Bingham Jane
  • 14 книг
  • 1 читатель
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Bingham Jane – лучшие книги

  • 1000 English Words Bingham Jane
    ISBN: 9781474986823
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Usborne
    This engaging and delightfully illustrated word book helps children boost their vocabulary and develop their speaking skills. A thousand really useful everyday words, carefully matched with detailed and amusing pictures, provide lots to spot and talk about. There are also QR codes to scan so you can listen to all the words.
  • Building Site Bingham Jane
    ISBN: 9781474986533
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Usborne
    Help a team of animal workers tackle some big projects, whether it's building a school, making an adventure playground, or laying a road. Discover over 170 detailed stickers to bring each busy scene to life with bulldozers, diggers, dump trucks and more.
  • Encyclopedia of World History Fiona Chandler
    ISBN: 9781409562511
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Usborne
    A comprehensive introduction to world history from prehistoric times to the start of the 21st century, including information on dinosaurs, the first humans, Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, Medieval Europe, the World Wars and other major events in history. Magnificently illustrated with a wealth of images depicting key events and everyday life in times gone by, as well as maps, charts and photographs. Includes a 12,000-year illustrated timechart, glossary and extensive index. With over 800 internet links to regularly reviewed websites with homework help, virtual tours, reconstructions, games and quizzes.
  • Wipe-clean Spelling 7-8 Bingham Jane
    ISBN: 9781409564874
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Usborne
    Part of the Usborne Key Skills series that supports the English lessons children learn at school, this entertaining book is filled with prefix and suffix related activities, including making words negative, adding word endings and a spelling quiz. Wipe-clean pages offer endless practice, and answers and secret notes for grown-ups are at the back.
  • Write Your Own Story Word Book Bingham Jane
    ISBN: 9781474986816
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Usborne
    Provides helpful advice on choosing the best words for creating characters, setting scenes and shaping stories, as well as special vocabulary for different story themes. Young authors can create their own stories and build up a word bank of favourite words and phrases, so that they need never use 'nice' again...
  • Paul Cezanne Bingham Jane
    ISBN: 9781788285728
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Arcturus
    Paul Cezanne's immersive approach to art resulted in a new kind of analytical discipline where the canvas becomes a screen through which the artist's visual sensations are recorded. He described this practice as 'a harmony parallel to nature', an almost architectural approach to his subject which often moved beyond the figurative tradition and towards abstraction. The book describes Cezanne's technique, the materials he used, and his importance as the greatest Post-Impressionist and fulcrum between Impressionism and the later Fauvist, Cubist and Expressionist movements.
  • Trees Bingham Jane
    ISBN: 9781474998925
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Usborne
    Find out about different kinds of trees around the world, from mangroves and palms to monkey puzzles and oaks. Take a close look at their leaves, seeds and fruits and discover the amazing range of birds, animals and minibeasts that make trees their home.
  • Usborne Workbooks. Spelling 5-6 Bingham Jane
    ISBN: 9781474991018
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Usborne
    Guided by a friendly group of woodland animals, children can learn simple spelling rules to improve their writing. The activities in this book build confidence in joining words together, forming plurals and adding different endings.
  • Spelling. 7-8 Bingham Jane
    ISBN: 9781474991049
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Usborne
    This delightfully illustrated workbook will help children develop their spelling skills. A variety of common prefixes and suffixes are introduced and explained, with lots of opportunities for children to practise what they've learned.
  • Managing Your Money Bathie Holly
    ISBN: 9781474951265
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Usborne
    This down-to-earth guide is filled with practical advice on everything from how to budget and be a smart shopper to student loans, mortgages and insurance. An essential book for equipping young people with the skills they need to manage their money now and in the future. Includes links to websites with more tips and advice.
  • Ladybird Histories. Vikings Bingham Jane
    ISBN: 9780723288411
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Ladybird
    Ladybird Histories is a series of books about periods and people in history that children find especially engaging and that are often taught in schools. Packed full of interesting and entertaining details that will delight all readers aged seven plus - from lifestyles, battles, and important characters to the influence the past has played on the world around us today.
    This Ladybird Histories title is all about the Vikings: their famous leaders such as Leif Ericsson, Sweyn Forkbeard and Harald Finehair, what people wore, how they lived, the invasions, their fascinating myths and legends and how they shaped Britain today.
    Everything you need to know about the Vikings for school homework!
  • The Story of Ships Bingham Jane
    ISBN: 978-0-7460-8095-5
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Usborne
    The fascinating history of ships and the explorers who sailed in them told for children growing in reading confidence and ability. Beautifully illustrated by Alan Marks, winner of the Carnegie Medal. Part of the Usborne Reading Programme developed with reading experts at the University of Roehampton.
  • Stories of Knights Bingham Jane
    ISBN: 978-0-7460-8058-0
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Usborne
    - Three exciting adventure stories for children just beginning to read.
    - The Knights of King Arthur were the bravest, strongest and most loyal knights of all, which these stories show as they battle dragons, slay giant ogres and rescue maidens in distress.
    - Evocatively illustrated by Alan Marks.
    - Usborne Young Reading has been developed with reading experts from Roehampton University.
  • Christmas! Bingham Jane
    ISBN: 978-1-80507-084-9