Оливи Блейк

Olivie Blake

  • 31 книга
  • 23 подписчика
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Лучшие книги Оливи Блейк

  • Шестерка Атласа Оливи Блейк
    ISBN: 978-5-17-147047-0
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский

    ДОБРО ПОЖАЛОВАТЬ В АЛЕКСАНДРИЙСКОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО. Раз в десять лет только шесть самых талантливых магов могут заслужить место в самом известном тайном обществе — Александрийском. Избранные получат власть и престиж, о которых и мечтать не могли. Но какую цену им придется заплатить за честь быть членом этого общества? У каждого из новобранцев есть причины принять приглашение и бороться за место. Даже если это означает стать ближе, чем они могли себе представить, к своим опасным врагам. Даже если это означает быть преданными самыми, как казалось, надежными союзниками. Даже если это означает, что не все они переживут испытания...

  • Парадокс Атласа Оливи Блейк
    ISBN: 978-5-17-147048-7
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский
    Подлость. Предательство. Хаос.

    Шестеро магов получили шанс, который дается раз в жизни.

    Пятеро стали новыми членами общества.

    Перед ними лежат два пути.

    Каждому надо выбрать, на чьей он стороне.

    Союзы пройдут испытание на прочность, сердца будут разбиты, и наконец вскроется истинная суть Александрийцев: это тайное общество, обладающее чистой силой, способной влиять на мир, и возглавляемое тем, чьи планы изменить саму жизнь уже исполняются.
  • Крах Атласа Оливи Блейк
    ISBN: 978-5-17-168197-5
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский

    Взрывное возвращение в библиотеку – и шестеро александрийцев, беззащитных перед смертоносными условиями посвящения. Старые союзы дают трещину, когда выпускники расходятся во взглядах на то, как им, наконец, исполнить свою часть сделки. Кто-то запирается в архивах и решает этические дилеммы, связанные с феноменальными способностями, а где-то там, во внешнем мире двое создают сомнительный союз, чтобы повлиять на мировую политику. Сам мир по-прежнему ищет способы, как уничтожить всех шестерых, в то время как Хранитель, Атлас Блэйкли, похоже, готов осуществить свой план, грозящий концом света. Идет гонка на выживание, которая ставит перед…

  • Alone With You in the Ether Оливи Блейк
    ISBN: 9781250888167
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
    From Olivie Blake, the New York Times bestselling author of The Atlas Six, comes an intimate and contemporary study of time, space, and the nature of love. Alone with You in the Ether explores what it means to be unwell, and how to face the fractures of yourself and still love as if you're not broken.

    Two people meet in the Art Institute by chance. Prior to their encounter, he is a doctoral student who manages his destructive thoughts with compulsive calculations about time travel; she is a bipolar counterfeit artist, undergoing court-ordered psychotherapy. By the end of the story, these things will still be true. But this is not a story about endings.

    For Regan, people are predictable and tedious, including and perhaps especially herself. She copes with the dreariness of existence by living impulsively, imagining a new, alternate timeline being created in the wake of every rash decision.

    To Aldo, the world feels disturbingly chaotic. He gets through his days by erecting a wall of routine: a backbeat of rules and formulas that keep him going. Without them, the entire framework of his existence would collapse.

    For Regan and Aldo, life has been a matter of resigning themselves to the blueprints of inevitability―until the two meet. Could six conversations with a stranger be the variable that shakes up the entire simulation?
  • One For My Enemy Оливи Блейк
    ISBN: 1250892430, 9781250892430
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
    In modern-day Manhattan where we lay our scene, two rival witch families fight to maintain control of their respective criminal empires.

    On one side of the conflict are the Antonova sisters ― each one beautiful, cunning, and ruthless ― and their mother, the elusive supplier of premium intoxicants, known only as Baba Yaga. On the other side, the influential Fedorov brothers serve their father, the crime boss known as Koschei the Deathless, whose community extortion ventures dominate the shadows of magical Manhattan.

    After twelve years of tenuous co-existence, a change in one family’s interests causes a rift in the existing stalemate. When bad blood brings both families to the precipice of disaster, fate intervenes with a chance encounter, and in the aftershocks of a resurrected conflict, everyone must choose a side. As each of the siblings struggles to stake their claim, fraying loyalties threaten to rot each side from the inside out.

    If, that is, the enmity between empires doesn’t destroy them first.
  • Masters of Death Оливи Блейк
    ISBN: 9781250892461
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский

    Viola Marek is a struggling real estate agent, and a vampire. But her biggest problem currently is that the house she needs to sell is haunted. The ghost haunting the house has been murdered, and until he can solve the mystery of how he died, he refuses to move on. Fox D’Mora is a medium, and though is also most-definitely a shameless fraud, he isn’t entirely without his uses—seeing as he’s actually the godson of Death. When Viola seeks out Fox to help her with her ghost-infested mansion, he becomes inextricably involved in a quest that neither he nor Vi expects (or wants). But with the help of an unruly poltergeist, a demonic…

  • Januaries: Stories of Love, Magic & Betrayal Оливи Блейк
    ISBN: 9781250330680
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: TOR
    Once upon a time in a land far, far away, a wish-granting spirit rapidly approaches burnout. Meanwhile, a banished fairy answers a Craigslist ad, a Victorian orphan navigates an occult situationship, and a multiverse assassin contemplates the one who got away.

    With both iconic fan-favorite stories and entirely original pieces, Januaries features modified fairy tales, contemporary heists, absurdist poetry, and at least one set of actual wedding vows. Escape the slow trudge of mortality by diving into these enchanting new worlds with a master of imagination.
  • Girl Dinner Оливи Блейк
    ISBN: 9781250883452
    Год издания: 2025
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский

    Good girls deserve a treat. Every member of The House, the most exclusive sorority on campus, and all its alumni, are beautiful, high-achieving, and universally respected. After a freshman year she would rather forget, sophomore Nina Kaur knows being one of the chosen few accepted into The House is the first step in her path to the brightest possible future. Once she's taken into their fold, the House will surely ease her fears of failure and protect her from those who see a young woman on her own as easy prey. Meanwhile, adjunct professor Dr. Sloane Hartley is struggling to return to work after accepting a demotion to support her…

  • Gifted & Talented Оливи Блейк
    ISBN: 9781250883407
    Год издания: 2025
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Thayer Wren, the brilliant CEO of Wrenfare Magitech and so-called father of modern technology, is dead. Any one of his three telepathically and electrokinetically gifted children would be a plausible inheritor to the Wrenfare throne.

    Or at least, so they like to think.

    Meredith, textbook accomplished eldest daughter and the head of her own groundbreaking biotech company, has recently cured mental illness. You're welcome! If only her father's fortune wasn't her last hope for keeping her journalist ex-boyfriend from exposing what she really is: a total fraud.

    Arthur, second-youngest congressman in history, fights the good fight every day of his life. And yet, his wife might be leaving him, and he's losing his re-election campaign. But his dead father’s approval in the form of a seat on the Wrenfare throne might just turn his sinking ship around.

    Eilidh, once the world's most famous ballerina, has spent the last five years as a run-of-the-mill marketing executive at her father’s company after a life-altering injury put an end to her prodigious career. She might be lacking in accolades compared to her siblings, but if her father left her everything, it would finally validate her worth―by confirming she'd been his favorite all along.

    On the pipeline of gifted kid to clinically depressed adult, nobody wins―but which Wren will come out on top?
  • Его Ангел Оливи Блейк
    Тип: Сетевое издание
    Язык: Русский