Джерри Пурнель

Jerry Eugene Pournelle

  • 33 книги
  • 2 подписчика
  • 383 читателя
Рейтинг автора складывается из оценок его книг. На графике показано соотношение положительных, нейтральных и негативных оценок.
5 151
4 160
3 72
2 19
1 10

Джерри Пурнель - аудиокниги

  • Мошка в зенице Господней Ларри Нивен
    ISBN: 978-5-04-106477-8
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский
    Ларри Нивен и Джерри Пурнелл — классики научной фантастики, лауреаты премий Хьюго и Небьюла, ими вместе написаны романы "Молот Люцифера", "Клятва верности", "Инферно". "Мошка в зенице Господней" — их общепризнанный шедевр, эпический роман о контакте человечества с иным разумом, ставший знаковым событием в истории жанра.
  • Хватательная рука Ларри Нивен
    ISBN: 5-17-021603-3, 5-9577-0870-4
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: АСТ, Ермак
    Язык: Русский
    Что делать человечеству с инопланетной цивилизацией, агрессивной уже в самой своей основе, самим фактом своего существования угрожающей существованию человечества?
    Уничтожить потенциального врага - или вести с ним переговоры?
    Надеяться на лучшее - или готовиться к худшему?
    От решения зависят судьбы не одной, а ДВУХ рас...
    Со времени действия "Мошки в зенице Господней" прошло ДВАДЦАТЬ ПЯТЬ ЛЕТ. И угроза Моти встала перед человечеством СНОВА.
  • Burning Tower Ларри Нивен
    ISBN: 0743416910, 9780743416917
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Pocket Books
    Язык: Английский
    Return to the "vivid and unusual" (Kirkus Reviews) world of Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle's The Burning City, where the fire god has retreated into myth, leaving the residents of Tep's Town unprotected for the first time in their history.

    Unfortunately, a fiery fate isn't the only danger the town is facing. From out of the desert come monsters -- great birds with blades instead of wings, driven by some unknown force. Although they can be killed, the threat these terror birds pose is worse than death. Danger on the roads means no trade. No trade means that Tep's Town will be no more.

    Sent by the Lords of Lordshills to discover the source of the terror birds, Lord Sandry and his beloved, Burning Tower, must travel into a world where magic is still strong -- and where someone or something waits to destroy them!

    Filled with the sweeping adventure, memorable characters, and imaginative world-building that have defined the novels of Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle, Burning Tower is another triumph.
  • Inferno Ларри Нивен
    ISBN: 0-671-80490-1, 978-0-671-80490-9
    Год издания: 1976
    Издательство: Pocket Books
    Язык: Английский
    "Welcome to Infernoland," an unearthly voice hisses. And the late, great Allen Carpentier plunges into ht efantastic abyss of an ingenious, living hell.

    His is a one-way journey through dim nether-regions where flame-colored demons wield diabolically sharp pitchforks . . . where tormented vixens reign forever in a pond of sheer ice.

    There, in this land of torment and terror, he discovers the amazing truth of the ultimate adventure that lies beyond the grave.
  • The Burning City Larry Niven
    ISBN: 9781470836016, 1470836017
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Blackstone Audio
    Язык: Английский
    Each an acclaimed author in his own right, Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle have collaborated on some of the biggest bestsellers in science fiction history, including the #1 New York Times bestseller Footfall. Here Niven and Pournelle have combined their award-winning talents and imaginations to produce a masterpiece of epic fantasy that rivals the works of Robert Jordan and David Eddings.

    Set in the world of Larry Niven’s popular The Magic Goes Away, The Burning City transports listeners to an enchanted and ancient city bearing a provocative resemblance to our own modern society. There, Yangin-Atep, the volatile and voracious god of fire, alternately protects and destroys the city’s denizens. In Tep’s Town, nothing can burn indoors, and no fire can start - except when the Burning comes upon the city. At that time the people, possessed by Yangin-Atep, set their own town ablaze in a riotous orgy of destruction that often comes without warning.

    Whandall Placehold has lived with the Burning all his life. Fighting his way to adulthood in the mean but magical streets of the city’s most blighted neighborhoods, Whandall dreams of escaping the god’s wrath to find a new and better life. But his best hope for freedom may lie with Morth of Atlantis - the enigmatic sorcerer who killed his father.

    Both gritty and exotic, The Burning City is a fantasy tale unlike any you have heard before.
  • Escape from Hell Ларри Нивен
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Blackstone Audio
    Язык: Английский
    Allan Carpentier escaped from hell once but remained haunted by what he saw and endured. He has now returned, on a mission to liberate those souls unfairly tortured and confined.
    Partnering with the famous poet and suicide, Sylvia Plath, Carpentier is a modern-day Christ who intends to harrow hell and free the damned.

    But now that he's returned to this Dantesque inferno, can he ever again leave?