Майкл Кобли

Michael Cobley

  • 11 книг
  • 2 читателя
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Лучшие книги Майкла Кобли

  • Повелители теней Майкл Кобли
    ISBN: 5-352-00471-6
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: Азбука-классика
    Язык: Русский

    Полтора десятка лет минуло с той поры, как Великая Империя пала под ударами бесчисленных орд могонцев, но люди не смирились. Страшные божества, темные магические силы, злоба низких душ и противостоящая им светлая магия Земли и Жизни, мужество и верность - все смешалось в кипящем бою, сквозь крики и кровь поражение людей вот-вот обернется победой. Роман `Повелители теней` рисует мир ужасный и одновременно завораживающий. Недаром Майкл Кобли, чье творчество сравнивают с романами Глена Кука и Стивена Эриксона, считается автором, имеющим блестящее будущее в жанре фэнтези.

  • Ancestral Machines Michael Cobley
    ISBN: 978-0316221184
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Orbit
    Язык: Английский
    It was named Bringer of Battles, three hundred worlds orbiting a single artificial star, three hundred battlefields where different species vie for mastery and triumph. It is a cage where war is a game -- brutal, savage and sudden. In this arena, all must bend the knee to the Lords of Permutation and the ancient sentient weapons with which they have merged. Or suffer indescribable agonies.

    Trapped in this draconian crucible of death, Brannan Pyke, captain and smuggler, must fight his way to freedom.

    Because in the Bringer of Battles, the game of war is played to the death and beyond.
  • The Ascendant Stars Michael Cobley
    ISBN: 978-1841496351
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Orbit
    Язык: Английский
    Battle-ready factions converge above Darien, all with the same objective. The goal is control over this newly-discovered planet and access to the powerful weapons at its heart. Despotic Hegemony forces dominate much of known space and they want this world too, but Darien's inhabitants will fight for their future. However, key players in this conflict aren't fully in control. Hostile AIs have infiltrated key minds and have an agenda, requiring nothing less than the destruction or subversion of all organic life. And they are near to unleashing their cohorts, a host of twisted machine intelligences caged beneath Darien. Fighting to contain them are Darien's hidden guardians, and their ancient ally the Construct, on a millennia-long mission to protect sentient species. As the war reaches its peak, the AI army is roaring to the surface, to freedom and an orgy of destruction. Darien is first in line in a machine vs. human war - for life or the sterile dusts of space.
  • The Orphaned Worlds Michael Cobley
    ISBN: 978-1841496337
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Little Brown & Co
    Язык: Английский
    Darien is no longer a lost outpost of humanity, but the prize in an intergalactic power struggle. Hegemony forces control the planet, while Earth merely observes, rendered impotent by galactic politics. Yet Earth's ambassador to Darien will become a player in a greater conflict as there is more at stake than a turf war on a newly discovered world.

    An ancient temple hides access to a hyperspace prison, housing the greatest threat sentient life has ever known. Millennia ago, malignant intelligences were caged there following an apocalyptic struggle, and their servants work on their release. Now a new war is coming.
  • Seeds Of Earth Michael Cobley
    ISBN: 978-1841496320
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Orbit
    Язык: Английский
    The first intelligent species to encounter mankind attacked without warning. Merciless. Relentless. Unstoppable. With little hope of halting the invasion, Earth's last roll of the dice was to dispatch three colony ships, seeds of Earth, to different parts of the galaxy. The human race would live on ... somewhere.

    150 years later, the planet Darien hosts a thriving human settlement, which enjoys a peaceful relationship with an indigenous race, the scholarly Uvovo. But there are secrets buried on Darien's forest moon. Secrets that go back to an apocalyptic battle fought between ancient races at the dawn of galactic civilization. Unknown to its colonists, Darien is about to become the focus of an intergalactic power struggle where the true stakes are beyond their comprehension. And what choices will the Uvovo make when their true nature is revealed and the skies grow dark with the enemy?
  • Shadowmasque Michael Cobley
    ISBN: 978-0743256827
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster
    Язык: Английский

    300 years after the end of the Great Shadowking War, evil is seeping out into the world once more. Emperor Magramon is dead and his only son, Ilgarion, will finally ascend to the Khatrimantine throne, guided by the Archmage Tangaroth and protected by the Iron Guard. But dark undercurrents are moving beneath the surface of life in Sejeend, the imperial capital, and the agents of an old and malign power are plotting and waiting. Only the Order of Watchers, a band of renegade mages, has any inkling of what is afoot and their investigations lead to grotesque and violent confrontations. But Ilgarion is obsessed with the empire's enemies,…

  • Сумерки богов Майкл Кобли
    ISBN: 5-352-00912-2
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Азбука-классика
    Язык: Русский

    Над остатками Кантримантинской Империи гуляют ветры смерти. Юный Таврик коронован и стал Императором, но его положение отчаянно. Ему необходимо вернуть в мир силу, способную противостоять тьме, в то время как жестокие боги уничтожают малейшие проблески света и надежды в душах людей...