Памела Редмонд Сатран

Pamela Redmond Satran

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Памела Редмонд Сатран – лучшие книги

  • Красотки в неволе Памела Редмонд Сатран
    ISBN: 5-86471-395-3
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Эксмо, Фантом Пресс
    Язык: Русский
    Четыре женщины на перепутье, четыре подруги, которые хотят перемен, четыре судьбы, которые круто изменятся. Дейдра, Лиза, Анна и Джульетта живут в маленьком городке, их жизнь давно устоялась. Позади замужество, дети, угасшие надежды юности, в настоящем - красивые дома, достаток и идеальная семья, а впереди... А впереди либо все та же спокойная и поднадоевшая жизнь, либо крутые перемены, на которые все четверо в глубине души надеются.

    "Красотки в неволе" - роман о том, что материнство, идеальный брак и достаток могут стать клеткой, но каждая женщина вправе сама выбирать себе судьбу.
  • Younger Памела Редмонд Сатран
    ISBN: 9781416505587
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Gallery Books
    A story of inspiration and transformation for the really desperate housewife—now a TV series from the creator of Sex and the City, starring Sutton Foster and Hilary Duff!

    She’s old enough to be his mother.

    Alice has always looked young for her age, even with her graying hair and her dowdy New Jersey housewife style. Make that ex-housewife: Now that her husband’s gone and her daughter is grown, Alice is in desperate need of a whole new life. So she lets her best friend Maggie, a hip New York City artist, transform her on New Year’s Eve. Soon, thanks to the wonders of hair dye and tight jeans, Alice looks really young, as one night in a Manhattan bar confirms. At midnight, she kisses a boy who was in diapers when she was in high school.

    She’s having too much fun to care.

    The white lie Alice tells Josh gets her thinking that if no one asks her age, she doesn’t have to tell. So she applies for a job she had briefly before becoming a full-time mom—and gets it. Meanwhile, Josh is falling head over heels for Alice, who’s just way cooler than girls his age. He figures she’s about twenty-nine—and for the first time since she was twenty-nine, or possibly ever, Alice feels that life is ripe with possibility. Unfortunately one possibility is that she’s gonna get caught.

    Challenging the adage that the truth will set you free, Younger is a hilarious and insightful story that proves that you’re only as young as you feel.
  • 30 Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know by the Time She's 30 Памела Редмонд Сатран
    ISBN: 1401324142
    Год издания: 2012
    Featuring advice, wisdom, and observations from an array of prominent and beloved women, 30 Things is an essential guide (and perfect gift) for women on the brink of thirty—and for those who are already there!
    Fifteen years ago, Glamour published a list of distinctive yet universally true must-haves and must-knows for women on the cusp of and beyond the age of thirty titled, “30 Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know by the Time She’s 30.” It became a phenomenon.
    Originally penned by Glamour columnist Pamela Redmond Satran, The List found a second life when women began to forward it to one another online, millions of times. It became a viral sensation, misattributed to everyone from Maya Angelou to Hillary Clinton—but there’s only one original list, and it stands the test of time. Quirky and profound, The List defines the absolute must-haves (#11: “A set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra”) and must-knows (#1: “How to fall in love without losing yourself”) for grown-up female happiness.
    Now, Glamour magazine has gathered together its editors and an incredible group of notable women to expand on each of the items on The List in wise, thoughtful, and intimate essays. Kathy Griffin meditates on knowing when to try harder and when to walk away. Lisa Ling explores the idea that your childhood may not have been perfect, but it’s over, and Lauren Conrad shares what she has learned about what she would and wouldn’t do for money or love. Other personal insights come from Maya Angelou, Rachel Zoe, Taylor Swift, Katie Couric, Portia de Rossi, Kelly Corrigan, ZZ Packer, Bobbi Brown, Padma Lakshmi, Angie Harmon, and many more.

    Along with essays based on The List, writers share their feelings about what the milestone of turning thirty meant to them. 30 Things is the one book women of all ages will turn to for timely and timeless wisdom.
  • How Not to Act Old: 185 Ways to Pass for Cool, Sound, Wicked, or at Least Not Totally Lame Памела Редмонд Сатран
    ISBN: 9780007438204
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский
    Still want to be cool but are afraid you no longer know how? Be not afraid – old is the new young!You dye your hair, you happily order the weekly shop online, you're planning a trip to South America and even know who won Big Brother this year. But last week you also told your kids that G4 are 'sick' and were promptly silenced by looks of utter scorn.Stay away from language that has no right to come out of lips that are more than 45 years old…make that 35…no, make that 14. No-one over the age of 16 uses 'sick' to describe anything, you don't 'hook-up' if you're not a teenager and you know you're over 40 if you have ever told another adult to carry an umbrella 'because the weather looks iffy'. If you think you're too old to act young or too past it to join Facebook, think again. This book is the essential guide to how not to act old – and how not to embarrass yourself whilst doing it!With 150 different 'ways' how not to act old, this book covers everything you need to know about being young and how to recognise your limits when trying out your new, younger, attitude to life. Covering many areas including slang speech, relationships, parenting, fashion and technology and written with wit, style and humour, this book is sure to be a source of both amusement and comfort to people of a certain age everywhere.Remember – old is just Young 2.0!