Леонард Коэн

Leonard Cohen

  • 215 книг
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Последние издания книг Леонарда Коэна

  • A Ballet of Lepers Leonard Cohen
    ISBN: 978-0802160478
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Grove Press
    Язык: Английский
    A never-before-published early novel and stories by the legendary musician, songwriter, and poet Leonard Cohen

    Before Leonard Cohen’s worldwide fame expanded to fourteen studio albums, Grammy awards, and late-career global tours, he yearned for literary stardom. The Canadian songwriter of iconic hits like “Hallelujah,” “Suzanne,” and “Famous Blue Raincoat” first ventured into writing in his early twenties, and in A Ballet of Lepers: A Novel and Stories , readers will discover that the magic that animated Cohen’s unforgettable body of work was present from the very beginning of his career. The pieces in this collection, written between 1956 and 1961 and including short fiction, a radio play, and a stunning early novel, offer startling insights into Cohen’s imagination and creative process. Cohen explores themes that would permeate his later work, from shame and unworthiness to sexual desire in all its sacred and profane dimensions to longing, whether for love, family, freedom, or transcendence. The titular novel, A Ballet of Lepers —one he later remarked was “probably a better novel” than his celebrated book The Favourite Game — is a haunting examination of these elements in tandem, focusing on toxic relationships and the lengths to which one will go to maintain them, while the fifteen stories, as well as the playscript, probe the inner demons of his characters, many of whom could function as stand-ins for the author himself. Cohen's work is meditative and surprising, offering playful, provocative, and penetrating glimpses into the world-weary lives of his characters, and a window into the early art of a storytelling master. A Ballet of Lepers , vivid in its detail, unsparing in its gaze, reveals the great artist and visceral genius as never seen before.
  • Nádherní porazení Leonard Cohen
    ISBN: 978-80-556-3722-8
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Vydavateľstvo Slovart
    Язык: Словацкий
    Druhý (a zároveň posledný) román kanadského básnika a speváka, ktorý pôvodne vyšiel v roku 1966. Román o vášni, ktorá prekračuje hranice pozemského života, dnes patrí ku klasickým dielam svetovej literatúry. Samotný autor kedysi vyhlásil, že v ňom povedal všetko, čo chcel povedať, a preto už ďalší román nikdy nenapísal.
  • Книга томления Леонард Коэн
    ISBN: 978-5-04-115933-7
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Издательство "Эксмо"
    Язык: Русский
    Всемирно известный певец и поэт Леонард Коэн писал "Книгу томления" во время своего пятилетнего пребывания в дзен-монастыре в Южной Калифорнии, а позже в Лос-Анджелесе, Монреале и Мумбаи. Этот сборник поэзии стал первым за двадцать лет молчания. Стихи, как и всегда у Коэна, сопровождаются рисунками, которые неожиданным образом дополняют его медитативный, глубокий и ироничный авторский стиль.
  • Η φλόγα Леонард Коэн
    ISBN: 9789600121223
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Greece, Gutenberg
    Язык: Греческий (новогреческий)
  • Пламя Леонард Коэн
    ISBN: 978-5-04-110939-4
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский
    "Пламя" - последняя работа Леонарда Коэна. Несколько поколений по всему миру выросло, слушая его альбомы. "Пламя" - это возможность узнать о самых сокровенных мыслях и чувствах поэта и музыканта, которого не стало в 2016 году. Эта книга стала итогом его жизни, прожитой остроумно и с размахом, она стала своего рода прощанием. Если вы поклонник песни "A thousand kisses deep", эта книга для вас.
  • Vertailkaamme mytologioita Leonard Cohen
    ISBN: 9789524832878
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Sammakko
    Язык: Финский
    Leonard Cohen aloitti taiteilijanuransa runoilijana. Vuonna 1956 ilmestynyt runokokoelma Vertailkaamme mytologioita (Let us compare mythologies) on hänen esikoisteoksensa. Se julkaistiin alunperin montrealilaisen McGill-yliopiston julkaisusarjassa 400 kappaleen painoksena pian sen jälkeen kun Cohen oli lopettanut kirjallisuuden opiskelun samaisessa oppilaitoksessa. Kokoelmassa esiintyvät Leonard Cohenin läpi uran mukana kulkeneet teemat: rakkaus, mystiikka, uskonto ja runous.
  • 火焰(huǒ yàn) Леонард Коэн
    ISBN: 9787521708066
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: 中信出版
    Язык: Китайский
  • Plamen Leonard Cohen
    ISBN: 9789532862256
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Vuković & Runjić
    Язык: Хорватский
  • Flacăra Leonard Cohen
    ISBN: 9789734679706
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Polirom
    Язык: Румынский
  • A Chama Leonard Cohen
    ISBN: 9789896419103
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Relógio D'Água
    Язык: Португальский
  • Flowers for Hitler Leonard Cohen
    ISBN: 9780771024511
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: McClelland & Stewart
    Язык: Английский
    To mark the publication of Leonard Cohen's final book, The Flame, McClelland & Stewart is proud to reissue six beautiful editions of Cohen's cherished early works of poetry, many of which are back in print for the first time in decades.

    A freshly packaged new series for devoted Leonard Cohen fans and those who wish to discover one of the world's most adored and celebrated writers.

    Originally published by McClelland & Stewart in 1964, Flowers for Hitler is Leonard Cohen's third collection of poetry, in which he first experiments with his self-consciously anti-art gestures: an attempt, in his own words, to move from the world of the golden-boy poet into the dung pile of the front-line writer. Haunted by the image of the Nazi concentration camps, the poems are deliberately ugly, tasteless, and confrontational, setting out to destroy the image of Cohen as a sweet romantic poet. Its author was confident in his new direction, telling his publisher at the time that the collection was a masterpiece, and there [had] never been a book like this, prose or poetry, written in Canada.
  • Parasites of Heaven Leonard Cohen
    ISBN: 9780771024528, 9780771024597
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: McClelland & Stewart
    Язык: Английский
    To mark the publication of Leonard Cohen's final book, The Flame, McClelland & Stewart is proud to reissue six beautiful editions of Cohen's cherished early works of poetry, many of which are back in print for the first time in decades.

    A freshly packaged new series for devoted Leonard Cohen fans and those who wish to discover one of the world's most adored and celebrated writers.

    Originally published by McClelland & Stewart in 1966, Parasites of Heaven came in the wake of the success of Cohen's second novel, Beautiful Losers. While not as ambitious as his three previous collections, Parasites of Heaven is an essential document in Cohen's evolution as it contains poems that would go on to form the basis of some of his most beloved songs, including Suzanne and Avalanche.
  • Let Us Compare Mythologies Leonard Cohen
    ISBN: 9780771024535, 9780771024542
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: McClelland & Stewart
    Язык: Английский
    Published in 1956 to immediate acclaim, Leonard Cohen's first published book contains poems written between the ages of fifteen and twenty. Now new generations of readers will rediscover not only the early, though no less accomplished and passionate, work of one of our most beloved writers, but poetry that resonates loudly with relevance today.
  • The Spice-Box of Earth Leonard Cohen
    ISBN: 9780771024566, 9780771024573
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: McClelland & Stewart
    Язык: Английский
    To mark the publication of Leonard Cohen's final book, The Flame, McClelland & Stewart is proud to reissue six beautiful editions of Cohen's cherished early works of poetry, many of which are back in print for the first time in decades.

    A freshly packaged new series for devoted Leonard Cohen fans and those who wish to discover one of the world's most adored and celebrated writers.

    Originally published by McClelland & Stewart in 1961, The Spice-Box of Earth was Leonard Cohen's breakout book, announcing the arrival of a major talent, and a popular one--the first edition sold out in less than three months, and one reviewer hailed Cohen as "probably the best young poet in English Canada right now." In his second collection, Cohen deepens his engagement with subjects that would define his career; as biographer Sylvie Simmons argues, "the poems dance back and forth across the border between the holy and the worldly, the elevated and the carnal."
  • Death of a Lady's Man Leonard Cohen
    ISBN: 9780771018237, 9780771018244
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: McClelland & Stewart
    Язык: Английский
    To mark the publication of Leonard Cohen's final book, The Flame, McClelland & Stewart is proud to reissue six beautiful editions of Cohen's cherished early works of poetry, many of which are back in print for the first time in decades.

    A freshly packaged new series for devoted Leonard Cohen fans and those who wish to discover one of the world's most adored and celebrated writers.

    Originally published by McClelland & Stewart in 1978, Death of a Lady's Man reinvented Cohen on the printed page, featuring a daring series of poems and prose poems, each of which is addressed--and often rebutted--in accompanying pieces of commentary. Maddening, thrilling, and truly singular, Cohen's sixth book contains some of the most challenging and startling work of his oeuvre. It is a genre-busting masterpiece well ahead of its time.
  • Die Flamme / The Flame Leonard Cohen
    ISBN: 9783462052213
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Kiepenheuer & Witsch
    Языки: Немецкий, Английский
  • Liekki Leonard Cohen
    ISBN: 9789524833561
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Sammakko
    Язык: Финский
  • La Llama Leonard Cohen
    ISBN: 9788498389005
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Salamandra S.A.
    Язык: Испанский
  • The Flame Leonard Cohen
    ISBN: 9781786893130
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Canongate Books
    Язык: Английский
  • Płomień Leonard Cohen
    ISBN: 9788380623545
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Rebis
    Язык: Польский
    Wiersze, piosenki, fragmenty notatników. PŁOMIEŃ to porywający zbiór ostatnich wierszy Leonarda Cohena. Ich wyboru i układu dokonał sam autor w ostatnich miesiącach życia. Książka zawiera m.in. słowa piosenek, fragmenty prozy oraz ilustracje, a także szeroki wybór tekstów z poetyckich notatników Cohena, które artysta prowadził przez całe życie. W sumie składają się one na niepowtarzalny, intymny obraz życia i umysłu wybitnego artysty i myśliciela. Jako niezwykle mocny, końcowy rozdział legendarnej kariery literackiej twórcy, PŁOMIEŃ ukazuje pełną skalę sztuki poetyckiej Leonarda Cohena, od kunsztownej transcendencji po czarny humor. Na przemian dojmująco smutne i urzekająco ekscentryczne są to dzieła poety i autora piosenek, który zgłębiał sens naszych najbardziej mrocznych pytań i zawsze gotów był zadawać kolejne.
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