Лучшие книги Марианы Энрикес
- 13 произведений
- 18 изданий на 3 языках
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Опасности курения в постели (сборник) Мариана Энрикес
ISBN: 978-5-04-162288-6 Год издания: 2022 Издательство: Эксмо, Inspiria Язык: Русский Макабрические истории расцветают во всех рассказах этого сборника словно цветы Госпожи Смерти. Осторожно, ведь здесь обитают призраки давно умерших детей, хитрые ведьмы, городские безумцы, ожившие легенды и древние божества. Старые переулки Аргентины хранят в себе садистские фетиши, обезоруживающие мысли и тошнотворные откровения. Есть ли тот смельчак, кто переступит грань миров и погрузится в манящую тьму?
Things We Lost in the Fire Мариана Энрикес
ISBN: 0451495136 Год издания: 2018 Издательство: Portobello Books Язык: Английский A woman returns to the rundown suburb of Buenos Aires her family once called home. From the safety of her window, she watches as a teenage prostitute raises her five-year-old son on the street. They sleep outside, surrounded by pimps and addicts, psychopaths and dealers, worshippers of the occult and corrupt police.
One day, the mother and the dirty kid are gone, and the dismembered body of a child is found in the neighbourhood. Is the murder part of a satanic ritual, or a gangland killing? Could it be the dirty kid, and if so, is his mother a victim too; or an accomplice; or his killer?
Thrilling and terrifying, The Things We Lost in the Fire takes the reader into a world of Argentine Gothic: of sharp-toothed children; of women racked by desire; of demons who lurk beneath the river; of stolen skulls and secrets half-buried under Argentina's terrible dictatorship; of men imprisoned in their marriages, whose only path out lies in the flames. -
Our Share of Night Мариана Энрикес
ISBN: 9780451495143 Год издания: 2023 Издательство: Hogarth Язык: Английский A woman’s mysterious death puts her husband and son on a collision course with her demonic family.
A young father and son set out on a road trip, devastated by the death of the wife and mother they both loved. United in grief, the pair travel to her ancestral home, where they must confront the terrifying legacy she has bequeathed: a family called the Order that commits unspeakable acts in search of immortality.
For Gaspar, the son, this maniacal cult is his destiny. As the Order tries to pull him into their evil, he and his father take flight, attempting to outrun a powerful clan that will do anything to ensure its own survival. But how far will Gaspar’s father go to protect his child? And can anyone escape their fate?
Moving back and forth in time, from London in the swinging 1960s to the brutal years of Argentina’s military dictatorship and its turbulent aftermath, Our Share of Night is a novel like no other: a family story, a ghost story, a story of the occult and the supernatural, a book about the complexities of love and longing with queer subplots and themes. This is the masterwork of one of Latin America’s most original novelists, “a mesmerizing writer,” says Dave Eggers, “who demands to be read.” -
A Sunny Place for Shady People Мариана Энрикес
ISBN: 9780593733257 Год издания: 2024 A diabolical collection of stories featuring achingly human characters whose lives intertwine with ghosts, goblins, and the macabre, by “one of Latin America’s most exciting authors” (Silvia Moreno-Garcia) On the shores of this river, all the birds that fly, drink, perch on branches, and disturb siestas with the demonic squawking of the possessed—all those birds were once women. Welcome to Argentina and the fascinating, frightening, fantastical imagination of Mariana Enriquez. In twelve spellbinding new stories, Enriquez writes about ordinary people, especially women, whose lives turn inside out when they encounter terror, the…
Pericolul de a fuma în pat Мариана Энрикес
ISBN: 978-0593134078 Год издания: 2024 Издательство: ART Infernul ar putea fi descris ca un tărâm în care nu există graniță între coşmar și realitate. Ca un oraş care pulsează de intenții criminale și dorințe morbide și îşi supune locuitorii la un nesfârşit periplu de atrocități: copii dispăruți se întorc din morți, duhoarea cărnii în putrefacție se simte la fiecare pas, mistere stranii şi întunecate plutesc dincolo de aparențele oricărei situații obişnuite. Desfăşurându-se pe fundalul Argentinei contemporane și trăgând în acest context un semnal de alarmă din punct de vedere social, povestirile din volumul de față sunt la fel de terifiante pe cât sunt de elocvente. La hotarul nedefinit dintre…
Les dangers de fumer au lit Мариана Энрикес
ISBN: 9781783788217 Год издания: 2023 Издательство: Les éditions du sous-sol Peuplées d’adolescentes rebelles, d’étranges sorcières, de fantômes à la dérive et de femmes affamées, les douze histoires qui composent ce recueil manient avec brio les codes de l’horreur, tout en apportant au genre une voix radicalement moderne et poétique. Si elle fait preuve d’une grande tendresse envers ses personnages, souvent féminins, des êtres qui souffrent, qui ont peur, qui sont opprimés, Mariana Enriquez scrute les abîmes les plus profonds de l’âme humaine, explorant de son écriture à l’extraordinaire pouvoir évocateur les voies les plus souterraines de la sexualité, du fanatisme, des obsessions.