Нейл Уильямс

Niall Williams

  • 11 книг
  • 4 подписчика
  • 629 читателей
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Новинки Нейла Уильямса

  • Вот оно, счастье Нейл Уильямс
    ISBN: 978-5-86471-889-6
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Фантом Пресс
    Язык: Русский

    1957 год. В деревеньке Фаха в графстве Клэр, где ничто не менялось тысячу лет, грядут перемены. Во-первых, прекратился дождь. Никто не помнит, когда он начался: вечный дождь на западном побережье Ирландии — норма жизни. Но вот местный священник Отец Коффи возвещает приход электричества, и тучи, кажется, рассеиваются. Семнадцатилетний Ноэл Кроу проводит лето в Фахе у дедушки с бабушкой, и тут вместе с вестниками грядущего — электриками — появляется загадочный Кристи и приносит с собой громадную вселенную прошлого и тайн, которым предстоит раскрыться, а заодно много-много живой ирландской музыки. Найлл Уильямз владеет техникой…

  • This Is Happiness Нейл Уильямс
    ISBN: 9781526609359
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Bloomsbury
    Язык: Английский

    After dropping out of the seminary, seventeen-year-old Noel Crowe finds himself back in Faha; a small Irish parish where nothing ever changes, including the ever-falling rain. But one morning the rain stops and news reaches the parish - the electricity is finally arriving. With it comes a lodger to Noel's home, Christy McMahon. Though he can't explain it, Noel knows right then: something has changed. As Noel navigates his coming-of-age by Christy's side, falling in and out of love, Christy's buried past gradually comes to light, casting a glow on a small world and making it new.

  • History of the Rain Нейл Уильямс
    ISBN: 9781408852057
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Bloomsbury
    We are our stories. We tell them to stay alive or keep alive those who only live now in the telling. In Faha, County Clare, everyone is a long story...
    Bedbound in her attic room beneath the falling rain, in the margin between this world and the next, Plain Ruth Swain is in search of her father. To find him, enfolded in the mystery of ancestors, Ruthie must first trace the jutting jaw lines, narrow faces and gleamy skin of the Swains from the restless Reverend Swain, her great-grandfather, to grandfather Abraham, to her father, Virgil - via pole-vaulting, leaping salmon, poetry and the three thousand, nine hundred and fifty eight books piled high beneath the two skylights in her room, beneath the rain.
    The stories - of her golden twin brother Aeney, their closeness even as he slips away; of their dogged pursuit of the Swains' Impossible Standard and forever falling just short; of the wild, rain-sodden history of fourteen acres of the worst farming land in Ireland - pour forth in Ruthie's still, small, strong, hopeful voice. A celebration of books, love and the healing power of the imagination, this is an exquisite, funny, moving novel in which every sentence sings.
  • Четыре письма о любви Нейл Уильямс
    ISBN: 978-5-04-095154-3
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Никласу Килану было двенадцать лет, когда его отец объявил, что получил божественный знак и должен стать художником. Но его картины мрачны, они не пользуются спросом, и семья оказывается в бедственном положении. С каждым днем отец Никласа все больше ощущает вину перед родными... Исабель Гор – дочь поэта. У нее было замечательное детство, но оно закончилось в один миг, когда ее брат, талантливый музыкант, утратил враз здоровье и свой дар. Чувство вины не оставляет Исабель годами, и даже толкает в объятия мужчины, которого она не любит. Когда Никлас отправится на один из ирландских островов, чтобы отыскать последнюю сохранившуюся…

  • История дождя Нейл Уильямс
    ISBN: 978-5-04-096722-3
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    "История дождя", под звуки которого происходят значимые события в жизни девочки по имени Рут, — это колоритное смешение традиций, мифов и легенд. Рут не выходит из дома из-за неизвестной болезни. Она окружена книгами, которые принадлежали ее отцу Вергилию. Девочка много читает и однажды решает создать собственную версию жизни Вергилия. Она начинает издалека, с юности Абрахама, отца ее отца, который, чудом уцелев во время войны, покидает родной дом и отправляется в поисках удачи в живописную Ирландию. История Рут — это сказ о бесконечном дожде, который однажды обязательно закончится. Это песнь во славу любви, которая исцеляет,…

  • Four Letters Of Love Нейл Уильямс
    ISBN: 9781447275107
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Picador
    A classic love story and a seminal work of Irish literature that is a testament to romance, magic and the power of true love. With an introduction by actor John Hurt.
    In love everything changes, and continues changing all the time. There is no stillness, no stopped clock of the heart in which the moment of happiness holds forever, but only the constant whirring forward motion of desire and need...
    Nicholas Coughlan and Isabel Gore are meant for each other - they just don't know it yet. Though each has found both heartache and joy in the wild Irish landscape, their paths are yet to cross. But as God, ghosts, fate and the sheer power of true love pull Nicholas and Isabel together, so too does life threaten to tear them apart...
    Magical, lyrical and deeply romantic, Niall Williams' Four Letters of Love moved readers the world over and became an international bestseller. It is a life-affirming tribute to human folly, to fate, and to the miracle of love.
  • History of the Rain Niall Williams
    ISBN: 978-1408852033
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
    Язык: Английский
    We are our stories. We tell them to stay alive or keep alive those who only live now in the telling. In Faha, County Clare, everyone is a long story...Bedbound in her attic room beneath the falling rain, in the margin between this world and the next, Plain Ruth Swain is in search of her father. To find him, enfolded in the mystery of ancestors, Ruthie must first trace the jutting jaw lines, narrow faces and gleamy skin of the Swains from the restless Reverend Swain, her great-grandfather, to grandfather Abraham, to her father, Virgil - via pole-vaulting, leaping salmon, poetry and the three thousand, nine hundred and fifty eight books piled high beneath the two skylights in her room, beneath the rain. The stories - of her golden twin brother Aeney, their closeness even as he slips away; of their dogged pursuit of the Swains' Impossible Standard and forever falling just short; of the wild, rain-sodden history of fourteen acres of the worst farming land in Ireland - pour forth in Ruthie's still, small, strong, hopeful voice. A celebration of books, love and the healing power of the imagination, this is an exquisite, funny, moving novel in which every sentence sings.
  • Only Say the Word Niall Williams
    ISBN: 0-330-43849-2
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Picador
    Язык: Английский
    Stephen is just a boy when his mother and sister are killed in a car crash, and his father never recovers from the accident: he wasn`t involved but is consumed by grief, his only desire to be reunited with his wife. Before that happens, though, Philip wants to ensure the happiness of his son, Stephen - now a grown man.
  • The Fall of Light Niall Williams
    ISBN: 978-0446679879
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: Grand Central Publishing
    Язык: Английский

    The epic new novel by the bestselling author of Four Letters of Love and As it is in Heaven* This story begins in Ireland, in the bleak years of the mid-nineteenth century. The men of the Foley family have lost their home and suffered another loss which proves even more vital - beautiful Emer Foley, wife of Francis, mother to the four boys. With nothing to hold them they move on, setting out across Ireland to its Western shore, searching for the untenanted land that is to be their new Eden. But Francis Foley is a bitter man, and his harsh, proud soul can only bring destruction. Inevitably the five Foleys are scattered, each to his own road. Niall Williams leads the reader along on their great journeys, through the bittersweet heart of rural Ireland and far beyond its shores. He wrings beauty out of desolation and joy alike, guiding his characters through fire and water, earth and sky, magic and reality, loss and consolation, until finally they come to terms with their own freedom and dreams.
  • As It Is in Heaven Niall Williams
    ISBN: 978-0446676014
    Год издания: 2000
    Издательство: Grand Central Publishing
    Язык: Английский

    Love is not easy, especially if you find the woman of your dreams and then lose her – as Philip Griffin and his son Stephen each discover in turn.

    Stephen is just a boy when his mother and sister are killed in a car crash, and his father never recovers from the accident: he wasn’t involved but is consumed by grief, his only desire to be reunited with his wife. Before that happens, though, Philip wants to ensure the happiness of his son, Stephen – now a grown man.

    ‘As it is in Heaven, Niall Williams’ tale of love and tragedy, will leave you in tears’ Tatler

    ‘A bitter-sweet novel about passionate love giving way to commitment, grief to a sort of healing’ Irish Times

    ‘A tender and sober novel with a faith in romance that is absolute’ Daily Express

    ‘Delicious coincidence and tragedy, as extraordinary lives unravel and intertwine’ Guardian
  • Four Letters of Love Niall Williams
    ISBN: 978-0446674935
    Год издания: 1998
    Издательство: Warner Books
    Язык: Английский

    Four Letters Of Love describes how two people set out on a journey towards each other, neither quite knowing that the journey has begun. Nicholas Coughlan is twelve, living with his parents just outside Dublin, when God speaks to his father, telling him to give up his job and devote his life to painting. The household is thrown into disarray, with Nicholas and his mother left in bitter, bemused poverty as his father sporadically disappears, obeying what he ardently believes to be God's command. Across the country, on an island off the west coast, isabel Gore lives with her family: her drunken, disappointed father; her sad but forbearing mother; and her brother, Sean, once a musical genlus but now, after a mysterious selzure, unable to walk or speak. Isable is sent away from the island, to convent school in Galway, but finding the restrictions of life with the nuns unbearable, and burdened by guilt at the fate of her brother, she takes the first opportunity to make what looks like an escape. Nicholas and Isabel were made for each other, but how will they ever know it? Four Letters Of Love is a novel about destiny, acceptance and the tragedies and miracles of everyday life. Most of all it is an unforgettable, magical story about the illuminating power of love in all its guises.