Джульетта Кросс

Juliette Cross

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Лучшие произведения Джульетты Кросс

  • Безумие волка Джульетта Кросс
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Wolf Gone Wild
    Перевод: любительский перевод

    Что самое худшее может случиться с оборотнем? Матео Крузу слишком хорошо знакомо, каково это не иметь возможности перевоплощаться на протяжении трех месяцев. Его волк поселился в его голове, дразня его день и ночь яркими, жестокими и плотскими мыслями. Убежденный, что проклят, он нуждается в помощи могущественной ведьмы, прежде чем буквально сходит с ума. Эви Савой всегда соблюдала правила своего ковена – никаких оборотней. Они известны тем, что капризны и непостоянны. Поэтому, когда в бар заходит взбалмошный, опасный оборотень и чуть не душит одного из ее ночных посетителей, она готова вышвырнуть его за дверь. Но отчаяние в его глазах,…

  • Не бойся, дави на газ
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Don't Hex and Drive
    Перевод: любительский перевод

    Известная тем, что плохо ладит с людьми, Исадора Савойя проводит большую часть своего времени в теплице или в местном приюте для животных, используя свои способности для исцеления. Довольная тем, что остается на заднем плане махинаций сестер Савойя, она неохотно втягивается в тайну пропавших девушек. Теперь она сотрудничает с ярким, кокетливым вампиром, чтобы найти их, пока не стало слишком поздно. Деврадж Кумар видел и делал все. Триста лет скитаний по земле в качестве Стигорна – легендарного воина–вампира, действующего в тени, – имеют свои преимущества. Он давно потерял вкус жизни. Но все изменилось, когда он столкнулся – в буквальном…

  • Always Practice Safe Hex Джульетта Кросс
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Always Practice Safe Hex
    Первая публикация: 2022

    Livvy Savoie is a people person. Not only does she have the magical gift of persuasion, but her natural charisma charms everyone she meets. She hasn't met a person she didn't like. Until her annoyingly brilliant competitor walks through the door. No matter how hard she denies it, loathing isn't the only emotion she feels for him. Grim reaper Gareth Blackwater is rarely, if ever, moved beyond his broody, stoic state. But the witch he's partnered with in the public relations contest is destroying his peace of mind. He's convinced that the flesh-melting attraction he feels for her is merely her witchy magic at work. But forced proximity…

  • Witches Get Stitches Джульетта Кросс
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Witches Get Stitches
    Первая публикация: 2021

    Violet Savoie has a plan. A dream, rather. To open her own tattoo shop, which caters to supernaturals in need of permanent charms. As a powerful Seer, she has the potent magic to cast every kind of spell. Except the kind to give werewolves control over their beastly side. And her business partner Nico needs help in the worst kind of way. Nico Cruz has a secret. A motive, rather. To subtly stalk and seduce Violet until she finally recognizes they are fated to be together. Ever since their heated encounter in Austin on New Year’s Eve two years earlier, he’s been dying to get his hands—and his tongue—back on her body. He knows a woman like…

  • Grim and Bear It
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Grim and Bear It

    Not even Death can take her from him. Clara Savoie is so confused. She is absolutely positive that Henry Blackwater is practically in love with her. But for some strange reason, he won’t even ask her on a single date. Time to take matters into her own hands. When Clara shows up on his doorstep with an unusual invitation, tempting cupcakes, and naughty innuendo, Henry has no choice but to say yes. Now he’s the newest member of the High Tea Romance Book Club. While Clara learns the haunting secrets of her broody grim, Henry shows her what commitment from a necromancer truly means. But when his father is arrested for murder, Henry is…

  • Resting Witch Face Джульетта Кросс
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Resting Witch Face
    Первая публикация: 2022

    Twelve years ago, Jules Savoie ended her relationship with the vampire overlord of New Orleans, Ruben Dubois. For good reasons. A woman in power must often make sacrifices to protect others. She knows the truth of it down to her aching heart. When Ruben watches his best friend Devraj get married, a stinging realization hits him hard…he’s done waiting. They say time heals all wounds. In this case, it merely sharpened the pain and made one fact crystal clear. Jules Savoie is his soulmate, and nothing would keep him from her. Not anymore. Forced to work side by side to fight for the werewolf cause, they campaign together at covens from…

  • Rockin’ Around The Hexmas Tree Джульетта Кросс
    Форма: повесть
    Оригинальное название: Rockin’ Around The Hexmas Tree

    A Dirty Santa gift with a very special hex boosts Devraj and Isadora’s sex life from sizzling hot to scorching.

  • Jingle Spells Джульетта Кросс
    Форма: повесть
    Оригинальное название: Jingle Spells

    Nico and Violet laugh their way through their first babysitting adventure. But laughter turns to lust when Nico’s “dad” vibes tug on Violet’s maternal heartstrings.

  • Firebird
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Firebird
    Первая публикация: 2024

    Dragons rule Rome. With their supreme legionnaires and flying deathriders, they conquer and pillage and burn. Malina Bihari is taken captive by the same Roman who once bestowed a secret talisman to her in a stolen moment long ago. Roman general and nephew to the emperor, Julianus Dakkia never thought to see her again--the Dacian dancer who'd set his blood on fire with her fierce, dark beauty. While Malina plots her escape, Julian does the last thing she'd ever expect of a dragon noble. Trusting her with a secret that would put his head on the imperial gate could be his worst mistake. Trusting him with her safety could cost Malina not…

  • Jingle Bell Jock Джульетта Кросс
    Форма: повесть
    Оригинальное название: Jingle Bell Jock

    On New Year’s Eve, a new man puts the moves on Charlie. Tired of pining for his best friend, he’s ready to move on. Fortunately, JJ’s jealousy is just the right ingredient to move them well out of the friend zone.

  • The Wraith King
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Wraith King
    Дата написания: 2023
    Первая публикация: 2024

    A brutal, bloody war against the ruthless Wraith King has cost the light fae more than innocent lives. Una Hartstone, Princess of Issos, learns the price the Wraith King demands to end the war once and for all. Her. In exchange for the safety of her people, she agrees to give her life—and her body—to her greatest enemy. But she isn’t prepared for what awaits in his Palace of Black Glass where she was once held prisoner as a girl. Gollaya Verbane is determined to fulfill his destiny and his god’s prophecy. When he hears one tantalizing revelation about the Princess of Issos, he knows she’s the god-annointed mate he’s been seeking and the…

  • You’re A Mean One, Mr. Grim Джульетта Кросс
    Форма: повесть
    Оригинальное название: You’re A Mean One, Mr. Grim

    Her first glimpse of grim reaper Gareth Blackwater evokes a major case of insta-hate in Lavinia. In that same moment, Gareth is hit with insta-lust. Fate is playing with them both, and neither one is happy about it.

  • Bewitch You A Merry Christmas Джульетта Кросс
    Форма: повесть
    Оригинальное название: Bewitch You A Merry Christmas

    Always the peacemaker, Evie conjures Christmas magic between a hexed hottie and his witchy neighbor, while Mateo and Alpha plan to do whatever it takes to get some alone time with their girl.