Лорен Ашер

Lauren Asher

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Новинки Лорен Ашер

  • Love Unwritten Лорен Ашер
    ISBN: 9781728292144
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Bloom Books
    Язык: Английский

    Rafael Ellie Sinclair is a hopeless romantic who writes love songs. I'm a struggling workaholic who could inspire a hundred breakup albums. On paper, we have nothing in common except for my son. For eight months, I avoid her until our summer trip. Fourteen days. Two islands. And one nanny I shouldn't be attracted to. Spending time with Ellie is expected, but enjoying her company? That isn't part of our travel plans. After my divorce, I swore to protect my heart at all costs. Even if it means breaking hers in the process. *** Ellie What's worse than working for a grumpy single dad? Admitting that I once…

  • Final Offer Лорен Ашер
    ISBN: 978-0-349-43347-9
    Год издания: 2023
    Язык: Русский
    I'm the Kane brother everyone gossips about behind closed doors. Trust fund brat. Washed-upathlete. High-functioning alcoholic. No-one knows the real me but her. Lana Castillo - my childhood best friend and the only woman I ever loved. When I broke her heart six years ago, I promised to never return to Lake Wisteria. I kept my word until my grandfather's will changed everything. To receive my inheritance, I was tasked with spending a summer at the family lake house before selling it. The request was simple in theory, until my entire plan blew up on the very first day. Turns out Lana doesn't just live at the house, but she claims to own it too.
  • Oferta finală Лорен Ашер
    ISBN: 9786060883661
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Leda Bazaar
    Sunt fratele Kane despre care toți bârfesc în spatele ușilor închise. Răsfățatul cu un fond fiduciar generos. Sportivul ratat. Alcoolicul de performanță. Nimeni nu mă cunoaște cu adevărat, în afară de ea. Alana „Lana” Castillo – cea mai bună prietenă din copilărie și singura femeie pe care am iubit-o vreodată. Când i-am frânt inima în urmă cu șase ani, i-am promis că nu o să mă mai întorc niciodată la Lake Wisteria. M-am ținut de cuvânt până când testamentul bunicului meu a schimbat totul. Pentru a-mi primi moștenirea, trebuie să petrec o vară întreagă la reședința familiei înainte de-a o vinde. Teoretic, nimic complicat, numai că de întregul meu plan s-a ales praful chiar din prima zi. Se pare că Lana nu doar că locuiește în casa cu pricina, ci și pretinde că o deține.

    Să mă îndrăgostesc de Callahan Kane a fost o greșeală. Mi-a spus asta încă dinainte de a-mi frânge inima și a distruge prietenia care ne lega în urmă cu șase veri. Când mi-a promis că nu se va mai întoarce niciodată aici, am fost suficient de fraieră, încât să îl cred. Apoi însă, Cal și-a făcut apariția cu intenția de a vinde casa bunicului său. Punctul slab al planului pe care l-a ticluit? Numele meu este trecut pe titlul de proprietate.
  • Termene și condiții Лорен Ашер
    ISBN: 9786060882992
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Leda Bazaar
    Язык: Румынский

    Îmi e scris să devin următorul director executiv al imperiului media pe care îl deține familia mea. Singurul impediment? Clauza de moștenire a bunicului. Să-i împlinesc ultima dorință, aceea de a mă căsători și de a avea un urmaș, părea o misiune imposibilă, până când asistenta mea personală s-a oferit să mă ajute. Căsătoria noastră trebuia să fie soluția perfectă pentru cea mai dificilă dintre problemele cu care mă confrunt. Totuși, cu cât ne prefacem mai mult a fi îndrăgostiți în public, cu atât mai nesigur mă simt în legătură cu contractul nostru. Să nutresc sentimente profunde față de Iris nu a făcut parte niciodată din înțelegere. Nu atunci când să-i frâng inima este inevitabil.


    Planul meu de a mă căsători cu Declan era simplu. Teoretic. Ne mutăm împreună. Organizăm o nuntă de ochii lumii. Facem un copil. Stabilim reguli pentru a preveni orice fel de probleme. Reguli care nu ar trebui niciodată încălcate, oricât de mult mă tentează Declan. Dar ce se întâmplă când relația noastră falsă se transformă într-una cât se poate de reală? Să mă îndrăgostesc nu a fost o opțiune nici măcar o secundă. Cel puțin nu pentru mine.
  • Love Redesigned Лорен Ашер
    ISBN: 9781728292137
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Bloom Books
    Язык: Английский

    Julian If I ever caught on fire, Dahlia Muñoz would fan the flames with a smile. So, when she returns to Lake Wisteria, I fully intend to avoid the interior designer. At least until my meddling mother exploits my savior complex. The faster I help Dahlia find her creative spark, the sooner she will leave town. But while I was busy getting rid of Dahlia, I overlooked one potential issue. What happens if I want her to stay? Dahlia People say the devil has many faces, but I know only one. Julian Lopez—my childhood rival and family frenemy. I vow to steer clear of him while recovering from my broken engagement, but then the…

  • Intenții ascunse Лорен Ашер
    ISBN: 9786060881599
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Leda Bazaar
    Язык: Румынский

    Creez basme. Parcuri tematice. Firme de productie. Hoteluri de cinci stele. Totul ar putea fi al meu daca as renova parcul de distractii Dreamland. Ideea de a o angaja pe Zahra a fost buna in teorie, dar apoi am sarutat-o. Lucrurile au scapat de sub control dupa ce i-am trimis un mesaj folosind un pseudonim. Cand mi-am dat seama unde am gresit, era prea tarziu. Oamenii ca mine nu au parte de finaluri fericite. Nu atunci cand menirea noastra este sa le distrugem.


    Dupa ce, beata fiind, am trimis un raport in care criticam cea mai scumpa atractie de la Dreamland, ar fi trebuit sa fiu concediata. In schimb, Rowan Kane mi-a oferit o slujba de vis. Care era smecheria? Trebuia sa lucrez pentru cel mai dificil sef pe care l-am intalnit vreodata. Rowan a fost nepoliticos si a sarit calul, dar inimii mele nici ca i-a pasat. Cel putin nu pana am descoperit ce secret ascunde seful meu. A sosit vremea sa-l invat pe miliardar ca banii nu pot repara totul. Mai ales nu sufletele.
  • Final Offer Лорен Ашер
    ISBN: 978-1728272221
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Bloom Books
    Язык: Английский

    Callahan I’m the Kane brother everyone gossips about behind closed doors. Trust fund brat. Washed-up athlete. High-functioning alcoholic. No one knows the real me but her. Lana Castillo—my childhood best friend and the only woman I ever loved. When I broke her heart six years ago, I promised to never return to Lake Wisteria. I kept my word until my grandfather’s will changed everything. To receive my inheritance, I was tasked with spending a summer at the family lake house before selling it. The request was simple in theory until my entire plan blew up on the very first day. Turns out Lana doesn’t just live at the house, but she…

  • Terms and Conditions Лорен Ашер
    ISBN: 978-1737507734
    Год издания: 2022
    Язык: Английский

    Declan I’m destined to become the next CEO of my family’s media empire. The only problem? My grandfather’s inheritance clause. Fulfilling his dying wish of getting married and having an heir seemed impossible until my assistant volunteers for the job. Our marriage was supposed to be the perfect solution to my biggest problem. But the more we act in love for the public, the more unsure I feel about our contract. Caring about Iris was never part of the deal. Especially not when breaking her heart is inevitable. Iris My plan to marry Declan was simple in theory. Move in together. Throw a wedding. Have a baby. We set rules to…

  • Terms and Conditions Лорен Ашер
    ISBN: 9780349433455
    Год издания: 2022
    I’m destined to become the next CEO of my family’s media empire.
    The only problem? My grandfather’s inheritance clause.
    Fulfilling his dying wish of getting married and having an heir seemed impossible until my assistant volunteers for the job.
    Our marriage was supposed to be the perfect solution to my biggest problem.
    But the more we act in love for the public, the more unsure I feel about our contract.
    Caring about Iris was never part of the deal.
    Especially not when breaking her heart is inevitable.

    My plan to marry Declan was simple in theory.
    Move in together. Throw a wedding. Have a baby.
    We set rules to prevent any kind of issues.
    Ones that were never meant to be broken, no matter how much Declan tempts me.
    But what happens when our fake relationship bleeds into our real one?
    Falling in love was never an option.
    At least not for me.
  • Redeemed Лорен Ашер
    ISBN: 978-1734258790
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Lauren Asher
    Язык: Английский
    Santiago Alatorre
    One mistake destroys my career.
    I go from most eligible bachelor to monster, hiding from the world.
    At least until Chloe breaks into my home.
    My new fake girlfriend is a temporary fix to my biggest problem.
    But as our game changes, so do my feelings.
    There’s only one issue stopping me from claiming her.

    Chloe Carter
    It all started with a birthday wish, some vodka, and an ancestry kit.
    That’s how I end up in Italy, finding my long-lost father.
    But one decision lands me a fake boyfriend I don’t want.
    The more we pretend, the easier our ruse becomes.
    I told myself not to fall in love with a liar like Santiago.
    I should have listened.
  • The Fine Print Лорен Ашер
    ISBN: 978-1737507710
    Год издания: 2021
    Язык: Английский

    Rowan I’m in the business of creating fairy tales. Theme parks. Production companies. Five-star hotels. Everything could be all mine if I renovated Dreamland. My initial idea of hiring Zahra was good in theory, but then I kissed her. Things spiraled out of control once I texted her using an alias. By the time I realized where I went wrong, it was too late. People like me don’t get happy endings. Not when we’re destined to ruin them. Zahra After submitting a drunk proposal criticizing Dreamland’s most expensive ride, I should have been fired. Instead, Rowan Kane offered me a dream job. The catch? I had to work for the most…

  • The Fine Print Лорен Ашер
    ISBN: 9781737507703
    Год издания: 2021
    Язык: Английский
    I’m in the business of creating fairy tales.
    Theme parks. Production companies. Five-star hotels.
    Everything could be all mine if I renovated Dreamland.
    My initial idea of hiring Zahra was good in theory, but then I kissed her.
    Things spiraled out of control once I texted her using an alias.
    By the time I realized where I went wrong, it was too late.
    People like me don’t get happy endings.
    Not when we’re destined to ruin them.

    After submitting a drunk proposal criticizing Dreamland’s most expensive ride, I should have been fired.
    Instead, Rowan Kane offered me a dream job.
    The catch? I had to work for the most difficult boss I’d ever met.
    Rowan was rude and completely off-limits, but my heart didn’t care.
    At least not until I discovered his secret.
    It was time to teach the billionaire that money couldn’t fix everything.
    Especially not us.
  • Redeemed Лорен Ашер
    ISBN: 9781734258790
    Год издания: 2021
    Язык: Английский
    Santiago Alatorre
    One mistake destroys my career.
    I go from most eligible bachelor to monster, hiding from the world.
    At least until Chloe breaks into my home.
    My new fake girlfriend is a temporary fix to my biggest problem.
    But as our game changes, so do my feelings.
    There’s only one issue stopping me from claiming her.

    Chloe Carter
    It all started with a birthday wish, some vodka, and an ancestry kit.
    That’s how I end up in Italy, finding my long-lost father.
    But one decision lands me a fake boyfriend I don’t want.
    The more we pretend, the easier our ruse becomes.
    I told myself not to fall in love with a liar like Santiago.
    I should have listened.
  • Wrecked Лорен Ашер
    ISBN: 978-1734258783
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Lauren Asher
    Язык: Английский
    Pills. Alcohol. Adrenaline.
    I’m addicted to destructive decisions that numb my pain.
    Until one night when I make a catastrophic mistake.
    To repair my broken reputation, my team hires Elena—
    An overpaid babysitter set on ruining my plans.
    She's my damnation disguised as my salvation.
    And my newest addiction.

    I begged the universe to save me from my financial disaster.
    It answered my call with a Formula 1 team desperate for a PR miracle.
    One season. One job. One broody British racer.
    Except that Jax turns our hotel room into a battleground.
    To beat the enemy, I need to find his weaknesses.
    What I learn threatens to ruin everything.
    Him. Me. Us.
    Love is a warzone, and neither one of us plans to surrender.
  • Collided Лорен Ашер
    ISBN: 978-1734258776
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Lauren Asher
    Язык: Английский
    Liam is Formula 1’s golden boy.
    Irresistible. Unattainable. Whisperer of seductive promises.
    A closet nerd who reads novels and discusses movie plot holes for fun.
    The type of man who should come with a complimentary roll of caution tape.

    He wants to strike a deal. Cross off naughty bucket list items together while traveling around the world.
    I should say no and walk away.
    Instead, we make a bet.

    I broke my biggest rule, unwillingly adding a new item to my list while shattering my heart—and friendship—in the process.
  • Throttled Лорен Ашер
    ISBN: 978-1734258769
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Lauren Asher
    Язык: Английский

    Maya Noah Slade is a Formula 1 legend in the making. Focused. Unapproachable. Ruthless on and off the track. A man with walls higher than the Grand Canyon. And my brother's new teammate. I want more of the prince who disguises himself as the villain. My only issue? He's considered off-limits. Noah Maya Alatorre is a forbidden temptation. An ambitious post-grad I should stay far away from. And chaos wrapped with a bow. We're a ticking time bomb about one wrong move away from exploding. I want to trip the wire, detonating together in passion and pain. Because in the end, all's fair in lust and war.

  • Throttled Лорен Ашер
    ISBN: 9798596328295
    Год издания: 2020
    Язык: Английский
    What happens when my brother's rival becomes my secret crush?

    Noah Slade is a Formula 1 legend in the making.
    Focused. Unapproachable. Ruthless on and off the track.
    A man with walls higher than the Grand Canyon.
    And my brother's new teammate.
    I want more of the prince who disguises himself as the villain.
    But while I crave a happy ending, he wants to destroy his.

    Maya Alatorre is a forbidden temptation.
    An ambitious post-grad I should stay far away from.
    And chaos wrapped with a bow.
    We're a ticking time bomb, about one wrong move away from exploding.
    I want to trip the wire, detonating together in passion and pain.
    Because in the end, all's fair in lust and war.
  • Wrecked Лорен Ашер
    ISBN: 9781734258783
    Год издания: 2020
    Язык: Английский
    Pills. Alcohol. Adrenaline.
    I'm addicted to destructive decisions that numb my pain.
    Until one night when I make a catastrophic mistake.
    To repair my broken reputation, my team hires Elena--
    An overpaid babysitter set on ruining my plans.
    She's my damnation disguised as my salvation.
    And my newest addiction.

    I begged the universe to save me from my financial disaster.
    It answered my call with a Formula 1 team desperate for a PR miracle.
    One season. One job. One broody British racer.
    Except that Jax turns our hotel room into a battleground.
    To beat the enemy, I need to find his weaknesses.
    What I learn threatens to ruin everything.

    Love is a warzone, and neither one of us plans to surrender.
  • Collided Лорен Ашер
    ISBN: 9781734258776
    Год издания: 2020
    Язык: Английский
    Sophie Mitchell
    Liam is Formula 1's golden boy.
    But he's nothing but a fraud.
    Charming. Devious. Seductive.
    And someone who promises to fulfill all my naughty bucket list items.
    I force him behind the safe lines of the friend zone.
    Instead of accepting our friendship, he strikes a deal.
    One season. One list. One dirty secret.

    Liam Zander
    Sophie is my greatest fantasy brought to life.
    And a major threat to my contract renewal.
    She's a part of the rival team and someone I should resist at all costs.
    Everyone is against our friendship.
    My boss. Her dad. Me.
    Yet, I'm captivated by her and the naughty list she created.
    Screw platonic, I want catastrophic.