Дарси Коутс

Darcy Coates

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Лучшие книги Дарси Коутс

  • Призраки дома Эшберн Дарси Коутс
    ISBN: 978-5-17-137627-7
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Что-то не так с домом Эшберн... Об этом доме знают все. Говорят, прежняя владелица сошла с ума, а беспокойные призраки все еще бродят по комнатам. Но когда Эдриенн, отчаянно нуждавшаяся в жилье, получила обветшавший особняк в наследство, она увидела в нем свое спасение... пока не наступила темнота. Странные послания появляются на стенах… Мебель двигается, стоит выйти из комнаты. Могила в глубине леса намекает на ужасную тайну. Что-то страшное, ненормальное живет в ее доме и следит за ней голодными глазами. Вскоре Эдриенн понимает, что стала жертвой чего-то очень злопамятного. Она не знает, как сбежать от этого. Не знает, как…

  • Крейвен Мэнор. Хранитель призраков Дарси Коутс
    ISBN: 978-5-17-137649-9
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский

    О НЕКОТОРЫХ СЕКРЕТАХ ЛУЧШЕ ЗАБЫТЬ НАВСЕГДА… Дэниел отчаянно нуждается в работе и потому без раздумий соглашается занять место смотрителя в старом поместье Крейвен Мэнор. Прибыв на место, он обнаруживает, что мраморное фойе покрыто листьями и паутиной, а в доме давно никто не живет. Но на полу он находит конверт с деньгами, а значит, эта работа — не чей-то розыгрыш. Какое-то время спустя вокруг начинают происходить необъяснимые события, и Дэниел понимает, что Крейвен Мэнор скрывает ужасную тайну… ТАЙНУ, ЧТО УГРОЖАЕТ ПОХОРОНИТЬ ЕГО ВМЕСТЕ С СОБОЙ.

  • Призраки дома Блэквуд Дарси Коутс
    ISBN: 978-5-17-148055-4
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский

    Можно ли прожить неделю в доме с привидениями? Мара — дочь медиумов. В ее детстве было так много спиритических сеансов, медиумов-жуликов и разговоров о присутствии призраков... Повзрослев, Мара поклялась, что в ее жизни никогда больше не будет места суевериям. Вместе со своим женихом Нилом она готовится начать новую жизнь в реальном мире, где любой факт требует подтверждения. Но прошлое не готово отпустить ее. Мара и Нил покупают Блэквуд — заброшенный дом на окраине города. Их предупредили о том, что там творится что-то странное: сами собой открываются двери, ночью слышен чей-то шепот, на стенах появляются кровавые отпечатки рук, а…

  • Шепот мертвецов. Хранитель могил Дарси Коутс
    ISBN: 978-5-17-148054-7
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский

    ОНА СЛЫШИТ ШЕПОТ МЕРТВЕЦОВ Спасаясь от бури и жестоких преследователей, Кира находит убежище в заброшенном доме кладбищенского сторожа, окруженном могильными плитами. На маленьком деревенском кладбище полно призраков, но первой Кира видит Эмму — трагически погибшую молодую женщину, которая умоляет помочь ей. Пытаясь найти хоть какие-то сведения о жизни Эммы, Кира узнает ужасные тайны прошлого. Опасность грозит и ей самой, ее будущее и прошлое окутано таким же плотным туманом, как и надгробия, которые она видит из окна своего нового дома. Кире придется предпринять немало усилий, чтобы узнать,кто же она на самом деле, — И ОСТАТЬСЯ…

  • The Carrow Haunt Darcy Coates
    ISBN: 10: 0994630646, 13: 978-0994630643
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Black Owl Books
    Язык: Английский
    Remy is a tour guide for Carrow House, a notoriously haunted building. When she's asked to host seven guests for a week-long stay to research Carrow's phenomena, she hopes to finally experience some of the sightings that made the house famous.

    At first, it's everything they hoped for. Then a storm moves in, cutting off their contact with the outside world, and things quickly become twisted. Doors open on their own. Seances go disastrously wrong. Red liquid seeps from behind the wallpaper. Their spirit medium wanders through the house during the night, seemingly in a trance.

    Then one of the guests dies under strange circumstances, and Remy is forced to consider the possibility that the ghost of the house's original owner, a twisted serial killer, still walks the halls.

    But by then it's too late to escape.
  • Hunted Darcy Coates
    ISBN: 978-0994630650
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Black Owl Books
    22-year-old Eileen goes missing while hiking in the remote Ashlough Forest. Five days later, her camera is discovered washed downriver, containing bizarre photos taken after her disappearance.

    Chris wants to believe Eileen is still alive. When the police search is abandoned, he and four of his friends create their own search party to scour the mountain range. As they stray further from the hiking trails and the unsettling discoveries mount, they begin to believe they’re not alone in the forest… and that Eileen’s disappearance wasn’t an accident.

    By that point, it’s too late to escape.
  • House of Shadows Дарси Коутс
    ISBN: 978-0992594985
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Black Owl Books
    Язык: Английский
    Sophie’s world is shattered when disaster bankrupts her family. She’s still reeling from the news when she’s offered an unexpected solution: Mr Argenton, a wealthy stranger, asks for her hand in marriage.

    Marrying Mr Argenton will restore her family’s fortunes and save them from scandal, but condemns Sophie to a life in Northwood, a vast and unnaturally dark mansion situated hours from civilisation.

    Sophie struggles to adjust to her new position as mistress over the desolate house. Mr Argenton’s relatives are cold, and Mr Argenton himself is keeping secrets. Even worse, the house is more than it seems.

    Mr Argenton’s young cousin, Elise, draws terrifying images. Doors slam. Inhuman figures slink through the forest surrounding the house. A piano plays in the middle of the night. Blood drips from the ceilings.

    Sophie is inevitably pulled towards the terrifying truth: Northwood’s ancient halls are haunted by the family’s long-dead ancestors. The malevolent spirits—produced by grisly deaths—resent her intrusion into their home.

    Trapped in Northwood and desperate for an escape, Sophie’s fate is further complicated as she finds herself irrevocably drawn to the tall, dark-eyed man she married. She suspects her feelings are returned, but Mr Argenton is hiding the truth about the house—and his secrets are so dangerous that they might just be unforgivable.
  • From Below Дарси Коутс
    ISBN: 978-1728220239
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Poisoned Pen Press
    Язык: Английский
    Hundreds of feet beneath the ocean's surface, a graveyard waits...

    Years ago, the SS Arcadia vanished without a trace during a routine voyage. Though a strange, garbled emergency message was broadcast, neither the ship nor any of its crew could be found. Sixty years later, its wreck has finally been discovered more than three hundred miles from its intended course…a silent graveyard deep beneath the ocean's surface, eagerly waiting for the first sign of life.

    Cove and her dive team have been granted permission to explore the Arcadia's rusting hull. Their purpose is straightforward: examine the wreck, film everything, and, if possible, uncover how and why the supposedly unsinkable ship vanished.

    But the Arcadia has not yet had its fill of death, and something dark and hungry watches from below. With limited oxygen and the ship slowly closing in around them, Cove and her team will have to fight their way free of the unspeakable horror now desperate to claim them.

    Because once they're trapped beneath the ocean's waves, there's no going back.
  • The Haunting of Rookward House Darcy Coates
    ISBN: 978-0994630629
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Black Owl Books
    Язык: Английский

    She's always watching... When Guy finds the deeds to a house in his mother’s attic, it seems like an incredible stroke of luck. Sure, the building hasn’t been inhabited in forty years and vines strangle the age-stained walls, but Guy is convinced he can clean it up and sell it. He’d be crazy to turn down free money. Right? The house is hours from any other habitation, and Guy can't get phone reception in the old building. He decides to camp there while he does repairs. Surely nothing too bad can happen in the space of a week. But there’s a reason no one lives in Rookward House, and the dilapidated rooms aren’t as empty as they…

  • House of Secrets Дарси Коутс
    ISBN: 978-0992594992
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Black Owl Books
    Язык: Английский
    Sophie and Joseph’s escape from Northwood is short-lived. The beast survived, and attached itself to Joseph’s young cousin, Elise.

    Garrett writes to beg for their help. Joseph and Sophie travel to meet him at Kensington, a long-abandoned mansion that overlooks a dead town.

    The house offers a small hope: its original owner had dedicated her life to researching the monster that possesses Elise. Garrett hopes to find a way to kill the creature without harming his daughter.

    But Kensington is a dangerous building. Once the carriage leaves, they’re trapped inside the collapsing walls and forced to confront the horrors within.

    Shrouded figures stalk them. Whispers echo through the night. Unmarked graves dot the property.

    And the dead are not as restful as they seem…
  • Dead of Winter Дарси Коутс
    ISBN: 9781728270258
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Poisoned Pen Press
    Язык: Английский
    From bestselling author Darcy Coates comes Dead of Winter, a remote cabin in the snowy wilderness thriller that will teach you to trust no one. There are eight strangers. One killer. Nowhere left to run.

    When Christa joins a tour group heading deep into the snowy expanse of the Rocky Mountains, she's hopeful this will be her chance to put the ghosts of her past to rest. But when a bitterly cold snowstorm sweeps the region, the small group is forced to take shelter in an abandoned hunting cabin. Despite the uncomfortably claustrophobic quarters and rapidly dropping temperature, Christa believes they'll be safe as they wait out the storm.

    She couldn't be more wrong.

    Deep in the night, their tour guide goes missing...only to be discovered the following morning, his severed head impaled on a tree outside the cabin. Terrified, and completely isolated by the storm, Christa finds herself trapped with eight total strangers. One of them kills for sport...and they're far from finished. As the storm grows more dangerous and the number of survivors dwindles one by one, Christa must decide who she can trust before this frozen mountain becomes her tomb.
  • Gallows Hill Дарси Коутс
    ISBN: 1728220246
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Poisoned Pen Press
    The Hull family has owned the Gallows Hill Winery for generations. The sprawling old house has long been perched on top of a hill overlooking the nearby town, jealously guarding the estate's secrets. Their wine wins awards. Their business prospers. Their family thrives: until Hugh and Maria Hull enter the dark halls of Gallows Hill one last time…and are found dead the next morning.

    People whisper that the curse has awakened once more.

    It’s been more than a decade since Margot Hull last saw her childhood home. She was young enough when she was sent away that she barely remembers its dark passageways and secret corners. But now she's returned to bury her parents and reconnect with the winery that is her family's legacy—and the bloody truth of exactly what lies buried beneath the crumbling estate. Alone in the sprawling, dilapidated building, Margot is forced to come face to face with the horrors of the past—and realize that she may be the next victim of a house that never rests...
  • The Folcroft Ghosts Дарси Коутс
    ISBN: 978-0992594930, 0992594936
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Black Owl Books
    Язык: Английский
    When their mother is hospitalised, Tara and Kyle are sent to stay with their only remaining relatives, their grandparents.

    It's their first time meeting May and Peter Folcroft. The elderly couple seem friendly at first, and the house, hidden in the base of the mountains, is full of nooks to explore.

    But strange things keep happening. The swing moves on its own. Peter paces around the house late at night and seems obsessed with the lake where his sister drowned. Doors slam and curtains shift when no one is inside. And one room is kept permanently locked.

    When a storm cuts the phone line - their only contact with the outside world - Tara and Kyle must find a way to protect themselves from their increasingly erratic grandparents... and from the ghosts that inhabit the Folcrofts' house.
  • The House Next Door Darcy Coates
    ISBN: 978-0994630612
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Black Owl Books
    Язык: Английский

    I live next to a haunted house. I began to suspect something was wrong with the gothic building when its family fled in the middle of the night, the children screaming, the mother crying. They never came back to pack up their furniture. No family stays long. Animals avoid the place. Once, I thought I saw a woman's silhouette pacing through the upstairs room... but that seems impossible; no one was living there at the time. A new occupant, Anna, has just moved in. I paid her a visit to warn her about the building. I didn't expect us to become friends, but we did. And now that Marwick House is waking up, she's asked me to stay with…

  • Ghost Camera Darcy Coates
    ISBN: 978-0992594909
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Black Owl Books
    Язык: Английский
    A small number of cameras have the ability to capture ghosts on film. This gift comes at a steep price; the ghosts are resentful and hungry, and the cameras offer them a rare chance to reach their favourite prey… humans.

    Jenine didn’t know any of this when she found an abandoned Polaroid camera in a lighthouse. At first she assumes the ghostly shapes in the photos are a glitch or a prank – but then the spirits begin to hunt her down, and she’s forced into a deadly race to free herself from the camera’s curse.
  • Small Horrors: A Collection of Fifty Creepy Stories Дарси Коутс
    Тип: Сетевое издание
    Язык: Английский
  • Where He Can't Find You Дарси Коутс
    ISBN: 9781728278940
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Sourcebooks Fire
    Язык: Английский
    From USA Today bestselling horror/thriller author Darcy Coates comes the chilling legend of a monster no one can escape.


    Abby Ward lives in a town haunted by disappearances. People vanish, and when they're found, their bodies have been dismembered and sewn back together in unnatural ways. But is it the work of a human killer…or something far darker?


    She and her younger sister live by a strict set of rules designed to keep them safe―which is why it's such a shock when Hope is taken. Desperate to get her back, Abby tells the police everything she knows, but they claim their hands are tied.


    With every hour precious, Abby and her friends are caught in a desperate game of cat and mouse. They have to get Hope back. Quickly. Before too much of her is cut away. And before everything they care about is swallowed up by the darkness waiting in the tunnels beneath the home they thought they knew.
  • Dead Lake Darcy Coates
    ISBN: 10: 0992594960, 13: 978-0992594961
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Black Owl Books
    Язык: Английский
    A week's visit to the remote Harob Lake cabin couldn't have come at a better time for Sam.

    She's battling artist's block ahead of a major gallery exhibition. Staying at Harob Lake is her final, desperate attempt to paint the collection that could save her floundering career. It seems perfect: no neighbours, no phone, no distractions.

    But the dream retreat disintegrates into a nightmare when Sam discovers she's being stalked.

    A tall, strange man stands on the edge of her dock, staring intently into the swirling waters below. He starts to follow her. He disables her car. He destroys her only way to communicate with the outside world.

    And Sam is beginning to suspect he's responsible for the series of disappearances from a nearby hiking trail.

    Stranded at Harob Lake, Sam realises she’s become the prey in the hunter’s deadliest game…
  • The Twisted Dead Дарси Коутс
    ISBN: 9781728239231
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Black Owl Books
    Язык: Английский
    Keira is ready for her life to return to normal. Though, to be fair, normal is a tall ask when your ability to see ghosts has landed you the job of groundskeeper in a small town’s cemetery.

    When Keira receives an invitation to dinner at Dane Crispin’s crumbling ancestral estate, she knows she can’t refuse. The last living descendant of the Crispin family is reclusive. Keira only met him once…on the night he tried to kill her.

    The mansion is steeped in history that is equal parts complicated and bloody. Keira senses the presence of restless spirits the moment she steps through its door. And Dane, waiting for her inside, wants to ask for her help.
  • Quarter to Midnight: Fifteen Tales of Horror and Suspense Дарси Коутс
    ISBN: 978-1728221816
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Poisoned Pen Press
    Discover fifteen chilling tales of gothic horror and suspense from USA Today bestselling author Darcy Coates.

    Push past the curtains of the rational, safe world and explore the un-nameable horrors living in the darkest corners of our conscience. This is the realm of monsters and shifting shadows, where a single wrong step can plunge you into a terrifying, irreversible fight for your life.

    You discover a door behind your bedroom's wallpaper. It's probably just a small crawlspace. There's nothing unusual about it...except for the quiet tapping noise you hear late at night.
    A young child went missing while exploring a disused cemetery in 1965. More than fifty years later you face the gate to the abandoned graveyard, armed with a clue that could lead to answers about the boy's fate.
    A mannequin is stored in the back of your rented basement room. Sometimes its dust cloth falls off. Sometimes you feel it watching you. And sometimes it moves while you're asleep...
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