Питер Робинсон

Peter Robinson

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Питер Робинсон - циклы произведений

  • Gallows View Peter Robinson
    Форма: роман
    Первая публикация: 1987

    "A Peeping Tom is frightening the women of Eastvale; two glue-sniffing young thugs are breaking into homes and robbing people; an old woman may or may not have been murdered. Investigating these cases is Detective Chief Inspector Alan Banks, a perceptive, curious and compassionate policeman recently moved to the Yorkshire Dales from London to escape the stress of city life. In addition to all this, Banks has to deal with the local feminists and his attraction to a young psychologist, Jenny Fuller. As the tension mounts, both Jenny and Banks’s wife, Sandra, are drawn deeper into the events. The cases weave together as the story reaches a tense…

  • A dedicated man Peter Robinson
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: A dedicated man
    Дата написания: 1988
    Первая публикация: 2008

    The body of a well-liked local historian is found half-buried under a drystone wall near the village of Helmthorpe, Swainsdale. Who on earth would want to kill such a thoughtful, dedicated man? Penny Cartwright, a beautiful folk singer with a mysterious past, a shady land-developer, Harry’s editor and a local thriller writer are all suspects–and all are figures from Harry’s previous, idyllic summers in the dale. A young girl, Sally Lumb, knows more than she lets on, and her knowledge could lead to danger. Inspector Banks’s second case unearths disturbing secrets behind a bucolic facade.

  • A Necessary End Peter Robinson
    Форма: роман
    Первая публикация: 1989

    Violence erupts at an anti-nuclear demonstration in Eastvale, leaving one policeman stabbed to death. At first there are over a hundred suspects, but then things narrow down to the people who live on "Maggie's Farm", an isolated house high on the daleside. Among the suspects is Dennis Osmond, a social worker involved with Jenny Fuller, Inspector Banks's friend. As if this isn't enough to cope with, Banks finds his freedom hampered by the appointment of an old enemy, Detective Superintendent Richard 'Dirty Dick' Burgess, to head the investigation. Finally, warned off the case, the only way Banks can salvage his career is by beating Burgess…

  • The Hanging Valley Peter Robinson
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Hanging Valley
    Первая публикация: 1989

    Many who visit the valley are overwhelmed by its majesty. Some wish they never had to leave. One didn't, a hiker whose decomposing corpse is discovered by an unsuspecting tourist. But this strange, incomprehensible murder is only the edge of the darkness that hovers over a small rural village and its tight-lipped residents who guard shattering secrets of sordid pasts and private shames. Detective Chief Inspector Alan Banks knows that both the grim truth and a cold-blooded killer are hiding here, far from the city, the noise, and safety. And he's determined to walk into the valley of death to expose them both.

  • Past Reason Hated Peter Robinson
    Форма: роман
    Первая публикация: 1992

    From New York Times bestselling and Edgar Award-winning author Peter Robinson comes this gripping thriller—in the tradition of Louise Penny and Elizabeth George—set in a picturesque Yorkshire village during the upcoming Christmas season...but one of its residents will not be celebrating this holiday. Chief Inspector Alan Banks knows that secrecy can sometimes prove fatal, and secrets were the driving force behind Caroline Hartley's life…and death. She was a beautiful enigma, brutally stabbed in her own home three days prior to Christmas. Leaving her past behind for a forbidden love affair, she mystified more than a few. And now she is…

  • Wednesday's Child Peter Robinson
    Форма: роман
    Первая публикация: 1992

    In New York Times bestselling and Edgar Award-winning author Peter Robinson’s heart-racing tale of suspense the case of a missing child is inextricably linked to that of the murder of a young man, sending Chief Inspector Alan Banks down a harrowing road to uncover the truth behind the crimes. It was a crime of staggering inhumanity: a seven-year-old girl taken from her working class Yorkshire home by an attractive young couple posing as social workers. Chief Inspector Alan Banks feels certain little Gemma Scupham is dead, yet the motive for her kidnapping remains a mystery. No ransom is ever demanded, nor could Gemma's tortured,…

  • Dry Bones that Dream Peter Robinson
    Форма: роман
    Первая публикация: 1994

    Two masked men walk mild mannered accountant, Keith Rothwell, out of his farmhouse and clinically blow him away with a shotgun. Clearly a professional hit - but no one could believe that a man like Keith could be murdered. Chief Inspector Alan Banks discovers Rothwell's secret life.

  • Innocent Graves Peter Robinson
    Форма: роман
    Первая публикация: 1996

    When last seen alive, sixteen-year-old Deborah Harrison was on her way home from school. Her friend Megan thinks she saw the shadowy figure of a man behind Deborah as they waved goodbye on the bridge, but the fog was so thick that evening she can’t be sure. Not long after, Deborah’s body is found in the local cemetery. The murder terrorises the wealthy enclave of St Mary’s, Eastvale, and because Deborah was the daughter of a prominent industrialist, high-flying new Chief Constable Jeremiah “Jimmy” Riddle puts pressure on Detective Chief Inspector Alan Banks and his team to catch the killer without delay. And soon, partly thanks to the work…

  • Blood at the Root Peter Robinson
    Форма: роман
    Первая публикация: 1997

    New York Times bestselling and Edgar Award-winning author Peter Robinson brings us a tantalizing tale of suspense in this classic Inspector Banks thriller. In the long shadows of an alley a young man is murdered by an unknown assailant. The shattering echoes of his death will be felt throughout a small provincial community on the edge—because the victim was far from innocent, a youth whose sordid secret life was a tangle of bewildering contradictions. Now a dedicated policeman beset by his own tormenting demons must follow the leads into the darkest corners of the human mind in order to catch a killer. Delving into the complicated…

  • In a Dry Season Peter Robinson
    Форма: роман
    Первая публикация: 1999

    When a drought drains the local Thornfield Reservoir, uncovering a long-drowned small village and the skeleton of a murder victim from the 1940s, Detective Alan Banks and Detective Sergeant Annie Cabot must investigate the decades-old crime and unmask an evil secret from the past.

  • Cold is the Grave Peter Robinson
    Форма: роман
    Первая публикация: 2000

    Detective Chief Inspector Alan Banks' life is shaken to the core when he is unexpectedly pulled into the investigation of a young girl's disappearance in this shattering suspense novel from the hand of a modern master. “Full of twists and surprises... Robinson shows he has only begun to dig into the personality of his tenacious, thoughtful inspector.”—Chicago Tribune When the nude photo of a teenage runaway shows up on a website, the girl's father turns to Detective Chief Inspector Alan banks for help. But these aren't unusual circumstances, for the runaway is the daughter of a man who's determined to destroy the dedicated Yorkshire…

  • За гранью Питер Робинсон
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Aftermath
    Первая публикация: 2001
    Перевод: Ю. Вейсберг

    В городе и его окрестностях исчезли пять девочек-подростков. Для поимки серийного убийцы была создана специальная группа, одно из подразделений которой возглавил старший инспектор Алан Бэнкс. Взяли маньяка случайно, и при задержании он был убит. Казалось бы, зло наказано, полиция освободила улицы от кошмара, но Бэнкса продолжают мучить сомнения: как могла жена Теренса Пэйна за год брака даже не заподозрить, чем занимается ее муж в подвале их дома?

  • Close to Home Peter Robinson
    Форма: роман
    Первая публикация: 2002

    The past returns to haunt Chief Inspector Alan Banks in this harrowing novel of suspense from New York Times bestselling author Peter Robinson. There are human bones, buried in an open field, the remains of a lost teenaged boy whose disappearance devastated a community more than thirty-five-years ago… and scarred a guilt-ridden friend forever… A long-hidden horror has been unearthed, dragging a tormented policeman into a past he could never truly forget no matter how desperately he tried. A heinous crime that occurred too close to home still has its grip on Chief Inspector Alan Banks—and it’s leading him into a dark place where evil…

  • Playing With Fire Peter Robinson
    Форма: роман
    Первая публикация: 2003

    Fire. It violently destroys futures and pasts in a terrified heartbeat, devouring damning secrets while leaving even greater mysteries in its foul wake of ash and debris. The night sky is ablaze as fire engulfs two barges moored end to end on a Yorkshire canal. On board are the blackened remains of two human beings. One was a reclusive and eccentric local artist, the other a junkie, a sad and damaged young girl. To the seasoned eye of Inspector Alan Banks, this horror was no accident, its method so cruel and calculated that only the worst sort of fiend could have committed the dark act. And it isn't long before the fears of Banks…

  • DCI Banks: Strange Affair Peter Robinson
    Форма: роман
    Первая публикация: 2004

    A bullet to the brain abruptly halted a terrified young woman's desperate flight. In her pocket is the name of a policeman whose own life was brutally invaded, mercilessly shaken, and very nearly erased—a policeman who has since gone missing. The dead woman in the car had been running from something—but she didn't run far or fast enough. Detective Inspector Annie Cabbot would like to question the man the victim was apparently racing to meet: Annie's superior—and former lover—Detective Chief Inspector Alan Banks. But Banks has vanished into the anonymous chaos of the city, drawn into a mad whirl of greed, inhumanity, and death, by a…

  • Растерзанное сердце Питер Робинсон
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Piece of My Heart
    Первая публикация: 2006
    Перевод: А. Капанадзе

    В сентябре 1969 года в Северном Йоркшире, на Бримлейском фестивале, заколота ударом ножа в сердце девушка-хиппи, Линда Лофтхаус; а в октябре 2005-го убит кочергой музыкальный критик, обозреватель Николас Барбер. Следствие приходит к выводу: оба преступления - дело рук одного злодея, и двумя жертвами он не ограничился.

  • Подруга Дьявола Питер Робинсон
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Friend of the Devil
    Первая публикация: 2007

    В Уитби, на краю утеса, находят сидящую в инвалидной коляске женщину с перерезанным горлом. Преступление расследует инспектор Энни Кэббот. В то же время в Иствейле, в так называемом Лабиринте, насилуют и убивают девушку. Дело об убийстве ведет старший инспектор Алан Бэнкс. На первый взгляд происшествия в двух разных городах Северного Йоркшира никак не связаны между собой, однако помощнику Бэнкса, пытавшемуся выследить в Лабиринте маньяка, перерезают горло таким же манером, как женщине в Уитби, - лезвием бритвы или скальпелем. Алан Бэнкс и Энни Кэббот, которые давно неравнодушны друг к другу, объединяют усилия, чтобы быстрее разоблачить…

  • Все оттенки тьмы Питер Робинсон
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: All the Colours of Darkness
    Первая публикация: 2008
    Перевод: А. Головина

    В лесу обнаружен повешенный. Имеются серьезные основания сомневаться, что это самоубийство. Когда в деле появляется еще один труп, к следствию подключается старший инспектор Алан Бэнкс. В ходе расследования ему придется погрузиться в грязный мир интриг и преступлений, где ложь в порядке вещей, а убийство — обычный способ решения проблем. В серьезной опасности оказываются его близкие и друзья…

  • Плохой парень Питер Робинсон
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Bad Boy
    Первая публикация: 2010
    Перевод: Л. Гурбановская

    Стоило старшему инспектору Бэнксу уехать в отпуск, как в его отделении полиции начинаются проблемы. В спальне у подруги его дочери обнаруживается незарегистрированный пистолет, при попытке изъять оружие погибает невиновный человек. Тем временем замещающая Бэнкса (и не совсем безразличная ему) инспектор Энни Кэббот неожиданно застает у него дома дочь Бэнкса Трейси вместе с неизвестным молодым человеком, а тот открывает огонь и ранит инспектора Кэббот. Похоже, Трейси связалась с плохим парнем. Теперь отцу и его подчиненным предстоит, рискуя жизнью, вызволять ее из лап обезумевшего преступника.

  • Watching the Dark Peter Robinson
    Форма: роман
    Первая публикация: 2012

    DCI Alan Banks reluctantly investigates DI Bill Quinn with Inspector Joanna Passero. Quinn, convalescing at St Peter’s Police Treatment Centre, was killed by a crossbow on the tranquil grounds, and left compromising photos. Quinn may be disreputable, linked to a vicious crime in Yorkshire and to a cold case – English Rachel Hewitt 19 vanished in Estonia six years ago.

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