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LILY MAYNE – лучшие книги

  • Soul Eater LILY MAYNE
    ISBN: 979-8458204767
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Independently Published
    Twenty years ago, monsters rose on earth and began a new age of civilization.

    One where humans live in military-controlled, cramped and dirty cities along the coasts, and the majority of the United States is known as the Wastes. A lawless, desolate and dangerous place, teeming with monsters that have claimed the land for their own.

    Including Wyn the Soul Eater.

    He appears every three years, making his way across the country and slaughtering humans randomly, sucking them dry until they’re nothing but husks.

    I’ve only been in the military for six months, but now I’m part of a unit tasked with trying to stop and capture him. And when I’m the only soldier out of hundreds that the Soul Eater leaves alive, I realise that… something about me has intrigued him.

    But what is it? What could a twenty-three year old guy from the south, with no one and nothing in the world, have possibly done to capture the attention of a death monster with horns, blackened fingertips and a face hidden in the dark depths of his hood?
    ISBN: 9798419403154
    Год издания: 2022
    Язык: Английский
    When I—along with my best friend and his big purple monster boyfriend—come across a fortress-like raider camp while journeying across the monster-infested Wastes, we stop to deliver a message.

    Somehow, that simple pit stop turns into a seemingly impossible quest to get this camp’s missing leader out of the prison where he’s being held and forced to fight monsters and other humans. And I know exactly where it is, because I’ve been there.

    Problem is, I’m making this journey with the prickliest and most arrogant guy I’ve ever met, who seems to immediately hate me on sight. Oh, and he’s also half monster. So there’s that. And he’s in love with a raider who definitely does not love him back, and he seems determined to take it out on me. So there’s also that.

    But I’m not going to rise to his childish insults and barbed words. I’m not.

    I’m also going to try very hard to ignore how mindnumbingly beautiful he is, even when he’s scowling at me.

    But the longer we’re out here together, the more I learn about my prickly half monster companion Moth. I realise there’s a reason he’s so closed off and angry. There’s a reason he hates everyone.

    There are secrets he’s been keeping, and when I find out what they are, I want to do everything in my power to help him—even though he’s telling me he can’t be helped.
    ISBN: 9798458222624
    Год издания: 2021
    Язык: Английский
    I was just a boy when the monsters rose on earth, forcing humans to flee to the coastlines and live in cramped, dirty, military-controlled cities. I enlisted as soon as I could to escape.

    Now, I’ve been in the military for twelve years and have the scars—and missing body parts—to prove it. As a hardened soldier who’s spent his fair share of time out in the Wastes—the dangerous place where monsters roam free—I didn’t think anything could surprise me anymore.

    But then circumstance forced me together with a big, annoying purple monster who’s arrogant and bossy and pushes all my buttons in the worst—and best—ways. I need his help, and I hate needing anyone’s help. But the more time I spend with him, the more I realise that maybe there’s more from him that I need. And that he might need things from me too.

    But I’m still a soldier. I still have responsibilities. It doesn’t matter how I feel about Edin, because we can’t be together. It’s too dangerous.

    That doesn’t stop me wanting him, though.
  • Seraph LILY MAYNE
    ISBN: 9798844048739
    Год издания: 2022
    Язык: Английский
    I’ve already mentally prepared myself to kill the screaming, murderous monster in the cage outside our camp.

    I’m used to it. It’s what I do here. Kill monsters and other people. And this monster, Seraph, is particularly unstable—has been since the moment he arrived from Collector Mary’s monster menagerie to the west, where the military stashed him away.

    He’s in pain. I can see it. But he’s not a mindless beast. Not like some of the others think.

    When I start guarding him in his cage every night, I begin to see the person beneath the agony that tortures his every waking moment. I begin to see who Seraph could have been if he hadn’t been twisted into this monstrous creature.

    I realise that I wouldn’t be able to bring myself to kill him, even for his own sake, but it doesn’t matter anyway. He’s already dying, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. Not even when new visitors at our raider camp bring with them secrets about Seraph. Secrets the military has tried to hide.

    Secrets that reveal the true extent of the horror he’s been put through.

    And now… Now, I will kill anyone who tries to hurt him again.
  • King of Death LILY MAYNE
    Год издания: 2023
    Everything should be fine. The Brid is dead. I’m the new seelie king. And Lonan is with me, safe from the unseelie queen—his mother—and terrible brothers.

    But it’s not fine. Nothing is fine.

    I can’t seem to let go of my old life, even as this new one—and my new responsibilities—overwhelm me. Something is wrong with Lonan—he’s closing himself off even more, he’s quiet and distant, and every day the rift between us seems to get bigger, no matter what I do.

    I know he wants to go and take his crown. I know he doesn’t feel right here, in this place that’s too hot and too crowded and too different from his home. But I can’t bring myself to let him go. I’ve already lost everything once. I can’t stand the thought of losing him.

    But something is happening to me, and I don’t know how to stop it. I can feel myself changing. Becoming something uglier, darker, further and further from who I once was.

    Lonan is the only thing stopping me from getting swallowed up completely by whatever now possesses me, but my desperation to keep him close just seems to be driving him further away. And that scares me more than anything.

    King of Deathis the final instalment in a mm fae romance trilogy about a dark fae assassin prince and a ‘mortal’ who is thrown into the cruel world of the Folk.

    Warning: This m/m love story contains explicit sexual content and is not suitable for young readers. It also contains graphic depictions of violence, serious injury, death, minor drug use and deals with the death of close family members. There is a brief mention of a secondary character being forced into a sexual situation in the past. It is not described in any kind of detail. The book ends on a firm HEA.
    ISBN: 9798781523108
    Год издания: 2021
    Язык: Английский
    I am a monster.

    A ghoul. A demon. The bogeyman. I have been called all of them. Most creatures fear me, but humans are repulsed by me. They are terrified of me. They have created legends about me, ever since they became aware of my existence when the tear between our worlds grew and we—the monsters from their nightmares—flooded through in our droves.

    There is only one human who isn’t afraid of me. The only one who matters. And I will destroy anyone who tries to hurt him or take him from me. Danny is mine.

    For the first time in my unfathomably long life, I know what it means to want another so much that the thought of losing him threatens to ruin me. I will do anything to keep Danny with me for as long as I can have him—for as long as he is willing to stay by the side of an ancient, scarred creature with a voice so inhuman it has sent some mad.

    For some reason, Danny loves my voice. For some reason, Danny loves me. And when we both decide that his natural human life is nowhere near enough time for us to have together, we go on a journey between worlds to the one place where we can do what it takes for us to be together forever.
  • Mortal Skin LILY MAYNE
    ISBN: 9798404380828
    Год издания: 2022
    Язык: Английский
    I first saw the Folk when I was a little boy. When they started appearing in my garden, with their unnatural, cruel beauty and honeyed words and veiled taunts. I grew up with big green eyes watching me from the forest. Whispers from the trees. Shimmering skin darting between the bushes. Black creatures always lurking in the shadows.

    While they were here, I thought nothing of them. It wasn’t until they were gone that I realise it wasn’t… normal.

    But it isn’t until I’m twenty-one, when my life is in ruins, that they come back to take me away.

    They say I’m not fully mortal. They say I should be among them. The Unseelie Ruler wants me on her land for reasons no one will explain to me, but it’s her aloof, painfully beautiful son who captures my attention and refuses to let go.

    The cold, black-eyed assassin prince who strikes fear into the hearts of all Folk. Who I’ve been warned about, repeatedly.

    Who watches me always.

    I don’t trust the Folk, so I ignore their fearful advice to stay away from him. I ignore all of them except him, despite everything telling me that he can’t be trusted—that he’s just as bad as the rest of them, that he’s playing games with me, the clueless mortal held here against his will.

    But I want him.

    Mortal Skin is the first in a mm fae romance trilogy about a dark fae assassin prince and a mortal who is thrown into the cruel world of the Folk.

    Warning: This m/m love story contains explicit sexual content and is not suitable for young readers. It also contains depictions of violence and deals with the death of a close family member. This trilogy will follow the same couple who get their HEA eventually, but book one ends on a cliffhanger.
  • Forgotten Vows LILY MAYNE
    ISBN: 9798835248933
    Год издания: 2022
    Язык: Английский
    My mortal skin is gone.

    I’m one of them. One of the Folk. And all I feel is anger.

    I’m going to kill the Carlin and her sons for everything they did to me. It’s all I care about.

    But first, I have to navigate this new world. My new skin. My new brother. And, when I fall into her clutches, my fae mother—the Brid. The Seelie Queen.

    I don’t like what I’m becoming, but I can’t stop it. Something’s wrong with me. Something’s missing. There’s a hollow ache in my chest and I can’t fill it, no matter what I do. It’s like I’ve forgotten something vital from my time on unseelie land.

    Why do I feel so incomplete? Why do I have an oath etched onto my skin, one I don’t remember making? Why is there a tiny black feather nestled in my throat that I can’t bring myself to take off?

    Why do I feel so much longing every time I see a beautiful black-haired, black-eyed unseelie fae, even though I don’t remember him at all?

    My life has become yet another game of cat and mouse, but this time it’s not just the Carlin and her sons trying to get me. New threats lurk, and I have to force myself into this new fae skin to be able to fight them.

    Forgotten Vows is the second in a mm fae romance trilogy about a dark fae assassin prince and a ‘mortal’ who is thrown into the cruel world of the Folk.
  • Berries and Greed LILY MAYNE
    ISBN: 9798397761963
    Год издания: 2023
    Язык: Английский
    I may hate everyone, but you can only take being alone for so long. Sooner or later, you get desperate enough to visit a human cult that worships your species as greater beings in the hope of finding a new roommate to fill the lonely void. We’ve all been there… right?

    I swear I was only looking for a roommate. Just someone to watch TV and eat dinner with. Nothing… romantic. No way. But when I see all these humans gazing at me with open adoration and blatant lust and other things that make me wildly uncomfortable, I realise what a terrible mistake this is.

    Until I spot the one human woman in the group who is definitely not pleased to see me. In fact, she’s scowling at me. She looks really, really annoyed.

    I’m kind of into it.

    I’m not a true follower of The Order of the Greater Beings. I don’t worship the demiurgus—the monstrous species that lives alongside humans. I definitely do not want to become a demiurgus mate.

    So when one shows up at the cult’s compound—the first in the entire twenty-five years I’ve been flying under the radar here—I want to make sure he knows that I think he’s a total creep for taking advantage of worryingly adoring humans this way.

    Until I realise… I don’t think that’s why he’s here. He’s kind of awkward. And anxious. And wildly out of his depth. And when he offers me the chance to finally escape the cult—to go out into the real world for the first time, to create a life for myself—all for the low, low cost of an easy, platonic friendship… I take it.

    Now I’m navigating the outside world, and I’m roommates with a big, awkward demiurgus called Greid who lives in his pyjamas, watches a ridiculous amount of TV and is high most of the time. He’s also the sweetest guy I’ve ever met, and he’s funny and generous and easy to talk to.

    But I’ve spent my entire life making sure I didn’t get sucked in to the cult’s fervent worship of the demiurgus—there’s no way I’m going to fall in love with him.


    Berries and Greed is a MF monster/human romcom and is the first in the series Deep Earth Dating, which features a range of diverse pairings and is for an adult audience only. A full list of CWs can be found at the front of the book, but include explicit content, a non-human love interest (with non-human anatomy), an MC initially involved in a cult, recreational use of a fictional drug, and mentions of childhood neglect.
    Язык: Английский
    Lyri and Cat's story.