Jane Myles
  • 5 книг
  • 1 читатель
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Jane Myles – лучшие книги

  • Timesaver games Jane Myles
    ISBN: 1-900702-41-X
    Издательство: Захаров
    Язык: Русский
  • Minibooks for Young Learners Jane Myles
    ISBN: 978-1-907584-02-2
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Collins
    Язык: Английский
    A photocopiable resource book of texts, puzzles and activities to learn and practise everyday words and phrases. Minibooks for Young Learners makes learning vocabulary memorable, motivating and relevant. Minibooks are small 16-page booklets on everyday topics such as school, family, shopping and the body. The teacher photocopies 2 double - sided A4 pages for each pupil, and pupils easily cut and fold the pages to make their personalised minibooks. Teacher's notes for further activities and language exploitation. Suitable for young beginners (ages 8-11).
  • Games Jane Myles
    ISBN: 978-1-900-70241-6
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Scholastic Ltd.
    Язык: Русский
    A photocopiable resouce book for busy teachers, "Timesaver Games" contains dozens of time-saving and motivating activities for immediate use in the classroom. "Timesaver Games" enables you to help your students consolidate mewly acquired language whilst having fun with puzzles. All the activities in "Timesaver Games" have been tried, tested and enjoyed by students and teachers alike. They are suitable for use in all teaching situations - including mixed ability classes - or they can be given as homework tasks.

    Формат издания: 21 см х 30 см.
  • Holidays and Special Days in the USA Jane Myles
    ISBN: 978-1-900-70259-1
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Scholastic Ltd.
    Язык: Русский
    An extensive collection of photocopiable activities to introduce contemporary US culture into the classroom. This resource book covers all the important celebrations in the USA and gives a representative picture of the multi-cultural USA of today. Celebrations include: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hannukah, Groundhog Day, Cinco de Mayo, Fourth of July and more.

    Формат издания: 21 см х 30 см.
  • London! Jane Myles
    ISBN: 978-1-900-70298-0
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Scholastic
    Язык: Русский
    Most students studying in the UK will visit London at some point, or at least want to! This book brings together for the busy teacher up-to-date information on London and its people, places and culture. The emphasis is on a functional, communicative approach so students practise their English in a motivating, meaningful way whilst learning about the UK's fascinating capital.

    Формат издания: 21 см х 30 см.