Ацуко Асано


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  • No. 6 Novel Ацуко Асано
    The year is 2013, and it’s the city of No. 6: a stringently controlled, diligently maintained megalopolis that embodies the highest ideals of humankind. Sion has lived under close supervision as a “high-ranking elite and therefore one of the city’s assets” since the age of two, and feels secure – if not particularly happy – in his carefully planned out, government-sponsored future.
    On the night of his twelfth birthday, his comfortable lifestyle is turned upside-down when he meets, tends the wounds of, and shelters, a strange boy with an icy demeanour who calls himself “Nezumi” (Rat).
    Why did I open the window that night? If I had not, I’d never have been forced to know what it’s like to fight, to starve, and to suffer in anguish…
  • No. 6: Volume 1 Ацуко Асано
    ISBN: 978-1-61262-355-9
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Kodansha Comics
    Язык: Английский
    For Shion, an elite student in the computerized metropolis known as NO. 6, life is choreographed to the minute. So when a storm descends, he opens the window to soak in a rare moment of chaos-only to find an injured boy desperate for shelter! But Shion's compassion shatters his perfect life when the boy turns out to be a fugitive, on the run from the mysterious powers that rule the city...
  • 未來都市NO.6 (3) / Weilai dushi NO.6 Ацуко Асано
    ISBN: 9789573325239
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: 皇冠
    Язык: Китайский

    失去他,或為了他放棄生命? 孤獨的靈魂,即將為所愛而戰…… 四年前,我們的相遇,仍栩栩如生地留在我的腦海裡。 人們稱之為「回憶」,但,也可以叫做命運!   生命裡所有的一切都會留存在回憶之中。痛苦的、悲傷的、快樂的、憎恨的與珍惜的……老鼠如此、紫苑如此、借狗人如此,任何人都是如此。然而,NO.6卻是個剝奪人回憶與情感的地方!難道,只有離開NO.6,才能擁有思考與感受的權利嗎?   對紫苑而言,這個答案也許是肯定的。他在借狗人那裡得到了洗狗的工作,終於能靠自己的力量在西區生存,他相信,所有的一切都會愈來愈好,包括改變老鼠對NO.6的看法……   另一方面,火藍的紙條卻傳來了沙布被治安局抓走的噩耗,但老鼠卻無法告訴紫苑,因為他知道紫苑一定會奮不顧身地前往拯救沙布,甚至不惜豁出性命。可是,他害怕失去紫苑!原來,自己早已經不再是那個誰也不在乎的老鼠了……

  • No. 6: Volume 2 Ацуко Асано
    ISBN: 978-1-61262-356-6
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Kodansha Comics
    Язык: Английский

    With the help of the enigmatic Rat, Shion becomes a fugitive, escaping No. 6 and getting his first glimpse of the desperation and violence that are facts of life outside the city wall. And as Shion learns more about the secret that forced him into exile, his loyalty to the people he left behind and Rat's thirst for revenge threaten to tear the pair apart!

  • 未來都市NO.6 (2) / Weilai dushi NO.6 Ацуко Асано
    ISBN: 9789573324942
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: 皇冠
    Язык: Китайский

    是誰闖進了誰的世界? 兩個少年的命運,即將正式糾結…… 「老鼠……我想知道你的事情。」 「理由呢?」 「因為你,你吸引著我。」   「也許,救了他是一個錯誤!」老鼠看著眼前的紫苑,忍不住這麼想著。   這個從小生活在NO.6裡、被過度保護、過於天真的少年,像個未知的訪客,大剌剌地闖進了老鼠的世界。紫苑絲毫不了解自己身處在一個什麼樣的險境裡,老鼠所生活的西區不是NO.6,在這裡,他必須學著自己保護自己,必須學著如何生存!   看在紫苑曾經救了自己的份上,老鼠決定幫助紫苑與母親火藍聯絡,並按照火藍所留下的訊息,找到其中提及的神秘地點,為此,他們甚至前往「借狗人」的廢墟飯店尋求協助……

  • No. 6: Volume 4 Ацуко Асано
    ISBN: 978-1-61262-358-0
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Kodansha Comics
    Язык: Английский
    Shion accidentally learning that his childhood friend Safu is under arrest - and all because of him! Not wanting to get Rat involved, Shion sets out alone to save her. But how can he possibly infiltrate No. 6's secure correctional facility and escape with a high-priority prisoner all on his own?
  • No. 6: Volume 3 Ацуко Асано
    ISBN: 978-1-61262-357-3
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Kodansha Comics
    Язык: Английский

    On the run from NO. 6, Shion moves in with Rat in West Block. Though life outside the comfort of the city is a trial, Shion learns to survive. Meanwhile, back in Chronos, the elite core of No. 6, Safu begins to look into Shion's disappearance only to find herself under arrest! What can Shion possibly do from exile to help his lifelong friend?

  • No. 6: Volume 5 Ацуко Асано
    ISBN: 978-1-61262-359-7
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Kodansha Comics
    Язык: Английский
    Soldiers from No. 6 suddenly begin a massacre of unarmed civilians, hauling the survivors off to the correctional facility! The only way to get into the facility to save Safu is to get swept up in the dragnet. But once Shion and Rat arrive, what they find is a hell worse than they could have imagined...
  • 未來都市NO.6 (5) / Weilai dushi NO.6 Ацуко Асано
    ISBN: 9789573325956
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: 皇冠
    Язык: Китайский

    紫苑和老鼠終於踏上了拯救沙布之路,但那卻是一條陰暗、彌漫著惡臭、四面八方不斷傳出痛苦呻吟聲的地獄之路!被抓來的西區居民,像垃圾一樣被丟進地底下的刑場,唯有撐得住的人才有活命的機會。紫苑無法相信出現在自己眼前地獄般的景象,竟是發生在NO.6!然而一旁卻響起了老鼠殘酷的話語,「這不是地獄,這是現實,是你所生存的世界裡的現實!」   而就在紫苑和老鼠冒險前進之際,其他人也沒閒著。身在NO.6內部的火藍開始思考如何用自己的力量來保護紫苑和其他幼小的生命;而人在西區的借狗人與力河,則在各懷鬼胎的心思下,展開布局幫助紫苑和老鼠深入監獄的內部......

  • No. 6: Volume 6 Ацуко Асано
    ISBN: 978-1-61262-360-3
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Kodansha Comics
    Язык: Английский
    A series of strange incidents cast a pall over No. 6 as it prepares to celebrate its "Holy Day." Meanwhile, in the tunnels beneath the Correctional Facility, Shion and Rat meet with the mysterious "Elder," who reveals the perverse origins of No. 6, and their connection to Rat's past. How will Rat react when Shion begins to touch his most secret scars?
  • No. 6: Volume 7 Ацуко Асано
    ISBN: 9781612625539, 978-1-61262-553-9
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Kodansha Comics
    Язык: Английский
    Safu is a prisoner on the top floor of the Correctional Facility. Shion and Rat manage to slip back in amid the chaos sown by Dogkeeper, but what they find is almost too terrifying to conceive countless neatly organized rows of corpses, with their brains removed! Backed into a corner, Rat is ready for death, but Shion seizes a weapon, and insists on surviving at any cost!
  • 未來都市NO.6 (7) / Weilai dushi NO.6 Ацуко Асано
    ISBN: 9789573326830
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: 皇冠
    Язык: Китайский

    進入監獄設施後,紫苑靠著驚人的記憶力帶著老鼠往目標前進,但在這同時,他們的行蹤卻早已遭當局鎖定,拯救沙布的路途也變得越來越艱難。一路上追兵不斷,然而面對無路可退的絕境,他們只能咬著牙步步為營地走下去!   就在紫苑和老鼠好不容易突破重重關卡,終於抵達監獄最高層的秘密場所,逼近沙布被囚禁的地方之際,迎接他們的卻是當年偵訊紫苑的治安局調查員羅史!疲憊不堪、傷痕累累的兩人被士兵團團包圍,羅史高高舉起他的手槍,瞄準了身受重傷、倒在紫苑懷裡的老鼠……

  • 未來都市NO.6 (8) / Weilai dushi NO.6 Ацуко Асано
    ISBN: 9789573327257
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: 皇冠
    Язык: Китайский

     紫苑和老鼠終於見到了沙布,紫苑滿腔的思念幾乎要從胸膛迸發而出!可是,沙布的眼神中卻不但沒有再見面的欣喜,反而透露著難解的哀傷。   紫苑雖然覺得疑惑,但是卻沒時間思考這些,現在最重要的,就是帶著沙布從老鼠規劃的祕密路線逃出這裡!   他們來到監獄中樞,赫然發現控制NO.6的母體電腦就矗立在眼前。破壞母體等於擊潰監獄的心臟,不但能更快逃出監獄,也許還能讓NO.6洗淨罪惡,重新成為真正的桃花源!

  • NO.6 beyond〔ナンバーシックス・ビヨンド〕 Ацуко Асано
    ISBN: 978-4062932387
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Kodansha
    Язык: Японский


  • NO. 6 VOLUME 9 Ацуко Асано
    ISBN: 9781612627946
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Kodansha Comics
    Язык: Английский
    Soldiers from No. 6 suddenly begin a massacre of unarmed civilians, hauling the survivors off to the correctional facility! The only way to get into the facility to save Safu is to get swept up in the dragnet. But once Shion and Rat arrive, what they find is a hell worse than they could have imagined...
  • 未來都市NO.6 (9) / Weilai dushi NO.6 Ацуко Асано
    ISBN: 9789573328612
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: 皇冠
    Язык: Китайский

    監獄大爆炸,讓一向平靜的NO.6激起了前所未有的混亂!   千鈞一髮之際,紫苑帶著垂死的老鼠逃出了人間煉獄,卻也帶走了一個難解的謎團──那是沙布與紫苑永別之際,口中喃喃說著的「愛莉烏莉亞斯」……   「愛莉烏莉亞斯」,到底是什麼?從沒有人聽說過它的存在,但是如今,它卻又好像無所不在,甚至主宰了NO.6所有人的生命!   是時候了!要解開一切的謎底、要拯救人類的未來,紫苑和老鼠唯有拋開一切,踏入那個禁忌的中心--「月亮的露珠」……

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