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Падмасамбхава — библиография

  • Тибетская Книга мертвых Татьяна Зинкевич-Евстигнеева
    Форма: документальное произведение
    Оригинальное название: བར་དོ་ཐོས་གྲོལ
    Перевод: Б. Останин, В. Кучерявкин
  • El libro tibetano de los muertos Падмасамбхава
    "La naturaleza de nuestro ser no es diferente de la de un Buda. La diferencia reside en que un Buda es consciente de esa naturaleza, mientras que el hombre apegado a lo terrenal no lo es, por culpa de la ilusi?n del ego, del yo". El libro tibetano de los muertos (Bardo- Thodol) puede ser estudiado por cualquiera; incluso est? especialmente concebido para quien no tiene tiempo ni posibilidad de emprender un largo estudio y un entrenamiento espiritual riguroso. No es una gu?a de muertos sino una gu?a para quienes quieren traspasar la muerte metamorfoseando su proceso en un acto de liberaci?n. A este fin, conviene incluir la muerte en la vida cotidiana no como un rechazo de la vida sino como parte inseparable y necesaria de ella. Para lograr estas experiencias se debe llegar al n?cleo del ser en el que encontramos a la vida y a la muerte indisolublemente unidas. Estas ense?anzas, que dan indicaciones precisas y detalladas sobre la existencia despu?s de la muerte, se atribuyen al gran ap?stol budista Padmasambhava quien a mediados del siglo VIII llev? el budismo al Tibet y fund? el primer monasterio.
  • Bardo Th?dol Татьяна Зинкевич-Евстигнеева
    Форма: документальное произведение
    Оригинальное название: བར་དོ་ཐོས་གྲོལ

    El Bardo thodol, m?s conocido en Occidente como El libro tibetano de los muertos, es una gu?a de instrucciones para los moribundos y los muertos que, seg?n la creencia del budismo t?ntrico del T?bet, permite alcanzar la iluminaci?n durante el periodo inmediato posterior a la muerte y por algunos d?as m?s, a fin de evitar renacer e ingresar nuevamente al samsara, pues se considera que la muerte dura 49 d?as y despu?s de ello sobreviene un renacimiento en el ciclo de la reencarnaci?n. As?, el texto da algunas recomendaciones a tener en cuenta durante ese per?odo intermedio conocido bajo el nombre tibetano de bardo.

  • Treasures from Juniper Ridge Падмасамбхава
    Treasures from Juniper Ridge combines meditation and pith practiceinstructions in a way that is easy to apply and comprehend. It is a compilationof discovered teachings, termas, by the greatest master of VajrayanaBuddhism, Padmasambhava, hidden by his female disciple, Yeshe Tsogyal.Treasures is replete with pieces that are direct, profound, fresh, and pertinentto our times.These various revelations are for all levels of practitioners. They provide indepth explanations of assorted aspects of practice, including: deity, deathand dying, non-conceptual meditation and recognizing mind nature. Thebook outlines ways to apply these teachings for the modern student, whileremaining true to traditional principles.“Padmasambhava’s pith instructions are extremely important because heis not just a legendary figure or an ancient myth. He is an actual personwho continuously carries out spontaneous activities, including manifestingas treasure revealers, so that there is always a fresh, unimpaired teachingthat people can practice. This also ensures that Padmasambhava’s spiritualinfluence and blessings are unceasing.The special quality of these terma teachings is that they provide a methodfor accomplishment that is appropriate for each specific generation, periodof time, and individual person who meets them. The treasure teachingshe gave on the Juniper Ridge of Crystal Pearls contain the essential meaningof hundreds of such instructions.”—Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche
  • Dispeller of Obstacles Падмасамбхава
    The Dispeller of Obstacles is the heart essence of the accomplished master Padmasambhava who perceives the three times in the entirity. It is the quintessence of one billion heart sadhanas of the Guru, the most unique terma buried in the land of Tibet; and it is the first among the Four Cycles of Guru Sadhana. This Guru’s Heart Practice that Dispels all Obstacles contains in completeness all the profound key points of the view, meditation and conduct of the Three Inner Yoga Tantras. It manifested from the secret treasury of the great wisdom, the vast realization of the Second Buddha of Uddiyana, as the self-existing natural vajra sounds in perfect melodious tones.Its expressions that are unmodified by the intellect of ordinary people, its words that are without delusion, and its meaning that is unmistaken, are exclusively due to the kindness of the three powerful knowledge-holders [Khyentse, Kongtrül, and Chokling], the great beings of the three families, who incarnated as masters to compile and propagate an ocean of secret teachings. It is exclusively through their kindness that this teaching was established in writing as the splendor of unending welfare and happiness for the disciples in the Land of Snow, and propagated to flourish everywhere.Dilgo Khyentse RinpocheBefore Padmasambhava left Tibet, he made many predictions and hid many teachings to be revealed in the future and he blessed his close disciples to be inseparable from himself. In this way, they would reincarnate in the future, reveal the hidden teachings and be as powerful as Guru Rinpoche himself, endowed with great miraculous powers, such as the ability to fly through the sky, traverse freely through solid matter and be unimpeded in expounding all the sutras and treatises as well as the meaning of the tantras.In particular, he prophesied the coming of 108 great tertöns or ‘hidden treasure-revealers.’ Since world history fluctuates causing particular difficulties to arise at different times which must be faced by human beings, each tertön would appear at a certain period in history. Having foreknowledge of these historic intervals, Guru Rinpoche designed specific practices which would be revealed at the appropriate times in order to aid human beings. The tertöns who would reveal the ‘termas’ would then have a teaching that was totally fresh and up-to-date, and meant for that specific time and situation.Just as we prefer to have fresh food prepared in a way that will not make us sick because its rotten, in the same way, the terma teachings revealed with the ‘short lineage’ are endowed with a very special quality. Namely, that it has a ‘short lineage’ which has not been interrupted by any damage or breaking of samaya. It has not been interpolated by anyone else, but has come directly from Guru Rinpoche by means of the revelation of one of his disciples appearing as a present-day incarnation. The teaching is then spread to people for their immediate practice.The Dispeller of Obstacles belongs to this class of teachings. This is cycle of teachings is based on guru sadhana. Guru Rinpoche practice is extremely important because Guru Rinpoche, the Lotus-born One, is not just a legendary figure from some old story of the past. He is an actual person who continuously carries out spontaneous activities, not only by sending emanations of himself into this world as ‘tertöns’ so that there is always a fresh unimpaired teaching that people can practice.but, also because Guru Rinpoche’s spiritual influence and blessings are unceasing. If we can practice this sadhana, it will be very beneficial.Tulku Urgyen RinpocheDispeller of Obstacles is the most profound terma of the universal monarchs, Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa and Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo. There are many different sections of this teaching: there is the main part and there are the secondary teachings associated with this cycle. It is based on the teacher, for us individually the person who shows what to adopt and what to avoid, to follow a true path, is our individual root guru. That is the same as if someone opens an eye that is blind, like if we get an eye operation and then can see, which is equal to having a root guru. Therefore the person who shows us the path in an authentic way, the master who teaches the dharma is our personal root guru, our primary teacher and that is a kindness that has no equal. To appreciate that with respect and trust from the core of one’s heart, from the marrow of one’s bones is exactly what is needed. Without that trust and devotion the plant of progress in the dharma is, one can say, rotten from the root.Orgyen Tpogyal Rinpoche
  • Dzogchen Deity Practice Падмасамбхава
    The reason many Dzogchen teachings are connected to a sadhana involving the peaceful and wrathful deities is that the displays include these deities. The practice lets whatever is already present within you become visible; nothing else manifests. Since the peaceful and wrathful deities are already present within your body, they become visible during Tögal practice. The deities in Tögal are the same ones that will appear in the bardo. So, if the complete mandala has manifested during your life, no second mandala needs to appear in the bardo state—it doesn’t manifest twice. This is why many Dzogchen teachings emphasize the mandala of the peaceful and wrathful deities.Spoken by Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche
  • Dakini Teachings Падмасамбхава
    PADMASAMBHAVA’S ORAL INSTRUCTIONS TO LADY TSOGYALThe teachings collected in this book are part of the ancient tradition known as terma treasures -works hidden during the ninth century in secret places in Tibet, to be rediscovered by qualified masters of future generations. Padmasambhava’s oral teachings to his chief disciple- Yeshe Tsogyal, Princess of Kharchen- were recorded in coded language called dakinis script and concealed for centuries.Descend with the view while ascending with the conduct.It is most essential to practice these two as a unity.The selections in Dakini Teachings are short, direct instructions relating to the three levels of Buddhist practice: Hinayana, Mahayana, and Vajrayana. The main emphasis of Padmasambhava’s teaching is that spiritual knowledge must be personalized and not remain as mere theory. Then book includes an introductory discourse by Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche and a short biography of Padmasambhava by Jamgon Kongtrul.
  • Активность дакини. Динамичная игра пробуждения Падмасамбхава
    Дата написания: 2018
    В этом сборнике представлены практики дакини и комментарии к ним великих мастеров прошлого и современности.
  • Тибетская Книга мертвых (Бардо Тодол) Татьяна Зинкевич-Евстигнеева
    Форма: документальное произведение
    Оригинальное название: བར་དོ་ཐོས་གྲོལ
    Язык: Русский
    "Тибетская книга мертвых" - это мудрое восточное учение, своеобразный путеводитель по таинственным областям продолжающейся жизни души после смерти физического тела. Предание относит ее к числу "сокровенных" книг, в которых описан специфический способ магического "исцеления души" после смерти.
    Своей человечностью и глубоким проникновением в тайны человеческой души она привлекает внимание каждого, жаждущего расширить свои знания о жизни.
  • Тибетская книга мертвых Татьяна Зинкевич-Евстигнеева
    Форма: документальное произведение
    Оригинальное название: བར་དོ་ཐོས་གྲོལ
    Перевод: Альбедиль О.
    Язык: Русский

    "Тибетская книга мертвых" - это мудрое восточное учение, своеобразный путеводитель по таинственным областям продолжающейся жизни души после смерти физического тела. Предание относит ее к числу "сокровенных" книг, в которых описан специфический способ магического "исцеления души" после смерти. Своей человечностью и глубоким проникновением в тайны человеческой души она привлекает внимание каждого, жаждущего расширить свои знания о жизни.

  • Самоосвобождение благодаря видению обнаженной осознанностью Падмасамбхава
    "Самоосвобождение благодаря видению обнаженной осознанностью: Введение в природу собственного ума":
    из `Глубокого учения о самоосвобождении в изначальном состоянии мирных и гневных божеств`:
    Текст из терма Гуру Падмасамбхавы, раскрывающий воззрение Дзогчена и обнаруженный Ригдзином Карма Лингпой.
  • Тибетская книга мертвых Татьяна Зинкевич-Евстигнеева
    Форма: документальное произведение
    Оригинальное название: བར་དོ་ཐོས་གྲོལ
    Перевод: Б. Останин, Владимир Кучерявкин
  • Тибетская книга мертвых Татьяна Зинкевич-Евстигнеева
    Форма: документальное произведение
    Оригинальное название: བར་དོ་ཐོས་གྲོལ
    Перевод: Ольга Туманова
    Язык: Русский
    «Тибетская книга мёртвых» содержит подробное описание состояний-этапов (бардо), через которые, согласно тибетской буддийской традиции, проходит сознание человека начиная с процесса физического умирания и до момента следующего воплощения (реинкарнации) в новой форме. Для каждого этапа приводятся специальные рекомендации. Книга «Бардо Тхёдол» связана с определёнными тантрическими практиками школы Ньингма, её образы и ассоциации могут быть непонятны без соответствующего посвящения и объяснений.