Джон Гриббин

John Gribbin

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Джон Гриббин - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • In Search of the Multiverse: Parallel Worlds, Hidden Dimensions, and the Ultimate Quest for the Frontiers of Reality John Gribbin
    ISBN: 978-0470613528
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Wiley
    The most fascinating mysteries in modern physics seem to point us in that direction. As impossible as it seems—that other universes came before ours, float alongside ours, or even mirror ours—the evidence is surprisingly convincing.

    In his most mind-blowing, sweeping work since Schrödinger's Kittens and the Search for Reality, acclaimed science writer and astrophysicist John Gribbin takes readers In Search of the Multiverse, launching an extraordinary journey to the frontiers of reality. Touching on the newest research on quantum physics, thermodynamics, string theory, and even the nature of God, this brilliant tour of the current state of cosmology also goes beyond the realm of settled science to the astonishing questions theoretical physicists have only now begun to ask.

    Gribbin has long been known for his ability to explain even the most bewildering and complex ideas in the simplest of terms, and that skill is fully on display here. In this new book, he reveals why even the greatest thinkers can't explain the realities of quantum physics without bumping up against the unimaginable. He explores certain anomalies in our Universe that only make sense when you incorporate ideas that were once found only in science fiction. But which fantastical notion of alternate universes is the right one?

    Gribbin guides you expertly through the competing Multiverse theories, who thought them up, and what problems they were hoping to solve with such outlandish ideas. You'll visit a realm of infinite space containing an infinite number of regions separated by infinite distances and ruled by different sets of physical laws. You'll drift along an infinite time line, on which different universes are strung out, one after the other, like beads on a wire. And you'll leaf through an infinitely thick book stuffed with an infinite number of pages: each page a different universe, existing in a different dimension—tantalizingly close together, but eternally unable to communicate with each other.

    If our universe is three-dimensional and infinite, how could it be inside something else? Is it possible to travel to one of these alternate universes? Are particles traveling there every moment? How can scientists prove the existence of the Multiverse if they can't travel to it? Read In Search of the Multiverse and enter a world that is more mind-bending, thought-provoking, and imagination-sparking than the fantasy worlds you'd discover in a bookstore full of science fiction novels.
  • Deep Simplicity: Chaos, Complexity and the Emergence of Life John Gribbin
    ISBN: 978-0-141-00722-9
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Penguin Books Ltd.
    Язык: Английский
    Simplifying chaos and complexity theory for the perplexed, John Gribbin's DEEP
    illuminates the
    harmony underlying our existence. The world around us can be a complex, confusing
    Earthquakes happen without warning, stock markets fluctuate, weather forecasters
    seem to get it right - even other people continue to baffle us. How do we make sense of it
    all? In fact, John Gribbin reveals, our seemingly random universe is actually built on
    laws of cause and effect that can explain why, for example, just one vehicle braking can
    cause a traffic jam; why wild storms result from a slight atmospheric change; even how
    evolved from the most basic materials. Like a zen painting, a fractal image or the pattern
    a butterfly's wings, simple elements form the bedrock of a sophisticated whole. "The
    of popular science writing". ("Sunday Times"). "What makes "Deep Simplicity" different
    from other books on complexity theory is that Gribbin ...goes back to the fundamentals".
    ("Daily Telegraph"). "One is left feeling even more - if this is possible - filled with
    admiration for science and delight at the world it investigates". ("Financial Times"). John
    Gribbin is one of today's greatest writers of popular science and the author of bestselling
    books, including "In Search of Schrodinger's Cat", "Stardust", "Science: A History" and
    Search of the Multiverse". Gribbin trained as an astrophysicist at Cambridge University
    is currently Visiting Fellow in Astronomy at the University of Sussex.
  • In Search of the Multiverse John Gribbin
    ISBN: 9780141036113
    Год издания: 2010
    Язык: Английский
  • He Knew He Was Right Джон Гриббин
    ISBN: 9780141031613
    Год издания: 2009
    Язык: Английский
    Jim Lovelock is an iconic figure in British science, a prophet whose prophecies are coming true. This is his definitive authorised biography. Lovelock is best known as the father of Gaia theory, which is now established as the most useful way of understanding the dramatic changes happening to the environment of the Earth.

    But few people know about his early work as a chemist and inventor - work which included inventing the detectors used to search for life on Mars, and blowing the whistle on the depletion of ozone layer. In his personal life, he was a Quaker and conscientious objector in World War Two (later changing his mind in view of the evils of Nazism), supported his family for a time by selling his own blood, and gave up a salary and security to become an independent scientist based in an English village - from which all his best known work emerged. As he approaches his 90th birthday, looking forward to going into space, this book truly reveals an independent, original and inspiring life.
  • Science: A History In 100 Experiments John Gribbin
    ISBN: 9780008145606
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: William Collins
    Язык: Английский
    A history of science distilled into 100 notable experiments – epic moments that have fuelled our understanding of Earth and the Universe beyond.

    The history of science is a fascinating and long one, covering thousands of years of history. The development of scientific experiments involves some of the most enlightened cultures in history, as well as some great scientists, philosophers and theologians. As the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman said, ‘If it disagrees with experiment, it is wrong’, the simplest summary of what science is all about. And science is nothing without experiments.

    Everything in the scientific world view is based on experiment, including observations of phenomena predicted by theories and hypotheses, such as the bending of light as it goes past the Sun. From the discovery of microscopic worlds to weighing the Earth, from making electricity to the accelerating Universe and gravitational waves, this stunning book by renowned science writers John and Mary Gribbin tells the fascinating history of science through the stories of 100 groundbreaking experiments.
  • Alone in the Universe: Why Our Planet Is Unique Джон Гриббин
    ISBN: 978-1-118-14797-9
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: John Wiley & Sons
    The acclaimed author of In Search of Schrödinger's Cat searches for life on other planetsAre we alone in the universe? Surely amidst the immensity of the cosmos there must be other intelligent life out there. Don't be so sure, says John Gribbin, one of today's best popular science writers. In this fascinating and intriguing new book, Gribbin argues that the very existence of intelligent life anywhere in the cosmos is, from an astrophysicist's point of view, a miracle. So why is there life on Earth and (seemingly) nowhere else? What happened to make this planet special? Taking us back some 600 million years, Gribbin lets you experience the series of unique cosmic events that were responsible for our unique form of life within the Milky Way Galaxy. Written by one of our foremost popular science writers, author of the bestselling In Search of Schro?dinger's Cat offers a bold answer to the eternal question, "Are we alone in the universe?" Explores how the impact of a "supercomet" with Venus 600 million years ago created our moon, and along with it, the perfect conditions for life on Earth from one of our most talented science writers, this book is a daring, fascinating exploration into the dawning of the universe, cosmic collisions and their consequences, and the uniqueness of life on Earth"
  • Out of the Shadow of a Giant: How Newton Stood on the Shoulders of Hooke and Halley Джон Гриббин
    What if Isaac Newton had never lived? Robert Hooke and Edmond Halley, whose place in history has been overshadowed by the giant figure of Newton, were pioneering scientists within their own right, and instrumental in establishing the Royal Society.Whilst Newton is widely regarded as one of the greatest scientists of all time, and the father of the English scientific revolution, John and Mary Gribbin uncover the fascinating story of Robert Hooke and Edmond Halley, whose scientific achievements neatly embrace the hundred years or so during which science as we know it became established in Britain. They argue persuasively that even without Newton science in Britain would have made a great leap forward in the second half of the seventeenth century, headed by two extraordinary men, Hooke and Halley.
  • Science: A History in 100 Experiments Джон Гриббин
    A history of science distilled into 100 notable experiments – epic moments that have fuelled our understanding of Earth and the Universe beyond.The history of science is a fascinating and long one, covering thousands of years of history. The development of scientific experiments involves some of the most enlightened cultures in history, as well as some great scientists, philosophers and theologians. As the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman said, ‘If it disagrees with experiment, it is wrong’, the simplest summary of what science is all about. And science is nothing without experiments.Everything in the scientific world view is based on experiment, including observations of phenomena predicted by theories and hypotheses, such as the bending of light as it goes past the Sun. From the discovery of microscopic worlds to weighing the Earth, from making electricity to the accelerating Universe and gravitational waves, this stunning book by renowned science writers John and Mary Gribbin tells the fascinating history of science through the stories of 100 groundbreaking experiments.
  • Životopis vesmíru Джон Гриббин
    ISBN: 978-80-204-1902-6
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Mladá fronta
    Podtitul: Od velkého třesku po zánik vesmíru. 

    Jak se vesmír měnil z počáteční malé a horké kuličky látky až do dnešní podoby? Odkud pochází život na Zemi? Jak vznikaly planety? Jaký bude osud vesmíru? A odkud to vlastně víme?

    John Gribbin, jeden z nejznámějších popularizátorů vědy, se rozhodl napsat životopis subjektu, který je pro nás ze všech nejdůležitější – životopis samotného vesmíru.
  • Erwin Schrodinger and the Quantum Revolution Джон Гриббин
    Erwin Schrödinger was an Austrian physicist famous for his contribution to quantum physics. He won the Nobel Prize in 1933 and is best known for his thought experiment of a cat in a box, both alive and dead at the same time, which revealed the seemingly paradoxical nature of quantum mechanics.
    Schrödinger was working at one of the most fertile and creative moments in the whole history of science. By the time he started university in 1906, Einstein had already published his revolutionar
  • Computing with Quantum Cats Джон Гриббин
    The quantum computer is no longer the stuff of science fiction. Pioneering physicists are on the brink of unlocking a new quantum universe which provides a better representation of reality than our everyday experiences and common sense ever could. The birth of quantum computers – which, like Schrödinger’s famous ‘dead and alive’ cat, rely on entities like electrons, photons or atoms existing in two states at the same time – is set to turn the computing world on its head.
    In his fascinat
  • Teaduse ajalugu Джон Гриббин
    ISBN: 9789949597840
    Издательство: Eesti digiraamatute keskus OU
    Tunnustatud teaduse populariseerija John Gribbini „Teaduse ajalugu” on t?eliselt haarav raamat meestest ja naistest, kes muutsid seda, kuidas me maailma m?istame, aga ka keerulistest aegadest, mil nad elasid ja t??tasid. Alates Galileist, kelle ideede p?rast inkvisitsioon tema ?le kohut m?istis, kuni Newtonini, kes oma konkurendid ajalooraamatutest v?lja kirjutas, alates Marie Curiest, kes ei tohtinud meestudengitega samas ruumis t??tada, sest v?is neile erutavalt m?juda, kuni Louis Agassizeni, kes sundis oma kolleege ?les m?kke ronima, et veenda neid j??aegade toimumises. See on raamat pioneeridest, vision??ridest, kiiksuga t??pidest ja hulludest – teaduse ajalugu, nagu seda kunagi varem kirjutatud ei ole. &t;br/&t; John Gribbin on ?ks parimaid kaasaegse populaarteadusliku kirjanduse autoreid. Ta on kirjutanud mitu menukit, nagu „Schr?dingeri kass”, „T?hetolm”, „Teadus: ajalugu ja multiversumi otsingud”. Gribbin on Cambridge’i ?likooli l?petanud astrof??sik ja annab astronoomia ja teaduse ajaloo loenguid igal pool maailmas. &t;br/&t; „Ladus tekst, mis laseb m?ista keerulist teekonda meid ?mbritsevast maailmast arusaamisel.” – Erkki Bahovski, ajakirja Diplomaatia peatoimetaja &t;br/&t; Haarav lugu sellest, kuidas tekkis teadus ‒ moodsa maailma ?ks olulisemaid n?htusi. Loetagu! –Veiko Palge, Tartu ?likooli ?ppej?ud, PhD &t;br/&t; Gribbini raamat annab hea, kokkuv?tliku ja ladusalt loetava ?levaate l??nemaailma teadusliku m?tte ajaloost kuni 20. sajandi l?puni v?lja. P?nev lugemine igale teadushuvilisele. – Vahur Lokk, teaduskirjanduse t?lkija &t;br/&t; „Paeluv ja meeltlahutav… Imeliselt ja arusaadavalt kirjutatud” – Independent on Sunday &t;br/&t; „Oivaline… sunnib kasutama klišeed, mida ma ei ole pidanud ammu kasutama: tour de force.” – Spectator &t;br/&t; „Imeline ajalugu… meeletult nauditav.” – Daily Telegraph &t;br/&t; „Suurep?rane raamat… kummutab hulga m??te ja avab paljude tuntud lugude tegeliku tausta (n?iteks ei visanud Galilei kunagi viltusest Pisa tornist raskusi alla).” – Economist &t;br/&t; „Me elame tegelaste t?usudele ja m??nadele kaasa, nagu tunneksime neid isiklikult… Eneselegi ootamatult ma lausa neelasin lehek?lgi.” – Sunday Telegraph
  • In Search Of Schrodinger's Cat Джон Гриббин
    Quantum theory is so shocking that Einstein could not bring himself to accept it. It is so important that it provides the fundamental underpinning of all modern sciences. Without it, we'd have no computers, no science of molecular biology, no understanding of DNA, no genetic engineering.
    In Search of Schrodinger's Cat tells the complete story of quantum mechanics, a truth stranger than any fiction. John Gribbin takes us step by step into an even more bizarre and fascinating place, requiring only that we approach it with an open mind. He introduces the scientists who developed quantum theory. He investigates the atom, radiation, time travel, the birth of the universe, super conductors and life itself. And in a world full of its own delights, mysteries and surprises, he searches for Schrodinger's Cat - a search for quantum reality - as he brings every reader to a clear understanding of the most important area of scientific study today - quantum physics.
    In Search of Schrodinger's Cat is a fascinating and delightful introduction to the strange world of the quantum - an essential element in understanding today's world.
  • Deep Simplicity. Chaos, Complexity and the Emergence of Life Джон Гриббин
    The world around us can be a complex, confusing place. Earthquakes happen without warning, stock markets fluctuate, weather forecasters seldom seem to get it right - even other people continue to baffle us. How do we make sense of it all?
    In fact, John Gribbin reveals, our seemingly random universe is actually built on simple laws of cause and effect that can explain why, for example, just one vehicle braking can cause a traffic jam; why wild storms result from a slight atmospheric change; even how we evolved from the most basic materials. Like a zen painting, a fractal image or the pattern on a butterfly's wings, simple elements form the bedrock of a sophisticated whole.
    Synthesizing chaos and complexity theory for the perplexed, Deep Simplicity brilliantly illuminates the harmony underlying our existence.
  • The Omega Point Джон Гриббин
    ISBN: 9780553345155, 055334515X
    Год издания: 1988
    Издательство: Bantam Books
    Язык: Английский
    Is the universe infinitely expanding? Or at some point in the future will it finally reach its limit - and contract upon itself in one catastrophic reversal of the Big Bang? The ultimate answer to this perplexing question rests on one factor: the omega point.

    In one of the most astonishing developments of astronomy, scientists have recently discovered that more than 90 percent of the universe is "missing." In "The Omega Point," acclaimed science writer and cosmologist John Gribbin investigates the perplexing mystery of this missing or "dark" matter. How much of it exists? What is it made of? And is its gravitational force enough to one day reach the omega point - the amount needed to cause the big crunch, as this last fatal cosmological squeeze has been nicknamed? From its first moments of creation, deep in the outermost regions of space, down to the microworld of quarks, bayrons, mesons, and other exotic forms of matter, Gribbin takes us on a fascinating journey along the arrow of time to discover the true nature of the universe we live in.
  • The Stuff of the Universe: Dark Matter, Mankind and Anthropic Cosmology Джон Гриббин
    ISBN: 0140248188, 9780140248180
    Год издания: 1995
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский
    In this exploration of our relationship with the universe, the authors search for the grand design of the universe and the meaning of the so-called coincidences that allow life to exist on our planet. They present the latest advances in understanding of the nature of dark matter, explore mini and massive black holes, brown dwarfs and novel forms of matter such as quarks and quark nuggets. They discuss the search for a unified theory of all the particles and forces of nature: cosmic strings, superstrings and the possibility of a theory of everything. The authors also speculate on the possibility of the existence of other universes and of other intelligent life in our own.
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