Сьюзан Редферн

Suzanne Redfearn

  • 9 книг
  • 3 подписчика
  • 338 читателей
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Сьюзан Редферн — новинки

  • Хэдли и Грейс Сьюзан Редферн
    ISBN: 978-5-17-148900-7
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    На что способны две женщины, разозленные на одного мужчину? Тридцативосьмилетняя Хэдли устала от мужа-абьюзера и мечтает сбежать при удобном случае. Двадцативосьмилетняя Грейс чувствует себя обманутой: ее работодатель ничего ей не заплатил и, судя по всему, собирается ее уволить. А главное, это один и тот же человек – Фрэнк, который, видимо, просто привык пользоваться женщинами. Пришла пора ему отомстить! По воле случая Хадли объединяется с Грейс. Они крадут деньги Френка – два миллиона долларов! - и сбегают, забрав детей. Но интрига становится еще интереснее, ведь миллионы Фреэка нажиты нечестным путем, и они нужны ФБР! Теперь за двумя…

  • Moment in Time Сьюзан Редферн
    ISBN: 1542037212
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Lake Union Publishing
    From the bestselling author of In an Instant comes a heartrending story about the power of friendship during the most challenging moments in life.

    It’s been eight years since a tragic accident changed Mo Kaminski’s and Chloe Miller’s lives forever. Now in their midtwenties, they’re sharing an apartment in San Francisco and navigating the normal challenges of early adulthood. Along with their roommate, Hazel, they are making their marks on the world—Mo revolutionizing the news with her media start-up, Hazel using her big brain to anticipate the future, and Chloe rescuing abandoned strays in the city.

    But when Hazel disappears after being sexually assaulted, Mo’s and Chloe’s lives are again suddenly ripped apart. And when the perpetrator turns up drugged and beaten, the mystery of where Hazel is deepens. Intensely worried and desperate to discover the truth, they set out to find Hazel and bring her home.

    Mo and Chloe are no strangers to tragedy, but this journey will test them in ways they never imagined. The stakes are high; the future uncertain; the need for justice essential.

    Will their commitment to their friend bring them closer together—or ultimately drive them apart?
  • Хэдли и Грейс Сьюзан Редферн
    ISBN: 978-5-17-143896-8
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: АСТ-Аудиокнига
    Язык: Русский

    Говорят, что женская месть – самая страшная месть! Так ли это? И смогут ли две милые аватюристки восстановить справедливость, сбежав от погони спецслужб? Обо всём расскажет Сюзанна Редферн! На что способны две женщины, разозленные на одного мужчину? Тридцативосьмилетняя Хэдли устала от мужа-абьюзера и мечтает сбежать при удобном случае. Двадцативосьмилетняя Грейс чувствует себя обманутой: ее работодатель ничего ей не заплатил и, судя по всему, собирается ее уволить. А главное, это один и тот же человек – Фрэнк, который, видимо, просто привык пользоваться женщинами. Пришла пора ему отомстить! По воле случая Хадли объединяется с Грейс. Они…

  • Hadley and Grace Сьюзан Редферн
    ISBN: 1542014387
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Lake Union Publishing
    Needing to escape her abusive marriage, Hadley flees with her two kids, knowing it might be her only chance. A woman who can’t even kill a spider, Hadley soon finds herself pushed to the limits as she fights to protect her family.
    Grace, new mother of baby Miles, desperately wants to put her rough past behind her for good, but she finds it impossible when her path crosses with Hadley’s, and her quest for a new start quickly spirals out of control and turns into a terrifying flight for survival.
    Stronger together than apart, the two find their fates inextricably entwined, and as the danger closes in, each must decide how much she is willing to risk for the other.
    A powerful story of self-discovery, Hadley and Grace is the heart-racing tale of two women facing insurmountable odds, racing to stay one step ahead of the trouble that is chasing them, and discovering new kinds of love and family along the way.
  • В одно мгновение Сьюзан Редферн
    ISBN: 978-5-00154-677-1
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Клевер Медиа Групп
    Язык: Русский

    Жизнь шестнадцатилетней Финн Миллер оборвалась в одно мгновение. Девушка оказалась между двух миров и теперь беспомощно наблюдает за своими близкими. Они выжили в той автокатастрофе, но оказались брошены в горах среди жестокой метели. Семья и друзья Финн делают невозможный выбор, принимают решения, о которых будут жалеть долгие годы. Отец девушки одержим местью и винит в трагедии всех, кроме самого себя. Ее лучшая подруга Мо отважно ищет правду, пытаясь понять, что на самом деле случилось в роковой день аварии. Мать Финн, спасшую семью от гибели, бесконечно преследует чувство вины. Финн наполняют жажда жизни и энергия, ее голос звучит…

  • In an Instant Сьюзан Редферн
    ISBN: 1542006589, 978-1542006583
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Lake Union Publishing
    Язык: Английский

    Life is over in an instant for sixteen-year-old Finn Miller when a devastating car accident tumbles her and ten others over the side of a mountain. Suspended between worlds, she watches helplessly as those she loves struggle to survive. Impossible choices are made, decisions that leave the survivors tormented with grief and regret. Unable to let go, Finn keeps vigil as they struggle to reclaim their shattered lives. Jack, her father, who seeks vengeance against the one person he can blame other than himself; her best friend, Mo, who bravely searches for the truth as the story of their survival is rewritten; her sister Chloe, who knows…

  • Taliesin - Choice/Destiny Сьюзан Редферн
    ISBN: 9781521842263
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Meraki Publishing
    Sixteen-year-old Taliesin Boone knew she was different, but she had no idea how different until she returns to her childhood home to discover she is the only surviving member of a mysterious Keltoi society capable of returning the balance of the spirit worlds. Countless lives hang in the balance, all of them hinging on Tally’s ability to harness her newly discovered powers without destroying herself in the process.

    Along the way, Tally becomes inextricably entwined with the ancient clan her family one belonged to, the spirit guides that empower them, an aunt she didn’t know she had, a courageous boy who loves her but who doesn’t belong, and another who seems to hate her but who is the only one who can guide her.

    A gripping story of grief and forgiveness, honor and loyalty, self-sacrifice and love. Choice/Destiny is the first book in bestselling author Suzanne Redfearn’s Taliesin trilogy.
  • No Ordinary Life Сьюзан Редферн
    ISBN: 9781455533909
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Grand Central Publishing
    Язык: Английский

    Suzanne Redfearn delivers another gripping page-turner in her latest novel, a story about a young mother's fight to protect her children from the dangerous world of Hollywood. Faye Martin never expected her husband to abandon her and their three children . . . or that she'd have to struggle every day to make ends meet. So when her four-year-old daughter is discovered through a YouTube video and offered a starring role on a television series, it seems like her prayers have been answered. But when the reality of their new life settles in, Faye realizes that fame and fortune don't come without a price. In a world where everyone is an actor…

  • Hush Little Baby Сьюзан Редферн
    ISBN: 9781455573202
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Grand Central Publishing
    If I stay, he will kill me. If I leave, he'll destroy Addie and Drew.

    Jillian Kane appears to have it all - a successful career, a gorgeous home, a loving husband, and two wonderful children. The reality behind closed doors is something else entirely. For nine years, she has hid the bruises and the truth of her abusive marriage in order to protect Addie and Drew, knowing, if she left, Gordon would destroy her-destroy them.

    When, in an act of desperation, she flees, her worst nightmare is realized, and she finds herself on the run with her two young children, no money, and no plan. With Gordon in hot pursuit, there is only one inescapable certainty: No matter where she goes, he will find her. Kill her. And take her children.

    A riveting page-turner, Hush Little Baby exposes the shame and terror of domestic violence as well as the disturbing role manipulation and sabotage can play in the high-stakes game of child custody. Suspenseful and unforgettably moving, it's a novel about the unbreakable bonds of family and the astounding, terrifying devotion of a mother's love.