Baruzzi Agnese
  • 8 книг
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Baruzzi Agnese – лучшие книги

  • Cinq petits renards Baruzzi Agnese
    ISBN: 9791026403203
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Livre De Poche
    Petites histoires de la nature : le cinquieme titre de la collection de cartonnes a decoupes et a surprises sur la nature et les bebes animaux.
    Dans le Grand Nord, une famille de renards polaires vit avec ses cinq petits. Au rythme des saisons, ils apprendront a se proteger du froid, a chasser, a fuir les predateurs… Que d’aventures !
    Des decoupes guident l’enfant a travers de somptueux paysages enneiges, parmi les sapins geles, sous les aurores boreales… l’incitant a explorer la nature sauvage pour aller de decouverte en decouverte au fil des pages. Avec des illustrations graphiques et une histoire qui plaira aux plus jeunes.
  • Dinoland Baruzzi Agnese
    ISBN: 9788854415430
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: White Star Publishers
    In this large format book, children can test their powers of observation and practice doing additions. The most prevalent dinosaurs and reptiles of the Prehistoric Age are depicted in richly detailed, full page illustrations. The children must find the animals, count them and write down their results in the designated area on the margin.
  • The Birth of a Flower Baruzzi Agnese
    ISBN: 9788854414044
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: White Star Publishers
    The idea behind the books in the 'Montessori - a World of Achievements' series to attract even the youngest readers to encourage them to discover subjects and areas that interest them (nature, animals, shapes, etc.) and to help them classify the things that surround them. A guiding character accompanies the child throughout each developing story until the end, where there is a summary of all the characters introduced in the book.
  • Find Me! Adventures in the Forest with Bernard the Wolf Baruzzi Agnese
    ISBN: 9788854413887
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: White Star Publishers
    Have you ever seen a wolf in glasses before? Poor old Bernard the Wolf can't see a thing and his big, yellow glasses make him look pretty silly and not at all . . . scary! Michael the Squirrel wants to help him get his sight back and get rid of those terrible glasses for ever! Following Michael's instructions, children can explore the woodland and will enjoy helping Bernard the Wolf play the visual stimulation games involved: for example finding the different snake amongst a group of snakes or finding the odd one out in the frog pond all activities that are aimed at developing children's observation skills. Youngsters can then check their answers by themselves with the solutions in the back of the book. But that's not all: Bernard the Wolf needs even more help! In the second book, he will have to sharpen his sight even more to be able to see underwater! Children will be able to help Bernard the Wolf in more new challenges in a completely different setting, discovering the wonders of the underwater world. The colourful pages of these large type books, inhabited by Agnese Baruzzi's unmistakable and irresistible animals, make for a truly exciting and stimulating visual experience!
  • Find me! Ocean Adventures with Bernard the Wolf Baruzzi Agnese
    ISBN: 9788854413894
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: White Star Publishers
    Have you ever seen a wolf in glasses before? Poor old Bernard the Wolf can't see a thing and his big, yellow glasses make him look pretty silly and not at all . . . scary!
    Michael the Squirrel wants to help him get his sight back and get rid of those terrible glasses for ever! Following
    Michael's instructions, children can explore the woodland and will enjoy helping Bernard the Wolf play the visual stimulation games involved: for example finding the different snake amongst a group of snakes or finding the odd one out in the frog pond - all activities that are aimed at developing children's observation skills. Youngsters can then check their answers by themselves with the solutions in the back of the book.
    But that's not all: Bernard the Wolf needs even more help! In the second book, he will have to sharpen his sight even more to be able to see underwater! Children will be able to help Bernard the Wolf in more new challenges in a completely different setting, discovering the wonders of the underwater world.
    The colourful pages of these large type books, inhabited by Agnese Baruzzi's unmistakable and irresistible animals, make for a truly exciting and stimulating visual experience!
  • Monsterland. Search, Find, Count. A Scary Counting Book Baruzzi Agnese
    ISBN: 9788854412729
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: White Star Publishers
    A gigantic book full of tiny monstrous creatures that are not scary, but rather make the reader laugh, all created by Agnese Baruzzi. The young reader must search out a monster, a skull, a ghost, a witch... counting how many times they appear in the double-page spreads and noting the correct number in the box.
    An original and amusing way to practice numbers and at the same time to improve observation skills.
  • The Book Of Spring Baruzzi Agnese
    ISBN: 9788854412859
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: White Star Publishers
    Introduce children to springtime joy with this captivating mini-book! In spring, nature awakens. This charming board book captures that new life, as fields, flowers, and trees blossom; baby lambs and bunnies enter the world; and delicious cherries and strawberries ripen. Each colourful and evocative page features an object, sensation, or experience associated with this happy season.
  • Alice's Mazes. Search, Find, Count Baruzzi Agnese
    ISBN: 9788854413160
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: White Star Publishers
    The wonderful world of Alice in a giant size book to explore and enjoy.
    The well-known characters from the story peek out from tangled paths that are just waiting for the reader to solve them. Complex labyrinths that will give the most brilliant minds something to think about, stimulating ingenuity and creativity. All in the enchanted framework of Alice in Wonderland magically illustrated by Agnese Baruzzi.
    Together with the busy White Rabbit and the strange Cheshire cat, the terrible Queen of Hearts and other amusing protagonists of this book, resolving these intricate labyrinths will be an amusing game!