут на самый верх, и с…

  • Когда умирают боги К. С. Харрис
    ISBN: 978-5-699-33729-3
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Эксмо, Домино
    Язык: Русский

    Принц-регент Георг во время вечеринки приглашает знаменитую красавицу, жену маркиза Англесси, встретиться с ним. Через некоторое время прекрасную Генерву находят мертвой в объятиях принца... с кинжалом в спине. Естественно, что подозрение в убийстве падает на Георга. Лорд Джарвис, родственник принца, просит Себастьяна Сен-Сира провести расследование. Он показывает Сен-Сиру ожерелье, снятое с тела убитой. Себастьян не в силах отказаться, ведь это древнее ожерелье, обладающее мистическими свойствами, принадлежало его матери, погибшей во время кораблекрушения...

  • Where Serpents Sleep C.S. Harris
    ISBN: 978-0451226655
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Berkley
    Язык: Английский

    Hero Jarvis, reform-minded daughter of the Prince Regent's cousin, enlists Sebastian St. Cyr's help in investigating the brutal murders of eight prostitutes. Following a trail of clues from London's seedy East End to the Mayfair mansions of a noble family, the two must race against time to stop a killer whose ominous plot threatens to shake the nation to its very core?

  • Where Shadows Dance К. С. Харрис
    ISBN: 978-0451233950
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Berkley Books
    Язык: Английский

    How do you set about solving a murder no one can reveal has been committed? Regency London, July 1812. That's the challenge confronting C.S. Harris's aristocratic soldier-turned-sleuth Sebastian St. Cyr when his friend, surgeon and "anatomist" Paul Gibson, illegally buys the cadaver of a young man from London's infamous body snatchers. A rising star at the Foreign Office, Mr. Alexander Ross was reported to have died of a weak heart. But when Gibson discovers a stiletto wound at the base of Ross's skull, he can turn only to Sebastian for help in catching the killer. Described by all who knew him as an amiable young man, Ross at…

  • What Remains of Heaven C.S. Harris
    ISBN: 9780451228024
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Berkley, NAL Hardcover
    Язык: Английский

    Long-festering family secrets, treachery and worse threaten Sebastian St. Cyr in Harris's addictive fifth Regency-era mystery starring the dashing soldier-turned-sleuth (after 2008's Where Serpents Sleep). From the start, St. Cyr's mission is sensitive: finding out who killed the bishop of London, a leading candidate for archbishop of Canterbury, in the crypt of the same country church where the mummified body of another murder victim was discovered only hours earlier. It becomes downright dangerous once the charismatic viscount unearths the surprising connection between the men as well as the many powerful enemies with motives for their…

  • When Maidens Mourn К. С. Харрис
    ISBN: 978-0451414229
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: NAL
    Язык: Английский

    Regency England, August 1812. Sebastian's plans to escape the heat of London for a honeymoon are shattered when the murdered body of Hero's good friend, Gabrielle Tennyson, is discovered drifting in a battered boat at the site of a long-vanished castle known as Camlet Moat. A beautiful young antiquarian, Miss Tennyson had recently provoked an uproar with her controversial identification of the island as the location of Camelot. Missing and presumed also dead are Gabrielle's two young cousins, nine-year-old George and three-year-old Alfred. Still struggling to define the nature of their new marriage, Sebastian and Hero find themselves…

  • What Darkness Brings C.S. Harris
    ISBN: 978-0451418180
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: NAL
    Язык: Английский

    The death of a notorious London diamond merchant draws aristocratic investigator Sebastian St. Cyr and his new wife, Hero, into a sordid world of greed, desperation, and the occult, when the husband of Sebastian’s former lover Kat Boleyn is accused of the murder. Regency England, September 1812: After a long night spent dealing with the tragic death of a former military comrade, a heart-sick Sebastian learns of a new calamity: Russell Yates, the dashing, one-time privateer who married Kat a year ago, has been found standing over the corpse of Benjamin Eisler, a wealthy gem dealer. Yates insists he is innocent, but he will surely hang…

  • Why Kings Confess C. S. Harris
    ISBN: 978-0451418111
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Berkley
    Язык: Английский

    London, January 1813: The mutilated body of a young French doctor found in an alley beside a mysterious, badly injured woman entangles Sebastian in the deadly riddle of the “Lost Dauphin,” the boy prince who disappeared during the darkest days of the French Revolution. Thrust into dangerous conflict with the Dauphin’s sister—the imperious, ruthless daughter of Marie Antoinette—Sebastian finds his self-control shattered when he recognizes the injured woman as Alexi Sauvage, a figure from his own past associated with an act of wartime brutality and betrayal that nearly destroyed him. With the murderer striking ever closer,…

  • Who Buries the Dead К. С. Харрис
    ISBN: 9780451417565
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: NAL
    Язык: Английский

    London, 1813. When the decapitated body of Mr. Stanley Preston, a wealthy former West Indies planter and cousin to the Home Secretary, is found at Bloody Bridge near Sloane Square, Sebastian St. Cyr is drawn into a dangerous investigation that involves a macabre cabinet of curiosities, the novelist Jane Austen, and a dark figure from Sebastian's past. The gruesome murder takes an unexpected turn with the discovery near the body of an aged lead strap bearing the inscription "King Charles 1648." Might the murder be somehow connected to the English king who was executed 160 years ago? Meanwhile, the victim's motherless daughter, Anne Preston,…

  • Шепот небес К. С. Харрис
    ISBN: 978-5-17-057904-4, 978-5-403-00413-8
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: АСТ, АСТ Москва
    Язык: Русский

    Тасмания. Далекое экзотическое побережье, полное темных тайн и стародавних интриг. Сюда после долгого пребывания в Англии возвращается юная Джесси Корбетт, с детства просватанная за богатого аристократа. Но - могут ли долг перед семьей и предстоящий брак по расчету удержать девушку от любви?! Кто посмеет лишить ее священного права на счастье?! И пусть возлюбленный Джесси, мужественный ирландец Лукас Галлахер, беден и бесправен, он готов пожертвовать ради нее жизнью!..

  • When Falcons Fall C.S. Harris
    ISBN: 978-0451471161
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: NAL
    Язык: Английский

    Ayleswick-on-Teme, 1813. Sebastian St. Cyr, Viscount Devlin, has come to this seemingly peaceful Shropshire village to honor a slain friend and on a quest to learn more about his own ancestry. But when the body of a lovely widow is found on the banks of the River Teme, a bottle of laudanum at her side, the village’s inexperienced new magistrate turns to St. Cyr for help. Almost immediately, Sebastian realizes that Emma Chance did not, in truth, take her own life. Less easy to discern is exactly how she died, and why. For as Sebastian and Hero soon discover, Emma was hiding both her true identity and her real reasons for traveling to…

  • Полуночные признания К. С. Харрис
    ISBN: 978-5-17-030128-7, 978-5-9713-4923-5, 978-5-9762-3121-4
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: АСТ, АСТ Москва, Хранитель
    Язык: Русский

    Аристократка-креолка Эммануэль де Бове ненавидела и презирала янки, захвативших ее родной Новый Орлеан… Однако когда красавица поневоле оказалась в центре запутанного дела, связанного с убийством, именно офицер-северянин Зак Купер оказался единственным мужчиной, способным защитить ее от верной гибели. Но за помощь и защиту Зак требует высокую цену — любовь и верность прекрасной креолки…

  • Where the Dead Lie К. С. Харрис
    ISBN: 978-0451471192
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Berkley
    Язык: Английский

    London, 1813. Sebastian St. Cyr, Viscount Devlin, is no stranger to the dark side of the city, but he’s never seen anything like this: the brutalized body of a fifteen- year-old boy dumped into a makeshift grave on the grounds of an abandoned factory. One of London’s many homeless children, Benji Thatcher was abducted and tortured before his murder—and his younger sister is still missing. Few in authority care about a street urchin’s fate, but Sebastian refuses to let this killer go unpunished. Uncovering a disturbing pattern of missing children, Sebastian is drawn into a shadowy, sadistic world. As he follows a grim trail that…

  • Who Cries for the Lost К. С. Харрис
    ISBN: 059310272X
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Berkley Books
    Язык: Английский
    A gripping new historical mystery featuring Sebastian St. Cyr, Viscount Devlin from the USA Today bestselling author of When Blood Lies.
  • When Blood Lies К. С. Харрис
    ISBN: 059310269X
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Berkley
    Язык: Английский
    Sebastian St. Cyr, Viscount Devlin, has spent years unraveling his family’s tragic history. But the secrets of his past will come to light in this gripping new historical mystery from the USA Today bestselling author of What the Devil Knows.

    March, 1815. The Bourbon King Louis XVIII has been restored to the throne of France, Napoleon is in exile on the isle of Elba, and Sebastian St. Cyr, Viscount Devlin, and his wife, Hero, have traveled to Paris in hopes of tracing his long-lost mother, Sophie, the errant Countess of Hendon. But his search ends in tragedy when he comes upon the dying Countess in the wasteland at the tip of the Île de la Cité. Stabbed—apparently with a stiletto—and thrown from the bastions of the island’s ancient stone bridge, Sophie dies without naming her murderer.

    Sophie had been living in Paris under an assumed name as the mistress of Maréchal Alexandre McClellan, the scion of a noble Scottish Jacobite family that took refuge in France after the Forty-Five Rebellion. Once one of Napoleon’s most trusted and successful generals, McClellan has now sworn allegiance to the Bourbons and is serving in the delegation negotiating on behalf of France at the Congress of Vienna. It doesn’t take Sebastian long to realize that the French authorities have no interest in involving themselves in the murder of a notorious Englishwoman at such a delicate time. And so, grieving and shattered by his mother’s death, Sebastian takes it upon himself to hunt down her killer. But what he learns will not only shock him but could upend a hard-won world peace.
  • Who Speaks for the Damned К. С. Харрис
    ISBN: 0399585680
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Berkley Books
    Язык: Английский

    Sebastian St. Cyr investigates the mysterious life and death of a nobleman convicted of murder in this enthralling new historical mystery from the USA Today bestselling author of Why Kill the Innocent.... It's June 1814, and the royal families of Austria, Russia, and the German states have gathered in London at the Prince Regent's invitation to celebrate the defeat of Napoléon and the restoration of monarchical control throughout Europe. But the festive atmosphere is marred one warm summer evening by the brutal murder of a disgraced British nobleman long thought dead. Eighteen years before, Nicholas Hayes, the third son of…

  • Who Slays the Wicked К. С. Харрис
    ISBN: 0399585656
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Berkley Books
    Язык: Английский

    The death of a fiendish nobleman strikes close to home as Sebastian St. Cyr is tasked with finding the killer to save his young cousin from persecution in this riveting new historical mystery from the USA Today bestselling author of Why Kill the Innocent.... When the handsome but dissolute young gentleman Lord Ashworth is found brutally murdered, Sebastian St. Cyr, Viscount Devlin, is called in by Bow Street magistrate Sir Henry Lovejoy to help catch the killer. Just seven months before, Sebastian had suspected Ashworth of aiding one of his longtime friends and companions in the kidnapping and murder of a string of vulnerable street…

  • Why Kill the Innocent К. С. Харрис
    ISBN: 978-0399585623
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Berkley
    Язык: Английский

    In the newest mystery from the national bestselling author of Where the Dead Lie, a brutal murder draws Sebastian St. Cyr into the web of the royal court, where intrigue abounds and betrayal awaits. London, 1814. As a cruel winter holds the city in its icy grip, the bloody body of a beautiful young musician is found half-buried in a snowdrift. Jane Ambrose's ties to Princess Charlotte, the only child of the Prince Regent and heir presumptive to the throne, panic the palace, which moves quickly to shut down any investigation into the death of the talented pianist. But Sebastian St. Cyr, Viscount Devlin, and his wife Hero refuse to allow…

  • Who Speaks for the Damned К. С. Харрис
    ISBN: 978-0-399-58570-8
    Издательство: Berkley Books
    Язык: Русский
    JUNE 1814. As London celebrates the defeat of Napoleon, the festive atmosphere is marred by the brutal murder of a disgraced British nobleman long thought dead. Sebastian St. Cyr, Viscount Devlin, feels a kinship with the deceased man and is drawn into the investigation by his valet, an old friend of the victim.
    Eighteen years earlier, Nicholas Hayes, the third son of the late Earl of Seaforth, was accused of killing a beautiful young French emigre and then transported to Botany Bay for life. Even before his conviction, Hayes had been disowned by his father, and few in London were surprised when they heard he died a convict in New South Wales. But those reports were obviously wrong. Recently Hayes returned to London with a mysterious young boy in tow—a child who vanishes shortly after Nicholas's body is discovered.
    Sebastian begins to piece together the shattered life of the late Earl's ill-fated youngest son. Why did Nicholas risk his life and freedom by returning to England? And why did he bring the now-missing young boy with him? Several nervous Londoners had reason to fear that Nicholas Hayes had returned to kill them. One of them might have decided to kill him first.
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