Марк Стрэнд

Mark Strand

  • 10 книг
  • 2 подписчика
  • 6 читателей
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Лучшие книги Марк Стрэнд

  • Стихотворения Марк Стрэнд
    Язык: Русский
    Марк Стрэнд - один из ведущих американских поэтов, поэт-лауреат США. Стрэнд известен у нас по отзыву Иосифа Бродского, назвавшего его поэтом безмолвия. Подборка печатается по журналам "Иностранная литература" номер 10, 1996, "Окно" номер 2, 2008, и антологии "Поэзия безмолвия", Москва, изд-во А & B, 1999.
  • Collected Poems Mark Strand
    ISBN: 9780385352512
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Knopf
    Язык: Английский
    Beginning with Reasons for Moving, published in 1968, Mark Strand was hailed as a poet of piercing originality and elegance, and in the ensuing half century he has not swerved from his vision of how a poem should be shaped and what it should deliver. As he entered the stunning middle period of his career, with volumes such as The Continuous Life (1990), he was already well known for his ability to capture the subtle music of consciousness, and for creating painterly physical landscapes that could answer to the inner self: "And here the dark infinitve to feel, / Which would endure and have the earth be still / And the star-strewn night pour down the mountains into the hissing fields and silent towns..." In his later work, from Blizzard of One (1998) which won the Pulitzer Prize, through the cheeky riddles of his recent Almost Invisible (2012), Strand has delighted in reminding us that there is no poet quite like him for a dose of dark wit that turns out to be deep wisdom, and self-deprecation. He has given voice to our collective imagination with a grandeur and comic honesty worthy of his great Knopf forebear Wallace Stevens. With this volume, we celebrate his canonical work.
  • Шесть поэтов Сильвия Мосс
    ISBN: 5-93270-003-3
    Год издания: 1999
    Издательство: Абель
    Языки: Русский, Английский
  • Сюрреализм по-английски Дилан Томас
    Язык: Русский
    В сборнике представлены образцы английской, американской, канадской сюрреалистической поэзии XX века в переводе Валерия Нугатова.
    На обложке: картина Пола Дельво «Пейзаж с фонарями» (1958).
  • Hopper Марк Стрэнд
    ISBN: 9780307701244
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Knopf
    Язык: Английский
    Now in rich color, thirty of American painter Edward Hopper’s masterpieces with critiques from acclaimed poet Mark Strand. Strand deftly illuminates the work of the frequently misunderstood American painter, whose enigmatic paintings—of gas stations, storefronts, cafeterias, and hotel rooms—number among the most powerful of our time.

    In brief but wonderfully compelling comments accompanying each painting, the elegant expressiveness of Strand’s language is put to the service of Hopper’s visual world. The result is a singularly illuminating presentation of the work of one of America’s best-known artists. Strand shows us how the formal elements of the paintings—geometrical shapes pointing beyond the canvas, light from unseen sources—locate the viewer, as he says, “in a virtual space where the influence and availability of feeling predominate.”

    An unforgettable combination of prose and painting in their highest forms, this book is a must for poetry and art lovers alike.
  • Man and Camel: Poems Mark Strand
    ISBN: 0307262960
    Год издания: 2006
    Язык: Русский
    This eleventh collection by Mark Strand is a toast to life’s transience and abiding beauty. He begins with a group of light but haunting fables, populated by figures like the King, a tiny creature in ermine who has lost his desire to rule,
  • The Making of a Poem – A Norton Anthology of Poetic Forms Mark Strand
    ISBN: 9780393049169
    Год издания: 2000
    Язык: Английский
    The Making of a Poem – A Norton Anthology of Poetic Forms